foret noire to riddim du dim

parent 5df5bf4d
......@@ -2,23 +2,41 @@
## Worksheet
- Jazz noise: basis for jazzy drums / hip instru?
## Lessons
- Reread building up
- Poetry
- Weave / Snowball
- W7 / W8
- Melodies from forum
## Prod
<!-- region TODO: Record! -->
- [DNB] Sensation octobre Nass guitar
<!-- endregion -->
- Crapeau HipPo: Clav sur rythme hip-hop manuel
- Break britafuninnique: boucle hip hop breatbeat piano attend un lead
- Marche vertige: vertige vibration attend drum militaire
- Wake the Funk: WIP techno funk résolue + hats
- Morning flowers: breakbeat bassline funky
- [Hardcore] Noise in the wires
- [Transe] Tentative (Didgeri) Doo
- Le naufrage! Funkpiano 110BPM
- Le naufrage! Funkpiano 110BPM
- Vertige expérientiel : Techno progressive+ résolue bass laggy+ forks
- Cuba space program: Techno-clave + vibraphone, bonne montée attends drop!
## Copycat
- 44 More
- Bad guy: getting there!
## Remix
-- resetCycles
setcps (130/60/4)
$ superimpose ((# "808bd:1") . (# cut 11)
. (|* gain 0.8)
. (# lpf 200)
$ cat [ -- Beat pattern
"k ~ ~ k ~ ~ k ~", "~ k k ~ k <~ ~ ~ k> <~ k> k"
# "808bd"
-- # gain 0.9
-- # cut 1
-- # legato 0.5
d9 $ "arpy/2" # gain 0.6
d2 $ "~ cp" # lpf 2000 # gain 0.9
$ "dr*<8!3 [16 8!7]>"
# "drum:8"
# room 0.2
# size 0.2
# dry 2
# legato 0.5
# gain 0.5
8 8 [16 8 . 8]
once $ "[kick:3,reverbkick]" # gain 0.6 # lpf 1000 # legato 0.2
once $ note (arp "up" "c5'sevenSus4'5")
# "supersquare" # gain 0.8 # legato 8 # release 4
......@@ -183,14 +183,13 @@ d4 -- Brass voice
# legato "<0.75!7 1>"
# room 0.2
# gain 0.4
d6 -- synth Chorus
$ note (cat [
-- "","","","","","","","", -- Intro
-- "","","","","","","","", -- White shirt
-- "","","","","","","","", -- Bruises
-- "","","","","","","","", -- So you're a tough guy
-- "","", -- BAD GUY
"","","","","","","","", -- Intro
"","","","","","","","", -- White shirt
"","","","","","","","", -- Bruises
"","","","","","","","", -- So you're a tough guy
"","", -- BAD GUY
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
-- Dub du dim: A retravailler, cuivres/voices?
-- resetCycles
setcps (120/60/4)
let melody = "0 <0 <2 -2>>"
d1 --Kick : un low et un high pour donner du relief
$ whenmod 32 16 (superimpose (
(|> "rave:6")
. (# cut 11)
. (# begin 0.75)
. (# gain 0.8)
-- $ "k" -- Intro
$ "k <k!4 k?!4> k k*<1!3 <2 4>>" -- RUN!
-- $ "k . k(3,8)" -- Hip chaloupe
# "[jazz,kick:17]"
# gain 1
--Fx : kick étouffé, lpf Puis reverb
# lpf 1000
# room (0.8 * "<0!24 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5!4>")
# dry 1 # sz 0.5
d2 --Basse repetitive avec fort lpf
$ jux id
$ note ("c*<1 2> c*<1!3 2> c(<1!7 2 1!7 4 3!4 1!4>,8) [~ c]"
+ melody
# "bass3:6"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.65 0.8 (saw + perlin/2))
# lpf (slow 32 $ range 2500 200 perlin)
# sz 0.5
d3 -- clap si grave qu'on dirait un pas de géant distant
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>" $ "cp"
# note (-12)
# lpf 200
# room 0.2 # size 0.2 # dry 1
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.8 1.6 saw)
d8 -- Guitar second background coming loop
$ mask "<f!24 t!8>"
$ scramble "<1!2 [1 2]!2 8!4> . 4 1"
$ "fguitar:22" # gain 0.8 # cut 8
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.5 saw)
d4 -- Guitar lead contretemps!
$ note ("~ 0*<1!3 <2 1>> ~ 0*<1!7 2>"
+ melody + "e'min'4"
# "bsguitar:3"
# gain (slow 16 $ range "<1!16 0.65!16>" "<0.5!16 0.65!16>" isaw)
# room (slow 16 $ range 0.3 0.7 saw)
# sz 0.4
d7 -- Cuivres lancinants
$ mask "<t!8 f!56>"
$ swing 2
$ slow 2
$ arp (slow 4 "<down up>")
$ note (
"e2'min'2" |+ melody)
# "brass:4"
# legato 2
# room 0.8
# gain 0.5
# pan 0.6
d9--- piano descente en conclusion`
$ mask "<f!60 t!4>"
$ "fepiano:7"
# cut 31
# gain 0.65
--- cuivres riff boucle courte
-- Fguitar 20 chaleureuse breaks?
-- region SANDBOX
d6 -- Cuivre riff concluant!
-- $ mask "<f!14 t f f!12 t!4>"
-- $ whenmod 4 3 (slice 4 "0*<2 4>")
$ loopAt 2
$ "brass:24"
# gain (slow 24 $ range 0.2 0.4 saw)
# room 0.4
# cut 6
# pan 0.2
-- # gain 0.5
d4 -- Pluck melodie?
$ whenmod 4 2 (swing 4)
$ off "e" (|+| note "12 0(<1 3>,8)")
$ slow 4
$ arpeggiate
$ note ("c'7f10'8")
# "pluck:8" # gain 0.6
once $ "fpiano:10" # cut 9 # gain 0.8
once $ slice 4 (3) $ "rave:6"
# gain 0.8
# cut 21
-- # note (-12)
-- # room 0.8
-- # dry 0.25
-- TECHNO 2-sec :)
d1 $ "jazz*4"
d2 $ "hh*8" # gain 0.8
d10 $ slice 8 (run 8) $ scramble 32 $ "bev" # gain 0.8 # cut 4
--- synthé pont reprise mélodie
--- toys space invaders :D
-- Sensation Octale
-- Timeline | Intro > Montee > DropFull > PontGuitare > Montee > DropFullGuitar > Outro
-- Measures | 0-7 > 8-31 > 32-63 > 64-71 > 72-95 > 16 > 16
-- 1 Kick | .. .. XXXXXXX . X . . . . . . . . ... XXXXXXXXXXXX X . ..X ..
-- 3 Guitar | .........................xxxxxxxxxxxxxxFFFFFFFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...........
-- 4 Bass | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxxxxxxxxxxxxx.......................xxxxxxxxxxxxxxbbbbbbbbb
setcps (160/4/60)
d1 -- Poum tchak
$ mask "<f!8 f!23 [f t] t!32 f!8 f!23 [f t] t!32>" -- Orchestration
$ fix (
(# s "[sn:20,snare:8]")
. (# n (slow 4 $ "<2!3 20>"))
. (# note 4)
. (|* gain 1.1)
) (s "s")
$ fix (# s "[bskick,jazz]") (s "b")
$ s "b? ~ s ~ ~ b s <~ <~ s>>"
# gain 1.1
d2 -- drumroll
$ mask "<f!7 [f t] t!120>" -- Orchestration
$ whenmod 4 3 (jux (fast 2 . rev))
$ fast "4 <8 16>"
$ s "[drum:8,dr]"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.1 0.9 sine)
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.65 0.95 sine)
$ mask "<f!8 f!24 f!32 t!8 t!24 t!32>" -- Orchestration
$ sometimesBy "<f!64 f!8 t!24 f!32>" (|* gain (slow 32 $ range 1 0.75 saw))
$ slice 8 (iter (slow 8 $ "[4|8]") $ run "<4!8 8!8>")
$ "fguitar"
# n ("<8!4 10!4 8 10 10 8>")
# cut 3
# gain 0.9
# room 0.3
# size 0.4
# dry 1
# pan 0.35
$ mask "<t!32 t!32 f!8 t!24 t!32>" -- Orchestration
$ sometimesBy "<f!8 t!24 f!32>" (|* gain (slow 24 $ range 1 1.2 saw))
$ slice 8 ("<0!3 4>" + run 8)
$ "fbass:10"
# pan 0.8
# cut 4
# crush "<16!28 12 10 9 8 5!32 5!32 5!12 8 9 10 12 16!16>"
d10 -- Toys vent
$ mask "<f!7 [t f!2 <f t?>]!56>"
$ whenmod 16 12 (jux rev)
$ every 8 (# gain 0.9)
$ s "space:3"
# speed (range 0.15 0.3 perlin)
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.25 0.45 saw)
# pan rand
......@@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ solo 2
-- TODO: Kick in at 8, current bass=kick
-- Intro Bass in Kick in Bass cut/montee drop -- pont -- intro
-- 0 4 8 20 28 36 40/0
-- 0 4 8 20 28 36 40/0
-- resetCycles
setcps 0.5
$ mask "<f!4 t!16 f!8 t!8 f!4>" -- Orchestra/40
$ "jazz*4"
# gain 0.65
# gain 0.95
d2 -- Son clave cubain
$ mask "<[t f!3] [t f!2] [t f] t t!16 [t f!3]!8 t!8 [t f!7]!4>" -- Orchestra/40
-- ^: FIXME Replace clave at drop with kick
$ "c c ~ c ~ c c ~"
# "808hc" # n "<0!8 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3>"
# room 0.1 # sz 0.3 # dry 1
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.5
d3 -- Glitch clap dark
$ mask ("<f!8 t!16 f!4 t!9 f!3>")
$ whenmod 20 16 (# note "<0 -3 -7 -10>")
$ "~ ~ ~ cp"
# lpf 2000 # lpq 0.2
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Ritournelle 3/2 vibraphone
d4 -- Ritournelle 3/2 vibraphone FIXME
$ mask "<f!3 [t f]!2 [t!3 f] t!14 t!16 [t!3 f]!4>" -- Orchestra/40
$ whenmod 40 36 (|* gain (slow 4 $ range 1 0.4 isaw))
$ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 (rev . (|* gain 0.4)))
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ d4 -- Ritournelle 3/2 vibraphone
# "supervibe"
# accelerate (0.01)
# gain 0.45
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.05 0.35 saw)
$ mask "<f!3 t!37>"
$ jux id
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ d9 -- Montée Shepard!
$ sometimesBy "1 0" (# gain (range 0 0.5 saw))
$ sometimesBy "0 1" (# gain (range 1 0.5 isaw))
$ "s"
# gain 0.5
# gain 0.75
once $ "bev" # gain 0.6 # cut 21
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- TODO guitare
-- resetCycles
setcps (90/60/4)
let masked = sometimes (degradeBy "0 0!6 <0!3 1>")
......@@ -6,17 +6,16 @@ do
setcps (90/4/60)
d1 -- Kick base chaloupé ?
$ mask "<f!8 [t f]!4 t!8 f!2 t f>"
$ juxBy 0.4 ((|* gain 0.8) . rev)
$ "<k*2 k!7> ~ <k!2 k?> <k!3 <k? ~>> ~ k [k|k*2] k"
# "reverbkick"
# room 0.1 # sz 0.1
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.65 saw)
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
d2 -- Breakbeat
$ mask "<f!8 t!4 t f [f t]!2 t!3 f>"
$ slice "<8!12 4 4 2 [4 . 8 4]>" ("<0!3 4>" + "0 1 2 3")
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbonus:9"
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.7
# cut 2
d3 -- Drumroll metal
$ fast "<4 4 8 4 4 [4 . ~ 8] 8 <[16 8] 16>>"
d1 $ "bd"
once $ slice 32 "1*4" $ "kanye" # cut 21
......@@ -70,8 +69,6 @@ d4 -- Kanye who?
# gain 0.65
once $ "kanye" # begin 0.835 -- Fly awayyyyy
# cut 3
-- 16
......@@ -80,7 +77,6 @@ once $ "kanye" # begin 0.835 -- Fly awayyyyy
let b = 0.835
let d = (10/60)
......@@ -94,3 +90,46 @@ d4
$ "kanye/4"
# cut 21
# gain 0.8
-- region GLAD To Fly Techno
setcps (120/60/4)
-- resetCycles
-- Loop 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 32 40 48 52 60 68 72 80 88
-- Intro | Wild+ |Fly+ |Ah++|WildFLY|Ah-|Fly|A-a-a-away EOF
$ mask "<f!4 <f f f t>!4 <f f t t>!4 t!16 f!12 t!8 t f!3 t!8 t!6 f f t!4 t(1,4)!4 f!8>"
$ fast "<4!3 <2!3 [8 4]>>"
$ "[jazz,techno]"
# gain 0.8
$ jux rev
-- $ sometimesBy "<t!8 f!80>" (slow 4 . (|* gain (slow 8 saw)))
$ "hh(<5!4 3 3 5 3>,8) ho"
# n "0 <0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6>"
# gain 0.9
d4 $ slice 8 (cat [
"", "", "0", "", -- 0 One glad morning
"0/4", "", "", "", -- 4 One glad morning, when this life is over
"0/4", "", "", "", -- 8 One glad morning, when this life is over
"~ 1", "1*2", "1*4", "1*[8 2]", -- 12 Wild
"1", "1*2", "1*4", "1*[8 2]", -- 16 Wild
"1/4", "", "", "", -- 20 WILD, Fly away...
2, 2, 2, "2*4", 2, 2, 2, "2*2", -- 24 Ooh euh
3, 3, "3*4", 3, "3*[4 2]", "3*[8 4]", "3*16", "3*[16 1]", -- 32 AaAaAaAaAa piano fou!
4, 4, "4*2", 4, "4*4", "4*4", "4*8", "4*[16 2]", -- 40 Wild - Fly - WILD WILD WILD WILD Fly
5, 5, 5, 5, -- 48 Fly.. ah
5, 5, 5, 5, "", "", "", 5, -- 52 Fly.. ah fly away
"", "", "", 5, "", "", "", 5, -- 60 Fly.. ah fly away
"", 5, "", "", -- 68 Fly away, Fly away
7, 7, 7, 7, "", 7, 7, "7/4", -- 72 Ah ah ah fly away
"7/2", "", "7/4", "", "7/2", "7/4", "7/4", "7/4" -- 80 Ah ah ah fly away
-- 88 EOF1
]) $ "kanye"
# gain 0.9
# legato 2
# cut 4
-- delay / delaytime / delayfeedback / cutoff / resonance / room / size
let melody = "<c5'maj c5'min c5'sevenSus4'2 c5'sevenSus4'3 c5'sevenSus4'3 c5'sevenSus4'4 c5'sevenSus4'5 c5'sevenSus4'5>"
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 $ "jazz*4" -- Rythme des tambours
d2 -- Hypnose des mains
$ "~ cp"
# note ("<0!3 <2 -2>>")
# room 0.4
# dry 1
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Chant lunaire
$ note "0(<4!3 <3 5>>,8)"
# note (arp "up" (slow 4 melody))
# "supersquare"
# gain 0.6
# legato 8 # release 4
......@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
-- Tags: Techno, funk, piano
-- Ready: 5/10
-- Intro lead piano
-- TODO: "Grande theorie" avant drop kick
-- resetCycles
solo 1 -- KICK!
solo 2 -- Hats rolling
solo 3 -- LEAD piano
......@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ do
$ superimpose (const
$ stut' 4 "<s s e s>" (("q" <~) . (|* gain 0.85))
$ "ho" # n "<[2|4|5] 1>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.95 saw)
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.85 saw)
$ juxBy "<<0.2 0.8> 0.5>" (rev . (hurry 2))
$ note (stack [
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ d3 -- Snare roll
# note "<0!8 -2!4 -4!2 -8!2>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.65 1.2 sine)
# pan (slow 4 $ range 0.2 0.8 sine)
d4 -- Saxeridoo
$ juxBy 0.8 rev
$ whenmod 64 8 (slice 8 (run "<2!4 8!3 16>"))
......@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ d4 -- Saxeridoo
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.9 1.25 perlin)
# room (slow 64 $ range 0.1 0.4 sine) # sz 0.3
# cut 4
$ superimpose (off "h" (|+ note "<0!4 12!4>"))
$ note ("c3'maj" + "<c!3 <<c6!4 g!12> g>>")
-- snowball takes a pattern, applies the function to it (the third argument),
-- then applies it again to the result, and again to the result of that, and
-- so on, the number of times given in the first argument. Then it
-- combines all the results together pairwise, with the function given in
-- the second argument.
-- Lets start with a simple tom pattern:
d1 $ s "lt mt ht ~"
-- Then apply 'hurry 2' to it each time, to a depth of 4 'recursions'
d1 $ snowball 4 (overlay) (hurry 2) $ s "lt mt ht ~"
-- You can hear the 'hurried' layers built up. The first time you hear the
-- original pattern, then that pattern combined with itself (so it sounds
-- louder), then you start hearing the 'hurried' layers added over the third
-- and fourth cycle.
-- This doesn't work too well really - I don't think it should be combined
-- with itself that second time. Here's an alternate version that doesn't
-- do that:
snowball' :: Int -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern a) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
snowball' depth combinationFunction f pattern = cat $ take depth $
scanl combinationFunction pattern $ drop 1 $ iterate f pattern
d1 $ snowball' 4 (overlay) (hurry 2) $ s "lt mt ht ~"
-- Instead of 'overlay' to play the layers on top of each other, we
-- can use a function to combine them. For example using '+' on a
-- snowballed number pattern, to add the layers together:
d1 $ n (scale "major" $ snowball 4 (+) (slow 1.5) "0 1 2 3")
# s "supermandolin"
# legato 3
d1 $ n (snowball 4 (+) (slow 1.5) "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7")
# s "cpu"
# speed 2
d1 $ (note $ scale "hexPhrygian" $ "0 . 2 3 ~ . 0 1 . -1 -2") #s "gtr"
d1 $ (note $ scale "hexPhrygian" $
snowball 4 (+) (slow 2) "0 . 2 3 ~ . 0 1 . -1 -2") #s "gtr"
d1 $ weave 16 (pan sine)
[sound "bd sn cp",
sound "casio casio:1",
sound "[jvbass*2 jvbass:2]/2",
sound "hc*4"
-- Function of the Week: "weave" !
-- Weave is an interesting one. It's used to 'weave together' a list
-- of patterns, using an additional control pattern. So it's a bit
-- like the warp and weft of a textile weave.
-- Lets start with some numbers:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # s "numbers"
-- Lets first understand what happens if you use weave on a single
-- pattern:
d1 $ weave 4 (pan saw)
[n "0 1 2 3" # s "alphabet"]
-- You can hear the pattern panning from left to right over four
-- cycles.
-- In the above, the '4' is used to slow down the 'pan saw' effect,
-- before it's applied to the 'n "0 1 2 3" # s "numbers"' pattern. It
-- sounds identical to the following:
d1 $ n "0 1 2 3" # s "numbers"
# pan (slow 4 saw)
-- So why not just do that - what's the point of the weave function?
-- Lets hear what happens when you use it with two patterns:
d1 $ weave 4 (pan saw)
[n "0 1 2 3" # s "numbers",
n "0 1 2 3" # s "alphabet"
-- Aha! You should be able to hear that the patterns are placed at
-- different parts of the panning effect. So 'weave' is acting a bit
-- like a wacked-out 'stack'. The patterns are stacked up, each with
-- the 'pan' control pattern applied, but with the pan control shifted
-- so that one is at the start of the pan, the other is halfway
-- through. They're kind of chasing after each other across the pan.
-- The following sounds identical to the above:
d1 $ stack [n "0 1 2 3" # s "numbers"
# pan (slow 4 saw),
n "0 1 2 3" # s "alphabet"
# pan (2 <~ (slow 4 saw))
-- Here's a more musical example:
d1 $ weave 4 (pan saw)
[n "[0*2 0*3, [~ 3]*2, 4(3,8,<0 2>)]" # s "cpu" # squiz 2,
fast 2 $ brak $ n "0 4 3 <[~ 3] 3>" # s "cpu2"
-- If we add another pattern, so that we now have 3, things go
-- a bit off-kilter:
d1 $ weave 4 (pan saw)
[n "[0*2 0*3, [~ 3]*2, 4(3,8,<0 2>)]" # s "cpu" # squiz 2,
fast 2 $ brak $ n "0 4 3 <[~ 3] 3>" # s "cpu2",
sound "~ clap:3*2" # speed 2
-- That's because three events are spreading out over four cycles, so
-- they're out by four thirds of a cycle, which sounds like being out
-- by a third of a cycle. Sounds interesting!
-- Once we add a fourth, things fall back into a 4:4 structure:
d1 $ weave 4 (crush saw)
[n "[0*2 0*3, [~ 3]*2, 4(3,8,<0 2>)]" # s "cpu" # squiz 2,
fast 2 $ brak $ n "0 4 3 <[~ 3] 3>" # s "cpu2",
sound "~ clap:3*2" # speed 2,
sound "bd(3,8,<0 2>)" # shape 0.85
-- 'saw' gives a smooth, linear movement from left to right. Some more
-- to experiment with (replace `pan saw` for one of these):
-- pan "0 0.25 0.5 0.75"
-- pan sine
-- It works for things other than panning, too, try:
-- crush (saw * 8)
-- vowel "a e i o u"
-- It works with global effects like reverb too, but you have to put
-- each pattern on its own 'orbit', so that they have separate global
-- effects:
d1 $ weave 8 (room saw # sz saw)
[n "[0*2 0*3, [~ 3]*2, 4(3,8,<0 2>)]" # s "cpu" # squiz 2 # orbit 0,
fast 2 $ brak $ n "0 4 3 <[~ 3] 3>" # s "cpu2" # orbit 1,
sound "~ clap:3*2" # speed 2 # orbit 2,
sound "bd(3,8,<0 2>)" # shape 0.85 # orbit 3
-- Things get especially weird when you swap things round so that it's
-- the samples/notes that are being applied to effect patterns.
d1 $ weave 8 (note "c e f g" # s "supermandolin" # legato 2)
[vowel "a e i"] # gain 1.3
-- and with more patterns:
d1 $ weave 8 (every 2 rev $ n (scale "ritusen" "0 .. 7")
# s "rash"
[vowel "a e i",
vowel "o(5,8,<0 2>)",
squiz "0 3*2 4 7"
room "0 0.25 0.7 0.99" # orbit 3
] |+ n 24
-- There's also a function 'weaveWith', which works with functions,
-- rather than control patterns..
d1 $ weaveWith 8 (every 2 rev $ n (scale "ritusen" "0 .. 7")
# s "rash"
[(+| vowel "a e i*2"),
(+| n "0 12*2 0 12"),
hurry 2,
off 0.25 (|+ n "-24") . struct "t(5,8,<0 2>)" . hurry 4
] |+ n 24
let dascale = "hirajoshi"
let chord = "'maj"
let melo = "0 3 4 7"
let root = "<e4 d4 c4>"
d1 $ n (scale dascale (chord + melo) + (root + "<-12 -7>"))
# s "superpiano"
-- d1 $ every 3 (rev) $ n (scale dascale (melo) + root) # s "superpwm"
d1 $ every 2 (arpeggiate)
$ n (scale dascale (chord + melo) + (root + "<-12 -7>"))
# s "superpiano"
let tonal root mode = note . (|+ root) . scale mode
d1 $ tonal "<0 3>" "major" $ "0 2 4 7"
d3 $ s "cpu2:9*4"
# gain (range 0.7 0.8 rand)
# smear (range 0 2 rand)
# delay 2 # dt "x"
$ every (irand 3) (degradeBy rand)
$ slow ((irand 4)+1)
$ loopAt ((irand 5) +1)
$ striate (irand 64)
-- $ slice 16 "0 1 5 4 8 6 1 0"
$ s "break:10"
# room 0.5
# cut 1
# att rand
# hold rand
# rel rand
-- Composing patterns together
-- We've already looked at different ways of composing patterns
-- together. Something as simple as this is a composition:
d1 $ fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht bd*2"
-- Not a super interesting one, but it composes together a pattern of
-- densities, and a pattern of sounds, to create a new pattern that is
-- more than the sum of its parts.
-- In this lesson though we're going to look at ways to compose what
-- you could call 'independent' patterns, where one isn't used to
-- manipulate the other.
-- Tidal is often used in live situations, but there are some
-- functions that help you assemble multiple patterns into something
-- like a complete 'piece', such as a structured four-minute track.
-- Before we get to that, lets look at some extra-simple ways of
-- composing patterns together.. as they can be surprisingly useful
-- First, there's `overlay` that simply plays the two given patterns
-- at the same time:
d1 $ overlay (fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~")
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2)
-- Similar to this is `stack`, which lets you overlay any number of
-- patterns on top of each other. People tend to use this rather than
-- `overlay`, as it's more flexible:
d1 $ stack [(fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
-- The above composes a list of three patterns together. You can see that
-- a list is given using square brackets ('[' and ']'), with the patterns
-- in the list separated by commas (','). You have to remember *not* to
-- put a comma at the end of the list, only between the elements.
-- The above might not seem too useful, as you could do the same with
-- separate patterns. This sounds exactly the same as the above:
d1 $ fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"
d2 $ sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2
d3 $ sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
-- Remember though that stack combines everything into a single
-- pattern. This is useful as you can manipulate all those patterns as
-- one. For example:
d1 $ chunk 4 (hurry 2) $
stack [(fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
-- Or adding a parameter that applies to the whole stack:
d1 $ stack [(fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
] # squiz "<0 2>"
-- So `overlay` and `stack` stack things up, so that they happen at
-- the same time. Howabout sticking things together over time, so they
-- happen one after another?
-- Like overlay and stack, there is one function, 'append' for
-- composing two patterns together, and another, 'cat' for composing a
-- list of patterns together.
-- For two patterns:
d1 $ append (fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~")
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2)
-- For a list of patterns:
d1 $ cat [fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~",
sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2,
sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
-- Again, you'll see `cat` used more often than `append`.
-- `append` and `cat` maintain the original 'density' of the patterns,
-- taking one cycle per cycle.
-- There are variants `fastappend` and `fastcat`, that take a cycle
-- from each of the patterns, and squash them all into a single cycle:
-- For two patterns:
d1 $ fastappend (fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~")
(sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2)
-- For a list of patterns:
d1 $ fastcat [fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~",
sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2,
sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"
-- That's fine, but what if you don't want to loop between patterns a
-- cycle at a time, but have something between a `stack` and a `cat`,
-- where you can have the patterns overlap? `seqPLoop` is one answer.
-- With `seqPLoop`, you say when each pattern starts and stops.
-- Lets first emulate the `cat` from earlier, by having each
-- pattern last one cycle.
d1 $ seqPLoop [(0, 1, fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(1, 2, sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
(2, 3, sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]")
-- Now let's adjust the starts and stops, so the first two overlap by
-- a pattern, then there's a gap of a cycle before the last one plays:
d1 $ seqPLoop [(0, 2, fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(1, 3, sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
(5, 6, sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]")
-- If you want to use the same pattern more than once, you can give it a name
--, like this:
let florence = fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"
d1 $ seqPLoop [(0, 2, florence),
(1, 3, sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
(3, 4, sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]"),
(3, 5, florence # coarse 5)
-- If you don't want the pattern sequence to loop, then use
-- seqP. You'll need to use something like `qtrigger`, so it starts
-- from cycle 0
d1 $ qtrigger 1 $ seqP [(0, 2, fast "1 2 3 4" $ sound "lt mt ht ~"),
(1, 3, sound "clap:4(3,8)" # speed 2),
(5, 6, sound "[kick:5(5,8), snare:3(7,16,3)]")
-- Don't forger you can stack seqPLoop:
d3 $ stack [
seqPLoop [
(0, 2, s "[bd*2] hh bd sn:8"),
(1, 3, s "[hh*4] bd bd sn:8"),
(2, 4, s "bd bd sn:8 sn:8"),
(4, 5, s "bd sn:8 [bd*2] sn:8")
seqPLoop [
(0, 2, s "jvbass(3,8)"),
(2, 4, s "jvbass(5,8)"),
(4, 5, s "jvbass*4" # speed 1.1)
-- region Lesson 1 SHIFTING TIME
-- Lets start with a rhythm:
d1 $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
-- That's repeating nicely. Keep it running, then run this:
d1 $ 0.25 <~ (n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2")
-- If you switch between them, you can hear the pattern is shifting in
-- time. The `0.25` means it's shifting by a quarter of a cycle.
-- You only hear any difference between them at the point where you
-- switch to the other one. You're jumping forward / backward in time,
-- but once you're there, nothing has changed. (!)
-- Ok, time travel is difficult to talk about.
-- Lets visualise this, compare these two:
drawLine "a b c d"
drawLine $ 0.25 <~ "a b c d"
-- You can see the a b c d sequence is the same, but in the latter
-- case, the cycle begins on the 'b'.
-- So '<~' has moved us _forward_ into the future. So shouldn't it be
-- '~>', rather than '<~'?? Well, we might have moved into the future,
-- but it's all relative - from the perspective of the pattern, it's
-- moved backwards into the past. Furthermore, while we like to think
-- about us moving forwards into the future, from the perspective of
-- the future, it's moving backwards into the past. Furthermore
-- different human cultures think about time in different ways.
-- Anyway, '~>' does indeed exist, compare these two:
drawLine $ 0.25 <~ "a b c d"
drawLine $ 0.25 ~> "a b c d"
-- Time is most interesting if you keep jumping around
-- For example jump every 3 cycles:
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 <~) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
# crush 4
-- Jumping in the other direction has quite a different feel:
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 ~>) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2"
# crush 4
-- You can also use a pattern for the time shift amount:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~>
(n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]" # sound "cpu2" # crush 4)
-- Even with this straightforward shifting, things quickly start
-- sounding 'random', until your ears lock on to the longer loop..
-- SIDETRACK - a note on syntax..
-- Unfortunately this use of the dollar *doesn't work*:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~> $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- This is because like all operators, you can't use a dollar to group
-- together a pattern to send to `~>` in this way. haskell gets
-- confused about seeing two operators ('$' and '~>') next to each
-- other.
-- So you have to use parenthesis:
d1 $ "<0 0.25 0.75>" ~> (n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4)
-- Or another way around this is to wrap the *operator* in
-- parenthesis, then you can use it like a normal function:
d1 $ (~>) "<0 0.25 0.75>" $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- Or wrap the first input and the operator in parenthesis:
d1 $ ("<0 0.25 0.75>" ~>) $ n "[0 [1 0] 6*2 [3 4*2], 8(5,8)]"
# sound "cpu2" # crush 4
-- This all works nicely with chopped-up loops:
d1 $ every 2 ("e" <~) $ every 3 (0.25 <~) $
loopAt 1 $ chop 8 $ sound "break:8"
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 2 Binary patterns
-- The patterns you send to SuperDirt tend to contain values of type
-- String (for words), Double (for decimal numbers) or Int (for whole
-- numbers). One pattern type you probably won't send to SuperDirt is
-- of type Bool - short for Boolean.
-- Boolean values can be either True or False. You've probably seen
-- then used with with 'struct', e.g.:
d1 $ struct "t f t t f t f f" $ sound "snare:4"
-- 'struct' provides structure for the pattern on the right; whenever
-- there's a 't' (i.e., a true value) in the boolean pattern, the
-- snare fires.
-- It works with euclidean syntax too:
d1 $ struct "t(3,8)" $ sound "snare:4"
-- The above creates a new pattern with three events per cycle,
-- according to a Euclidean pattern.
-- Lets have a look at that euclidean pattern:
drawLine $ struct "t(3,8)" "a"
-- So what do you think would happen if you changed that 't' (for
-- true) for an 'f' (for false)? Lets try:
drawLine $ struct "f(3,8)" "a"
-- Lets listen to that structure too:
d1 $ struct "f(3,8)" $ sound "snare:4"
-- You can see and hear that the *inverse* of the Euclidean pattern is
-- played. What was true, is now false, and vice-versa.. It's the
-- 'empty' steps which get the true values, and which we end up
-- hearing.
-- This is clearer if we play a t(3,8) against an inverted f(3,8):
d1 $ stack [struct "t(3,8)" $ sound "kick:4",
struct "f(3,8)" $ sound "snare:4"
-- You can hear that the snares are 'filling in' where the kicks
-- aren't playing - they never play at the same time.
-- Filling in patterns like this is a lot of fun, and there's a
-- function called 'stitch' that makes it easier:
d1 $ stitch "t(3,8)" (sound "kick:4") (sound "snare:4")
-- You only have to give the boolean pattern once, 'stitch' takes care
-- of inverting the pattern for the second pattern. It's called
-- 'stitch', because it's like going up and down to stitch two things
-- together.
-- You can make more complicated boolean patterns to quickly get some
-- fun patterns going:
d1 $ stitch "t(<3 5>,8,<0 2 3>)" (sound "kick:4") (sound "hc")
d1 $ stitch "t(<3 5>,<8 8 8 6>,<0 2 4>)" (sound "kick:4") (sound "hc")
-- Actually it'd be less typing do the stitching _inside_ the sound
-- control pattern:
d1 $ sound (stitch "t(<3 5>,<8 8 8 6>,<0 2 4>)" "kick:4" "hc")
-- In the above, I only have to write 'sound' once, because the
-- 'stitch' is working on patterns of words, not patterns of sounds.
-- You can also alternate between patterns of true, and patterns of false
-- values:
drawLine $ struct "<t f>(3,8)" "a"
-- If you prefer you can use '1' or '0' instead of 't' and 'f', the
-- result is exactly the same:
drawLine $ struct "<1 0>(3,8)" "a"
d1 $ struct "<1 0>(3,8)" $ sound "clap"
-- You don't have to use the Euclidean syntax, you can just right them
-- out by hand:
d1 $ stitch "t f t t f f t f" (sound "kick:4") (sound "hc")
-- .. and use the usual mininotation syntax:
d1 $ stitch "t f t [t f]*2 f ~ t f" (sound "kick:4") (sound "hc")
# room 0.2 # sz 0.8
-- With stitch, the rhythmic structure comes from the boolean
-- pattern. It has a synonym friend called 'sew', which instead
-- preserves the structure of the patterns it's sewing together.
-- Lets try it:
d1 $ sew "t f" (sound "kick") (sound "clap:4")
-- Oh! We only hear the kick. That's because the 'f' only switches to
-- the second pattern for the second half of the cycle, and no new
-- 'clap's happen then.
-- If we have four claps spread over the cycle, we hear the second two
-- of them:
d1 $ sew "t f" (sound "kick") (sound "clap:4*4")
-- Sew can be really nice for blending together two more complicated
-- patterns. Lets have a listen to them individually first:
d1 $ chunk 4 (hurry 2) $ n "0 .. 7" # sound "cpu"
d1 $ n "0 .. 7" # sound "cpu2" # speed 1.5 # squiz 2
-- And now sewn:
d1 $ sew (iter 4 "t f")
(chunk 4 (hurry 2) $ n "0 .. 7" # sound "cpu")
(n "0 .. 7" # sound "cpu2" # speed 1.5 # squiz 2)
-- In the above I have a really simple "t f" binary pattern, but use
-- 'iter 4' so that it shifts by a quarter every cycle.. So you get
-- different parts of the sewn patterns coming through.
-- endregion
-- Exp #2: Le Disco Punk
setcps 0.6
d10 -- metronome
d1 $ weave 16 (pan sine)
[sound "bd sn cp",
sound "casio casio:1",
sound "[jvbass*2 jvbass:2]/2",
sound "hc*4"
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