refact: alphadance

parent d96db5e6
hush hush
setcps 0.5 setcps 1
-- Alphaline -- Alphaline
d1 $ (fast 2) d1
$ s "alphabet(3,8)" # n (irand 26) $ s "alphabet(3,8)" # n (irand 26)
# gain 0.75 # gain 0.75
$ every 4 (off 0.125 (|+ 0))
$ every' 4 2 (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ s "bd"
$ s "cp"
# gain 0.6
$ every' 8 6 (0.125 <~)
$ every 8 (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ every 2 (off 0.125 (|+ 0))
$ s "hh"
-- Birdline -- Birdline
d4 $ every 4 (slow 4) d4 $ every 4 (slow 4)
$ s "~ birds(13, 24, 5)" # n (irand 10) $ s "~ birds(13, 24, 5)" # n (irand 10)
# gain 0.5 # gain 0.5
-- Synth melody -- Synth melody
d2 $ s "~ [arpy(4,5,6)]" d2
$ chunk 4 (# crush 5)
$ s "~ ~ arpy(4,5,6)*2"
# note "<1 <1,3> <1,3,5> <1,3,5,8>>" # note "<1 <1,3> <1,3,5> <1,3,5,8>>"
# gain 0.8 # gain 0.8
-- Kick line
d3 $ s "808bd*2 <sn [cp ~ cp ~] sn cp*3>"
# n (irand 2)
...@@ -95,6 +95,16 @@ $ off 0.125 (|+ 7) ...@@ -95,6 +95,16 @@ $ off 0.125 (|+ 7)
--- 3 tshii- --- 3 tshii-
-- dr Drums variés -- dr Drums variés
--- 0 titititi
--- 1 tatatata
--- 2 tintintin (sourdine, cuivree)
--- 3 zip
--- 4 zip zinp
--- 5 loud bass drum
--- 6 tata (plus cymbale que 1)
--- 7 bass drum + tin
--- 8 tata sourd
--- 9 tak tak bois
-- ulgab: 1 sale, 2 rebond, 3 crash, 4 crash joyeux, 5 idem rebond -- ulgab: 1 sale, 2 rebond, 3 crash, 4 crash joyeux, 5 idem rebond
...@@ -108,6 +118,21 @@ $ off 0.125 (|+ 7) ...@@ -108,6 +118,21 @@ $ off 0.125 (|+ 7)
--- 6 skat 'td ta' --- 6 skat 'td ta'
--- 7 ow! (Jackson distordu) --- 7 ow! (Jackson distordu)
-- hh high hat?
-- 0: tsii
-- 1: tsiing! (final)
-- 2: tawiit (zip scratché)
-- 3: ziip
-- 4: orchestra hit
-- 5: bass drum
-- 6: tok (bois)
-- 7: tsiing! (sourdiné)
-- 8: tsii (discret)
-- 9: maracas discrète
-- 10: petit ding
-- 11: tok métallique
-- 12: tok métal etouffé
-- Playground -- Playground
hush hush
...@@ -2,20 +2,6 @@ hush ...@@ -2,20 +2,6 @@ hush
setcps 1 setcps 1
-- hh high hat?
-- 0: tsii
-- 1: tsiing! (final)
-- 2: tawiit (zip scratché)
-- 3: ziip
-- 4: orchestra hit
-- 5: bass drum
-- 6: tok (bois)
-- 7: tsiing! (sourdiné)
-- 8: tsii (discret)
-- 9: maracas discrète
-- 10: petit ding
-- 11: tok métallique
-- 12: tok métal etouffé
d1 $ s "hh:0*4" d1 $ s "hh:0*4"
d1 d1
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