Backlog + hips + funks various + etoiles + bad gyt wip

parent b0b74c8d
# Work in progress
## Worksheet
- Jazz noise: basis for jazzy drums / hip instru?
## Prod
- Crapeau HipPo: Clav sur rythme hip-hop manuel
- Break britafuninnique: boucle hip hop breatbeat piano attend un lead
- Marche vertige: vertige vibration attend drum militaire
- Morning flowers: breakbeat bassline funky
- [Hardcore] Noise in the wires
- Le naufrage! Funkpiano 110BPM
- Cuba space program: Techno-clave + vibraphone, bonne montée attends drop!
## Copycat
- Bad guy: getting there!
## Remix
- Kanye Fly
# Somewhat complete
## Prod
-- Good morning Minneapolis: time to finish
-- Chaude civ: Breakbeat bassline diphonique
......@@ -13,3 +13,8 @@ $ note ("5 6 8 ~ 8 [6 5] 6 ~"
# voice 0.05
# accelerate 1
# gain 0.8
-- Didgeridoo
once $ note (-18) # "sax"
-- # gain 0.47
# cut 1
......@@ -32,3 +32,9 @@ $ s "bd" >| speed (segment 50 $ range 40 5 (saw))
d1 -- continuous structured xylophone
$ sound "bd" >| speed (struct "t ~ t ~ ~ t t" $ range 5 20 saw)
-- TODO Gong-ronde
$ note (scale "gong" (run 8)) # "supergong"
# gain 0.8
# octave 4
-- Shepard tone (
-- TODO: begin one still hearable, bad fadein?
setcps 0.3
$ (>| "cyclo")
$ (# legato 4)
$ (# octave 1)
$ (# accelerate ("16")) -- INTENSIFIES
$ (|* gain 0.65)
$ superimpose (const $ "s" # note (scale "major" 7) # gain (range 1 0 saw))
$ superimpose (const $ "s" # note (scale "major" (-7)) # gain (range 0 1 saw))
$ sometimesBy "1 0" (# gain (range 0 0.5 saw))
$ sometimesBy "0 1" (# gain (range 1 0.5 isaw))
$ "s"
-- Shepard corrected 12 tones, but still begin
setcps 0.3
$ (>| "cyclo")
$ (|* gain 0.45)
$ (# legato 4)
$ (# octave 1)
$ (# accelerate 3) -- INTENSIFIES
$ superimpose (const $ "s" # note (12)
# gain ("11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0"/11))
$ superimpose (const $ "s" # note ((-12))
# gain (range 0 1 $ "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11"/11))
$ sometimesBy "1 0" (# gain (range 0 0.5 saw))
$ sometimesBy "0 1" (# gain (range 1 0.5 isaw))
$ "s"
# gain 0.5
setcps 0
setcps (135/4/60)
-- 13s per line
-- Intro: 8 Kick+Bassline once
-- Voice: 8 Kick+Bassline+Voice + Clap end
-- Claps: 8 Kick+Bassline+Voice+Claps +Mute end
-- Cuts: 8 Cut(Kick+Claps)+Bassline+Voice
-- PONT _ I'm BAD - DUH
-- 8 Only voice + Claps echo second
-- 16 Riff bass + retour bassline
-- 16 + Mute end
-- Retour PONT refrain --- DH
-- 16 SYNTH longer + echoes voix
-- Drop Trap, drumroll, slow beat, out of this shit
-- # Summary
-- Intro | Verse 1 | Chorus | Verse 2 | Chorus | Chorus
--b 0-8 9-32 4c4c|Duh bass| cut reb
--v(1B) 9-32 BAD 33-42| 43- | 67 BAD
-- 0-7 8-31 |BAD 32-42 | 43-67 | 68-78 | 79-89
-- region CopyCat
-- TODO: Bassline Rework rebond :)
-- TODO: Voice split pan, lead stronger than side, fix aigus chorus2
-- TODO: Claps: could be more "spread manual single-time clap" FIXME check masks
-- resetCycles -- FIXME: Not looping, bass out of sync
let bass1 = "5 ~ ~ 5 8 5 ~ 5"
let bass2 = "~ 5 ~ 5 8 5 3 ~"
let bass5 = "8 ~ ~ 8 11 8 ~ 8"
let bass6 = "~ 8 ~ 8 11 8 15 ~"
let bass7 = "10 ~ ~ 10 9 10 ~ 5"
let bass8 = "~ <5 ~> ~ <5!3 ~> . ~"
let bassRel = "~ . 8*2 11*2 [8,[~ ~ 6 ~]]@2"
setcps (135/60/4) -- 135BPM
d1 -- FOUR ON THE FLOOR, cut on last 2 of each verse
-- TODO: orchestration's cuts might be on both halves, not only second
-- TODO: orchestration's end might be to cutty? Also, lack last silence
$ mask (
"<t!16 t!7 [t . tfff] t!3 [tf] t!3 [tf] f f t!8 f!8 t!16 f f t!8 f f t!8>"
) -- Orchestration
$ superimpose ((# "<tok:1 tok:2>") . (# note (-2)) . (|* gain 0.7))
$ fast 4
$ "jazz"
# lpf 2000
# attack 0.2
# gain 0.9
d3 -- Bassline: melodie cut sur la fin du verse
-- $ TODO: Bassline relance end cut seconde verse FIXME trigger?
-- FIXME synchro second verse: restart loop? Copy paste? Fix Decalage & second Chorus
-- Bref, reorchestra fixing both trigger & matching
$ every' 94 48 (
(# lpf 200)
. (# release 0.75)
-- $ mask ("<t!32 f!2 t!8 f!8 t!16 f!2 t!8>") -- Orchestration
$ note ("-7" + cat [
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- Intro
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- White
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- Bruises
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- tough guy
"", "", -- BAD GUY
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- Chorus
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", bassRel, -- Aclapella
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8,
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8,
"", "", -- BAD GUY
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8, -- Chorus2
bass1, bass2, bass1, bass2, bass5, bass6, bass7, bass8 -- Chorus2 repeat
# "bass3"
# cut 3
# gain 0.75
d7 -- Claps
$ mask "t!3 <t!3 f>"
$ mask "<f!15 t t!24 f!4 t!6 t!24 f!4 t!6 f!4 t!6>" -- Orchestration
$ superimpose ((# "cp") . (|* gain 0.4) . mask "t(8,16)")
$ stut 2 0.6 "s"
$ "~ c ~ c*2" # "superclap"
# n 2
# room 0.1
# size 0.8
# rate 50
# pitch1 (range 1 1.5 perlin)
# gain 1.15
d4 -- Brass voice
$ jux ((|+ room 0.1))
$ superimpose ((# "kurt:2") . (|* gain 0.7) . (|+ pan 0.1))
$ whenmod 34 32 -- FIXME Match 2nd verse etc
(fix (
(# note ("d4"))
. (# "brass:13")
. (# release 0.45)
. (# gain 0.7 )
) (note "a3")
) -- DUH
$ note (cat [
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", -- Intro
-- 9 White shirt
"bf ~ bf ~ ~ bf ~ bf",
"~ bf ~ bf ~ [d,g] [g,c6]@2",
"bf ~ bf ~ ~ bf ~ bf",
"~ bf ~ bf ~ [d,g] [g,c6]@2",
-- 13 Creeping around
("[g,bf,d6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,d6] ~ [g,bf,d6] ~ [g,bf] [bf,d,f]@2",
"[gf,a,c6] ~ [g,a,c6] ~ ~ [g,a,c6] ~ [g,a,c6]",
"~ [e,g,bf] [d,gf,a]@2 . ~",
-- 17 Bruises
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
-- 21 what I want
("[g,bf,d6,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,d6,g6] ~ [g,bf,d6,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] [d6,g6,c7]@2",
"[gf,a,c6,gf7] ~ [g,a,c6,g7] ~ ~ [g,a,c6,g7] ~ [g,a,c6,g7]", -- FIXME So Cynical
"~ [e,g,bf,e6] [d,gf,a,d6]@2 . ~ bf bf c6", -- So you're a
-- 25 tough guy
"c6 g . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 [e,g] . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 g . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 [e,g] . ~ ~ bf c6",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 [f,d6] . ~ ~ c6 bf",
-- 33 I'm the BAD GUY
"a@2 g@2",
"~ ~ ~ [d5,a3]",
-- 34 DUH orchestra hit
"", "", "", "~ ~ [~ a g]", -- I'm the
"~ ~ ~ [d5,a3]", "", "", "", -- FIXME BAD - GUY
-- Verse 2
-- 43 I like it
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
-- 47 I'll let you play
("[g,bf,d6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,d6] ~ [g,bf,d6] ~ [g,bf] [bf,d,f]@2",
"[gf,a,c6] ~ [g,a,c6] ~ ~ [g,a6,c6] ~ [g,a,c6]",
"~ [e,g,bf] [d,gf,a]@2 . ~",
-- 51 My mommy likes it
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
("[g,bf,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] ~ [d,g,d6] [g,c6]@2",
-- 55 If she reads
("[g,bf,d6,g6]" + "0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0"),
"~ [g,bf,d6,g6] ~ [g,bf,d6,g6] ~ [g,bf,g6] [d6,g6,c7]@2",
"[gf,a,c6,gf7] ~ [g,a,c6,g7] ~ ~ [g,a,c6,g7] ~ [g,a,c6,g7]",
"~ [e,g,bf,e6] [d,gf,a,d6]@2 . ~ bf bf c6", -- So you're a
-- 59 tough guy
"c6 g . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 [e,g] . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 g . bf c6 c6 bf",
"c6 [e,g] . ~ ~ bf c6",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 d6 . bf c6 c6 bf",
"d6 [f,d6] . ~ ~ c6 bf",
-- 67 I'm the BAD GUY
"a@2 g@2",
"~ ~ ~ [d5,a3]", -- DUH
-- 69 Chorus compagnie
"", "", "", "~ ~ [~ a g]", -- I'm the
"~ ~ ~ [d5,a3]", "", "", "", -- FIXME BAD - GUY
"~ ~ ~ [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6]",
"~ ~ ~ [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6]",
"~ ~ ~ [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6] [a6,c6] [b6,d6]",
"~ c6 c6 d6 c6 d6 c6 bf5", --I'm only good at being
"c6@2 ~!3", -- bad
"", "c6@2 ~!3" -- bad
-- 76 TODO fin
# "brass"
# legato "<0.75!7 1>"
# room 0.2
# gain 0.4
d6 -- synth Chorus
$ note (cat [
-- "","","","","","","","", -- Intro
-- "","","","","","","","", -- White shirt
-- "","","","","","","","", -- Bruises
-- "","","","","","","","", -- So you're a tough guy
-- "","", -- BAD GUY
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"d6 a7 ~ [d6 ~] . [gf6 d6 ~ [c6 ~]]",
"c6 ~ ~ . ~", -- Now second verse
"","","","","","","","", -- I like it
"","","","","","","","", -- Mommy
"","","","","","","","", -- So you're a tough guy
"","", -- BAD GUY
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"d6 a7 ~ [d6 ~] . [gf6 d6 ~ [c6 ~]]",
"c6 ~ ~ . ~", -- End Chorus 1
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"g d ~ g . df d df bf",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"c6 g6 ~ c6 . gf6 g6 gf6 ds6",
"d6 a7 ~ [d6 ~] . [gf6 d6 ~ [c6 ~]]",
"c6 ~ ~ . ~" -- End Chorus 2
]) # "moogBass"
# release 0.8
# legato 1.5
# gain 0.75
once $ note ("d") # "kurt:7" # gain 0.8
-- endregion
d2 -- Snare sous-marin
$ whenmod 32 24 (|* gain (slow 8 $ range 1 0.5 saw))
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ "~ snare:34"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 200 20000 perlin)
# room (slow 40 $ range 0.2 0.5 saw)
# dry "<1!7 [[2|3|5|7] 1]>"
# gain 0.8
-- $ whenmod 16 15 (fast 2)
$ fast "<4!3 [4 8 8 4]>"
$ "drum:8" # gain 0.8
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ $ fast 4 -- faster!
$ s "jazz:0"
# gain 0.7
d2 -- drums, someroll
$ fast "2 1"
$ sometimes (# s "dr 808cy:5")
$ s "dr*<2 4> [hh hh?]"
-- Marche vertigineuse
-- TODO: More march, more vertige
-- $ "k . ~ k ~ <~!3 k>"
$ "k k k <k!3 [~ k]>"
# "jazz" # gain 0.7
d2 $ "~ <c!3 c*2>" # "cp"
# gain 0.8
# lpf (slow 8 $ range 1000 5000 saw)
$ fix (|* gain (slow 4 $ range 0.6 0.8 perlin)) (n 2)
$ fix (
whenmod 16 8 (<| "4*[<8!3 16> <12 16>]")
. (|* gain 0.78)
) (n 4)
$ fix (|* gain (slow 8 $ range 0.6 0.7 saw)) (n 5)
$ n (stack [
"2(<5!7 4>,8, <0!12 4!4>)",
"4*[<6!3 12> 12]",
"5(<3 3 5 [8|[8 1]]>,8,<0!3 3>)",
]) # "cpu"
# gain 0.8
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"<0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 0 7>")
# "moog:1"
# pan (slow 4 $ range 0.35 0.5 perlin)
# gain 0.4
$ note ("<d'min'2 d'min'2 d'min'3 d'min'4>")
# "superhoover"
# gain 0.35
# pan 0.7
# accelerate (slow 16 $ range 8 (-2) sine)
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ d2 -- Son clave cubain
$ mask "<[t f!3] [t f!2] [t f] t t!16 [t f!3]!8 t!8 [t f!7]!4>" -- Orchestra/40
$ "c c ~ c ~ c c ~"
# "808hc" # n "<0!8 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3>"
# room 0.1
# room 0.1 # sz 0.3 # dry 1
# gain 0.8
d3 -- Glitch clap dark
$ mask ("<f!8 t!16 f!4 t!9 f!3>")
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 $ "k*2" # "jazz" # gain 0.9
-- Morning breakbeat bassline funky :)
-- TODO too much when fulltime
d2 $ fast "<4!3 [8 <4 8>]>" $ "dr"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 0.9 sine)
d3 $ slice 4 (cat [
run 4,
run 2
]) $ "fbass:28" # gain 0.95
# cut 21
setcps (90/60/4)
......@@ -21,22 +13,31 @@ d2
$ s "~ . <s!3 s*2> ~" # s "[snare,cp]" # gain 0.85
$ mask "<t!4 f t!3 f!2 t!2 f!4 t!4 t!16>"
$ slice 4 (cat ["0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3",
"4 5 6 7", "4 5 6 7", "6 7 6 7", "7", "7*2","7*2","7*4"]
$ slice 4 (cat [
"0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3",
"4 5 6 7", "4 5 6 7", "6 7 6 7", "7",
"7*2", "7*2", "7*4", "7*2",
"4 5 6 7", "4 5 6 7", "4 5 7 7","4 6 6 7"
$ "fbass:12"
# gain 1.3
# gain 0.9
# cut 3
# pan 0.6
$ mask "<f!4 t!24 f!3 t!29>"
$ slice 8 (
-- "0 4" -- Intro
-- "0 2 4 <4 <2 6>>" -- Intro
-- "0 1 2 <3!2 ~ 3> 4 5 6 7*<1 <2 4>>" -- Fulltime!
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)" -- Laggy
-- "4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>" -- Laggy end
-- (fast "<4 8>" $ run 2) -- Repeat! TODO Transition grace
d4 -- break from Pray
-- $ mask "<f!4 t!24 f!3 t!29>"
$ slice 8 (cat [
"0 4", "0 4", "0 4", "0 4", -- Intro
"0 2 4 4", "0 2 4 2", "0 2 4 4", "0 2 4 6",
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)", -- Laggy
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)", -- Laggy
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)", -- Laggy
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)", -- Laggy
"4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>", -- Laggy end
"4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>", -- Laggy end
"4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>", -- Laggy end
"4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>" -- Laggy end
$ loopAt 1
$ "break:1"
......@@ -44,9 +45,14 @@ d4 -- BREAKBEAT
# gain 0.7
$ mask "<f!8 t!16 f!4 t!4 f!4 t!28>"
$ every' 8 6 (fast 2) $ "fguitar" # cut 5
$ every' 8 6 (fast 2)
$ "fguitar"
# cut 5
# n (slow 8 $ "<13 14 13 15>")
$ jux rev
# gain 0.8
d6 -- Piano final
$ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ slice 8 ("<0 4> 1 2 3 0 1 2 0") $ "fpiano:15" # gain 1.1
$ slice 8 ("<0 4> 1 2 3 0 1 2 0") $ "fpiano:15"
# gain 0.7
# pan 0.9
# djf (slow 8 $ saw)
-- Hardcore noisy
-- TODO guitare
-- resetCycles
setcps (90/60/4)
let masked = sometimes (degradeBy "0 0!6 <0!3 1>")
-- $ masked
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (slow "<2!8 4!7 1>")
-- $ mask "<f!4 t(<1 1 2 2>,8)!4 t!120>"
$ mask "t(<16!3 4 16!3 [16 4]>,16)"
$ superimpose (
(# "hardkick:2") . (# gain 0.75) . (# sz 0.9)
. (# legato (slow 4 "<0!8 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1!4>"))
$ "k k? k*[1|1|2] k <k k?> k k <k!3 k*2>"
# "jazz" # gain 1.5
d2 -- Snare varié sur 12 temps
$ masked
$ mask "<f!4 t(1,8)!4 t!120>"
$ fast "<1!4 2!4 4 4 8 8>"
$ every' 8 7 (ply 2)
$ "~ snare:21"
# room 0.5 # dry 1.1
# gain 0.8
# note (slow 3 "<-8 -12>")
d4 -- Bassline electro-folle
$ masked
$ whenmod 64 32 (|* gain (slow 32 $ range 1 0.7 isaw))
$ whenmod 16 12 (superimpose (rev . (# cut 41) . (# pan 0.4)))
$ whenmod 4 2 (fast 2)
$ slice 8 (run 4 + "<0 4>") $ slow 2 "fbass:60"
# cut 4
# room (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.8 saw)
# dry (slow 16 $ range 0.1 1 perlin)
-- # crush (slow 32 "<8 6 4 2>")
# pan 0.25
# gain (slow 32 "<0.8 0.8 0.75 0.7>")
$ masked
$ mask "<t(<1 2 3 4>,8)!4 t!124>"
$ superimpose (
(|+ pan 0.5)
. (# room 0.2) . (# dry 0.9)
$ "glitch:2(<3 5 [3|5] <8 [8 16]>>,8)"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.5 0.75 saw)
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.05 0.95 sine)
$ juxBy 0.8 (# cut 51)
$ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ slice 8 (cat [
"~ 0", "~ 0*2", "~ 0", "~ 0*4",
"4 5", "0 4 5 3", "4 5", "0 4 5 4",
"4 5*4", "0 3 4 5", "4 4 5 5", "0 4 5 4",
"~ 0", "~ 0*2", "~ 0", "~ 0*4",
"4 5!3"
$ "fguitar:61"
# cut 5
# gain 0.6
# room 0.2
# crush (slow 4 $ range 2.5 3.5 perlin)
......@@ -4,27 +4,26 @@ resetCycles
setcps (90/4/60)
-- $ mask "<f!8 [t f]!4 t!8 f!2 t f>"
d1 -- Kick base chaloupé ?
$ mask "<f!8 [t f]!4 t!8 f!2 t f>"
$ juxBy 0.4 ((|* gain 0.8) . rev)
$ "<k*2 k!7> ~ <k!2 k?> <k!3 <k? ~>> ~ k [k|k*2] k"
# "reverbkick"
# room 0.1 # sz 0.1
# gain (slow 32 $ "<0.5 0.65>")
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.65 saw)
d2 -- Breakbeat
$ mask "<f!8 t!4 t f [f t]!2 t!3 f>"
$ slice "<8!12 4 4 2 [4 . 8 4]>" ("<0!3 4>" + "0 1 2 3")
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbonus:9"
# gain 0.85
# gain 0.8
# cut 2
d3 -- Drumroll metal
$ fast "<4 4 8 4 4 [4 . ~ 8] 8 <[16 8] 16>>"
$ s "cpu:4"
# gain "<0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8!4 0.85!8>"
d4 -- Bassline default mask / 4 second half
$ sometimesBy "<f!4 t!4 f!4 t f t t>" (# gain 0) -- mask also second half
-- $ bite 4 "3"
$ mask "<t!3 f>" -- every 4 let second half play
$ "fbass:12"
# cut 4
......@@ -48,14 +47,14 @@ d9 -- Invader fight: Tir variable, echec | touche | ambulance
$ n ("[11|4]([1|3|5],8) [~|~| 3|5|11 | [9|9|9|16] ]")
# "invaders"
# pan "0.2 0.8"
# gain "0.4 0.5"
# gain "0.45 0.55"
d6 -- A Yatta, a Jutta!
$ mask "<f!8 t!56>"
$ juxBy 0.4 (rev . (someCycles (# "diphone2")))
$ fast "<2!4 1!4> <2!4 4!4 2!4 4 4 [8 4!3] [4!3 8] 2!4 8!4 4!8 2!4>"
$ "diphone"
# n (slow 38 $ "<0 .. 38>")
# gain (slow 128 $ range 0.2 0.55 (saw + (perlin /2)))
# gain (slow 128 $ range 0.2 0.65 (saw + (perlin /2)))
# pan 0.5
# cut 6
d7 -- Synth second bass
......@@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ d7 -- Synth second bass
$ "0 0*<1!3 4> 0*2"
# note ("<c4'maj <c4'maj c5'maj> c4'maj <b3'maj g3'maj>>")
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.55
# gain 0.65
# pan 0.3
$ often ("q" ~>)
solo 2
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 -- Kick irregulier
$ whenmod 32 16 (# lpf (slow 16 $ range 5000 50 saw))
$ whenmod 16 10 (mask "<f t!3> f!3")
$ whenmod 8 7 (fast 2)
$ "k . <k ~> <~ k k> ~ k" # "jazz" # gain 0.75
d2 -- Breakbeat
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 64 48 (>| "4 <4 ~> 4 <5 7 5 [5,7]>*<1!3 2>") $ -- Attente claps
whenmod 32 16 (iter 4) $ -- Variations
whenmod 16 12 (>| "0 2(<3 1>,8) <~ 4> 3*4") $ -- Attente
"0 1 <0 2!3> [3|0] <4 4 5 4> 5 6 7"
$ "fbreak100:8" # cut 2 # gain 0.5
$ whenmod 8 0 ((|+ note 2) . ply 2 . (mask "t f!3"))
$ "fpiano:12" # cut 5 # gain 0.65
setcps (90/60/4)
-- resetCycles
d1 -- base rythm
$ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!2 t!6 t!4 f!3 t>"
$ fix ((# "[reverbkick,kick:4]")
. (|* gain 0.85)
) ("k")
$ fix ((# "snare:20")
. (|* gain (slow 4 $ range 0.75 0.9 (sine + perlin)))
) ("s")
$ cat [
"k s . ~ k s ~",
"k s . ~ k s [k s]",
"k s . ~ k ~ ~",
"k s . <[s ~ k s*2] s(<5!3 8>,8,2)>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 0.9 cosine)
d3 -- Drumroll alternance marche-course
$ (# pan (slow 4 $ range 0.45 0.65 sine))
$ fast "<1!8 [<2!3 [4 2]>]!8 [8!3 <[8!3 16] <[16 8] 16>>]!16>"
$ "drum" # hpf 200
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Clav crapeau background
$ juxBy 0.8 (("h" ~>) . (|* gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 saw)))
$ sometimesBy "<t!8 f!56>" (mask "<t f>")
$ sometimesBy "<f!32 t!32>" (slice 8 "0 0 2 1*4")
$ sometimesBy "<t!32 f!32>" (slice 8 $ run 4 + "<0!8 4!4 0!2 4!2>")
$ "fclav:12"
# room 0.1 # sz 0.8
# legato 2
$ whenmod 32 8 (superimpose (
every' 4 2 (degrade) .
swing 4 .
fast ("<1!4 2!4 1!8 2!24>") . (arp "<updown!3 up>")
. (|+ octave 1)
. (|+ pan 0.1)
. (|* gain 0.9)
$ note (cat [
"b'maj", "b'min", "b'min'2", "b'maj",
"b'maj", "b'min", "a'min'2", "b'maj'3",
"b'min", "b6'min", "a6'min'2", "b6'maj",
"b'maj", "b'min", "b'min'2", "b'maj'4"
# "cheapPiano1"
# octave 3
# sustain 2
# pan 0.35
# room 0.2 # sz 0.8
# gain 0.65
-- # velocity 0.6
once $ "cheapPiano1" # gain 0.8
$ slice 4 (iter 2 (run 4))
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbreak100:6"
# cut 3
# gain 0.95
d1 $ "k . k(<1 3 2 5>,8)"
# "reverbkick" # lpf 200
d2 $ often (stut' 2 "q" (# crush 7)) $ "~ s ~ s"
# "electro1"
# n "3 <3 4>"
setcps (90/60/4)
$ mask "<t!12 f!3 [f t]>"
$ "k <~!3 [~ ~ ~ k]>"
# "jazz"
# gain (slow 8 $ "<2 <5 10>>")
d3 $ fast "4 <6 8 12>" $ "drum:8" # gain (range 0.5 0.75 perlin)
"jazz:5" -- toung
"jazz:6" -- zap
$ note ("5 6 8 ~ 8 [6 5] 6 ~"
- 36
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
# accelerate 1
# gain 0.8
$ whenmod 32 16 (# lpf 200)
$ whenmod 16 10 (slow 2)
$ "k*4" # "jazz"
# gain 0.65
$ superimpose (
const $ fast 2 $ whenmod 4 2 (often (fast 2)) $ "~ sn" # "snare:2"
# gain 0.8
$ sometimes (# "ho:1")
$ fast 2
$ mask "<t!16 f!16>"
$ "hh(<3!3 5>,8)" # note "<0!3 2>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.62 0.5 sine)
$ mask "<t f t t>"
$ whenmod 4 3 (stut 2 0.9 "q")
$ "~ cp" # gain 0.9 # lpf "4000"
$ mask "<t t t f t>"
$ note (scale "lydian" (
"0 -2 . 0 2 -2" + "<d'min'2 d'min d'maj'2 d'maj>"
# octave 2
# crush "<6!3 <5 4.5>>"
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.75
d6 $ "cpu1"
solo 2
d4 $ ""
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ resetCycles
-- endregion
solo 1 -- Kick
unsolo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snare roll/rush
solo 3 -- Drumroll
unsolo 3 -- Drumroll
unsolo 4 -- Bassline
unsolo 5 -- Guitare intro/pompe
unsolo 5 -- Guitare intro/pompeA
solo 6 -- Epiano groovy
solo 7 -- Claps from grace
let bpm = 80 -- Que tu crois!
......@@ -20,25 +20,26 @@ do
d10 $ funk_noise
$ every' 8 7 (# lpf 200)
-- region Paues Hip-hop
-- $ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
-- $ "k . k(<3 <5 4>>,8)" -- Le simple
-- region Pauses Hip-hop
$ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
$ "k . k(<3 <5 4>>,8)" -- Le simple
-- $ "k*<1!4 2!4> . k(<3!3 <5 8>>,8)" -- L'agité
-- region hardkick
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (
-- $ whenmod 32 0 (
-- superimpose (
-- (# "hardkick:4")
-- . (sometimesBy "<0!3 0.5>" (stut 2 0.8 "s"))
-- . (# legato 0.9)
-- -- . (# note (-4))
-- . (|* gain 0.65)
-- )
-- )
-- region INTRO/Run
-- $ slow 2 -- intro
-- $ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ "k k k k k k k <k [~ k]>"
-- $ "k k k k k k k <k [~ k]>"
# "[jazz,tech:6]"
# gain 1.2
# gain 1.4
# pan 0.45
$ slow 2
......@@ -48,13 +49,13 @@ do
$ "~ s*<1 <2 <4 <8 [8 16]>>>>"
# "snare:3"
# note ("<0 -1 -2 -3>")
# gain 1.2
# gain 0.8
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.4 0.8 sine)
d3 -- Drumroll
-- $ slow 8 -- TODO IN/OUTRO
$ fast (slow 8 "<1 [2 [2|4]] 4 [4 8]>" )
$ ply "2 <4 8>" $ "drum:8"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 1.3 1.7 saw)
# gain (slow 4 $ range 1.2 1.3 saw)
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.6 cosine)
d4 -- Bassline
$ juxBy 0.5 id
......@@ -66,15 +67,15 @@ do
-- iter (slow 2 "<2 4>") $
-- run 8 -- Classique: jumpy groovy
-- "0*4 2 1 3 4 5 6 7"-- HAVE FUN
"0*4 2 1 3 4 5 6 7"-- HAVE FUN
-- "<0!3 1>*2 3*2 <0 1> 4*<2 4 8>" -- Jumpy rappel
-- "<0 4 0 0*2> 4 <0 1 2 3> <0 4!2>" -- Attente
"<0!3 <1 2>>*8" -- COME ON CRUSH
-- "<0!3 <1 2>>*8" -- COME ON CRUSH
$ "fbass:8"
# legato 1
# crush (0.5 + "6 <5 4>") -- CRUSH THIS
# gain 1.4
-- # crush (3.5 + "6 <5 4>") -- CRUSH THIS
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.6
d5 -- Guitare pompe
-- $ whenmod 64 32 ( -- TODO Renverse
......@@ -82,8 +83,8 @@ do
-- )
-- region Guitare pompe
$ slice 8 (cat [
-- "0*4",
-- "0 1 2 3",
"0 1 2 3",
"0*4 1 3(3,8) 5",
"4 5 6 7",
"0 7 4 7",
......@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ do
-- "0(<1 4>,<1 4 8>) . [1*<1 2 4>, 3(<1 3 5>,8)]"
-- ) $ n 11
# "fguitar"
-- # crush 5 -- TODO CRUSH THIS! 12 - 4 - 5
-- # crush 5.5 -- TODO CRUSH THIS! 12 - 4 - 5
# cut 8
# gain (slow 64 $ range
-- 0.7 0.9
......@@ -110,20 +111,22 @@ do
$ slow 2
-- $ mask "f(<1!16 2!16>,2,<1!4 0!4>)" -- TODO INTRO MASK THIS
$ slice 8 (
"0 3 2 1 4 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- regulier
-- "0 3 2 1 4 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- regulier
-- "0 3 2 1 0 3 <2 6> 7" -- variant
-- "3*4 <0 5> 0 <3 4>*2 0*2 5 0 4" -- TODO FREESTYLE
-- "3*4 <0 5> 0 <3 4>*2 0*2 5 0 4" -- TODO FREESTYLE
-- "0 1 2 [3*<4 2>]!4 [5 <4 5>]"
-- "2*4 3*4 5(3,8)"
-- "0 3 2 1!5" -- repeat aigu
-- "4!5 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- repeat end
-- "5!7 7" -- END OF FILE
"4!5 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- repeat end
$ s "fepiano"
# n (slow 8 "<24 25>")
# gain 0.9 -- TODO OUTRO 0.7 0.67 0.57 0.47 0.37
# gain 1.4 -- 0.99 -- TODO OUTRO 0.7 0.67 0.57 0.47 0.37
# cut 6
# pan 0.7
d7 $ fast 2 $ s "clap"
# lpf 2000
# gain 0.85
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.8 1.2 saw)
# room 0.4
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ do
solo 2 -- Hats rolling
solo 3 -- LEAD piano
solo 4 -- guitar riff
unsolo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage
unsolo 6 -- Glitches
solo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage
solo 6 -- Glitches
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 -- KICK
$ whenmod 16 10 (slow 2)
......@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ do
$ s "fpiano"
# n (slow 4 $ "<0 1>")
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.8 0.9 saw)
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.7 0.8 saw)
# legato 1
# room 0.5 # sz 0.8
-- # room 0.5 # sz 0.8
# pan (slow 4 $ "<0.5 0.6>")
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (striate 4))
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ do
$ "fbass:35"
# gain 0.85
# crush (slow 32 $ range 16 6 saw)
# room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.6 sine)
# sz 0.5
-- # room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.6 sine)
-- # sz 0.5
# cut 4
# pan (slow 4 $ "<0.2 0.4>")
d5 -- Macron : le naufrage
d1 $ "jazz*4" # gain 0.8
$ whenmod 32 16 (superimpose (# "cp"))
$ s "~ s*<1 1 2 1> ~ s"
# s "snare:83"
# gain 0.6
d5 -- Laggy bass
$ juxBy 0.8 (
euclid (slow 4 "<2 [4 2 4 4] [3 4] [4 5] [5 2] [2 5]>") 8
. chop 4
. (# crush 5)
. (# release (slow 4 "<2 4 8>"))
. (|* gain 1.1)
. (|+ note 12)
$ note ("<c3 <f3!2 g3 f3>>/2")
# "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.5
d6 -- continuous laser
$ mask "t . <f!3 t> <f t>"
$ s "bd" >| speed (
segment 100 $
range (slow 16 $ "<10!8 10 40 50 70 90 110 130 150>")
(slow 16 $ "<20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10>")
# gain 0.35
|- note "[<12 ~>,24,<-12 -12?>]"
d8 -- Lead forks!
-- $ fast 2
$ whenmod 32 26 (degradeBy 0.2)
$ whenmod 32 24 (|> note (scale "aeolian" (run 8) - "[0,12]"))
$ superimpose (|+ note (slow 4 $ "<5 3> 5"))
$ euclid "[<3 3?>,5?]" 8
$ s "s"
# s "superfork"
# room 0.5
# gain 0.45
# pan (slow 4 $ sine)
|- note 12
solo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snare contretemps/rush
solo 3 -- Snare roll
solo 4 -- Sax
solo 5 -- Vibe
-- Didgeri do it
setcps (140/60/4)
d1 -- Kick techno morphant transe
$ mask "t(<0!4 1!12 2!12 3!12 0!4 1!20>,3)!4"
$ "k*<1!8 3!8> k*[1|3] k*<1 3> k"
# "[jazz,reverbkick]"
# lpf 5000 # lpq "<0!4 0.2!4>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.8 1 saw)
d2 -- Snare contretemps/rush
$ fast "1 <~!8 1!4 4 4 8 8>"
$ "snare:24" # gain 0.8
d3 -- Snare roll
$ mask "<f!3 t!29 f!32>"
$ mask "t([1,2],<1 2!2 4!4>)"
$ fast "4 <8!3 16>"
$ "snare:23"
# note "<0!8 -2!4 -4!2 -8!2>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.65 1.2 sine)
# pan (slow 4 $ range 0.2 0.8 sine)
d4 -- Saxeridoo
$ juxBy 0.8 rev
$ whenmod 64 8 (slice 8 (run "<2!4 8!3 16>"))
$ whenmod 4 2 (often (swing 4))
$ whenmod 128 64 (iter 4 $)
$ note (-18
+ (arp "<up downup>" "<g'min7 g'min7'4>")
# "sax"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.9 1.25 perlin)
# room (slow 64 $ range 0.1 0.4 sine) # sz 0.3
# cut 4
$ superimpose (off "h" (|+ note "<0!4 12!4>"))
$ note ("c3'maj" + "<c!3 <<c6!4 g!12> g>>")
# "supervibe"
# gain 0.5
-- Sandbox
d6 -- Piano rise up
$ whenmod 8 6 (swing 2)
$ superimpose (arp "<up!7 down>" . (|+ note 12))
$ note ("c4'maj" + "<c!3 <<c6!4 g!12> g>>")
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.3
-- LOOP FunkTechno focus
solo 3
setcps (110/60/4)
$ whenmod 16 12 (mask "<f!3 [f!3 t]>")
$ fast 4 $ "jazz"
$ whenmod 16 12 (mask "<f!3 [f t]>")
$ sometimesBy "0!4 0.5!3 0" ( -- Open hat
often (stut 2 0.9 "[s|e|q]") . (# s "ho:1") . (|* gain 0.65))
$ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
$ "hh(<8 <5 3>>,8,<0!6 4!2>)"
# gain (slow 10 $ range 0.8 1.2 sine)
# cut 2
$ whenmod 16 8 (<| "dr*<16 12 8 16>")
$ "d*4 d*<4 8>" # "dr" # gain 0.8
$ whenmod 32 28 (# crush "<8 7 6 5>")
$ whenmod 32 24 (# room "<0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5>")
$ whenmod 32 16 (mask "t <f f t f>")
$ slice 8 "0 1 2 <3!3 7>" $ "fbass:18"
# cut 4 # gain 0.8
......@@ -494,3 +494,105 @@ region FClav
14 ClavB_90B-03.wav
15 ClavB_90B-04.wav
region BonusBreak
0 01(80BPM).wav
1 02(80BPM).wav
2 03(80BPM).wav
3 04(80BPM).wav
4 05(80BPM).wav
5 06(80BPM).wav
6 07(80BPM).wav
7 09a(80BPM).wav
8 09b(80BPM).wav
9 10(80BPM).wav
10 11(80BPM).wav
11 12(80BPM).wav
12 13(80BPM).wav
13 14(80BPM).wav
14 15(80BPM).wav
15 16(80BPM).wav
16 17(80BPM).wav
17 18(80BPM).wav
18 19a(80BPM).wav
19 19b(80BPM).wav
20 20(80BPM).wav
21 21(80BPM).wav
22 22a(80BPM).wav
23 22b(80BPM).wav
24 23(80BPM).wav
25 24a(80BPM).wav
26 25(80BPM).wav
27 26(80BPM).wav
28 27(80BPM).wav
29 28a(80BPM).wav
30 28b(80BPM).wav
31 29(80BPM).wav
32 30(80BPM).wav
33 31(80BPM).wav
34 32(80BPM).wav
35 36a(80BPM).wav
36 36b(80BPM).wav
0 01(100BPM).wav
1 02(100BPM).wav
2 03(100BPM).wav
3 04(100BPM).wav
4 05(100BPM).wav
5 06(100BPM).wav
6 07(100BPM).wav
7 08(100BPM).wav
8 09(100BPM).wav
9 10(100BPM).wav
10 11(100BPM).wav
11 12(100BPM).wav
12 13(100BPM).wav
13 14(100BPM).wav
14 15(100BPM).wav
15 16(100BPM).wav
16 18(100BPM).wav
17 19(100BPM).wav
18 20(100BPM).wav
19 21(100BPM).wav
20 22(100BPM).wav
21 23(100BPM).wav
22 24(100BPM).wav
23 25(100BPM).wav
24 26(100BPM).wav
25 27(100BPM).wav
26 28(100BPM).wav
27 29(100BPM).wav
28 30(100BPM).wav
29 31(100BPM).wav
0 01(120BPM).wav
1 02(120BPM).wav
2 03(120BPM).wav
3 04(120BPM).wav
4 05(120BPM).wav
5 06(120BPM).wav
6 07(120BPM).wav
7 08(120BPM).wav
8 09(120BPM).wav
9 11a(120BPM).wav
10 11b(120BPM).wav
11 13(120BPM).wav
12 14(120BPM).wav
13 15(120BPM).wav
14 16(120BPM).wav
15 17(120BPM).wav
16 18(120BPM).wav
17 19(120BPM).wav
18 20(120BPM).wav
19 21(120BPM).wav
20 22(120BPM).wav
21 23(120BPM).wav
22 24(120BPM).wav
23 25(120BPM).wav
24 26(120BPM).wav
25 27(120BPM).wav
26 28(120BPM).wav
27 29(120BPM).wav
28 30(120BPM).wav
# Content
- Courant alternatif (instru Hip/dnb)
- Pensif (instru pensif low-key)
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