live: Crime and friends

parent f0643d1c
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ setcps (135/4/60)
-- TODO: Voice split pan, lead stronger than side, fix aigus chorus2
-- TODO: Claps: could be more "spread manual single-time clap" FIXME check masks
-- resetCycles -- FIXME: Not looping, bass out of sync
resetCycles -- FIXME: Not looping, bass out of sync
let bass1 = "5 ~ ~ 5 8 5 ~ 5"
let bass2 = "~ 5 ~ 5 8 5 3 ~"
let bass5 = "8 ~ ~ 8 11 8 ~ 8"
let sawHarmonic = pF "sawHarmonic"
let mix = pF "mix"
setcps (110/60/4)
$ mask "<<f!4 t f!3> t!12 f!4 t f!3 t!8>"
$ "k . <k [~k~~]>" # "[jazz,cpu2]"
-- $ "k k k k" # "[jazz,kick:5]"
# lpf 4000
# gain 0.75
$ struct ("t*<4 4 4 4 [4 8]!2 16 [16 8]>")
$ "~ s ~ s"
# "sn:20"
# lpf 2000
# gain 0.8
-- $ mask "<f!7 f!21>"
-- $ superimpose (
-- (# "amencutup:4")
-- . (# lpf 2000) . (|* gain 0.8)
-- )
$ "d d d d d d d*2 d"
# "[drum:2,amencutup:5]"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.6 saw)
# pan (slow 16 $ sine)
# room 0.2 # dry 0.99
d4 -- Gauche
$ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!8 t!8>"
$ note "<c3!3 as3> . ~ [gs3 g3]"
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.45
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.8 1 sine)
# pan 0.45
d5 -- Droite 2/3
$ whenmod 16 10 (superimpose (const
$ note (
"[gs5 g5 gs5 ~] [g5 ~ . <gs5 as5>] . ~"
# "superpiano"
# pan 0.65
# velocity 0.4
$ mask "<f!6 t!10 t!8 f!4 t!4>"
$ note (
"<c3 [as4 gs3 g3 ~] cs3 c3> . ~ <[gs3 g3][gs3 g3 f3]>"
+ 12)
# "superpiano"
# pan 0.55
# velocity 0.45
d6 -- Horloge
$ fast 8
$ note "<0 -2>"
# "drum:2"
# hpf 5000
# hpq 0.3
# room 0.1 # dry 0.98
# gain 0.45
$ mask "<f!8 t!8>"
$ note "[gs5 g5 gs5 ~] [g5 ~ . <gs5 as5>] . <~ ~ [<g5 ~> ~ . <gs5 ~>] [~ as5]> ~"
# "strings"
# sawHarmonic 1.9
# pan 0.1
# mix 0.8
# gain 0.8
# room 0.2
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ let keyboard = "FMRhodes1"
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 $ g
-- $ mask "<<f!4 t f!3> t!12 f!4 t f!3 t!8>"
$ novaOff "^42" (<|"k . ~ k")
$ novaOff "^42" (<|"k . ~ k ~ ~")
$ novaOn "^42" (<| "k k k <k!3 k*2>")
$ "[jazz,cpu2]"
# lpf 4000
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ d7 $ g
# room 0.2
d8 $ g
$ novaOn "^90" (chop 16)
$ novaOn "^58" (+ note (slow 4 "<0 12>"))
$ novaOn "^58" (+ note (slow 4 s"<0 12>"))
$ note ("<c3 c3 g3 gs3>")
# "bassWarsaw"
# voice (range 0.1 2 "^34")
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