break blue

parent b9a7c478
setcps (60/60/4)
solo 1 -- Break/kick
solo 3 -- Basse
solo 4 -- Piano Aigu
solo 5 -- Piano Grave
solo 6 -- Clap
solo 8 -- Maracas
unsolo 1 -- Break/kick
unsolo 3 -- Basse
unsolo 4 -- Piano Aigu
unsolo 5 -- Piano Grave
unsolo 6 -- Clap
unsolo 8 -- Maracas
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.65
let gBreak = 0.5
let gBass = 0.4
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 0.8
let vPianoMin = 0.35
let vPianoGauche = 0.4
let vPiano = 0.5
$ superimpose (const -- THE BEAT
$ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k*0"
# s "jazz"
# lpf 50
# gain gKick
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0)
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 32 28 (|> "0*4 1!2 7 6 8 ~ 8")
$ whenmod 32 24 (|> "0 1 2!6")
$ whenmod 16 15 (|> "0!6 [8 7]")
$ whenmod 16 12 (|> "0 1 2 3*5")
"0 <1 2> <2 1> 3 4*<1!4 2!4 4!24> [5 5?] 6*<1 2 4> <7!3 6>"
$ s "break"
# gain gBreak
d3 -- Bassline
$ whenmod 40 20 ( -- doublage electrique
(sometimes (# crush 6) . (ply 2))
$ swing 2
$ note (scale "blues"
("0 [2 . 2 <2!2 4 -2> 0]")
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.01
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
# gain gBass
-- # hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 2500 sine)
d4 -- Piano aigu fou
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,4)"
$ whenmod 32 16 (often (off 0.125 (|+ note "[0,7]")))
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (fast 2))
$ n "0*16"
# note (scale "blues" (
"<0!2 [0 1] 0!2 [0 -1 -4]>"
+ 24)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ range vPianoMin vPiano sine)
d5 -- Accords main gauche
$ stut' 4 (1/16) ((|+ 0). (|- velocity 0.05))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0,<3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 0 ~>]")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (vPianoGauche)
# sustain 2
d8 -- maracas hombre
$ whenmod 6 4 (fast 2)
$ s "m(<3 5>,8)" # speed "[0.8|0.86|0.92]"
# s "drum:3"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.4 # dry (slow 100 $ range 0 5 sine)
# gain gMaracas
-- $ fast 2
$ s "~ clap:1"
# speed (slow 42 $ range 0.9 1.2 isaw)
# gain gClap
once $ s "hh:9" # gain 1
$ fast 4
$ s "drum:8" # gain 0.6
$ iter 4
$ fast 3 $ n "<[0 1 2] [0 1]> . <0 1 2>"
# s "ho hc"
# gain 0.4
d5 $ s
setcps 0.5
d1 $ s "jazz"
# lpf 200
# gain 0.6
# pan 0.6
d2 $ s "ho hh [hc hh?]"
# n "[0|1|2|3]*2 0 [0 <0 1>]"
# cut 2
# gain 0.5
# pan 0.4
-- $ every 2 (degrade . ply 2)
$ fast 2
$ s "d*2 <~ [~ d]>" #"drum:8" # gain 0.7
$ note ("[0(3,16),<3!3 5>(2,16,4),[<5 3>,<12 10>](1,2,1)]"
- 24
# sustain "[0.5,0.25]"
-- # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# s "bassWarsaw"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 10 1000 sine)
# gain 0.8
unmute 5
d5 -- Guitare pompe contretemps
$ note ("[~ <<0!2 3!2> <2 <7 12>>!2>]*2") # s "bsguitar:3"
# gain 0.7
# room (slow 64 $ range 0.25 0.7 sine)
# size (slow 50 $ range 0 0.9 sine)
-- TODO arguments definition.
let ffreq = pF "ffreq"
setcps 0.6
once $ s "methbass:2" # gain 0.6
-- Meth DNB: J'ai toujours préféré ta cuisine maison <3
let melody = "<<0 <2 4>>!2>"
......@@ -9,16 +11,16 @@ do
$ whenmod 24 18 (|> gain 0.2)
$ whenmod 24 16 (|> gain 0)
$ fix (# s "sn:5") (s "s")
$ fix (# s "[kick:1,ulgab?]") (s "k")
$ fix (# s "[kick:1]") (s "k")
$ superimpose (# s "bd")
$ every 4 (
sometimesBy "0 0.5" (fast 2)
$ s "k ~ s ~ ~ k s <~ s>"
$ every 4 ( sometimesBy "0 0.25" (fast 2)) -- Double s(1,4)
$ s "k ~ s ~ ~ k s <~!3 s>"
# gain 0.7
# pan 0.3
-- Lead: Comete!
d2 $ "methbass:10"
$ whenmod 24 16 (|> gain 0)
$ "methbass:10"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.55 sine)
# note (slow 2 $ "<0 0 2 2>")
# hpf 500
......@@ -28,12 +30,12 @@ do
$ whenmod 24 14 (|+ gain 0.1)
$ whenmod 24 15 (# gain 0.25)
$ chop 2
$ s "~ methbass:4"
$ s "~ methbass:4/2"
# note ("<0 -2>!2")
# gain 0
-- Nappes intenses
$ euclid ("2^<1 2 4 2>") 8
$ euclid ("2*<1 2 4 2>") 8
$ s "abstract:0"
# note ("<0 -2>!4")
# gain 0.8 # cut 4
......@@ -50,16 +52,3 @@ do
$ note (scale "aeolian" "c3'maj")
# s "abstract:11" # cut 7 # gain 1 # end 0.1
# pan (slow 16 $ sine / 2)
# n 10
# gain 0.7
note s "methbass:"
d2 $ s "methbass:1"
-- # gain 0.5
# cut 2# n 10
# note (slow 2 $ "<0 0 2 2>")
# gain 0.7
setcps 0.6
-- TODO: Montee, descente, DNB style
drawLine "k ~ s ~ ~ k s <~!3 s>" -- goal
drawLine "[k~~~~k~~,s(2,8,2)]" -- todo
d1 $ s "k . ~ k ~ ~" # s "kick:1" # gain 0.8
$ whenmod 32 28 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 32 24 (hurry "1 [2, 1]")
$ whenmod 32 16 (hurry "1 2")
$ s "~ s . ~ ~ s <~!3 s>" # "sn:5" # gain 0.5
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
solo 5
solo 6
solo 7
-- Le crapeau russe
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 -- Kick techno regulier variations filtre
$ whenmod 32 24 (<| n "0*2")
$ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0")
$ s "k(<4!3 [4 8 8 4!3]>,4)" # s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 40 400 sine)
# gain 0.8
d3 -- Les snares bogdanesques
$ fast 4
$ "~ <h!3 h*2>"
# s "bogdan:1"
# cut 3 # gain 0.8
d4 -- begaye!
$ someCyclesBy 0.8
(# gain 0)
$ rarely (# lpf 3000)
$ often (# hpf 1500)
$ loopAt 19
$ striate "64 <64!3 [64 128]>"
$ sound "bogdan:14*4"
# cut 4
# room 0.4
# size 0.5
# gain 0.7
d5 -- Electric Bassline TODO Variations
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3"
- 24
# s "supersquare" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.5
d6 -- Le crapeau!
$ someCyclesBy 0.1 (# gain 0.6)
$ loopAt 0.5 $ striate 4 $ sound "bogdan:2"
# cut 7 # gain 0
# pan rand
d7 -- TODO : ??
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
$ striate (slow 8 "<8 4 2 1>")
$ s "break:9"
# gain 0.4
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