live: from crapeau to blue impro and accel v2

parent 630f8c55
unmute 2
unmute 6
setcps 0.3
d1 $ s "k . ~ [<~ k> <~ k?>]" # s "reverbkick" # gain 0.7 # lpf 400
d2 $ s "~ snare:1" # gain 0.5 # delay 0.5
d3 $ often (stut 4 0.76 0.125) $ fast 4 $ s "~ . drum:8" # gain 0.5
d4 $ s "[ho(3,8),[~ ~ hc:2*[1|2|3|4] ~]]" # cut 4 # gain "0.5 0.6"
$ whenmod 32 16 ( -- folie aigue
juxBy 0.25 ((0.125 ~>) . rev . fast 4 . (|+ note 12))
$ off 0.25 (slow 2 . arp "updown")
$ note ("<d4'maj7 <d4'maj7 d5'maj7> d4'min7 d4'maj7>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.4
# pan 0.7
$ note ("d3"
-- + "[0,3(3,8,2)]"
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# release "2 0.8!7"
# gain 0.5
d7 $ s "hh(<1 3 5>,8)" # cut 7 # gain 0.6 # pan 0.2
-- Intro atm
setcps 0.3
d1 $ s "k . ~ [<~ k> <~ k?>]" # s "bd" # gain 0.6
d2 $ s "~ snare:1" # gain 0.5 # delay 0.5
d3 $ often (stut 4 0.76 0.125) $ fast 4 $ s "~ . drum:8" # gain 0.5
d4 $ s "[ho(3,8),[~ ~ hc:2*[1|2|3|4] ~]]" # gain "0.5 0.6"
$ whenmod 32 16 ( -- folie aigue
jux ((0.125 ~>) . rev . fast 4 . (|+ note 12))
$ off 0.25 (slow 2 . arp "updown")
$ note ("<d4'maj7 <d4'maj7 d5'maj7> d4'min7 d4'maj7>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.4
$ note ("<d3'maj <d3'maj d4'maj> d3'min d3'maj>"
+ "[0,3(3,8,2)]")
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# release "2 0.8!7"
# gain 0.5
......@@ -17,11 +17,85 @@ do
unsolo 6 -- Clap
unsolo 8 -- Maracas
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.6
let gBreak = 0.7
let gBass = 0.7
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 0.8
let vPianoMin = 0.35
let vPianoGauche = 0.4
let vPiano = 0.5
$ superimpose (const -- THE BEAT
$ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k*1"
# s "jazz"
# lpf 50
# gain gKick
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0)
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 8 6 (|> "6!7 7")
"0 1*2 2 3 4*[1|2|4] 5 <6!3 7> 7"
$ s "break"
# gain gBreak
d3 -- Bassline
$ note (scale "blues"
("0. 2(3,8)")
- 24)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
# gain gBass
# hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 2500 sine)
d4 -- Piano aigu fou
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,4)"
$ whenmod 32 16 (often (off 0.125 (|+ note "[0,7]")))
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (fast 2))
$ n "0*16"
# note (scale "blues" (
"<0!2 [0 1] 0!2 [0 -1 -4]>"
+ 24)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ range vPianoMin vPiano sine)
d5 -- Accords main gauche
$ stut' 4 (1/16) ((|+ 0). (|- velocity 0.05))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0,<3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 0 ~>]")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (vPianoGauche)
# sustain 2
d8 -- maracas hombre
$ whenmod 6 4 (fast 2)
$ s "m(<3 5>,8)" # speed "[0.8|0.86|0.92]"
# s "drum:3"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.4 # dry (slow 100 $ range 0 5 sine)
# gain gMaracas
-- $ fast 2
$ s "~ clap:1"
# speed (slow 42 $ range 0.9 1.2 isaw)
# gain gClap
-- V1: Bleu casse
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.65
let gBreak = 0.5
let gBass = 0.4
let gBreak = 0.85
let gBass = 0.5
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 0.8
let vPianoMin = 0.35
......@@ -47,12 +121,7 @@ do
$ s "break"
# gain gBreak
d3 -- Bassline
$ whenmod 40 20 ( -- doublage electrique
(sometimes (# crush 6) . (ply 2))
$ swing 2
$ note (scale "blues"
("0 [2 . 2 <2!2 4 -2> 0]")
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.01
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
-- Break Toys: Breakbeat + random toys/noise
-- Tags:
-- Ready: 5/10
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snares pistols
unsolo 3 -- toys broken
unsolo 4 -- arpy
unsolo 5 -- choirs
unsolo 6 -- glitchs
let gBreak = 0.75
let gChoir = 0.8 * "<0!32 1!32>"
setcps 0.3
d1 -- Breakbeat
$ superimpose (-- BEAT
const $ note "0*<1!4 2 4> ~ ~ 0(<1 <2 3>>,8)"
# s "kick:5" # cut 1
# gain 0.85
# lpf 200
# pan 0.48
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 16 12 -- Pont 12
(|> "0 <~ 1!3> 2 ~ ~ ~ 6? ~")
$ whenmod 4 3 -- Pont frequent
(|> "0 1 2 3 4!4")
"0*<1 <2!3 4>> 1 2 <3 5> 4 5 <6 4> 7") $ s "break"
# gain gBreak
d2 -- Snares contretemps pistolets
$ every' 4 3 ((sometimes $ jux rev) . (fast 2))
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" ((ply 2) . (|+ note "[-12|+6]"))
$ s "~ s(<3!3 5>,8,3)"
# s "snare:57"
# pan 0.6
# gain 0.75
d3 -- Toys broken
$ often ((# squiz "[2|3|4|5|8]") . (|- gain 0.1))
$ loopAt (range 0.5 2 rand)
$ almostNever (# crush 6)
$ s "toys/4" # n (irand 13)
# cut 3
# gain 0.6
d4 -- Lead arpyano
$ superimpose (
(stut 4 0.7 (1/24))
. (arp "<up!2 thumbup pinkyup>")
. (# room 0.15)
. (# gain 1)
$ off 0.25 (|+ "<5!3 12>")
$ note ("<c4'six d4'min e4'six f4'maj>")
# s "arpy"
# gain 0.75
# attack 1
d5 -- Choir
$ often (superimpose (bite 4 "2*4"))
$ superimpose ((|+ note "c'maj")
. arp (slow 4 "<converge disconverge>")
$ note ("<c4 d4 e4 f4>" + "[0,-12]")
# s "moogBass"
# gain gChoir
d6 -- Glitchs randomises carres
$ often (stut' "[4|8]" 0.125 ((# crush 8) . (|* gain 0.9)))
$ s "~ glitch" # n (irand 8) # gain 0.7
-- Part 2 : Transe dub
setcps (60/60/2)
d1 -- Kick techno (mask 4) / trance (mask 12)
-- TODO: at 12, not really transe yet
$ mask "t(1,12)"
$ whenmod 64 32 (|> n "[0 0 <0 ~>]*4")
$ s "k!3 . k <k ~> k . k!3 . k k <k!4 ~ ~ k k ~ k>"
# s "jazz"
# gain 0.6
# lpf (slow 8 $ range 50 15000 sine)
d2 -- Hitrolls
$ every 3 (fast 2)
$ s "hh(<1 <3 5>>,8)"
# gain 0.75
# pan ("<0.5!3 [0.25|0.75]*1>")
# lpf ((slow 19 $ range 2 20 sine) * 1000)
d3 -- Bassline
-- $ superimpose (fast 2 . (# crush 6))
$ note (
slowcat [
"0 3 5 ~ <~ 5> <5 ~> 5 ~",
"<5 ~> <~ 5> 5 5 <3!3 8> ~ <3!7 7> ~"
|- note 24
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.2
# pan 0.6
# gain 0.3
d4 -- guitare pompe
$ whenmod 64 48 (degradeBy "<0.5!8 0.4!4 0.2!2 0.1 0>")
$ note ("~ <5 3 3 5 5 3 5 5>") # s "supermandolin" # gain 0.6
# room (slow 100 $ range 0 1 saw) # dry 1 # sz "<0.1 0.9 0.9 0.1>"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 200 20000 sine)
d5 -- Toms
$ someCyclesBy "<0.25 0.75>" (
(slow 4) . (stut 4 0.95 (1/16))
$ someCycles (off 0.25 id)
$ degradeBy (slow 8 $ "<1 [0.75 . 0.5 0] 0>")
$ stack [
"808lt*3" # n "<0!2 1>",
"808ht:2*<4!4 <[8 3] [8 5]>>" # n "0 2"
# gain 0.45
# room (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 saw)
# sz 0.8 # dry 0.8
# pan (slow 64 $ range 0.3 0.8 sine)
# delay 0.5
once $ note "0 1 [~ 2] 2 2 . 2*2 1 0 [~ 0]"
# s "bass3" # gain 0.7
setcps 0.6
once $ s "bogdan:10" # gain 0.9 # begin 0.5 # end 0.75
once $ s "methbass:2" # gain 0.6
solo 1 -- DNB
solo 2 -- Comete
solo 3 -- Alerte pont 16/24
solo 4 -- Nappes regulieres, pont: part en echo
solo 5 -- Hihats noise sec
solo 6
unsolo 1 -- DNB
unsolo 2 -- Comete
unsolo 3 -- Alerte pont 16/24
unsolo 4 -- Nappes regulieres, pont: part en echo
unsolo 5 -- Hihats noise sec
unsolo 6
-- Meth DNB: J'ai toujours préféré ta cuisine maison <3
setcps (165/60/4)
let gDNB = 0.45
let gCom = 0.55
let gAlert = 0.25
let gNappes = "<0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9>"
let gHats = 0.45
let gGuit = 1.4
let melody = "<<0 <2 4>>!2>"
-- Rythme DNB
$ whenmod 24 20 (|> gain 0.3)
$ whenmod 24 18 (|> gain 0.2)
$ whenmod 24 16 (|> gain 0)
-- $ whenmod 24 18 (# gain 0)
-- $ whenmod 24 17 (|- gain 0.05)
-- $ whenmod 24 16 (|- gain 0.05)
$ fix (# s "sn:5") (s "s")
$ fix (# s "[kick:1]") (s "k")
$ superimpose (# s "bd")
$ every 4 ( sometimesBy "0 0.25" (fast 2)) -- Double s(1,4)
$ s "k ~ s ~ ~ k s <~!3 s>"
# gain 0.7
# gain gDNB
# pan 0.3
-- Lead: Comete!
$ whenmod 24 16 (|> gain 0)
-- $ whenmod 24 16 (|> gain 0)
$ "methbass:10"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.55 sine)
# note (slow 2 $ "<0 0 2 2>")
# hpf 500
# gain (slow 60 $ range (gCom - 0.15) gCom sine)
# note (slow 2 $ "<0 0 8 [8 10]>")
-- Alerte!
$ whenmod 24 16 (|+ gain 0.05)
$ whenmod 24 14 (|+ gain 0.1)
$ whenmod 24 15 (# gain 0.25)
$ whenmod 24 15 (# gain gAlert)
$ chop 2
$ s "~ methbass:4/2"
# note ("<0 -2>!2")
# gain 0
-- Nappes intenses
$ whenmod 24 20 (# gain (gNappes / 2))
$ whenmod 24 16 (# silence)
$ euclid ("2*<1 2 4 2>") 8
$ s "abstract:0"
# note ("<0 -2>!4")
# gain 0.8 # cut 4
# gain gNappes
# cut 4
# release 4 -- Longueur echo pont 24
d5 -- noise hihat!
-- $ whenmod 24 16 (hurry "[1|2]")
$ sometimes (# n 6)
$ "abstract:5(<[1|3|5] <4 [1|8]>>,8)"
# cut 5
# gain (slow 20 $ range 0.3 0.6 sine)
# room 0.2 # dry 2
# note (-4)
# gain (slow 20 $ range (gHats - 0.2) gHats sine)
# pan (slow 16 $ 1 - sine / 2)
$ sometimes (fast 4)
-- Bacasable
d6 -- Guitare ploink insecte
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ someCycles (slow 2)
$ arp "<down downup up updown>"
$ note (scale "aeolian" "c3'maj")
# s "abstract:11" # cut 7 # gain 1 # end 0.1
$ note (scale "aeolian" "c4'maj")
# s "abstract:11"
# cut 7
# gain gGuit
# end 0.1
# pan (slow 16 $ sine / 2)
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
solo 5
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 --
$ fix ((# crush 8) . (# s "kicklinn")) (s "p")
$ fix ((# note (-8)) .(# s "snare:2")) (s "t")
$ s "p ~ t ~ ~ p t <~ <~ <~ t>>>"
# speed 1.1
# gain 1.2
$ juxBy 0.2 ((# crush 4) . (# lpf 200))
$ fast "<12!3 4> <8!7 16>"
$ s "dr" # n "<0!3 [0 2]>"
# gain (slow 100 $ range 0.7 1.3 sine)
# room 0.2
d4 -- bass
$ sometimes (degradeBy "0 1 . 0.8 0.2")
$ bite 8 "0*2 1 <2 2*2> <3!4 4!4> <4!4 3!4> 5 6 7"
$ note
("<<0 3> <0 3> <0 -4> <0 -4>>" +
"0 7 ~ 0 6 7 6 3"
- 24
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# crush 4
# sustain 0.25
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.9 0.5 sine)
d5 -- Clochettes
$ stut 4 0.25 0.9
$ note
("<<0 3> <0 3> <0 -4> <0 -4>>" +
- 24
# s "superfork"
# gain 1.2
......@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ $ note (-36)
-- # s "defaultB"
--- Test echoue, peutetre du contenu?
$ fix (# s "[kick:8,kick:9]") (s "p")
-- $ s "bd ~ s ~ ~ bd s <~ s>"
setcps 0.5
unsolo 1
solo 9
unsolo 3
unsolo 8
d1 $ fast 2 $ s "dr"
solo 1 --
solo 2 -- Snare
solo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 4 -- Bass
solo 6 -- Choeurs
solo 8 -- Hihats
solo 9 -- Vibratinon
setcps (120/60/4)
$ whenmod 32 31 (# gain 0.6)
$ whenmod 32 28 (# gain 0)
$ whenmod 32 24 (slow 2)
$ every' 4 3 (degradeBy "0.5 . 0.5 0")
$ s "k k k <k!3 k*2>" # "jazz"
# gain 0.6
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 2000 50 saw)
$ s "~ <~!3 s?> . s <~ s>" # "snare:20" # gain 0.7
$ whenmod 32 16 (degradeBy "0.5!16 0.2")
$ s "ho(3,8) hc*<<2 0> 3>" # cut 2 # n "[1|2|3]"
# gain 0.5
$ fast "4 . <6 12>" $ s "drum:2" # gain 0.7
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.8 sine)
d4 $ note (-24) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.01 # gain 0.4
$ whenmod 64 32 (mask "t(1,8)")
$ superimpose (
(fast "8 16") .
(mask "t(1,16)") . (|+ note 12)
$ stut 4 (slow 4 "0.9") (1/16)
$ arp "[down,up]"
$ note ("<f4'min g4'maj d4'min f4'maj>")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.3
$ superimpose (|+ note 12)
$ note ("<<f4'min!4 f5'min!4> g4'maj d4'min f4'maj>")
# s "moogBass" # gain 0.75
d8 -- vibration montante!
$ superimpose (|+ note 5)
$ every' 4 "<0 1 2 3>" (someCycles rev)
$ sound "bd"
# note "0 <12 -12>"
>| speed (
segment 64
$ range "<0!4 9!4>" 5 saw
# gain 0.55
# pan 1
# legato 2
let bpm = 120
setcps (bpm/60/4)
d1 -- KICK
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence)
$ slow "<1!8 2!8>"
$ s "k k k <k k*2>"
# s "popkick"
# lpf (slow 10 $ range 50 1500 sine)
# gain 0.85
d2 -- Drumroll
$ whenmod 64 48 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 64 32 degrade
$ whenmod 64 16 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 64 0 (slow 2)
$ fast "<<4!4 8!2 16!2> 8> <8 16>" $ s "dr"
# speed (slow 8 $ "<0.25 0.5 0.75>")
# pan "[0 1]*4"
# gain 0.7
d4 -- Piano/ TODO: synthe
$ whenmod 8 7 rev
$ off ("<1 2>"/24) id
$ note (scale "major"
"<0 1 2 3>(<4!3 8!3>,8)"
+ "c'maj")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.2
d8 -- Choeurs
$ note (scale "major"
"[<0 1 2 3>!3 <7 6 5 4>]"
+ "<0!4 [0, 12]!4>" - 12
# s "moogBass" # gain 0.8
$ whenmod 4 3 (fast 2)
$ s "~ ~ ~ clap:3"
# gain 0.7
$ mask "t(<1!2 2!2 4!2>,4)"
$ jux rev
$ note ("0(<3!4 5!4>,8)" + (slow 4 $ "<0 2 5 7 12!4>")
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.5
d1 $ fast (irand 16) $ s "dr"
-- Attente!
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 $ s "k ~ k <k!3 k*2>" # "jazz" # gain 0.6
d2 $ s "~ sn" # s "electro1" # gain 0.7
d3 $ fast (slow 16 "<4 8>") $ s "drum:8" # gain 0.8
$ note (scale "major"
"[0, 5, 9]"
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.7
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
solo 5
solo 6
unsolo 6
solo 7
-- Le crapeau russe
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 -- Kick techno regulier variations filtre
$ whenmod 32 24 (<| n "0*2")
$ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0")
-- $ whenmod 32 24 (<| n "0*2")
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0")
$ s "k(<4!3 [4 8 8 4!3]>,4)" # s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 40 400 sine)
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.5
d3 -- Les snares bogdanesques
$ fast 4
$ "~ <h!3 h*2>"
# s "bogdan:1"
# cut 3 # gain 0.8
d4 -- begaye!
$ someCyclesBy 0.8
$ someCyclesBy 0.2
(# gain 0)
$ rarely (# lpf 3000)
$ often (# hpf 1500)
......@@ -32,18 +34,20 @@ do
# cut 4
# room 0.4
# size 0.5
# gain 0.7
# gain 0.8
d5 -- Electric Bassline TODO Variations
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3"
"0 1 0 1 0 1 <2 3> <2 -2>"
- 24
# s "supersquare" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.5
# s "supersquare" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.7
d6 -- Le crapeau!
$ someCyclesBy 0.1 (# gain 0.6)
$ loopAt 0.5 $ striate 4 $ sound "bogdan:2"
# cut 7 # gain 0
$ someCyclesBy 0.2 (# gain 0.7)
$ loopAt "<0.5!7 0.125>" $ striate 4
$ sound "bogdan:2"
# cut 7
# gain 0
# pan rand
d7 -- TODO : ??
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
-- Doux ? sombre basse
setcps (120/60/4)
$ s "k k <k!3 ~> <k!3 k*2>"
# s "jazz"
# gain 0.8
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 2000 500 sine)
d2 -- drumroll
$ fast "8 [16 . 32 [8 16]]" $ s "drum:2"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.8 0.9 cosine)
# room 0.48 # sz 0.5
$ sometimesBy (slow 4 $ "<0 0.2 0.3 0.5>") degrade
$ jux (fast 2)
$ note (
whenmod 16 8 (12 - ) -- renversement
"0 0 0 2" + -- melodie
"c3'maj" + -- accord de base
"<0!3 12>" -- variation octave
# s "f(<3!3 <4 8>>,8)" # s "superfork"
# pan 1
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Basse
$ note ("[0, <3!3 7!3>(3,8)]"
- 24
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.8
# pan 0
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ do
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.65
# sustain "1 . <0.5 0.25> 0.25"
d5 -- Piano lead
-- $ superimpose (arp "down")
$ note (
setcps (100/60/4)
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 10 ( -- Pont
# silence)
$ every' 4 3 (fast 2)
$ "k . k ~ k?" # s "reverbkick"
# hpf 150
# gain 0.7
$ whenmod 16 8 (slow 2)
$ whenmod 16 0 (slow 2)
$ s "~ s" # s "snare:10"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 0.6 cosine)
d3 -- Drumroll
$ whenmod 16 10 (ply "<2 4>")
$ fast "<8!3 <16 [16 8]>>" $ s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 0.9 sine)
$ slow 2
$ slice 8 "<0 1 <2 4> <3 5>>*8"
$ s "bsguitar:4"
# cut 1 # gain 0.7
$ often (superimpose (arpeggiate))
$ note ("<c5'maj c5'maj c5'min c5'maj>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.6
$ fast 2
$ fast 4 $ s "dr"
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ fast (slow 8 $ "<1 [1 2] 2 [2 1]>")
$ fast 2
$ n "0"
# s "kick:5"
-- Accel: get faster, yet calmer
-- Tags: Techno, dark bass, synthe, sirenes
-- Ready: 7/10 (Melody+, Variations=, Parts=)
d2 -- Snares + hats
$ superimpose (const
$ sometimes (# crush 4)
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ euclid (slow 4 $ "<5 7 8>") 8
$ s "linnhats" # n (slow 2 $ "<0 1 [2 0]>"))
$ n "~ <3 3 [3 ~ 3 2] 3> ~ [2 <~ 3?>]"
# s "sn"
-- region Part 1: setup accel vivant
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snare
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
unsolo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
let mKick = "<1!32 0!15 [0 1] 1!64 0.9!4 0.8!4 0.7!4 0.6!4>"
let gKick = 0.8 * mKick -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.7
let gBass = 0.7 * "<1!16 <[1 0]*4 [0 1]*4>!8 1!8>"
let gSiren = "<0!64 0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSynth = 0.55 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence) -- break frequent
$ n "0 0 <0!3 0?> 0"
# s "kick:5"
# gain gKick
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 200 isaw)
d2 -- Snares + hats
$ sometimesBy "0 0.25 . 0.5" (juxBy 0.25 rev)
$ whenmod 64 16 ( -- Hats!
superimpose (const
$ whenmod 64 48 (-- disparition
# gain (gHats * range 0.8 0.2 sine)
$ sometimes (# room 0.2)
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ euclid (slow 4 $ "<5 7 8>") 8
$ s "linnhats" # n (slow 2 $ "<0 1 [2 0]>")
# gain gHats
$ n "~ <3 3 [3 ~ 3 2] 3> ~ [2 <~ 3?>]"
# s "sn"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.3 0.6 sine)
# dry 1
# gain gSnare
d3 -- Drumroll chuchoté
$ every' 4 3 (juxBy 0.25 (|- gain 0.2))
$ fast ( -- cycle/4 ralenti-accelere
slow 4 $ "<1 [0.5 2] [2 0.5 1 2] [1 0.5 2]>"
$ s "dr*8"
# s "ifdrums:1"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Basse
$ superimpose ( -- Echo octave
(|+ note 12)
. (|- gain 0.2)
. (# room 0.5)
$ note (scale "aeolian"
whenmod 16 8 (iter 6)
"0 [4 5] 0"
+ melody
) - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain gBass
d5 -- Siren theme
$ whenmod 128 64 (# gain (gSiren))
$ slow 2
$ note (scale "aeolian"
) - 36)
# s "supersiren"
# sustain 4
# gain 0
d6 -- claps graduels sur 64
$ whenmod 64 48 (>| n "~ 0*2 ~ 0*2")
$ whenmod 64 40 (>| n "~ 0?*2 ~ 0?*2")
$ whenmod 64 32 (>| n "~ 0 ~ 0*2")
$ whenmod 64 0 (>| n "~")
$ whenmod 16 13 (# note "<2 4 6>")
$ n "~ ~ ~ 0"
# s "clap:1"
# gain gClap
# lpf 4000
d7 -- synthe echos electrique
$ superimpose (
(# s "supercomparator") .
(# voice (slow 64 $ sine * 8)) . (|- note 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (juxBy 0.4 (|+ note 12))) -- jux eclairs!
$ degradeBy "<1 1 1 0> <[1 1 1 0] [1 0] 0>"
$ n "0*16"
# voice "0.1"
# s "supersquare"
# note (scale "aeolian"
"<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>")
# gain gSynth
d3 -- Drumroll
$ fast (slow 4 $ "<1 [0.5 2] 2 [1 0.5 2]>")
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0 <0 [0|1]>" (# n 2)
$ s "dr*8"
# s "ifdrums:1"
# pan 0
-- endregion
-- region Part 2: Dry Melancholia
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- snare
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
let gKick = 0.8 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.7
let gBass = 0.7
let gSiren = 0.6
let gSynth = 0.55 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence) -- break frequent
$ n "0 0 <0!3 0?> 0"
# s "kick:5"
# gain gKick
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 200 isaw)
d2 -- Snares + hats
$ n "~ <3*2 3(<1 3>,8) 3 [3 ~ 3 2]> ~ [2 <~ 3?>]"
# s "sn"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.3 0.6 sine)
# dry 1
# gain gSnare
d3 -- Drum metronome chuchoté parfois fou
$ someCyclesBy "<0 0.5!2 0.75>" (fast "<2 2 2 [2|4]>")
$ s "dr*4"
# s "ifdrums:1"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.9
# room (slow 16 $ range 0 0.15 saw)
d4 -- Basse
$ note (scale "aeolian"
whenmod 16 8 (iter 6)
"0 [4 5] 0"
+ "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
+ "<<0 0 7 7> 7>") - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
$ superimpose ( -- Echo octave
(|+ note 12)
. (|- gain 0.2)
. (# room 0.5)
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"0(2,8) [5 4]*<1!3 2> <0!4 2 5>"
+ melody
) - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain gBass
d5 -- Siren choppee
$ mask "t(1,4,3)"
$ segment 4
$ slow 2
$ note (scale "aeolian"
) - 36)
# s "supersiren"
# sustain 4
# gain gSiren
# cut 5
d5 -- Siren theme
$ whenmod 128 64 (# gain 1)
$ s "s/2"
# s "supersiren"
# note (scale "aeolian"
(iter 1 $ "0 [4 5] 0"
+ "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
+ "<<0 0 7 7> 7>") - 36)
# gain 0
-- endregion
d6 -- claps graduels sur 64
$ whenmod 16 13 (# note "<2 4 8>")
$ whenmod 64 48 (>| n "~ 0*2 ~ 0*2")
$ whenmod 64 32 (>| n "~ 0?*2 ~ 0?*2")
$ whenmod 64 16 (>| n "~ 0 ~ 0*2")
$ whenmod 64 8 (>| n "~ 0? ~ 0")
$ n "~ ~ ~ 0"
# s "clap:1"
-- region Part 3: Folie
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- snare
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
let gKick = 0.8 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.7
let gBass = 0.7
let gSiren = "<0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSynth = 0.55 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence) -- break frequent
$ n "0 0 <0!3 0?> 0"
# s "kick:5"
# gain gKick
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 200 isaw)
d2 -- Snares + hats
$ n "~ <3*2 3(<1 3>,8) 3 [3 ~ 3 2]> ~ [2 <~ 3?>]"
# s "sn"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.3 0.6 sine)
# dry 1
# gain gSnare
d3 -- Drum metronome chuchoté parfois fou
$ someCyclesBy "<0 0.5!2 0.75>" (fast "<2 2 2 [2|4]>")
$ s "dr*4"
# s "ifdrums:1"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.9
# room (slow 16 $ range 0 0.15 saw)
d4 -- Basse
$ superimpose ( -- Echo octave
(|+ note 12)
. (|- gain 0.2)
. (# room 0.5)
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"0(2,8) [5 4]*<1!3 2> <0!4 2 5>"
+ melody
) - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain gBass
d5 -- Siren choppee
$ segment "<2!4 4!2 8!2>"
$ slow 2
$ note (scale "aeolian"
) - 36)
# s "supersiren"
# sustain 4
# gain 0.8
# cut 5
d7 -- synthe fou
d7 -- synthe echos electrique
$ superimpose (
(# s "supercomparator") . (# voice (slow 64 $ sine * 8)) . (|- note 12)
(# s "supercomparator") .
(# voice (slow 64 $ sine * 8)) . (|- note 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (jux (|+ note 12))) -- jux eclairs!
$ whenmod 16 0 (# gain 0.9)
$ degradeBy "<1 1 1 0> <[1 1 1 0] [1 0] 0>"
$ n "0*16"
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (juxBy 0.4 (|+ note 12))) -- jux eclairs!
$ n "0*12"
# voice "0.1"
# s "supersquare"
# note (scale "aeolian"
"<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>")
# gain 0
"<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>" + "[0 <1!3 3>]")
# gain gSynth
-- endregion
-- region Part 4: Résolution
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- snare
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
unsolo 6 -- clap
unsolo 7 -- synth
let mKick = "<1!32 0!15 [0 1] 1!64 0.9!4 0.8!4 0.7!4 0.6!4>"
let gKick = 0.75 * mKick -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.7
let gBass = 0.7 * "<1!16 <[1 0]*4 [0 1]*4>!8 1!8>"
let gSiren = "<0!64 0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSynth = 0.55 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence) -- break frequent
$ n "0 0 <0!3 0?> 0"
# s "kick:5"
# gain gKick
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 200 isaw)
d2 -- Snares + hats
$ sometimesBy "0 0.25 . 0.5" (juxBy 0.25 rev)
$ whenmod 64 16 ( -- Hats!
superimpose (const
$ whenmod 64 48 (-- disparition
# gain (gHats * range 0.8 0.2 sine)
$ sometimes (# room 0.2)
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ euclid (slow 4 $ "<5 7 8>") 8
$ s "linnhats" # n (slow 2 $ "<0 1 [2 0]>")
# gain gHats
$ n "~ <3 3 [3 ~ 3 2] 3> ~ [2 <~ 3?>]"
# s "sn"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.3 0.6 sine)
# dry 1
# gain gSnare
d3 -- Drumroll chuchoté
$ every' 4 3 (juxBy 0.25 (|- gain 0.2))
$ fast ( -- cycle/4 ralenti-accelere
slow 4 $ "<1 [0.5 2] [2 0.5 1 2] [1 0.5 2]>"
$ s "dr*8"
# s "ifdrums:1"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Basse
$ superimpose ( -- Echo octave
(|+ note 12)
. (|- gain 0.2)
. (# room 0.5)
$ note (scale "aeolian"
whenmod 16 8 (iter 6)
"0 4 0"
+ melody
) - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain gBass
d7 -- synthe echos electrique
$ superimpose (
(# s "supercomparator") .
(# voice (slow 64 $ sine * 8)) . (|- note 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (juxBy 0.4 (|+ note 12))) -- jux eclairs!
$ n "0*0"
# voice "0.1"
# s "supersquare"
# note (scale "aeolian"
"<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
# gain gSynth
-- endregion
-- Blue Impro: Techno piano blues impro
-- Tags:
-- Ready: 4/10
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
setcps (130/60/4)
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ note "0 0 0 -2" # s "kick:5"
# gain 0.45
# lpf (slow 8 $ range 20 2000 rand)
d2 -- Les hats de gretscha
$ (# cut 2) . (# pan 0.6)
$ whenmod 32 16 (-- break!
const $ mask "t(<0!16 1!4 2!4 6!4 8!4>,8)"
$ splice 8 "<0!3 4> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" $ s "break:1"
# gain 0.6
$ n "<4!2 5!2>(<[5,1]!3 <8!3 1>>,8,[0,3])"
# s "gretsch"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.4 0.7 saw)
d3 -- Drumroll fantome
$ every' 4 3 (fast "<4!3 [4 8]>") . (|+ gain 0.1)
$ n "1*4" # s "ifdrums" # gain 0.6
$ whenmod 64 48 (degradeBy "0 0.9")
$ whenmod 64 32 (someCyclesBy "0 0.5" (fast 2))
$ superimpose ( -- Main gauche!
off "[0.5,0.75?]" id
. stut "[4]" 0.75 (1/12)
. mask "t(1,8)"
. (|+ note ("[0, 12]" - 24))
. (|- velocity (range 0.1 0.25 rand))
. (# sustain 1)
. (# pan 0.35)
$ whenmod 8 6 (degrade . (# sustain 1))
$ rarely (off 0.125 (|- gain 0.15))
$ often (off "[0.375?,0.25]" (|- gain 0.1))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0|12] [1|5] <2 [6|7|8]>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.5
# pan 0.4
# sustain "0.45 <0.5 0.25>"
# gain 0.8
......@@ -14,67 +14,65 @@ $ note (
# s "bass3"
# gain 0.8
d1 -- autre Basse
$ whenmod 8 4 (|- n 2)
$ someCyclesBy 0.4 ((superimpose (|- 7)) . (|+ 7)) -- 2: matiere plastique
$ someCycles (off 0.25 (|- 7))
$ n (scale "major" "[0 0] ~ 1 0 1 1 0 0")
|- 14
# s "subBass1"
# gain 0.9
d2 -- hit roll
$ someCycles (# s "dr:2")
$ someCycles (# s "dr:1")
$ s "<hh*4 hh*4 hh*4 [hh*4 ~]>"
# s "hh"
# release 0.5
d3 -- claps
$ whenmod 32 16 (degradeBy 0.2)
$ s "<[~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp . cp ~]>"
# s "clap"
# gain 1.1
d1 -- autre Basse
$ whenmod 8 4 (|- n 2)
$ someCyclesBy 0.4 ((superimpose (|- 7)) . (|+ 7)) -- 2: matiere plastique
$ someCycles (off 0.25 (|- 7))
$ n (scale "major" "[0 0] ~ 1 0 1 1 0 0")
|- 14
# s "subBass1"
# gain 0.9
d2 -- hit roll
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" ((# gain 0.8) . (# s "dr:2"))
-- $ someCycles (# s "dr:1")
$ s "<hh*4 hh*4 hh*4 [hh*4 ~]>"
# s "hh"
# release 0.5
# gain 0.9
d3 -- claps
$ whenmod 32 16 (degradeBy 0.2)
$ s "<[~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp] [~ cp . cp ~]>"
# s "clap"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.8 saw)
d4 -- fork
$ whenmod 50 0 (# release "0.05")
$ superimpose (
(# s "supergong") . (# gain 0.5) . (# release 0.5))
$ s (cat [
"~ f f*2 ~"
, "f f ~ f"
, "f*2 ~ f f"
, "[f*4] ~"
# s "superfork" # n (scale "major" (-4))
# release 0.5
# gain 1.5
# gain (slow 64 $ range 1.5 0.6 isaw)
# pan 0.8
d5 -- kick
$ fast 2
$ every 4 degrade
$ s "kick:5"
# gain 0.9
d6 -- drums 80s
$ degrade
$ superimpose (# n 0) -- tick
$ fast 8 $ "electro1" # n (choose [1,2,2,2,3,3,3])
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 1.1 saw)
d4 -- fork
$ whenmod 50 0 (# release "0.05,0.01 .. 0.5")
$ off 0 ((# s "supergong") . (# gain 0.5) . (# release 0.5))
$ s (cat [
"~ f f*2 ~"
, "f f ~ f"
, "f*2 ~ f f"
, "[f*4] ~"
# s "superfork" # n (scale "major" (-4))
# release 0.5
d5 -- kick
$ fast 2
-- $ fast "<2 4 2 2 1 0>"
$ every 4 (degrade)
-- $ s "kick:19"
$ s "kick:5"
d6 -- drums 80s
$ degrade
$ superimpose (# n 0) -- tick
$ fast 8 $ "electro1" # n (choose [1,2,2,2,3,3,3])
d7 -- lead orgue
$ degradeBy 0.4
$ rev
-- $ slow 2 $ degrade $ (|+ note 7)
$ sometimes (off "<0 0.125 0.25 0.25>" (# s "[organTonewheel0,organTonewheel4]") . (|- gain 0.1))
-- $ superimpose (# s "organTonewheel2")
$ superimpose (# s "organTonewheel3")
$ superimpose (# s "organTonewheel2")
-- $ superimpose (# s "organTonewheel3")
$ chop "<2 4 4 8 8 2>"
$ off (1/4) (|+ note "<5 7 3 0 5>")
$ note "-7"
# gain 0.75
# room 0.8
# dry 2
# size "<0,0.05 .. 0.3 0.3,0.05 .. 0>"
# gain 0.9
# room 0.8 # dry 2 # size "<0,0.05 .. 0.3 0.3,0.05 .. 0>"
# s "organTonewheel1"
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