chore: Organize & document

parent c367f816
-- Harder crime: Tidal crime variations with Raph (WIP)
once $ "dr" # gain 2
$ struct "t(5,8)"
$ arp "up"
$ note "<f'maj7 g'sus4 a4'min7 e'min7>"
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.8 # crush 4 # room 0.34
# octave 3
-- region Nova Utils
let gFactor = 1.2
let gG a = (gain (gFactor * "^77" * a)) -- gain Global
let gM' l h a = (gG (range l h a)) -- gain Modéré
let gM a = (gM' 0.2 0.8 a) -- gain Modéré doux
let gLPF = (# lpf (min 10000 ((range 200 20000 ("^49")))))
let gHPF = (# hpf (max 0 (min 7500 ((range "-7500" 7500 ("^49"))))))
let gDJF = (gLPF . gHPF)
let novaOn ch pat = (someCyclesBy ch pat)
let novaOff ch pat = someCyclesBy (1 - ch) pat
-- endregion Nova Utils
let sawHarmonic = pF "sawHarmonic"
let mix = pF "mix"
let modIndex = pF "modIndex" -- 0.2
let g = gDJF
let gMix = ((# mix (range 0 20 "^53")) . (|* gain (range 1 0.7 "^53")))
let gMod = ((# modIndex (range 0.2 100 "^33")) . (|* gain (range 1 0.6 "^33")))
let gP = (gMix . gMod)
let keyboard = "FMRhodes1"
let pkey = "<f'maj7'1 g'sus4'1 a4'min7'1 e'min7'1>"
let prog = "<f'maj7 g'sus4 a4'min7 e'min7>"
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 $ g
-- $ mask "<<f!4 t f!3> t!12 f!4 t f!3 t!8>"
$ novaOff "^42" (<|"k . ~ k ~ ~")
$ novaOn "^42" (<| "k k k <k!3 k*2>")
$ "[jazz,cpu2]"
# lpf 4000
# gM' 0 0.9 "^78"
d2 $ g
$ whenmod 16 8 (-- clap
superimpose ((# "clap") . (# lpf 200) . (# note "-0")
. (|* gain "<0.85 0.9 1!6>"))
$ novaOn "^42" (<| "~ s ~ s*2")
$ novaOff "^42" (<| "~ s ~ s")
$ "sn:20"
# lpf 2000
# gM' 0.2 0.9 "^79"
d3 $ g
$ novaOn ("^76") --BOUTON NASSIM
(slice 8 ("<[0 .. 7]!3 [0 1 2 ~ . 0 1 2 ~]>") . (loopAt 1)
. (>| "breaks125") . (|* gain 1.35)
$ novaOff "^76" (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 1 saw))
$ "d d d d d d d*2 d"
# "[drum:2,amencutup:5]"
# gM' 0 0.75 "^80"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.1 0.9 sine)
# room 0.2 # dry 0.99
d4 $ g $ gP -- Gauche
$ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!8 t!8>" -- TODO NOVA
$ struct "t . ~ t"
$ note (arp "updown" prog)
# keyboard
# gM' 0 1.2 ("^81" * range 0.8 1 sine)
# pan 0.45
d5 $ g $ gP -- Droite 2/3
$ whenmod 16 10 (-- TODO NOVA
superimpose (const
$ struct "[t t t ~] [t ~ . t] . ~"
$ note (slow 4 $ prog)
# keyboard
# pan 0.65
# gM' 0 1 "^81"
$ mask "<f!6 t!10 t!8 f!4 t!4>" -- TODO NOVA
$ struct "<t [t t t ~] t t> . ~ <[t t][t t t]>"
$ note (slow 2 $ iter 4 $ prog)
# keyboard
# pan 0.55
# gM' 0 0.9 "^81"
d6 $ g -- Horloge
$ fast 8
$ note "<0 -2>"
# "drum:2"
# hpf 5000
# hpq 0.3
# room 0.1 # dry 0.98
# gain ("^80" * 0.45)
d7 $ g
-- $ mask "<f!8 t!8>"
$ (|> note (prog))
$ note "[gs5 g5 gs5 ~] [g5 ~ . <gs5 as5>] . <~ ~ [<g5 ~> ~ . <gs5 ~>] [~ as5]> ~"
# "strings"
# sawHarmonic 1.9
# pan 0.1
# mix 0.8
# gM' 0 0.8 "^83"
# room 0.2
d8 $ g
$ novaOn "^90" (chop 16)
$ novaOn "^58" (+ note (slow 4 "<0 12>"))
$ note (pkey)
# "bassWarsaw"
# octave 3
# voice (range 0.1 2 "^34")
# room 0.6 # sz 0.2
# gM' 0.4 1 "^82"
# crush (range 10 3.6 "^54")
-- Tidal crime Investigation
-- Published as
-- Image original: [Stormy blue see in sunlight by Ben Mack](
resetCycles resetCycles
once $ "dr" # gain 1.2
do do
-- region Nova Utils -- region Nova Utils
...@@ -91,13 +96,14 @@ d7 $ g ...@@ -91,13 +96,14 @@ d7 $ g
# room 0.2 # room 0.2
d8 $ g d8 $ g
$ novaOn "^90" (chop 16) $ novaOn "^90" (chop 16)
$ novaOn "^58" (+ note (slow 4 s"<0 12>")) $ novaOn "^58" (+ note (slow 4 "<0 12>"))
$ note ("<c3 c3 g3 gs3>") $ note ("<c3 c3 g3 gs3>")
# "bassWarsaw" # "bassWarsaw"
# voice (range 0.1 2 "^34") # voice (range 0.1 2 "^34")
# room 0.6 # sz 0.2 # room 0.6 # sz 0.2
# gM' 0.4 1 "^82" # gM' 0.4 1 "^82"
# crush (range 10 3.6 "^54") # crush (range 10 3.6 "^54")
d9 $ note ("gs5(3,8)") # "supergong" # gM' 0 0.8 "^83" d9 $ note ("gs5(3,8)") # "supergong" # gM' 0 0.8 "^83"
11 │ //Standard Definitions 11 │ //Standard Definitions
# Content # Released
**Courant alternatif**
> Tes tambours m'électrisent.
- ISRC code GBSMU8430476
- UPC/EAN code 5059594646243
## Jamendo
ParVagues, 2020. Disponible sous License CC-BY-SA. Contact email ParVagues at
Genre/subgenres (max 3)
dnb (drumnbass)
Relevant tags: instruments, mood, themes (max 7)
Keyboard (synthesizer)
positive (upbeat)
- Courant alternatif (instru Hip/dnb)
- Pensif (instru pensif low-key) - Pensif (instru pensif low-key)
...@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ apad_mh -- Vibration bol ...@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ apad_mh -- Vibration bol
bassWarsaw -- Bass guitar synth bassWarsaw -- Bass guitar synth
beating -- frequency oscillations combined beating -- frequency oscillations combined
blip1 -- Electric, kinda guitar-like blip blip1 -- Electric, kinda guitar-like blip
blueNoise -- Blue nooise: cymbal-like blueNoise -- Blue noise: cymbal-like
chaoscillator -- Blip-like chaoscillator -- Blip-like
cheapPiano1 -- synthetic piano cheapPiano1 -- synthetic piano
clapElectro -- clap like hands clapElectro -- clap like hands
# Study
> Various studying material
- `club` Lessons and copied bits from the [Tidal Club](
- `eric` Lessons from [Eric Fairbank's website](
- `nova` Videos from [PV Nova](, exercices in various styles
- `tidal-worksheets` "A collection of tidalcycles worksheets designed for workshops, by Lucy Cheesman and Alex McLean
- `tutorial` sheets written while reading the [Tutorial](
- `val` snippets from my friend Val
tidal-worksheets @ 63c38572
Subproject commit 63c38572648d6d8c37163c1054aebb3316462fc9
-- idm rythm
once "dr"
d4 $ degradeBy 0 $ n "~ 0 [~ 2] [<~ 0> 0]" # s "jazz"
-- # gain (range 0.9 1 rand)
-- # silence
d5 $ sometimesBy 0.3 (ply (choose [2]))
-- $ (degradeBy 0)
$ inside 6 (someCycles (fast 2))
$ s "peri*6"
# n (irand 6)
# gain (range 0.7 1 rand)
# cut 1
-- # silence
$ sometimesBy 0.4 (ply (choose [2,3,4]))
$ degradeBy 0
$ n ("3 ~ 2 [4 ~]" + "<0 2 0 3>") # s "industrial"
# cut 1
# gain 1
-- # silence
-- idm jazz part
prog2 = "<0 3 9 7 5 4>"
prog2 = "<5 6 4 2 8 0>"
prog2 = "<0 4>"
d8 $ s "made(<3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10>,12,<0 3 1 2>)"
# n "<11>"
# note (scale "aeolian" (prog2 - 7 + "[-7,0,<4 5 4>,7,<9 10>]"))
# gain 0.6
# legato "2" -- "<1 1.25 1.5 2>"
tidal-worksheets @ 63c38572
Subproject commit 63c38572648d6d8c37163c1054aebb3316462fc9
# Tools
> utils blocks to [un]mute or [un]solo one or all tracks
Used as a side panel which you can execute as one-liners or whole block:
mute 1 do
mute 2 mute 1
mute 3 mute 2
mute 4 mute 3
mute 5 mute 4
mute 6 mute 5
mute 7 mute 6
mute 8 mute 7
mute 9 mute 8
mute 10 mute 9
mute 11 mute 10
mute 11
unmute 1 do
unmute 2 unmute 1
unmute 3 unmute 2
unmute 4 unmute 3
unmute 5 unmute 4
unmute 6 unmute 5
unmute 7 unmute 6
unmute 8 unmute 7
unmute 9 unmute 8
unmute 10 unmute 9
unmute 11 unmute 10
unmute 11
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