Commit f4e729b4 by PLN (Algolia)

live: Prepare operate

parent d3f7d041
......@@ -147,10 +147,8 @@ La voix de l'Ordre: Monotonal drone <> breakbeat
- Cuba space program: Techno-clave + vibraphone, bonne montée attends drop!
-- Danse des Sirenes [minibeat]
-- ElectricFunk: Electric feel + funk epiano/clavinet
### Techno 4 Temps, 4 Stems:
-- Detroit: various tentatives
-- La Vibe
......@@ -178,37 +176,19 @@ La voix de l'Ordre: Monotonal drone <> breakbeat
## Record :)
- Morning flowers: breakbeat bassline funky + MIDI Jazzy éventuel :)
## SoundCloud
-- Nuit au quartier latin: Beat latino
-- Pixels roses: hip beats - soldats roses dans une guerre futuriste
-- I come from Cyberspace
-- Lavabo Noir
## Everywhere
## LIVE Twitch
-- 20/03/21 Slower :)
-- TODO: Afternoon Breakbeat+pwm
-- Invoque été ?
### Live 27/03
-- Intro TopHats
-- Afternoon? Pourquoi pas mais avec clavier - DX7?
-- Break 90s?
-- Avant final: Invoque l'été
--- Final Slower:)
-- DNB/Meurice
-- Afternoon :)
-- Slower
......@@ -217,6 +197,7 @@ La voix de l'Ordre: Monotonal drone <> breakbeat
-- Breaks90 before final
-- Invoque été :)
### TODO
......@@ -237,10 +218,45 @@ La voix de l'Ordre: Monotonal drone <> breakbeat
### Tracklist
Intro Contre-visite
Suite Drone Aveugle
-- Break the loop
# Introducing
- Once upon a machine
- Intro crushed winds?
- Bonjour breaks
- Bonjour machines
- 14 Snare sous-marin
- 13 k*8
- 15 Amen!
-> Fade out...
*Drone Aveugle*
- Intro FM-Hopes solo -> destroy
- A Break from the Minitel (beak, snare)
- Stop hopes, start chip
-- Pont: Sirene & Down break
- Bring it back
- Outro: ???
# Pause under the data bridge
*Lucy Rode*
- Bass crushed to beat!
- Exit hammond + effect (how?)
- Shiny Rhodes
# Reveal the inner drums
*Break the loop*
-- V0ices from dusk to d4wn
# Patterns after all
- Intro 5 Punk
- Break arps+ clap into lpf
Invoque été 🌅
Finish Alerte Verte 🔥
- Intro ALARME
- Reveal Bass
- TODO Outro Once!
-- TODO: Add some spaceship fx
-- TODO: Reconsider if enough rythmic variations what about a DROP?
once $ "dr"
-- resetCycles
-- once $ "90s_synatm:8" # gain 0.64 # panbus 41 (range 0.2 0.5 saw) # room 0.4 # sz 0.94
let g = (whenmod 64 32 (# djfbus 1 (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.18 cosine)))
let g = (whenmod 64 32 (# djfbus 2 (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.18 cosine)))
let gF = 1.01
let f = id
let f = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let maskLoops = (mask "<t!4 [t!3 f]>" . mask "<t!14 f [f!3 t]>")
setcps (90/60/4)
......@@ -49,9 +46,10 @@ d3 $ f-- Sidekick, doubtful, yet hardworking hats
d4 $ f -- Atmospheric synth: aerial questions
$ "90s_synatm:8/4"
# cut 4
# panbus 41 (range 0.2 0.5 saw)
# room 0.4
# dry 1
# pan "<0.3 0.25 0.2>"
# crushbus 42 (range 16 4.5 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 1
-- $ mask "<f!32 t!96>" -- Intro
......@@ -61,8 +59,8 @@ d5 $ f -- Synth: ELECTRONIC ANSWERS
# cut 5
# room 0.65
# dry 1
# panbus 51 (range 0.8 0.5 saw)
# crushbus 52 (range 16 2.85 "^54")
# panbus 51 (range 0.8 0.65 saw)
# crushbus 52 (range 12 2.85 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 1.3
d6 -- High lead: Winds of truth
$ whenmod 8 6 (swing "<4 2>")
......@@ -89,20 +87,21 @@ d10 $ f -- RANDOM FOREST NOISES
. (# midiG' "^13" 0 2)
) ("n1")
$ fix (
struct "<t!8 [~ t]*2!8>"
. (# "snare:34")
. (# midiG' "^14" 0 1.2)
) "n2" -- tchak reverb phantome
$ fix (
struct "t([3 <3!3 5>],8,<0!8 3!8>)"
. (# n "<3!3 [3 2]>")
. (# "amencutup")
. (# midiG "^15")
) "n3" -- amen excerpt
$ fix (
struct "<t!8 [~ t]*2!8>"
. (# "snare:34")
. (# midiG' "^14" 0 1.2)
) "n2" -- tchak reverb phantome
$ fix (
(# "90s_megafx:39") -- FIXME: REMOVED!
(# "gretsch:10")
. (struct "t*3 ~ . t*<1!3 2> t*<1 3>")
. (# cut 104)
. (# midiG "^16")
) "n4" -- FX1
$ "[n1,n2,n3]" -- n4
$ "[n1,n2,n3,n4]" -- n4
# gain 0.8
......@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
-- Intro weird superchip: is this even music?
-- Pont superchip crushed+plyed
setcps (100/60/4)
let slide x = acceleratebus 01 (2**(x/12))
let g = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let g = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.1 0.9 "^49"))
let g2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^29"))
d1 $ g -- KICK
$ midiOn "^41" (<| "k k k [k <~!3 k>]") -- Attente Chaloupée
$ midiOff "^41" (<| "k . ~ ~ ~ <k!3 [~ k]>") -- Cours toujours
$ "[jazz,808bd:3]"
# room 0 # sz 0 # dry 1
# midiG' "^78" 0 0.75
d2 $ g -- Snare minitel
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.2
d2 $ g2 -- Snare minitel
-- $ midiOn "^43" (<| "~ s ~ s*<1!3 <[2 <2 2 4 4>] [4!3 16]>>")
$ fix (ply "1 <1!3 <2 4>>" . (|* gain 0.9) . (# legato "<0.4!6 0.5!2>")) "glitch"
$ fix ((|* gain 0.85) . (# "realclaps:2")) "cp"
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ d2 $ g -- Snare minitel
$ midiOn "^43" (fast 2)
$ "~ . [glitch:5,snare:11,<~!8 cp!24 cp!8 ~!8 cp!16>]"
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.4
d3 $ g -- Fight hats
d3 $ g -- Fight hats -- FIXME Rework? Could be loved <3
$ midiOn "^44" (fast "4!3 <8 [<4 8> <4!3 8>]>") -- RUN
$ "h2ogmhh(3,8)" # n "<1 <2!3 1 2!2 1 1>>"
# midiG' "^80" 0 1
......@@ -34,24 +34,20 @@ d4 -- Frequency-modulated hopes
$ note ("d" - 12)
# "superfm"
-- # slide "0 12 3"
# crushbus 41 (range 10 0.95 "^53")
-- # lesliebus 42 (slow 64 $ range 0 4 perlin)
-- # lsizebus 44 (range 0.2 2 "^17")
-- # lratebus 43 "^33"
# crushbus 41 (range 10 0.95 "^53") -- Harmonics of destruction
# midiG' "^81" 0 (0.75 - 0.2 * "^17")
d5 $ g2 -- BASSLINE
$ midiOn "^58" (chop 4)
$ arp "up"
$ n (scale "aeolian"
-- "<0 <2 [<2 0> . ~ <~ 2> 4 2]>>" -- V1: Love the end Pattern
"<<[0] [0*4]> <[2 . ~!4 2] [2 2 4 2] 2 [<2 0> . ~ <~ 2> 4 2]>>" -- V1.1: Noisy :/
"<0 <2 [<2 0> . ~ <~ 2> 4 2]>>" -- V1: Love the end Pattern
-- "<<[0] [0*4]> <[2 . ~!4 2] [2 2 4 2] 2 [<2 0> . ~ <~ 2> 4 2]>>" -- V1.1: Noisy :/
+ "<0!8 [0,12]!24>"
-- "<d'maj11'8!3 [d'maj11'i'6]>"
- 24)
# s "superchip"
# voicebus 51 (range 0.05 0.75 "^34")
# crushbus 52 (range 16 1.2 "^54")
# voicebus 51 (range 0.75 0.05 "^34")
# crushbus 52 (range 16 2 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 (0.8 - 0.1 * "^54")
# room 0.4
# dry 1.02
......@@ -64,7 +60,6 @@ d6 $ g2 -- Sirene apocalyptico-commerciale
scale "aeolian" "[0 <[<5 6> <4 5>]>]/2"
- 36)
# "supersiren"
# acceleratebus 61 (range "-12" 12 "^35")
# crushbus 62 (range 10 2.5 "^55")
# midiG' "^83" 0 0.6
# panbus 63 (range 0.4 0.8
......@@ -79,3 +74,7 @@ d7 $ g -- Down Break
# midiG' "^84" 0 0.8
# cut 7
# pan 0.35
$ loopAt 2 $ "fbass:1"
# cut 5
-- Solar - breakbeat nostalgic playground
once $ "dr" # gain 1
......@@ -36,10 +37,10 @@ d2 $ g1 $ m -- BREAK
$ slice 8 (run 8)
$ "break:11"
# hpf 500
# speed (range "0" 2 "^32")
# octerbus 20 (range 0 0.5 "^52")
# octersubbus 21 (range 0 1.2 "^52")
# octersubsubbus 22 (range 0 1.2 "^52")
# speed (range 0 2 "^52")
# octerbus 20 (range 0 0.5 "^32")
# octersubbus 21 (range 0 1.2 "^32")
# octersubsubbus 22 (range 0 1.2 "^32")
# midiG' "^80" 0 1
# cut 2
d4 $ g1 $ m -- Drum/hh roll!
......@@ -66,6 +67,17 @@ d5 $ g2
# modIndex (range 0 128 "^34")
# crushbus 51 (range 16 4.6 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 1.5
d9 $ g1 $ m
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "<f!8 t!124>")
$ midiOn "^92" (<| "[~ c]*[4 <4 8 4 [8 4]>]")
$ midiOff "^92" (<| "~ c")
$ "clap"
# speed (range 0.5 1.5 "^56")
# midiG' "^84" 0 1.7
$ whenmod 8 4 (rarely (striate 2))
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimesBy "0 1" rev)
......@@ -78,16 +90,20 @@ d8 $ g2 -- FIXME REMOVE OR SAVE
# crushbus 8 (range 16 1.5 "^55")
# cut 8
# pan 0.8
d9 $ g1 $ m
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "<f!8 t!124>")
$ midiOn "^92" (<| "[~ c]*[4 <4 8 4 [8 4]>]")
$ midiOff "^92" (<| "~ c")
$ "clap"
# speed (range 0.5 1.5 "^56")
# midiG' "^84" 0 1.7
d7 $ g -- Hello PWM!
$ (|* gain "<1!15 0.8>")
$ midiOn "^57" (chop "<[8 <4 16>]!15 1>")
$ midiOn "^89" (superimpose $ segment 16)
$ note (mel - 12)
# "superpwm"
# semitone "<7!3 5>" -- 2nd Oscillator quinte/quarte
# accelerate "<0!7 <6 12>>"
# rate "<1!5 2 4 <1 4>>"
# resonance (slow 32 $ range 0.2 0.6 sine)
# crushbus 71 (range 10 3 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 1.42
d7 $ g2 -- Back bows: dissonant now, not the best angels I ever saw
$ superimpose ((# cut 71)
......@@ -116,18 +132,6 @@ $ "fbass:3"
# pan 0.2
d7 $ g -- Hello PWM!
$ (|* gain "<1!15 0.8>")
$ midiOn "^57" (chop "<[8 <4 16>]!15 1>")
$ midiOn "^89" (superimpose $ segment 16)
$ note (mel - 12)
# "superpwm"
# semitone "<7!3 5>" -- 2nd Oscillator quinte/quarte
# accelerate "<0!7 <6 12>>"
# rate "<1!5 2 4 <1 4>>"
# resonance (slow 32 $ range 0.2 0.6 sine)
# crushbus 71 (range 10 3 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 1.42
d6 $ g -- Nappes Rhodes
$ note (
......@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ d1 $ f1 -- KICK
$ midiOn "^41" (<| "k k k <k!3 k*2>") -- RUN!
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "b . ~ b ~ <~!3 b>") -- WAIT?
$ midiOff ("^41" + "^42") (<| "k*2") -- ST0P.
$ fix (|* gain 1.2) "kick:5"
$ "[jazz]"
$ fix (|* gain 0.9) "kick:5"
$ "[jazz,kick:5]"
# release 0.8
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.2
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.5
d2 $ f1 -- Snare tchak!
$ g32Bridge
$ whenmod 16 12 (struct "t*<4 4 8 16>")
......@@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ d3 $ f1-- Running Hats
# cut 3
d4 $ f1 -- Resolute Bass
$ jux ((# cut 41) . (|+ crush (range 0.5 1 perlin)))
$ midiOn "^57" ( -- Glitch vary end
$ midiOn "^57" (rev . slice 8 "0 [1 0] 2 <3 0 3 3*4>") -- La morale à l'envers
$ midiOn "^89" ( -- Glitch vary end
slice 8 "<[0 1 <2!3 1*2> <3!3 1*2>]!4 0*4!2 [0 1 0 1] [0 1 0 [0 1 2 3]]>"
$ loopAt 4
$ chop 16
$ "fbass:25"
# pan 0.15
# room 0.25 # sz 0.1
# room 0.125 # sz 0.1 # dry 1
# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.25 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 1.3
# cut 4
......@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ d8 $ f1 -- Clave de l'été pitchable
# "[<808lc!6 808hc!2>,<~!4 808mc!4>]"
# speed (range 0.5 2 "^55")
# midiG' "^83" 0 1.5
d9 $ f1 -- CLAPS!
d9 $ f1 -- CLAPS! -- FIXME Broken whenmod 4 3
$ midiOn "^60" (fast "<1 [1 4]> <1!3 4>")
$ "~ . [~ cp] <~!3 cp>"
# midiG' "^84" 0 1.5
......@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ d10 $ f2 -- Nappes crushées indépendantes
# "moog"
# cut 10
# rel 1
# pan 0.85
# crushbus 10 (range 16 0.35 "^36")
# midiG' "^20" 0.2 1
d11 $ f2 -- Sirene indépendante
once $ "dr"
# pan 0.9
setcps (165/60/4)
......@@ -17,9 +19,11 @@ d1 -- TODO: Improve kick. Sound? Rhythm?
$ "jazz"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.3
d2 $ gF $ gM -- Snare glitch high
-- $ midiOn "^43" (superimpose (<| )) FIXME LATER SNARE MOD
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9)) ("snare:40")
$ "~ s ~ <s!3 <s*2 s*<1 2>>>" # "[snare:31,snare:40]"
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.2
# note (range "-12" 12 "^51")
# pan 0.46
# room 0.74 # sz 0.2 # dry 1
d3 $ gF2 $ gM -- Breaks du Marathon
......@@ -34,9 +38,7 @@ d3 $ gF2 $ gM -- Breaks du Marathon
# midiG' "^80" 0 1.2
$ gF
$ midiOn "^57" (
-- superimpose
$ midiOn "^57" ( -- Ritournelle
midiOn "^89" (ply "2 2 4 <2 4 <4 4 8 4> <2 4>>")
. (+| note (scale "aeolian" (arp "converge" $
"[0 <2!4 1!2 2!2> 0 <0!3 4>]"
......@@ -44,16 +46,19 @@ d4 -- BASSLINE BRULANTE
. (# cut 41)
. (|* gain 0.95)
$ slow 2 -- 5/2
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"<[<5@3 [5 4@2]> <<2 0> [2 0]>] <5 <0 [0 . 0 <0 7> 0]>>>"
# "90s_synatm:9"
# pan (range 0.05 0.95 "^17")
# pan 0.15
# room 0.5 # dry 0.2 # sz 0.8
# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.9 "^53")
# midiG' "^81" 0 0.99
# lesliebus 42 (range 0 2 "^33")
# lratebus 43 (range 6.7 0.6 "^17")
# lsize (slow 8 $ range 2 6 saw)
# midiG' ("^81" - 0.3 * "^33") 0 0.99
# cut 4
d5 $ gF2 $ gM -- Ritournelle Rhodes TODO: Variations mélodie?
$ note (
......@@ -65,6 +70,7 @@ d5 $ gF2 $ gM -- Ritournelle Rhodes TODO: Variations mélodie?
# crushbus 41 (range 10 4.5 "^34")
# midiG' "^82" 0 1.2
d6 $ gF2 -- Voices from the st0rm
$ midiOn "^91" ((# cut 6) . slow 8)
$ swingBy 0.125 8
$ midiOn "^59" (superimpose (
(>| note (scale "aeolian" "<7 [7@3 <5 9>]>"))
......@@ -78,6 +84,6 @@ d6 $ gF2 -- Voices from the st0rm
# "90s_matrix:3"
# cut 6 # gain 0.4
# squizbus 61 (range 0 4 "^55")
# room 0.2 # dry 1 # sz 0.8
# room 0.42 # dry 1 # sz 0.8
# pan 0.6
# midiG' "^83" 0 1
import Sound.Tidal.ParVagues.Control
once $ "dr" # gain 0.8
-- Lucy Rode
......@@ -23,23 +21,24 @@ do
$ "[jazz,kick:5]"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.5
d2 $ g -- Break
$ loopAt 1
$ midiOn "^43" (scramble 4 . often (ply 2))
$ midiOn "^75" (struct "t*[8 16]")
$ slice 4 (run 4)
$ "fbreak80:4"
# midiG' "^79" 0 2
# leslie "^51" # lrate 6.7
$ slice 4 (run 8)
$ loopAt 1
$ "break:15"
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.5
# pan 0.35
# speed (range 0 2 "^51")
# cut 2
d3 $ g -- Drumroll
$ midiOn "^41" (
(# room 0.4)
. (# dry (slow 64 $ range 0.5 1.5 perlin))
$ juxBy 0.6 rev
$ whenmod 4 3 (fast "<2 4 [4 8] 8>")
$ fast "4 8"
$ "drum:2"
# pan 0.7
# midiG' "^80" 0 1.8
d4 $ g -- Bassline pompée
$ midiOn "^89" (chop 2)
......@@ -90,47 +89,8 @@ do
# pan 0.74
# sustain (range 0.125 0.5 "^55")
# midiG' "^83" 0 1
d10 $ g $ "~ clap"
# midiG' "^84" 0 1.8
d10 $ g
$ "~ c ~ [c*<1 2> ~]" # "cp"
# midiG' "^84" 0 1
# room 0 # sz 0 # dry 1
# note "-4"
$ mask "<f!8 t!24>"
$ "~ s ~ s*<1 2 1 1>"
# "[snare:21,snare:22,snare:3]"
# note "<0!16 -4!16>"
d3 -- Drumroll
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ mask "<t(4,8)!8 t!8>"
$ "drum:2*[8 <8 16 32> 8 16]"
# pan 0.75
# room 0.4
# gain "<0.75 0.8!15>" * 1.4
d5 -- Rhodes base + chords
$ mask "<f!3 [f t] f!3 t t!24 t!32>"
$ someCyclesBy "<0!16 1!16>" ( -- ARPS <3
(|+ note 12)
. sometimesBy "0 0.5!7" rev
. fast "1 2"
. arp "pinkyup"
. (|+ pan 0.1)
. (|* gain 1.2)
$ note ((
"<0 ~> 0"
+ prog
+ "0 -12"
- "12" -- Octave
# "FMRhodes1"
# modIndex "[0,5,10]"
# pan 0.6
# crush "<16!40 [<4 4 5 6>]!24>"
-- # gain 0.95
d6 -- Bonus bouton nassim deuxième drop
$ mask "<f!32 f!8 t!24>"
$ slice 8 (run "<8!4 4!4>")
$ (loopAt 1)
$ "breaks165"
# gain 0.95
......@@ -92,15 +92,14 @@ d5 $ g -- Choirs + arps
# chorus 0.6
d8 $ g -- Electrified laggy moog
$ midiOn "^91" (ply 2)
$ midiOn "^59" (
(# lpf 2000)
. (# lpq (slow 16 $ range 0 0.15 perlin))
$ midiOn "^59" ((|- note 12))
$ midiOn "^91" (segment "4 <4 <8 [8 16]>>")
$ note (prog + "0 <12!4 12 12 16 <12 16>>")
# "moog:2" # legato 0.25
# "moog:2"
# crushbus 8 (range 10 3.4 "^55")
# gM' 0 1.8 "^83"
# legato 2
# cut 8
# pan 0.6
# release 100
d9 $ g
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