update: study

parent 4e46ef69
setcps 0.25
$ every' 8 7 (fast 2)
$ "k . k(<3 5>, 8)" # "kick:8"
# lpf 2000
# gain 0.7
d2 $ "~ s" # "snare:2"
# lpf 5000 # note (-8)
# gain 0.7
$ fast 2
$ fast "<8!3 32> <16!3 [16 <8 [8 16]>]>"
$ s "drum:8"
# gain 0.9
d4 $ s "h*3 h <h h*3> h*2" # "hh" # gain 0.8
# pan (slow 16 $ sine)
$ whenmod 32 16 (slow 2)
$ swing 2
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"c3'major7" + "0 . 1 <2 0>"
) # s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.45
$ note (
) # s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.35
# pan 0.8
# sustain 0.4
setcps 0.5
-- 2s / mesure
-- MicroPomodoro = 5m = 5*60 = 20 * 15 = 300 secondes = 150 mesures
-- Pomodoro = 25m = 25*60 = 100 * 15 = 1500 secondes = 750 mesures
$ every' 2 1 (often (off 0.125 id))
$ whenmod 750 375 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 150 140 (# silence)
$ whenmod 150 75 (fast 2)
$ s "reverbkick" # lpf 400
$ almostNever (fast 4)
$ s "~ snare:11"
$ whenmod 150 140 (# room 0.5) . (# dry "<0 0.5 1 2>")
$ whenmod 150 130 (fast "8 . 2 4")
$ whenmod 24 20 (fast 2)
$ fast "<8 4 8 1>" $ s "drum:8"
d4 -- Bass tendue/detendue
$ whenmod 150 0 (off 0.125 (# crush 8))
$ sometimesBy "<0.5 0> 0" (chop "<4 2>")
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"0(3,<4 8>)" + "<0 2 0 5 0 4 0 5>"
- 24
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# sustain 0.5
# gain 0.9
d3 -- bass
$ note ("<<0 3> <0 3> <0 -4> <0 -4>>" +
"0 7 ~ 0 6 7 6 3")
# s "bass3"
# gain 0.8
d6 $ s "birds/4" # n (irand 16)
# speed (range 0.5 2 rand)
# gain 0.7
d9 -- Period end siren
$ whenmod 150 130 (# gain 0.8)
$ s "supersiren/16"
# note (-12)
# gain 0
setcps 0.4
solo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snares
solo 3 -- Drums
solo 4 --
solo 5
solo 6
unsolo 7
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0.1 0" (# silence) -- skip beat
$ s "k*4"
$ s "k*2"
# s "jazz"
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.7
-- $ sometimes (fast 2)
-- $ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (stut 2 0.7 (1/12)))
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (stut 2 0.7 (1/12)))
$ n "0(1,8,<1 .. 7>)"
# s "snare:13"
# gain 0.6
-- $ rarely (fast 2)
-- $ sometimes (fast 2)
-- $ always (fast 2)
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ always (fast 2)
$ s "d*4"
# s "drum:8"
# gain 0.9
d4 $ s "hh*4" # gain 0.6
# gain 0.8
d4 $ s "hh(6,16)" # gain 0.9 # n "<0!3 [0!3 1]>"
-- Pianos
-- Graves accords sustain
d5 -- Basse
$ s "supersaw"
# note (scale "aeolian" (
"<c'maj e'maj [c'maj e'maj] [e'maj c'maj]>"
+ "<<0!3 -1> 0 0 <2!3 1>>"
) - 24
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.4
d7 -- Cloches
$ off 0.25 (|+ note "<12 0>")
$ off 0.125 (|+ note 12)
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"<c'maj e'maj>"
......@@ -30,7 +48,7 @@ do
) - 24
# s "superfork"
# gain 0.7
# gain 0.6
$ whenmod 64 32 (superimpose (-- Arps!
whenmod 128 64 (swing 2)
......@@ -49,16 +67,6 @@ do
# s "supersaw"
# velocity 0.3
# gain 0
d7 -- Basse
$ s "supersaw"
# note (scale "aeolian" (
"<c'maj e'maj [c'maj e'maj] [e'maj c'maj]>"
+ "<<0!3 -1> 0 0 <2!3 1>>"
) - 24
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.4
-- Setup: solennel, hip, calme
......@@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ setcps 0.65
-- DNB
$ fix (
(# s "[nass,cp]") .
-- nass
(# s "[nass,sn:1]") .
(someCyclesBy 0.1 (# attack 0.5)) -- cut, presque scratch
) (s "t")
$ fix (# s "[kick:8,kick:9]") (s "p")
$ fix (# s "kick:8") (s "p")
-- $ s "bd ~ s ~ ~ bd s <~ s>"
$ s "p ~ t <~ t ~ ~> ~ p t <~ p>"
# gain 0.9
-- # gain 0.9
d2 -- bass
-- Base: DNB Dansante!
setcps 0.75
setcps 0.6
d1 -- Poum tchak
$ whenmod 8 4 (someCycles (fast "1 2"))
......@@ -10,28 +11,20 @@ $ fix (# s "[bskick,kicklinn]") (s "b")
$ s "b? ~ s ~ ~ b s <~ <~ <~ s>>>"
d3 -- drumroll
$ rarely (off (1/16) id)
$ sometimesBy 0.05 (# n 1)
$ s "dr*8"
# room (slow 16 $ sine * 0.3)
# size 0.2
# gain (slow 32 $ sine * 0.9 + 0.1)
d5 $ s "brass:6" # note 0
# gain 0.85
$ fast "4 <8 16>" $ s "drum:2" # gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- final trompette!
superimpose (const $ s "~ ~ <b ~ b b?> ~"
# s "brass:6" # gain 0.95)
superimpose (const $ slow 2 $ s "~ ~ <b ~ b b?> ~"
# s "brass:6" # gain 0.6)
$ whenmod 8 4 (degradeBy 0.5)
$ superimpose (|+ note 12)
$ superimpose (|- note 12)
$ s "brass:2"
$ s "brass:2/2"
# note "<0 0 0 <<12 5> 0>>"
# gain 0.5
# cut 1
# gain 0.85
d7 -- toys
$ every' 16 15 ( -- petit coup
......@@ -39,7 +32,12 @@ $ every' 16 15 ( -- petit coup
$ every 16 ( -- intense!
sometimes (superimpose (const $ s "~ ~ brass:10 ~")))
$ s "~ brass:7/4 ~ brass:5/8"
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.45
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5>,8)"
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.8
d9 -- basse
$ stut 4 0.75 0.125
......@@ -48,8 +46,7 @@ $ (|+ note (scale "major" "7"))
$ whenmod 8 4 (|+ note (scale "major" "5"))
$ off 0.125 ((# room 0.2) . (# size 0.8))
-- $ superimpose ((# s "bass3") . (|+ note 0))
$ note "0"
|- note 14
$ note (-36)
# gain 0.9
# attack (0.5 + rand / 2)
# s "bassWarsaw"
solo 1
solo 2
solo 4
solo 7 -- bass
$ fast "1"
$ s "jazz(<4!3 <2 [2 4]>>,8)"
# gain 0.8
d1 $ s "k(<3!3 4 5 4>,8)" # s "clubkick"
# gain 0.8
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 4000 20000 sine)
$ hurry "<1 [1|2]>"
$ s "~ <s!3 [s s ~]>"
# s "snare:20"
# gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 4 (# gain 0.9)
$ whenmod 32 0 (# gain 0)
$ fast "4 [8 <1?*16 16>]" $ s "dr"
# gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 31 (# gain "0!3 0.7")
$ whenmod 32 16 (# gain "0")
$ whenmod 16 8 rev
$ bite 8
-- "0 <1 2> <2 1> 3*2"
"<0 <1 2> <2 1>>(<8!7 5>,8)"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.75
d6 -- Piano second TODO REWORK
-- $ every 4 (# gain 1)
$ (0.5 ~>)
$ stut' 2 0.25 (|+ note "~ . <0 +7>")
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (ply 2) . (arp "~ . up down")
$ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity "0.5 0.4"
# sustain 0.8
# gain 0
d8 -- Cymbales
$ juxBy 0.5 rev
$ fast 2
$ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "hh"
# gain 0.6
d7 -- Basse lead :)
$ whenmod 16 20 (|> note "-12")
$ whenmod 20 10 (degrade . (stut 2 0.9 0.125))
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5 8>,8)"
- (slow 8 $ "<24 12>")
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5>,8)"
- 36
) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1
# gain 1
-- outru
solo 1
solo 2
solo 4
solo 7 -- bass
$ fast "1"
$ s "jazz(<4!3 <2 [2 4]>>,8)"
# gain 0.8
$ slow 2
$ s "k(<3!3 4 5 4>,8)" # s "clubkick"
# gain 0.6
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 4000 20000 sine)
$ hurry "<1 [1|2]>"
$ s "~ <s!3 [s s ~]>"
# s "snare:20"
# gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 4 (# gain 0.9)
$ whenmod 32 0 (# gain 0)
$ fast "4 [8 <1?*16 16>]" $ s "dr"
# gain 0.9
$ whenmod 32 31 (# gain "0!3 0.7")
$ whenmod 32 16 (# gain "0")
$ whenmod 16 8 rev
$ bite 8
-- "0 <1 2> <2 1> 3*2"
"<0 <1 2> <2 1>>(<8!7 5>,8)"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.75
d6 -- Piano second TODO REWORK
-- $ every 4 (# gain 1)
$ (0.5 ~>)
$ stut' 2 0.25 (|+ note "~ . <0 +7>")
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (ply 2) . (arp "~ . up down")
$ note ("<c5'maj c5'min>*2")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity "0.5 0.4"
# sustain 0.8
# gain 0
d8 -- Cymbales
$ juxBy 0.5 rev
$ fast 2
$ s "h ~ h h ~ ~ ~" # s "hh"
# gain 0.6
d7 -- Basse lead :)
$ whenmod 16 20 (|> note "-12")
$ whenmod 20 10 (degrade . (stut 2 0.9 0.125))
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5 8>,8)"
- (slow 8 $ "<24 12>")
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
$ note (scale "aeolian" "<0 5>(<3 5>,8)"
- 36
) # s "superfork" # accelerate 0.1
# gain 1
......@@ -3,21 +3,20 @@
solo 1
solo 2
unsolo 3
unsolo 4
unsolo 5
unsolo 6
solo 3
solo 4
solo 5
solo 6
solo 7
solo 8
let cLaMin = "[4, 7, 12, 14]"
let cReMin = "[2, 4, 8, 11]" -- le fameux sol dièse !
let cMiMaj = "[2, 5, 7, 10]"
setcps 0.45
setcps 0.45 -- rythme
d1 -- Kick grosse caisse
$ jux rev
$ whenmod 8 6 (fast 2)
$ fast 2
--T0: Hip-hop chill exutoire
d1 $ s "<k!3 [~ k]> . <~ k?>" # "reverbkick" # release 0.3 # gain 0.8
d2 $ hurry 0.5 $ degradeBy "<0 0 0.5>" $ s "~ s*<1 3 6>" # "sn:1" # gain 0.8 # hpf 500
d3 $ fast ("<4!3 [<4 12> 12]>") $ s "dr" # gain 0.5
$ chop 2
$ note (scale "hexAeolian" "0 0*2 ~ <4!3 6> . <2 5 2 4>"
- 21
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.7
d5 $ silence
$ fast "1 . 1 <1!8 2!4 3!4>"
$ note (scale "hexAeolian" "0*2 ~ ~. <-1 2>"
+ "<c4'maj7 c4'maj9>" -- progression accords
+ (slow 8 $ "<12 0>") -- variations octave
) # s "superpiano"
# velocity "0.5 0.4 ~ ~ . 0.5"
# sustain 1
# gain 0.6
-- T1: Raté ! techno
let bars4 = 128
let bars2 = 64
let bars = 32
let b2Mid = 48
let bMid = 16
let gKick = 0.8
d1 -- KICK! Sait se faire attendre
$ whenmod bars (bMid + 1) (# gain 0)
$ whenmod bars bMid (# gain ("1 0!3" * gKick))
$ s "k k <<k [k|~k]> [k|~k]> <k k*2>" # "clubkick"
# gain 0.75
# lpf 1500
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.4 sine)
# gain 0.8
d2 -- Snares ternaires hurried, finissant en rush carré
$ juxBy 0.6 rev
$ whenmod bars (bars + 999) (const
$ degradeBy (slow 2 $ "<0.5 0.25 0.125 0>") -- avance masqué
$ fast "<4 8 16 [8 16 24 32]>" -- snare rush classique
$ s "sn:1" # gain 0.8 # hpf 500
$ every' bars 0 (# gain 0)
$ hurry "0.5 [1|2]" $ degradeBy "<0 0 0.5>"
$ s "~ s*<1 3 6>"
# "sn:1"
# gain 0.8
# hpf 500
# pan 0.3
d3 -- Drumroll ternaire
$ fast ("<4!3 [<4 12> 12]>") $ s "dr"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.7 0.9 sine)
$ whenmod bars2 b2Mid (chop 2)
$ note (scale "hexAeolian"
whenmod bars4 bars2 (0 -)
"0 0*2 ~ <4!3 6> . <2 5 2 4>"
|+| "<[0|2] [0 <0 2> 0] 0 [12|0]>")
- 24
) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.4 0.6 saw)
# pan 0.4
d8 -- Claps au pont
$ whenmod bars (bMid + 4) (# gain (slow (bMid - 4) $ range 0.5 1 saw))
$ s "~ c*<1 2>" # s "cp" # gain 0
# pan (range 0.25 0.75 rand)
d9 -- Choeurs nappes secondaires
$ whenmod bars4 bars2 (# gain 0.5)
$ superimpose ((mask "t f!8")
. (# sustain 2)
. (|- note (slow 4 $ "<12 15 19 10>")))
$ note (scale "hexAeolian"
"[0 0*2 ~ <4!3 6> . <2>]" + 7
|+| "<[0|2] [0 <0 2> 0] 0 [-12|0]>")
) # s "moogBass"
# gain 0
# pan 0.8
d5 $ silence
$ fast "1 . 1 <1!8 2!4 3!4>"
$ note (scale "hexAeolian" "0*2 ~ ~. <-1 2>"
+ "<c4'maj7 c4'maj9>" -- progression accords
+ (slow 8 $ "<12 0>") -- variations octave
) # s "superpiano"
# velocity "0.5 0.4 ~ ~ . 0.5"
# sustain 1
# gain 0.6
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ do
leftHand = "[0 9 12 16] [4 12 16 19] . [5 12 17 19] [2 12 17 16]"
cutPreEnd = "1!4 1 <1!7 0> <1!3 0> 0"
cutPostBegin = "[0 <1!3 0>] 1!7"
d1 -- Piano, with cutting progression
d6 -- Piano, with cutting progression
$ slow bars
$ degradeBy (slowcat [
......@@ -23,19 +23,24 @@ do
n (leftHand + key)
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.35
# velocity 0.5
# octave "3"
# sustain "[2 0.7]*4"
d2 -- Beat slowly varying
$ slow (bars / (slow 16 $ "<1 2>"))
$ s "d(<[5 4] [3 8] 5 [4 16]>,8)"
# s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 15000 sine)
d1 -- Beat slowly varying
$ s "k(<3!3 5>,8,<0!4 3!3 0>)"
# s "kick:5"
# hpf (slow 16 $ range 50 150 sine)
# gain 0.6
$ whenmod 8 6 (hurry 2)
$ whenmod 8 4 (often (stut 4 0.8 (1/16)))
$ s "~ . <s!3 s*2> ~"
# "snare:20"
# gain 0.8
d3 -- Drumroll
$ fast "16 <2!3 8> <4!3 8> <1!3 <4, 8>>"
$ fast "<<4!3 <16 32>> [16 <16 8>]>"
$ s "drum:2"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.65 0.8 sine)
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.8 1 sine)
d4 -- Bass
$ slow bars
$ rarely rev
......@@ -45,9 +50,9 @@ do
$ note (leftHand + key)
|- note 36
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.7
# gain 0.9
d5 -- Choir
$ whenmod 4 2 (superimpose (|+ note 12) . (|- gain 0.1))
$ whenmod 4 2 (|+ note 12)
$ slow (bars * 2)
$ bite 4 "0"
$ note (leftHand + key)
# Program
- [x] Week 1
- [ ] Week 2 : L3
- [ ] Week 3
- [ ] Week 4
--TODO: Explore https://club.tidalcycles.org/t/melodic-examples-with-tidal/490/7
d1 $ stut' 3 (1/12) (|+ note "<5 3 0 7>") $ s "superpiano"
-- Copy each of the following patterns in turn, and edit them so that they
-- are shorter, using the "<>", "!", "[]" and/or "." introduced above.
d1 $ sound "kick snare snare"
d1 $ sound "kick snare!2"
d1 $ sound "kick [snare snare]"
d1 $ sound "kick snare*2"
d1 $ sound "kick snare kick snare kick snare"
d1 $ sound "[kick snare]*3"
d1 $ n "0 [1 2 3]/3" # sound "cpu2"
d1 $ n "0 {1 2 3}" # sound "cpu2"
d1 $ n "[0 0 2] [4 5 6 7] [4 1] [0 3 0 3]" # sound "cpu2"
-- TODO: Final exercises
d1 $ sound "kick snare kick snare kick snare clap"
d1 $ sound "[kick snare kick snare kick snare] clap"
d1 $ sound "[kick snare]*3 clap"
d1 $ sound "bd sd sd sd bd [sd sd sd]"
-- Lesson 5
d1 $ sound "clap(3,5,2)"
-- region Lesson 1: starting with effects
-- Tidal has lots of effects we can use to change the way things sound.
-- vowel is a filter which adds a vowel sound
-- try a, e, i, o and u
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 4 1*2 3" # s "cpu"
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu" # vowel "a"
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu" # vowel "o"
-- We can use the mini notation to create sequences of effects too:
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu" # vowel "a o e"
-- Tidal does its best to map patterns across to one another.
-- You can add a non-vowel letter to pause the vowel effect
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu" # vowel "a p"
-- 'squiz' is a nice distortion effect
d1 $ n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu" # squiz "4 1 0 3"
-- With '#' structure comes from the left - try swapping the parameters around
d1 $ squiz "4 1 0 3" # n "0 1 0 [2 4] 2 ~ 1*2 3" # s "cpu"
-- Now there are only four sounds per cycle, because there's four in the leftmost
-- 'squiz' pattern
-- We'll learn more about how things in patterns get matched up later!
-- 'gain' changes the volume of different sounds
d1 $ sound "kick kick snare snare" # gain "1 0.7 0.6 0.5"
d1 $ sound "[hh*16, kick:8 snare:4 [~ kick:8] snare]" # gain "[1 1.2]*8"
-- speed can be used to pitch samples
-- (we can also use 'note' to do this, but we'll look at that later)
-- speed changes the speed of playback,
-- e.g. 2 = play the sample twice as fast - which moves the note up an octave
d1 $ sound "numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3 numbers:4" # speed "1 1.5 2 0.5"
-- Or we can take the pattern from the speed parameter
d1 $ speed "1*2 2*2 4*6" # sound "jungbass:6"
-- pan allows us to create stereo effects - 0 = left, 0.5 = middle, 1 = right
d1 $ sound "numbers:1 numbers:2 numbers:3 numbers:4" # pan "0 0.5 1"
-- shape adds distortion (but be careful - it also makes the sound much louder)
d1 $ sound "kurt:4 kurt:4"
d1 $ sound "kurt:4(3,8)" # shape "0 0.98" # gain "0.7"
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 2 : Time to look at Time
-- "Music is the Time of Numbers"
-- setcps - change global tempo
-- Let's run two patterns at once:
d1 $ n "0 2 [3 5] [4 7]" # sound "cpu"
d2 $ n "0(3,8) 8*8" # sound "cpu2"
# squiz 5
-- Changing the cps (cycles per second) changes everything
setcps 0.7
setcps 0.3
-- Time as an effexct (!)
-- You can also set cps as an effect:
d2 $ n "0(3,8) 8*8" # sound "cpu2"
# squiz 5
# cps 0.5
-- It's still global though - setting it on one pattern will
-- change it everywhere
-- However, you can pattern it:
d2 $ n "0(3,8) 8*8" # sound "cpu2"
# squiz 5
# cps "0.5 1"
-- You can really mess with time in this way!
d2 $ n "0 [~ 1] 2*2 3 4*3 5 ~ 7" # sound "cpu2"
# cps "<0.5 2> [1 0.75] <2 1>"
-- Reset things before moving on..
setcps 0.6
-- 'fast' and 'slow' functions
-- You can speed up / slow down an individual
-- pattern (or part of one) with "fast" and "slow"
d1 $ slow 2 $ n "0 2 [3 5] [4 7]" # sound "cpu"
d1 $ fast 2 $ n "0 2 [3 5] [4 7]" # sound "cpu"
-- You can also pattern this speed factor:
d1 $ slow "0.5 1" $ n "0 2 [3 5] [4 7]" # sound "cpu"
d1 $ slow "0.5 <1 2>" $ n "0 2 [3 5] [4 7]" # sound "cpu"
-- When patterning time in this way, you're switching
-- between different versions of the pattern, running
-- at different speeds.
-- We've already learned enough to create patterns with a
-- lot of variety in them, by mixing together several simple
-- manipulations
d1 $ slow "0.5 <1 2>" $
n "{0 2 [3 5] [4 <7 6>], 0*2 3*3 0}" # sound "cpu"
# squiz "<8 1 2>"
-- Note that the 'speed' effect changes the rate of playback
-- for each sample, but doesn't change the overall speed of the
-- pattern
d1 $ slow "0.5 <1 2>" $
n "{0 2 [3 5] [4 <7 6>], 0*2 3*3 0}" # sound "cpu"
# squiz "<8 1 2>"
# speed 2
-- I find things always sound better if you speed them up a little.
-- Your experience may vary :)
setcps 0.7
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 3 Combining patterns with arithmetic, plus the ‘hurry’ function
-- Ok, so what happens when we specify a 'control' pattern (like e.g. n,
-- sound, speed, or squiz) more than once?
-- Lets start with the handy 'numbers' sounds:
d1 $ n "0 1 ~ 2" # sound "numbers"
-- lets put than 'n' again, but with a different number:
d1 $ n "0 1 ~ 2" # sound "numbers" # n "4"
-- So.. you can hear that we still have the rhythmic structure from
-- the left, but all the values have been replaced with the one on the
-- right. That's what `#` does!
-- lets make that right hand pattern more complicated:
d1 $ n "0 1 ~ 2" # sound "numbers" # n "4 5"
-- Now the 0 and 1 have been replaced with the 4, and the 2 has been
-- replace with the 5.
-- This is because tidal matches them up for you, based on where they
-- are in the cycle. The 0 and 1 start inside the first half, so are
-- replaced with '4'. The 2 starts inside the second half, so is
-- replace by '5'.
-- # is actually shorthand, for '|>'. There's a whole family of these:
-- |> is structure from the left, values from the right
-- <| is values from the left, structure from the right
-- |< is structure from the left, values from the left
-- >| is structure from the right, values from the right
-- |<| is values from the right, structure from both sides
-- |>| is values from the left, structure from both sides
-- < points to where the values come from, and | goes on the side where the
-- rhythmic structure comes from.
-- Everything from the left:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" |< n "4 5"
-- Everything from the right:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" >| n "4 5"
-- Rhythmic structure from left, values from the right:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" |> n "4 5"
-- Values from the left, rhythmic structure from right:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" <| n "4 5"
-- Values from the left, rhythmic structure from both sides:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" |<| n "4 5"
-- The above use of |<| sounds the same as |<, because the rhythmic
-- structures line up.
-- This changes
d1 $ n "0 1 2" # sound "numbers" |>| n "4 5"
-- Some gotchas!
-- Even though you are taking everything from one side, something
-- still has to match up on the other side..
-- So this makes no sound:
d1 $ n "~" # sound "numbers" >| n "4 5"
-- Only the '4' sounds here:
d1 $ n "0 ~" # sound "numbers" >| n "4 5"
-- Most of the time you'll be fine forgetting all this, and just using
-- |> , and its alias # .
-- However, there are other things you can do!
-- Instead of taking values from one side, you can add the values together, by
-- using '+' instead of '>' or '<'.
-- This:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" |+ n "4 5"
-- adds up to:
d1 $ n "4 5 7 8" # sound "numbers"
-- This:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" +| n "4 5"
-- adds up to:
d1 $ n "4 7" # sound "numbers"
-- This is because the rhythm comes from the left, from the "4 5", and
-- so we start from that. The start of 4 matches with 0, and the start
-- of 5 matches with 2, and adding them up, we end up with 4+0=4, and
-- 5+2 = 7.
-- This all gets complicated, especially when you work with patterns
-- with different numbers of steps..
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # sound "numbers" |+ n "4 5 6"
-- But don't worry too much. You just have to say what you want to
-- add together, let Tidal worry about working it out for you!
-- Ok that's enough numbers, lets put this into action with some
-- interesting patterns.
-- Here's one adding together 'n' patterns, using |+| to take
-- structure from both sides. On the right hand side, it uses the < >
-- mininotation syntax to pick a different subsequence per cycle.
-- The result is an interesting, longer form pattern:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 [3 5]" # sound "cpu"
|+| n "<[4 5 3 2] [5 4 3] [6 5]>"
# squiz 2
-- I just added a bit of squiz there to make it sound nice.
-- Here's a simpler example, cycling between three 12 note octaves, one per cycle:
d1 $ n "7 5 [2 7] 0" # sound "superpiano"
|+ n "<-12 0 12>"
-- It's actually possible to apply these to patterns of numbers
-- _before_ they become control patterns, like this:
d1 $ n ("7 5 [2 7] 0" |+ "<-12 0 12>") # sound "superpiano"
-- You have to use parenthesis to make sure the two patterns are added
-- together, before being passed to the 'n'.
-- To be clear, this is a pattern of numbers:
-- "7 5 [2 7] 0"
-- This is a control pattern, because 'n' turns numbers into synthesiser
-- control patterns:
-- n "7 5 [2 7] 0"
-- This all works for effects too:
d1 $ n "0(5,8) [4 1]" # sound "drum"
# squiz "0 2 5"
|+ squiz "<0 2 3>"
-- Or again, you can add the number patterns, rather than the control
-- patterns. This is the same:
d1 $ n "0(5,8) [4 1]" # sound "drum"
# squiz ("0 2 5" |+ "<0 2 3>")
-- See which you prefer to do!
-- 'saw' is a pattern that slowly moves from 0 to 1 over a cycle. Here
-- I'm slowing it down so it lasts 4 cycles, slowing increasing the
-- speed over that time:
d1 $ n "[0 4 2] [4 1] 3 [2 0] 3 [3 1] 4 4" # sound "cpu"
# squiz 3
# speed "1 [2 3] 3"
|+ speed (slow 4 saw)
-- region Lesson 1: exploring the ‘every’ function, including tackling the meaning of ‘$’
-- every
-- 'every' is one of a family of Tidal functions, that takes another
-- function as one of its inputs.
-- Let's say we had a simple pattern like this:
d1 $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- ... and we wanted to speed it up like this:
d1 $ fast 2 $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- ... but only one cycle out of three.
-- Here's how we'd use 'every' to do that:
d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- You can read this as "every 3rd cycle, make 'sound "bd sd ~ cp"',
-- go faster by a factor of two."
-- We'll take this apart to work out why we sometimes use (), and
-- sometimes '$' later. First, lets look at more, practical examples
-- of using 'every'.
-- We can use every with any function that takes single pattern as
-- input (and returns a transformed version as output). For example,
-- we can use 'hurry' instead of fast:
d1 $ every 3 (hurry 2) $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- Or use 'rev':
d1 $ every 3 (rev) $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- Because 'rev' is a single word, we don't actually need to put it in
-- parenthesis:
d1 $ every 3 rev $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- Here's a trick with using effects as functions..
-- Lets look at this:
d1 $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
# squiz "5"
-- We can treat the '# speed 5' bit as a function. If you think about
-- it, it does something to a pattern, just like 'fast 2' does.
-- So.. does this work?
d1 $ every 3 (# squiz 5) $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- Yes it does!
-- You can also add more than one 'every' manipulation, giving them
-- different periods for their first input, to create longer form
-- variety:
d1 $ every 3 (# squiz 5) $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
d1 $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5) $ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- keep going..
d1 $ every 4 rev $ every 2 (hurry 2) $ every 3 (# squiz 5)
$ sound "bd sd [~ bd] [cp bd*2]"
-- In Tidal, the pattern that a function is manipulating is generally
-- its final input, which makes it easy to 'chain together' functions
-- like this.
-- Ok as promised, lets go back to our original, simple example:
d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- Lets go through the three 'inputs' (also sometimes called
-- 'parameters' or 'arguments') for every.
-- [a] 3 - how often a function is applied
-- [b] fast 2 - the function that is applied
-- [c] sound "bd sd ~ cp" - the pattern that it's applied to.
-- Looking again at this pattern, you can see that the inputs are
-- given in three different ways:
d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- '3' is just on its own. It's a single number so tidal has no
-- problem knowing it's a single input.
-- 'fast 2' is in parenthesis '(fast 2)'. Then the word 'fast' and
-- number '2' are grouped together into a function, _before_ being
-- passed to 'every' as its second input.
-- 'sound "bd sd ~ cp"' has $ in front. We *could* have done this
-- instead:
d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) (sound "bd sd ~ cp")
-- That works fine, but '$' does the same kind of job. It passes
-- what's on its left, to the function on its right, as a single
-- parameter. '$' has really low priority, which means everything on
-- its right is worked out first before being passed to the left.
d1 $ every 3 (fast 2) $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- This saves you from having to match up ( and ) around a function's
-- final input. It doesn't work with anything other than the final
-- input, so unfortunately this _doesn't_ work
d1 $ every 3 $ fast 2 $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"
-- The above would work out 'fast 2 $ sound "bd sd ~ cp"' first, and
-- would then try to pass that to 'every' as its second parameter,
-- which doesn't make sense to tidal, so it returns an error.
-- Note that when Tidal makes an error, if there was already a
-- pattern running, it will keep that going. If you're live coding
-- in front of an audience, you probably don't want an error to
-- result in silence!
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 2: cut vs legato
d1 $ jux rev $ speed "<1 0.5 0.75>(<3 5>,8)" # sound "bev" # cut 1
# room 0.4 # sz 0.9 # gain 1.3
d2 $ jux rev $ sound "sax(3,8)" # legato 1 # n 3
# note "<[9 7] 5 [9 12]>" # djf 0.7 # sz 0.4 # room 0.4
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 3: slice and splice to for perfect spice
setcps 0.6
-- Hear it straight
d1 $ splice 8 "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" $ sound "break:4"
-- Now with a more messed-up pattern
d1 $ splice 8 "6 1 [2 3] ~ 4 1 6*2 7" $ sound "break:4"
-- Try changing the cps to hear it at different speeds
-- Try manipulating the pattern of slices
d1 $ splice 8 (fast "1 [0.5 0.75]" "6 1 [2 3] ~ 4 1 6*2 7")
$ sound "break:4"
-- Now try all the above with 'slice' instead of 'splice'.
-- Slice _doesn't_ do the pitching up/down thing to splice the
-- sound to the step.
-- Here I put six slices from a loop originally in 4/4, to create
-- a 3/4 waltz
d1 $ splice 8 ("0 1 2 3 4 5") $ sound "break:4" # gain 1.1
d2 $ sound "kick snare*2 clap:4" # speed 2
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 4: chop and striate
-- Let's take a nice break:
once $ sound "break:8"
-- We can use 'begin' and 'end' to only play part of the sound, in this
-- case the final quarter of it:
d1 $ sound "break:8*4" # begin 0.75 # end 1
-- We can also use 'unit "c"' to change the behaviour of 'speed' so it
-- changes the playback speed to match the cps
d1 $ sound "break:8" # speed 1 # unit "c" # begin 0.75 # end 1
-- Lets play four of those to fill the cycle
d1 $ sound "break:8*4" # speed 1 # unit "c" # begin 0.75 # end 1
-- Then play with the cps to hear it change, fitting the cps perfectly
setcps 0.8
-- Normally, I wouldn't use 'unit', 'begin' and 'end' by hand. Instead
-- I'd use splice / slice from the previous lesson, or 'chop' to cut
-- a sound into bits, and set the length of the loop in cycles with
-- 'loopAt'
d1 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
-- The above sounds pretty continuous, but it is chopped into four parts.
-- We can hear that by reversing the chopped up parts:
d1 $ loopAt 2 $ rev $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
-- If we slow the pattern we can hear each part separately:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
-- Here's a different sample:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:9"
-- Now what happens if we put both breaks in the sequence?
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
-- With 'chop', it will play all the parts of break:8, followed by
-- all the parts of 'break:9'.
-- If we swap 'chop' for its friend 'striate', then parts from the
-- two breaks are instead interlaced:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ striate 4 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
-- Play with that striate value for fun:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ striate 32 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
-- If you use the *same* loop multiple times with striate, it kind
-- of stretches it:
d1 $ slow 4 $ loopAt 1 $ striate 4 $ sound "break:1*4"
-- Here's what that normally sounds like:
once $ sound "break:1"
-- 'bev' is an even longer sample..
d1 $ loopAt 16 $ striate 32 $ sound "bev"
d1 $ slow 4 $ jux rev $ loopAt 16 $ striate 128 $ sound "bev*4"
-- Club: striate fun by @vin
$ every (irand 3) (degradeBy rand)
$ slow ((irand 4)+1)
$ loopAt ((irand 5) +1)
$ striate (irand 64)
-- $ slice 16 "0 1 5 4 8 6 1 0"
$ s "break:10"
# room 0.5
# cut 1
# att rand
# hold rand
# rel rand
-- endregion
-- TODO:
-- HIHATS! ho hc
-- (Cut though)
-- Speed with unit 'c' to make things fit, whatever the cps
$ s "jazz" # gain 0.8
$ every 4 (linger (1 / choose[16,8]))
$ every 3 (choose[1/4, 15/16, 1/2, 1/8, 3/4] <~)
$ loopAt 2
$ chop 32
$ s "break:3"
# gain 0.7
d3 $ s "~ snare:24" # gain 0.7
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