Mardi progressif

parent 92cd8bfb
setcps 0.8
-- Progressive tuesday: Electronic progressive aeolien aerian
-- $ degradeBy 0.15 $ fast 4
$ fast 2 $ every 4 (sometimesBy 0.9 (0.25 ~>))
-- $ sometimesBy (slow 16 $ sine - 0.2) (off 0.125 (# gain 0.6))
$ s "kick:5"
$ whenmod 8 4 (sometimes degrade)
$ (every 4 (degrade) . (fast 2) . (# n 5)) -- quand tu veux
$ s "kick"
# n 3
# gain 0.8
d2 -- snares
$ fast 2
$ s "~ <~ <~ sn?>> sn <~ ~ ~ sn?>"
# s "sn:8"
# gain (slow 32 $ 0.5 * cosine + 0.4)
d3 -- synth running up
$ degradeBy 0.5
$ whenmod 8 4 (|+ note 5)
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8))
# s "defaultB"
# gain 0.9
d4 -- basse
$ whenmod 64 32 ( -- seconde aigue
every' 8 7 (off 0.25 ((|> note (4 - 12)) . whenmod 16 10 (# crush 6)))
. every' 8 5 (off 0.25 (|> note (7 - 12)))
$ often (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ note (slow 2 $ scale "aeolian" "<0 2 4 0>")
# s "bassWarsaw"
|- note 24
d6 -- electro bass
$ stut "<1 2 4 8 4 2 1>" 0.8 0.125
$ often (off 0.25 (|+ 0))
$ note (slow 2 $ scale "aeolian" "<0 2 4 0>")
# s "bassWarsaw"
# crush 6
|- note 24
d5 -- piano
$ someCycles (superimpose (|- note 12))
$ whenmod 16 10 (# size 0.7) . (# dry "0,0.5 .. 3")
$ whenmod 16 8 ((swing 2) . (# room 0.5)
. (superimpose (# s "FMRhodes1") . (# gain 0.8)))
$ whenmod 16 4 (swing 1)
$ superimpose (|+ note "7")
$ arpeggiate
$ note (scale "aeolian" "[0,<3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2>,<5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4>,7]")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 8 $ 0.4 * sine + 0.5)
# gain (slow 64 $ 0.8 - sine * 0.4)
d8 -- Network glitches
$ whenmod 8 6 (stut 4 1.1 (1/16))
$ sometimes (off 0.25 (chunk 8 $ rev))
$ someCycles (# crush 6)
$ someCyclesBy 1 (fast 2)
$ s "glitch:5"
# gain 0.8
d9 -- drumroll
$ whenmod 64 56 (# gain (slow 8 $ 1 - tri))
$ whenmod 64 48 (degrade)
$ whenmod 64 40 (# room 0.6)
$ whenmod 64 32 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 64 24 (degradeBy "0.2 0.2")
$ whenmod 64 16 (degradeBy "0.1 0.1")
$ whenmod 64 8 (degradeBy "0 0.1")
$ someCycles (fast 2)
$ fast 4
$ "dr"
d7 -- super fork
$ whenmod 128 96 (# gain (slow 32 $ 1- tri))
$ whenmod 128 64 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 128 32 (# gain (slow 32 $ tri))
$ whenmod 16 8 (|- note 2)
$ whenmod 16 4 (|- note 2)
$ note (scale "major" "0 7 0 7")
# s "superfork"
# gain 0
# room 0.8
# size 0.6
d10 -- claps
-- $ degrade
$ fast 2
$ s "~ clap:8"
# gain (slow 32 $ 0.5 * sine + 0.35)
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