
parent 436a7e42
$ every 8 (rev)
$ every 4 (off 0.125 (|+0))
$ s "dr*4 <dr*4 <dr*8 [dr*4 cp*2]>>"
-- poum: sn
-- tchac: cp
$ every 8 (rev)
$ every' 16 14 (# gain 0)
$ every' 16 15 (# gain 0)
$ s "sn ~ cp ~ ~ sn cp <~ cp>"
$ every' 16 12 (# gain 0)
$ every' 16 13 (# gain 0)
$ every 16 (rev)
$ every 8 (hurry 2)
$ chunk 4 (# crush 2)
$ every 4 (off 0 (|> 5))
$ every 4 (off 0.125 (|+ 0))
$ s "glitch2:2(<3 5 7>,8)"
$ degradeBy 0.2
$ sometimes (hurry 2)
$ off 0 (# note "<0 7>")
$ every' 4 3 (off 0.25 (|+ "[0,5]"))
$ every 2 (off 0.125 (# note "10"))
$ every' 2 1 (off 0.125 (# note "<[7,5] [3,15]>"))
$ s "superpiano(1,8)"
# note 3
# velocity (choose [0.5, 0.7])
# sustain 2
$ every 2 (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ every' 4 3 (off 0.375 (|- 3))
$ every 4 (off 0.375 (|- 5))
$ every 4 (off 0.375 (|+ 0))
$ every' 8 5 (# gain 0)
$ every' 8 6 (# gain 0)
$ every' 8 7 (# gain 0)
$ s "trump"
# up "<1 8 3 1 8 13 8 1>"
# gain 0.8
$ every 2 (off 0.125 (|+0))
$ every' 4 3 (off 0.375 (|+0))
$ every' 4 4 (off 0.5 (|+0))
$ every 8 (rev)
$ every' 8 7 (# gain 0)
$ s "bass3(<3 5 3 1>,8)"
# up "<3 10 3>"
$ degrade
$ slow 2
$ (# crush 5)
$ euclid "<5,3>" "8"
$ s "superfork"
# up 7
-- # up ("<[3, 5], <7, [3, 10]>>")
# gain 0.8
--- Etude
d1 $ s "~ [sn*2 ht] ~ [lt*2 mt] dr:0*4"
d3 $ s "numbers*4" # n (1 + run 4)
$ every 4 (off 0.125 (|+ 0))
$ every 8 (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ every 16 (chunk 4 (rev))
$ every 16 (# note 7)
$ every' 2 1 (jux rev)
$ s "ulgab*4"
# n "4 5"
# cut 1
d8 $ s "hh:4(1,8,6)" # up (-2)
d1 $ "bd(3,8) <cp cp*2>"
d3 $ every 4 (# gain 1)
$ s "cp"
# gain 0
$ every 4 (off 0.25 (|+ 7))
$ every' 4 2 (off 0.125 (|+ 7))
$ s "superpiano(7,8,2)"
# note "<[-20,-13]>"--[-19,-15] [-20,-16]*2>"
# velocity 0.5
# sustain 3
# gain 0.9
$ s "<808bd <cp co:3>> dr ~ dr*4"
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