Commit 4489e438 by PLN (Algolia)

live: Base practice

parent f4e729b4
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ d1 $ f1 -- KICK
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.5
d2 $ f1 -- Snare tchak!
$ g32Bridge
$ whenmod 16 12 (struct "t*<4 4 8 16>")
$ "~ s . ~ <~!4 s!12>"
$ whenmod 16 12 (struct "t*<4 4 8 16>") -- Snare Rush
$ "~ s . ~ <~ ~ s ~ s!3 ~ s s ~ s s ~ s s ~ s s s>"
# "[snare:40,snare:22]"
# pan 0.55
# note (range "-7" 7 "^51")
......@@ -37,21 +37,21 @@ d3 $ f1-- Running Hats
# pan 0.6
# cut 3
d4 $ f1 -- Resolute Bass
$ jux ((# cut 41) . (|+ crush (range 0.5 1 perlin)))
$ midiOn "^57" (rev . slice 8 "0 [1 0] 2 <3 0 3 3*4>") -- La morale à l'envers
-- $ jux ((# cut 41) . (|+ crush (range 0.5 1 perlin)))
$ midiOn "^89" ( -- Glitch vary end
slice 8 "<[0 1 <2!3 1*2> <3!3 1*2>]!4 0*4!2 [0 1 0 1] [0 1 0 [0 1 2 3]]>"
$ midiOn "^57" (rev . slice 8 "0 [1 0] 2 <3 0 3 3*4>") -- La morale à l'envers
$ loopAt 4
$ chop 16
$ "fbass:25"
# pan 0.15
# room 0.125 # sz 0.1 # dry 1
# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.25 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 1.3
# midiG' "^81" 0 1.1
# cut 4
d6 -- Guitar A -- L'attente (18=0) TODO Rework?
$ f1
$ f2
$ mask "<f!3 t>"
$ ("0.175" ~>) -- Calage
$ whenmod 4 2 (slice 8 "0")
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ d6 -- Guitar A -- L'attente (18=0) TODO Rework?
# midiG' "^82" 0 (1.2 * (range 1.4 0 "^18"))
# cut 6
d7 -- Guitar B -- Le run (18=127)
$ f1
$ f2
$ whenmod 4 3 (# silence)
$ midiOn "^58" (
(# n 27)
......@@ -90,14 +90,15 @@ d9 $ f1 -- CLAPS! -- FIXME Broken whenmod 4 3
$ "~ . [~ cp] <~!3 cp>"
# midiG' "^84" 0 1.5
d10 $ f2 -- Nappes crushées indépendantes
$ midiOn "^92" (chop 4)
$ juxBy 0.9 (# cut 101)
$ note (euclid "<5 3 6>" 6 $ "<e e <c c g> <e b>>")
$ midiOn "^92" (ply "<2 4 [8 16 [4|6|4]!6]>")
-- $ superimpose ((|- note 12) . (# cut 101))
$ note (euclid "<5 3 6>" 6
$ "<e e <c c g> <e b>>")
# "moog"
# cut 10
# rel 1
# pan 0.85
# crushbus 10 (range 16 0.35 "^36")
# crushbus 100 (range 16 0.35 "^36")
# midiG' "^20" 0.2 1
d11 $ f2 -- Sirene indépendante
$ note ("<e e c e>/4")
......@@ -105,10 +106,10 @@ d11 $ f2 -- Sirene indépendante
# legato 2
# "supersiren"
# speed 0.2
# crushbus 11 (range 10 0.515 "^35")
# ampbus 110 (range 0 0.9 "^19")
# crushbus 110 (range 10 0.1 "^35")
# ampbus 111 (range 0 0.5 "^19")
# pan "<0.2!16 0.8!16>"
# midiG' "^19" 0.5 0.9
# midiG' "^19" 0 0.5
# room 0.4 # sz (slow 32 $ range 0.125 0.9 saw)
# dry (slow 32 $ range 0 2 perlin)
# cut 11
import Sound.Tidal.ParVagues.Control
once $ "dr"
-- Lucy Rode
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