session: liberte dure

parent 94ac7595
...@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ $ note ( ...@@ -17,12 +17,13 @@ $ note (
d2 -- hit roll d2 -- hit roll
$ s "<hh*4 hh*4 hh*4 [hh*4 ~]>" $ s "<h*4 h*4 h*4 [d*4 ~]>"
# s "hh" # s "hh"
# release 0.5 # release 0.5
d3 -- claps d3 -- claps
$ s "<[~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp . cp ~]>" -- $ s "<[~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp . cp ~]>"
$ s "<[~ cp]!3 [~ cp . cp ~]>"
# gain 0.9 # gain 0.9
# n 1 # n 1
do do
solo 1 unsolo 1
solo 2 unsolo 2
solo 3
solo 4 solo 4
solo 5
solo 7 -- bass solo 7 -- bass
s solo 8
d1 d1
$ fast "1"
$ s "jazz(<4!3 <2 [2 4]>>,8)" $ s "jazz(<4!3 <2 [2 4]>>,8)"
# gain 0.8 # gain 0.8
d1 $ s "k(<3!3 4 5 4>,8)" # s "clubkick"
# gain 0.8
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 4000 20000 sine)
$ hurry "<1 [1|2]>"
$ s "~ <s!3 [s s ~]>"
# s "snare:20"
# gain 0.9
d3 do
$ whenmod 32 4 (# gain 0.9) d1
$ whenmod 32 0 (# gain 0) $ s "k(<3!3 4 5 4>,8)" # s "clubkick"
$ fast "4 [8 <1?*16 16>]" $ s "dr" # gain 0.8
# gain 0.9 # lpf (slow 16 $ range 4000 20000 sine)
$ hurry "<1 [1|2]>"
$ s "~ <s!3 [s s ~]>"
# s "snare:20"
# gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 4 (# gain 0.9)
$ whenmod 32 0 (# gain 0)
$ fast "4 [8 <1?*16 16>]" $ s "dr"
# gain 0.9
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5>,8)"
- 36
) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1
# gain 1
d5 d5
$ whenmod 32 31 (# gain "0!3 0.7") $ whenmod 32 31 (# gain "0!3 0.7")
...@@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ $ bite 8 ...@@ -37,7 +44,7 @@ $ bite 8
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8) $ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24) - 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.75 # gain 0.9
d6 -- Piano second TODO REWORK d6 -- Piano second TODO REWORK
-- $ every 4 (# gain 1) -- $ every 4 (# gain 1)
...@@ -52,9 +59,9 @@ $ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2") ...@@ -52,9 +59,9 @@ $ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2")
d8 -- Cymbales d8 -- Cymbales
$ juxBy 0.5 rev $ juxBy 0.5 rev
$ fast 2 $ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "ho hc ~"
$ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "hh" # gain 0.8
# gain 0.6 # cut 1
d7 -- Basse lead :) d7 -- Basse lead :)
...@@ -65,12 +72,6 @@ d7 -- Basse lead :) ...@@ -65,12 +72,6 @@ d7 -- Basse lead :)
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 ) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw) # gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5>,8)"
- 36
) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1
# gain 1
-- outru -- outru
do do
...@@ -128,10 +129,9 @@ $ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2") ...@@ -128,10 +129,9 @@ $ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2")
# gain 0 # gain 0
d8 -- Cymbales d8 -- Cymbales
$ juxBy 0.5 rev $ fast 4
$ fast 2
$ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "hh" $ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "hh"
# gain 0.6 # gain 1.1
d7 -- Basse lead :) d7 -- Basse lead :)
...@@ -147,3 +147,32 @@ d4 ...@@ -147,3 +147,32 @@ d4
- 36 - 36
) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1 ) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1
# gain 1 # gain 1
-- Phase 3 : lendemain
$ whenmod 32 30 (# silence)
$ whenmod 32 24 (degradeBy "0 0.5!3")
$ fast (slow 8 "<2 4>")
$ s "jazz"
-- # gain 1.2
d2 $ fast "[1|2]" $ s "~ <c [c? c]>" # s "clap:4"
# gain 1
# (slow 16 $ room 0.2 0.)
-- $ (# crush 6)
-- $ fast 2 $ chop 2
$ mask "f(2,4,3)"
$ whenmod 16 8 rev
$ bite 8
"<0!4 2!2 4!2> <2 7>(<3 5>,8)"
-- "<0 <1 2> <2 1>>(<8!7 5>,8)"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.9
# room 0.24
# size 0.1
setcps (120 / 60 / 4)
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
unsolo 5
-- $ someCyclesBy "0!3 <0.5 1>" (stut 4 0.8 (1/16))
-- $ fast "<4!8 2!8>"
-- $ every' 8 7 (fast 2)
$ n "<0 ~ 0> <~ 0 0> . ~"
# s "cpu"
# gain 1
d2 $ s "~ s" # s "snare:3" # gain 0.9
d3 $ fast "8 <8!3 4 16!3 32>" $ s "dr" # gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.9 sine)
$ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ n "[0(3,8),~ 1, ~ ~ 4]" # s "[ho|ho|hc] [ho|hc|hc]"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.8 0.75 sine)
# cut 1
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"<c5'min <d5'maj f5'maj a5'maj d5'maj>>" - 36)
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 1
# pan 0.8
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5 8>,8)"
- 24
) # s "moogBass"
# amp 0.4
# sus "[0.25, 0.5]"
# rel "<0.2 0.8 0.5 1 0.1 2>"
$ superimpose (# s "superpiano") . (|- velocity 0.8)
$ note (
scale "aeolian"
"<c5'min <d5'maj f5'maj a5'maj d5'maj>>(<8!3 5>,8)" - "7"
# s "FMRhodes1"
-- # gain 0.8
# sustain 0.75
# gain 0.6
-- Ou, le pair programming hardcore
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- hihats
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
unsolo 4 -- basse
unsolo 5 -- Glitchs statics
unsolo 6 -- Guerre
unsolo 7 -- LIBRE
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- hihats
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- basse
solo 5 -- Glitchs statics
solo 6 -- Guerre
solo 7 -- LIBRE
once $ s "hardkick"
let bpm = 155
let gKick = 0.6
let gBass = 0.35
let gDrums = 0.7
let gSamples = 1
let gGlitch = 0.7
let mesures = 32
let mPont = 16
setcps (bpm/60/4)
d1 -- Kick un peu rythme
$ slow 4
-- $ whenmod mesures (mesures - 1) (# gain ("0 1" * gKick))
-- $ whenmod mesures mPont (# gain 0)
$ s "k(<4!2 5!2 4!4 8 7 5 8 5>,8)"
# s "kick:5" # gain gKick
# crush ("[2|3]" * 8)
d2 -- Batterie hihats sexy
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5 0.75 <1!7 0>" (fast 2)
$ s "h h h h*<1 2 1!2 2!4 1!2 2 1>" # s "ho hc"
# n (irand 4)
# gain ((slow 8 $ range 0.8 1 saw) * (gDrums * 0.8))
d3 -- drumroll
$ fast "16 <8!3 16>"
$ s "dr"
# gain (slow mesures $ range (gDrums - 0.2) gDrums saw)
d4 -- Basse lead
$ juxBy 0.25 (|+ note "[0]")
$ superimpose (
# crush "<2!3 1>"
$ note (scale "aeolian" ( -- gamme choisie
"<0 0*2 0*3 [0(3,8) <[2*2 4] [2 4]>]>" -- melodie
- 24 -- ou ca: deux octaves en dessous
# s "supersaw" # voice (slow 4 "<1 0.1 0.01!2>")
# gain gBass
d5 -- Static rythme random
$ s "glitch:2([2|4|8],4)" # speed (range 0.1 0.8 rand)
# gain ((slow 32 $ range 1 0.8 isaw) * gGlitch)
$ always (# crush 4)
$ whenmod 4 3 (# silence)
$ n "{3 6 0}" # s "macron" # cut 6
# lpf 800
# gain (gSamples - 0.1)
# pan (slow 32 $ range 0.7 0.2 sine)
$ whenmod 4 3 (# gain (gSamples + 0.1))
$ n "0(1,4,1)" # s "ondes"
# begin 0.95 # cut 7
# pan (slow 32 $ range 0.3 0.8 cosine)
# note (2)
# sustain 2
# gain 0
once $ s "ondes" # begin 0.95 -- libre
once $ s "ondes:1" # begin 0.508 # end 0.68 -- une variation reversible
let nousGuerre = n "{3 6 0}" # s "macron" # begin 0
let enGuerre = s "macron:0" # begin 0.5
let guerre = s "macron:0" # begin 0.55
once $ nousGuerre # cut 1
let cutB = 0.508
let cutE = 1
once $ s "ondes:1" # begin cutB # end cutE # cut 1 -- une onde
-- perturbation
-- variation
# begin 0.1 # end 0.25 # cut 1
once $ s "glitch*4" # n "[2]" # gain 0.8
d8 -- hardkick gabber vilain!
$ whenmod 32 16 (# gain 0)
$ s "hardkick" # gain 0
d4 $ loopAt 4 $ s "bev/4" # crush 8 # gain 0.9
-- Elements de style:
-- "a distorted bass drum sound, overdriven to the point where it becomes clipped into a distorted square wave and makes a recognizably melodic tone. "
-- Mainstream hardcore tracks typically include samples and synthesized melodies with the typical tempo ranging from 165 to 180 bpm. Violence, drugs and profanity are common themes in mainstream hardcore, perceptible through its samples and lyrics, often screamed, pitch shifted, or distorted.
-- Lots of tracks rely on a clean, detuned supersaw lead, similar to uplifting trance and can therefore sound "happy".
-- Raggatek elements ? Drums analogues et synthe fou contretemps?
once $ s "ondes"
-- Samples
-- [Nous sommes] En guerre
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 2
solo 4
solo 5
$ whenmod 64 48 (slow 2)
$ whenmod 64 32 (slow 2)
$ s "k k k <k!3 k*2>" # s "jazz"
# gain 0.8
-- $ fast 2
$ every 4 (# gain "0 . 0 1")
$ s "k(<5!3 3>,8)" # s "hardkick:1"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1.1 sine)
d2 $ s "~ s" # "snare:10"
d3 $ fast "4 [16 <8 [32]>]" $ s "dr"
# gain (slow 100 $ range 0.8 1.4 cosine)
$ whenmod 32 16 (mask "t f? <f t> f!4 <f f?>")
$ note ("0!7 <-2!2 3>"
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.8
$ often (stut 2 0.9 0.125)
$ s "~ clap"
# gain (slow 100 $ range 0.8 1.4 sine)
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c165 -172 487 -371 680 -421 85 -21 291 -15 364 11 67 25 150 106 165 162 7
23 16 45 21 48 5 3 21 -18 36 -47 73 -144 174 -272 294 -372 47 -39 88 -75 92
-81 9 -13 -8 -31 -139 -143 -62 -52 -113 -101 -113 -109 0 -26 103 -10 300 47
58 16 114 30 125 30 25 0 121 -128 170 -226 114 -231 101 -488 -40 -759 -28
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94 47 238 141 351 230 42 33 74 51 79 46 16 -16 -47 -137 -94 -185 -24 -24
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155 206 201 210 188 10 -26 -2 -156 -19 -203 -21 -60 -63 -117 -111 -152 -45
-33 -33 -38 37 -14 59 20 139 91 166 147 37 77 44 217 16 328 -6 23 9 43 105
154 61 71 132 157 158 191 26 35 53 63 59 64 18 0 28 -45 28 -130 -1 -75 -18
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484 -1042 1100 -105 140 -236 311 -292 380 -55 69 -101 130 -101 136 0 6 44
18 98 27 190 31 382 113 592 251 l115 76 80 0 c175 0 377 48 494 117 143 85
203 234 147 368 l-13 30 -7 -50 c-9 -65 -56 -162 -98 -202 -78 -75 -225 -140
-380 -167 -98 -17 -112 -9 -62 35 263 234 408 389 628 671 58 76 73 89 109 98
211 53 334 109 423 192 108 101 137 222 81 339 l-25 54 -1 -62 c-2 -149 -96
-272 -271 -356 -124 -59 -145 -65 -138 -41 3 11 42 73 88 139 118 172 249 383
346 558 46 84 88 159 93 168 5 8 50 33 101 54 180 75 345 208 401 322 35 70
34 198 0 266 -14 26 -33 55 -44 64 -18 17 -18 16 -10 -12 4 -17 8 -64 8 -106
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105 220 226 519 321 794 l57 165 86 55 c289 183 471 421 472 616 0 57 -27 141
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26 -44 169 -153 180 -391 33 -684 -61 -122 -221 -348 -246 -348 -11 0 -9 41
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145 52 213 23 122 23 125 5 210 -33 163 -103 270 -213 326 -98 49 -292 82
-333 56z"/>
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