update: Lessons, live from abstract to pensif

parent e775d58c
......@@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ d3 -- Percroll
$ almostNever (# n 1) . degrade
$ s "d(<10!2 14 16>,16)"
# s "bsperc:5"
$ fast "<8!3 [[8 16] 1]>"
$ s "dr"
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ d1
-- $ euclid 2 4 $ s "b"
$ s "~ <b> . b . <b> ~ . b"
# s "kick:8"
# gain 0.5
-- # gain 0.5
$ s "~ <b> . b . <b> ~ . b"
# n "[0,1]"
# s "dr"
# gain 0.6
-- # gain 0.6
--- TODO: Sample Geisha by Les elles
-- Drone vibrating dildo
-- Chopped moans
d1 $ slow 4 $ note melody # s "supersaw" # gain 0.6 # voice 0.1 # legato 1.1
d2 $ scramble 4 $ chop 8 $ s "tablex" # n (irand 2) # gain 0.9 # speed (cycleChoose [1,1.5,00.5])
let melody = "[-24, <-17 -17 -18 -17 -17 -14>]"
d3 -- drumroll
$ fast "16 <8!3 [32 <8 16>]>" $ s "dr"
# gain 0.7
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 saw)
d2 -- Snares
$ sometimes (superimpose (# s "glitch3:4")
$ someCycles (hurry 2)
$ s "s(<1 3 5>, 8)"
# s "sn:10"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.7 sine)
d4 -- Allez
$ s "<k!3 k*2> k([1||1|1|3|3|5],8)"
# s "reverbkick"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 200 2000 sine)
# gain 0.7
$ superimpose (# s "supergong") . (# gain 0.45)
$ s "~ f f*2 ~"
# s "superfork"
# note melody
# gain 0.45
# release 0.5
-- Part 2: Church
let melody = scale "mixolydian" "[-14, <-9 -9 -10 -7 -7 -5>]"
d1 $ superimpose ((# s "superpiano") . (# gain 0.8)) $ slow 4 $ note melody # s "supersaw" # voice 0.2 # gain 0.65 # legato 1.1 # triode 0.2
d2 $ scramble "<4 8 16>" $ chop "<4 8 16>" $ s "tablex" # n (irand 3) # gain 0.9 # speed ((cycleChoose [1,0.8, 0.9]) * cycleChoose([-1])) # coarse (cycleChoose [8,2,16])
d3 $ fast (cycleChoose [1,4,4,6]) $ s "juno" # gain 0.7 # triode 0.2 # legato 0.5 # silence
d4 $ s "glitch(12,16)" # gain 0.95 # n ((choose [3,2,6]) + 0) # legato 1
d5 $ note (" "melody + 12) # s "supervibe" # gain 0.85
let melody = scale "mixolydian" "[-14, <-9 -9 -10 -7 -7 -5>]"
d6 -- drumroll
$ fast "16"
$ s "[dr,hh:8]"
# gain 0.8
d7 -- Snares
$ whenmod 8 7 (fast "<1 [2 1]>")
$ sometimesBy "<0 0 0 [0 0.75]>" (hurry 2)
$ s "s(<1 3 5 8>, 8)"
# s "sn:10"
# gain 0.8
d8 -- Allez
$ s "jazz(<3 5> <1!3 2>,8)"
# gain 0.85
$ superimpose (
stut 4 0.95 "<0.25 0.5>" .
(# s "supergong") . (|- gain 0.1)
(|+ note 12)
$ sometimes (off 0.5 (|+ note 5))
$ off 0.25 (|+ note "<0 12>")
$ slow 4
$ note (melody - 2)
# s "superfork" # gain 0.7
-- Grave cool ta superfork !
-- Thanks ! Ca fait des super gongs/cloches
d5 $ note ((inside 4 (fast (cycleChoose [2,4])) $ "0 4 0 <7 12 10>") + melody + (cycleChoose [12, 24])) # s "supervibe" # gain 0.75 # legato 3 # coarse (cycleChoose [8,2,1,1]) # hpf (slow 4 $ range 440 2000 sine) # tremdp 1 # tremolorate 15 # hpq (slow 3 $ range 0 0.5 sine)
-- Part 3: Outro
let melody = scale "<lydian lydian mixolydian>" "[-14, <-9 -9 -10 -7 -7 -5>]"
d1 $ superimpose ((# s "superpiano") . (# gain 0.85)) $ slow 4 $ note melody # s "supersaw" # voice 0.2 # gain 0.6 # legato 1.1 # silence
d2 $ jux rev $ scramble "<4 8>" $ chop "<4 8>" $ s "tablex" # n (irand 3) # gain 0.9 # speed ((cycleChoose [1,1.2, 0.9]) * cycleChoose([-1])) # coarse (cycleChoose [8, 2,16]) # hpf (slow 6 $ range 200 1000 sine) # hpq (slow 4 $ range 0 0.4 sine) # silence
d4 $ s "glitch(12,16)" # gain 0.95 # n ((choose [3,2,6]) + 3) # legato 4 # silence
d5 $ note ((inside 4 (fast (cycleChoose [2,2,4,4,3])) $ "0 4 0 <7 12 10>") + melody + (cycleChoose [12, 24])) # s "supervibe" # gain 0.75 # legato 3 # coarse (cycleChoose [8,2,1,1]) # hpf (slow 4 $ range 440 2000 sine) # tremdp (slow 12 $ range 0 1.5 saw) # tremolorate (slow 8 $ range 0 15 saw) # hpq (slow 3 $ range 0 0.5 sine) # silence
let melody = scale "<lydian lydian mixolydian>" "[-14, <-9 -9 -10 -7 -7 -5>]"
d6 -- drumroll
$ rarely (degradeBy "0 1!8")
$ fast "<8!3 16> [16 [32 16]]"
$ s "dr" # silence
d7 -- Snares
$ fix (# s "hh:8") (s "h")
$ fix (# s "sn:10") (s "s")
$ s "~ [s*[1|2] h]"
# gain 0.9 # silence
d8 -- Allez
$ whenmod 16 12 (# gain 0)
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (fast 2)
$ s "k(5,8)"
# s "jazz"
# gain 0.9 # silence
$ superimpose (
(# s "supergong") . (|- gain 0.1) .
(|+ note 12)
$ sometimes (off 0.5 (|+ note 5))
$ off 0.25 (|+ note "<0 12>")
$ slow 4
$ note (melody - 2)
# s "superfork" # gain 0.7 # silence
-- Changement de modes dans la progression harmonique
-- nice, jamais tenté auparavent
-- C du jazz maintenant lol
-- En tout cas de la muique msodale
--J'avoue c'est devenu etonnament harmonieux
......@@ -3,39 +3,39 @@ setcps 0.5
$ every 16 (0.25 ~>)
$ every 8 (0.125 ~>)
-- $ fast 4 -- faster!
$ fast 2 -- fast!
$ fast 4 -- faster!
-- $ fast 2 -- fast!
-- $ euclid "<1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2>" 2
$ s "jazz:0"
# gain 0.7
d2 -- drums, someroll
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 1)
$ whenmod 16 4 (# gain 0.8)
$ whenmod 16 0 (# gain 0.6)
-- $ fast 2
$ fast "2 1"
$ sometimes (# s "dr 808cy:5")
$ s "dr*<2 4> [hh hh?]"
# gain 0.7
d3 -- bass
$ note ("<<0 3> <0 3> <0 -4> <0 -4>>" + "0 7 ~ 0 6 7 6 3")
$ note ("<<0 3> <0 3> <0 -4> <0 -4>>" +
"0 7 ~ 0 6 7 6 3")
# s "bass3"
# gain 0.8
d3 -- pont 80 drums
$ fast 2
$ fast 8
$ someCycles ((off 0.625 id) . (# n "3"))
$ off 0.125 id
$ s "e"
# s "electro1"
# n "2"
# gain 0.9
d4 -- TODO: gets annoying, do something
$ (chop 4) . (# cut 1) -- chopped echo
$ off 0.25 ((|+ note 7) . (# cut 1))
$ off 0.125 (|+ note 3)
d4 -- Choeurs!
-- $ (chop 4) . (# cut 1) -- chopped echo
-- $ off 0.25 ((|+ note 7) . (# cut 1))
-- $ off 0.125 (|+ note 3)
$ "moogBass"
# note "<0 0 0 0 3 3 3>"
# gain 0.7
-- # cut 1
# note ("<0!4 3!4>" + "0 -2")
# gain 0.75
d6 $ s "cp/4"
d6 $ s "cp:1/4"
setcps 0.6
d1 -- beat: default chill, run tous les 64
$ whenmod 128 1000 ( -- run
$ whenmod 128 129 ( -- run
const $ "[r r?] r r [r r?]" # s "[kick:4,kick:10]"
# release 0.8
# gain 0.7
setcps 0.45
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (# n 0)
$ s "bsperc(<3 [3|6] 12>,6)"
# n "[5|6]"
# gain 0.9
$ sometimes (ply 2)
$ whenmod 8 7 (# gain 0)
$ s "[dr(<6!3 12>,4),[~ . ~ ~ ~ 808oh]]"
# gain 0.7
$ off 0.5 degrade
$ off 0.25 degrade
$ often (superimpose (off 0.125
(|+ note "12")
$ slow 4
$ note (
"<7!3 0> . <5 12> 0? ~ 0?"
- 12
|+ note "<c'maj c'min d'min c'maj>"
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.45
$ slow 2
$ note ("<c3'maj>"
+ "0(5,8) <<4!3 8> <2 6>>*2"
+ (slow 4 $ "<0 12>")
) # s "superfork"
# gain 0.7
# room 0.2
setcps 0.45
let bars = 96
let slowdown = 14
let chordC = "[0, 12, 16, 19]"
let chordG = "[-5, 11, 14, 19]"
let chordF = "[-7, 12, 17, 21]"
let timeless = [chordC, chordG, chordF, chordG]
let metronome = "<4!3 [4|2]>"
let semiRoll = "32 8"
let fullRoll = "16 [32 . 4 16]"
let cutProg = "0 <[1 0]> <1!3 0> <1!3 0.5>"
let cutMost = "0 0.9"
let cutFew = "0 0.1"
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod bars (bars - slowdown)
-- (# cps (0.45 - "<0.03 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 [0.1 0.05]>")) -- SLOWDOWN
(degradeBy 0.9)
$ every 8 degrade
$ s "k(<3!3 1>,8,<0!3 1>) . k(3,4,<1 3>)" # s "jazz" # gain 1.2
d2 -- Snares + white noise
$ s "~ <s!3 s*2> . ~ <<s ~> s*2>" # s "[glitch:2,snare:11]" # gain 0.9
d3 -- Metronomo-roll
$ sometimes (jux id)
$ whenmod bars (bars - slowdown) -- SLOWDOWN? Nope!
(fast "<0.5 0.25 1 0.5 [1 2] [2 4]>")
$ fast (slowcat [metronome, metronome, metronome, semiRoll])
$ s "dr"
-- # room 0.5
# size 0.1 # dry 0
# cut 1
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.6 0.8 sine)
d4 -- Piano
$ degradeBy (slowcat [cutMost, cutMost,
cutProg, cutProg, cutProg, cutProg, cutFew])
$ sometimes (off 0.125 (|+ note "12 0?"))
$ sometimesBy 0.5 (off 0.375 (|+ note "<12 5>"))
$ note ((slowcat timeless) - 12)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.55
d5 -- basse
$ chew 4 "0*2 1(3,8) <2 [~ 2]> <3 [3 2]>"
$ arp "updown"
$ note ((slowcat timeless) - 36)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.05
# sustain 0.25
# gain (slow 4 $ 0.55)
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.5 1 sine)
d6 -- brass hits
$ whenmod bars (bars - slowdown) (# gain 0.5) -- SLOWDOWN? Gain up
$ s "~ ~ b/8 ~" # s "brass:6"
# note (scale "major" ("<1 1 2 1>"))
# gain 0.5
d8 -- Forks in tune
$ whenmod 32 16 (# accelerate "<0!3 <0.1 0.2>>")
$ euclid "<5 4 5 <8 [16 32]>>" 8
$ s "superfork"
# note ((slowcat timeless) - 24)
# sustain "<0.5!7 [0.25 0.125]>"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.8 cosine)
# pan (slow 2 $ rand / 2)
setcps 0.8
let bars = 32
let br2 = (bars - 4)
let br1 = (bars - 8)
let brEnd = (bars - 1)
d1 -- Poum tchak poum tchak
-- $ whenmod (bars*2) bars (mask "t(<[2|4|8] [3|5]>,16)")
$ whenmod bars brEnd (# gain "0!3 0.9")
$ whenmod bars br1 (# gain 0)
$ fix (
superimpose ((# s "abstract:2") . (# release 0.5))
. (# s "kick:4")
) ("k")
$ fix (
sometimes (whenmod 4 3 (hurry 2))
. sometimes (# lpf 5000)
. (# s "snare:30")
) ("s")
$ s "<k [~ <k k*2>]> s [~ k] [s <~ s?>]"
# release 0.75
# pan (slow 4 $ "<0.3 0.7>")
-- # gain 0.9
d2 -- Le rush
-- $ degradeBy 0.5
-- $ whenmod (bars*2) bars (mask "f(<[2|4|8] [3|5]>,16)")
$ whenmod bars brEnd (# gain 1.2)
$ whenmod bars br1 (hurry 2)
$ rarely (# crush 6)
$ someCycles (fast "1 . 2 1")
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (# n 7)
$ sometimesBy "0.5 0" (# n 8)
$ s "hh*8"
# pan (slow 24 $ sine * 0.8)
d3 -- Vent numeriques montants
$ whenmod bars br2 (# gain 1)
$ whenmod bars br1 (# gain 0)
$ sometimes (# crush "<9!3 8>")
$ jux rev
$ n "<0 3 2>(<3 5>,8)" # s "wind"
# speed (range 0.4 1 rand)
# note (slow 16 $ range (-16) 0 saw)
# gain (slow bars $ range 1 0.7 saw)
d4 -- vent renversant avant drop
$ whenmod bars br1 (
fast "<1 2 1 1 2 4 8>" . (# gain 0.8))
$ slow 2
$ s "space:3"
-- # speed "<1 0.75 0.7 0.6>"
# room "<0.2 0.4>"
# gain 0
d5 -- synthe fou
$ degradeBy (slow 8 "<0 0 0.5 [0.5 0]>")
$ s "~ c([3|4|6?],8)"
# note (
"<c2'min!3 <d2'min b1'min>>" + "-12"
+ (slow 4 $ "<0 [0|12]>")
# s "[casio]" # gain 0.9
setcps 0.5
once $ s "methbass" # n 6
let chordC = "[0, 12, 16, 19]"
let chordG = "[-5, 11, 14, 19]"
let chordF = "[-7, 12, 17, 21]"
let timeless = [chordC, chordG, chordF, chordG]
d1 $ slow 2 $ s "kick:5"
d2 $ slow 2 $ s "~ snare:5"
d3 -- Metronomo-roll
$ every 4 (fast "1 2")
$ fast "<8 <16 [16 [32 [64 16]]]>>"
$ s "dr"
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.6 0.8 sine)
d4 $ every' 4 3 (fast "2 1" . rev) $ arpeggiate $ note "c3'six" # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.5
d5 -- Piano
$ whenmod 16 15 (# gain "0.8 0!7")
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 0.75)
$ n "0(<[3|5] 4>,8)"
# note ((slowcat timeless) - 12)
# s "phazer"
# gain 0
# sustain "0.5"
setcps 0.5
solo 3
$ degradeBy 0.5
$ s "hh*8 ~"
d2 $ s "birds*2" # n 5
# gain 0.8
$ s "birds"
# n (irand 10)
# gain 0.9
-- Castle beats
setcps 0.6
d1 -- Beat hip
$ mask "f(<8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1>,8)"
$ s "k(<<3 5>!3 <5 3>>,8)"
# s "jazz"
# gain 0.8
let bars = 64
let tEnd = (bars - 2)
let bEnd = (bars - 4)
let bMid = (bars - 32)
d1 -- technoo
$ whenmod bars tEnd (fast 2)
$ whenmod bars (tEnd - 3) (degrade)
$ whenmod bars 16 (fast 2)
$ whenmod bars 0 (slow 2)
-- $ slow 2
$ s "k k . [~ k|k . k k?]"
# s "reverbkick"
# gain 0.8
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 1000 8000 sine)
d2 -- snares contretemps assez reguliers
$ juxBy 0.3 rev
$ someCyclesBy "<0!3 0.75>" (hurry 2)
$ "~ <s [~ s] s*2 s?>"
# s "snare:11"
# note (-12)
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.8 0.95 sine)
d3 -- Carillon Roll
$ whenmod 32 24 (mask "f(3,4)")
$ fast "<2 4> <2!3 [4 2]>"
$ fast "<[4 2] [8 4]>"
$ s "hh:8"
# gain 0.8
d4 -- Pianooo
-- $ degradeBy (slow 8 $ "<0 [0 0.75 0.9 0.5]>")
-- $ sometimes (0.125 ~>)
$ whenmod (bars * 2) bars ((euclid "<3!4 5!4>" 16) . slow 16)
$ bite 4 "<0!4 3!4> <0!3 1 3!3 2> <0!3 2 3!3 1> <0!3 3 3!3 0>"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.5
$ mask "t(<1 3>,4)"
$ whenmod 64 32 (often (superimpose
(sometimesBy (slow 16 $ "<0 1>") (mask "t f*7"))
. (# crush 2) . (|- gain 0.1)
$ sometimesBy "0.8 0.2 0 0.05" (fast 2)
$ every 8 rev
$ often rev
$ bite 4 "0 1 [2|3] [3|2]"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8) - 24)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# sustain 0.2
# room 0.8
# gain 0.5
d6 -- Choeurs
$ bite 4 (slow 2 $ "<0 <1 2>>")
$ slow 2
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8) + "[12]")
# s "moogBass"
# gain 0.8
d7 -- claps
$ sometimes (whenmod 4 2 (# s "cp"))
$ s "~ ~ ~ <~ <c [c|c*2]>>"
# s "clap"
# n "~ ~ ~ [0 . 1]"
# gain 0.9
-- DU CODE !
d1 -- BEAT
-- Dub digitale? decouverte supersynths
setcps 0.5
$ whenmod 32 30 (# silence)
$ whenmod 32 24 (degrade)
$ fast "4 <4!3 <8 [16 4]>>"
$ s "kick808"
d2 -- Snares
$ n "~ [s*[1|2] ~]"
# s "snare:3"
$ someCycles (fast "1 1 1 2")
$ sometimes (# s "drum:8")
$ fast "<<4 12> 8> <4 <8 6>>"
$ s "dr"
$ n "~ 0(3,4,[0|1]) ~ 0(3,4,[0|2])"
# note (scale "aeolian" "[0,3,7]" + "0 <3!3 <2 5>>")
|- note 24
# s "superhammond"
# voice 32
# gain 0.8
$ whenmod 8 6 (rev)
$ chop "<1 2 4>"
$ arp "updown"
$ s "supersiren"
# note (
scale "aeolian" "[0,3,7]" + "0 <3!3 <2 5>>"
- 7
# release 1.5
# sustain 8
# gain 0.45
$ s "0(<8 5>,8)"
# note (
scale "aeolian" "[0,3,7]" + "0 <3!3 <2 5>>"
- 7
# s "supermandolin"
# gain 0.9
$ s "superhoover"
# note (
scale "aeolian" "[0,3,7]" + "0 <3!3 <2 5>>"
- 12
# slide 2
# accelerate "<2 4 8 16 32 64 128>"
# decay "[0.5 0.25]"
# gain 0.6
$ slow 4
-- $ off (1/16) (# note "c3'maj")
$ chop "<16 [16 8] [16 16 8]>"
$ arp "updown"
$ s "superzow"
# note (slow 4 $ "<c4'maj e4'maj>")
# gain 0.7
setcps 0.5
dsetcps 0.5
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0 <0 0.9>" (fast 2)
-- Hip-Hop energetic instrumental
setcps 0.42
d8 $ -- silence -- metronome
s "<birds:0 birds3:2 birds3:2 birds3:2>"
# gain "<0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3>"
d1 -- 4: KICK Chaloupe
$ whenmod 16 14 (# gain 0.7)
$ whenmod 16 11 (# gain 0)
$ whenmod 16 7 (# gain 0.7)
$ whenmod 16 6 (# gain 0)
$ jux rev
$ s "<k ~> <~ k> . k k ~ k"
# s "jazz"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.65
d2 -- 3: Hats sur 8!
$ whenmod 16 15 (|+ gain 0.5)
$ whenmod 16 11 (|- gain 0.6)
$ whenmod 16 4 (|+ gain 0.4)
$ whenmod 16 3 (|/ gain 2)
-- $ jux rev
$ sometimesBy 0.8 (superimpose ( -- bulles glissantes 8bit!
(# s "supersnare"). (# n (-12))
. (# accelerate 8) . (# sustain 1)
. (|- gain 0.3)
$ every' 4 3 ((1/16) ~>) -- decale sur 8
$ euclid "<1 3 5 8>" 8
$ s "superhat"
# pan (slow 16 $ sine)
# gain 0.5
d3 -- 2: Drumroll!
-- $ jux rev
$ whenmod 16 11 (|+ gain 0.1)
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (off (1/16) id)
$ whenmod 16 8 (fast 2)
$ n "0*4" # s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 32 $ cosine / 4 + 0.4)
# pan 0.4
d4 -- 1: Scratched birds!
$ ((1/16) ~>)
-- $ degradeBy "0 0.7 0.1" $ s "b*16"
$ rarely (off (1/16) id) $ s "b(8,8)"
-- $ s "b(<3 3 5 3 5 5 8 5 8 8 8 8>,8)"
# s "birds3" # n (irand 3)
# gain (slow 32 $ sine / 4 + 0.5)
# pan 0.6
d5 -- 4: Lead saw
$ whenmod 32 16 (# silence)
$ whenmod 16 14 (stut 4 0.9 (1/16))
$ whenmod 16 12 (|+ n 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (|+ n 12)
$ degradeBy (slowcat [
"0", "0", "0", "0 1 . ~ . 1 1 . <0 1>",
"0", "0", "0", "1 0 . ~ . 1 1 . <0 1>",
"0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1",
"0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1"
$ n (
"0 5 . ~ . 12 13 . <12 15>"
# s "supersaw"
# gain 0.4
d6 -- 4: Basses accompagnement
$ jux id
$ n "0([1|3|5],[3|8]) <1 [1 . ~ 1] 1(3,2) <5 5(3,3)>>" # s "bassWarsaw"
|- 24
# pan 0.2
# gain 0.7
d10 -- 5: Toy Classical music!
$ hurry 2
every' 32 28
(|> s "toys:2")
$ s "~ ~ t ~"
# s "~"
# lpf 1000 # vowel "u"
# leslie 0.01 # lsize 4 # lrate 0.7
# note (-10)
# gain 0.8
let gKick = 2
let gSnares = 1
let gDrums = gSnares
d1 -- 4: KICK Chaloupe
$ whenmod 16 11 (# gain ("<0!3 1!3>" * gKick))
$ whenmod 16 7 (# gain gKick)
$ whenmod 16 6 (# gain 0)
$ s "k <~!7 k> <~ k?> k ~ <~ k> k <~!3 k>"
# s "jazz"
# pan 0.4
# lpf (slow 8 $ "<500 <200 [200 500]>>")
# gain gKick
d2 -- 3: Snares + bulles
$ degradeBy "0.75 0 0.75 0.1"
$ whenmod 64 48 (sometimesBy 0.8 (superimpose ( -- bulles glissantes 8bit!
(# s "supersnare"). (# n (-12))
. (# accelerate 8) . (# sustain 1)
. (|- gain 1)
$ sometimesBy "0!3 0.1" (off ("[1|3]/16") id)
$ every' 4 3 ((1/16) ~>) -- decale sur 8
$ juxBy 0.2 rev
$ euclid "<1 3 5 3>" 8
$ s "sn:8"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.25 1 saw) -- Chasing drums
# gain gSnares
d3 -- 2: Drumroll!
$ whenmod 32 28 ( -- hihatification
degradeBy "0.75 0.25" .
(# dry (slow "<16 8 4>" $ range 0.1 4 saw))
$ whenmod 32 4 (fast "8 . 16 <16 [8 [8|16]]>")
$ every' 32 1 (fast 4)
$ every 32 (fast 8)
$ s "drum:8"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 1 0.25 saw) -- Chasing snares
# room 0.8
# dry 1
# gain gDrums
d4 -- 1: Scratched birds!
$ ((1/16) ~>)
$ degradeBy "0 0.7 0.1" $ s "b*16"
-- $ rarely (off (1/16) id) $ s "b(8,8)"
-- $ s "b(<3 3 5 3 5 5 8 5 8 8 8 8>,8)"
# s "birds3" # n (irand 3)
# gain (slow 32 $ sine / 4 + 1.5)
# pan 0.6
d5 -- 4: Lead saw
-- $ often (chop 4)
$ whenmod 16 14 (stut 4 0.9 (1/16))
$ whenmod 16 12 (|+ note 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (|+ note 12)
$ degradeBy (slowcat [
"0", "0", "0", "0 1 . ~ . 1 1 . <0 1>",
"0", "0", "0", "1 0 . ~ . 1 1 . <0 1>",
"0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1",
"0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1", "0 . 1"
$ note (
"0 5 . ~ . 12 13 . <12 15>"
# s "supersaw"
# gain 0.8
d6 -- 4: Basses accompagnement
$ whenmod 32 24 (# silence)
$ every' 32 0 (degradeBy "0 1!7")
$ jux id
$ n "0 <1 [1 . ~ 1] [5 5 ~ 5] [5 . ~ 5]>"
-- $ n "0([1|3|5],[3|8]) <1 [1 . ~ 1] 1(3,2) <5 5(3,3)>>"
# s "bassWarsaw"
|- 24
# pan 0.2
d10 -- 5: Toy Classical music
$ s "~ ~ t/2 ~"
# s "toys:2"
# end "<0.46 1>" # release 1.7
# lpf 500
# crush 7
# gain 1.2
setcps 0.5
-- mask: degrade onoff
-- ply: nice repeat each
-- squiz
-- djf: nice low/high split
let maskDown = "t(<8 6 4 2>,8)"
let maskUp = "t(<8 6 4 2>,8)"
let melody = (scale "lydian" ("c4'maj" + "<2 4 6 9>"))
$ mask (slowcat [
maskDown, maskDown, maskDown, maskDown,
maskUp, maskUp, maskUp, maskUp
$ sometimesBy "0 1" (off 0.5 id)
$ ply "1.02" $ s "reverbkick(3,8) snare:23"
# djf (slow 8 $ sine * 0.8)
# gain 0.8
$ whenmod 16 12 (hurry 2)
$ whenmod 16 12 degrade
$ ply "<[8 . 16 <8 16> 8] [16 8]>"
$ s "dr"
# room 0.1 # sz 0.2
-- $ euclid "<3 <<5? 5> 2>>" 8
$ mask "f(<<0 2> 4 8>,8,[1|3|5|7])"
$ iter 4 $ arp "<updown downup>"
$ note (melody
- 12
# s "superfork"
# sustain 1
$ chew 4 "0<2 (5,4)> . 1(3,8) [2 3]"
$ slow 2
$ superimpose (arpeggiate)
$ note (melody
- 12
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.6
$ always (|+ note "0 . <[-2 -4] [5 0]>")
$ sometimesBy "<0 0 0.25 0.5>" (off (3/16) (# squiz 1))
$ often (off (2/16) id)
$ mask "t f*<7 3 1>"
$ arp "updown"
$ note (melody + 12)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.7
setcps 0.5
d1 -- beat hip-hop
$ whenmod 16 12 (# gain 1.3)
$ whenmod 16 11 (# gain 1)
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 0)
$ s "k k k [<k k?> <~ k>]" -- techno!#
-- Hip hop!
-- $ every' 8 6 (degradeBy "0 1 . 1 . 1")
-- $ s "b ~ b b ~ b b ~"
# s "electro1:5"
# gain 1.3
$ every' 8 6 (degradeBy "<1 0>")
$ every' 8 3 (degradeBy 1)
$ jux rev
$ sometimes (off (1/16) id)
$ s "~ <~ <t? t>> ~ t"
# s "snare:1"
# gain 0.9
once $ s "superpiano" # gain 1
$ every' 8 7 (degrade)
$ every' 4 3 (off (1/16) id) -- double
$ s "dr*8"
# s "drum:8"
# gain 0.7
$ whenmod 8 7 (# silence)
$ sometimesBy "<0 0.25 0.75 0>" (off (3/16) id)
$ sometimesBy 0.8 (off (2/16) id)
$ sometimesBy 0 (off (1/16) id)
$ s "d*4"
# s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 16 $ 0.2 * sine + 0.75)
d4 -- drums
$ degradeBy "<1 1 1 <[1 0.8 0.2 0] 0>>"
$ s "~ electro1(6,8)"
# n (choose [2,3,4])
-- Hip-hop pensif, majeur, triomphal sur la fin
d5 -- basse
$ whenmod 64 32 (# gain (slow 32 $ sine * 0.3 + 0.6))
$ whenmod 32 24 (|+ note 12) -- pont octave!
$ every' 8 0 (degradeBy "0 0 0 1")
$ superimpose ((arp "<up down updown downup>") . (# gain 0.9))
$ whenmod 8 3 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 8 0 (slow 2)
$ note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "bassWarsaw"
|- note 32
# gain 0.9
d5 -- basse reggae
$ chop "<1 <2 4 8>>"
$ note ("[0,5]" + "<7 7 5 [5 9 7]>")
# s "bassWarsaw"
|- note 24
d6 -- Choeurs <3
$ every' 4 3 (arp "<down up downup updown>")
$ note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "moogBass"
|- note 12
# gain 0.7
d6 -- piano triomphal
$ whenmod 64 63 (degradeBy "0 0.25 . 0.75 1")
$ whenmod 64 59 (|+ velocity 0.1)
$ whenmod 64 54 (|- velocity 0.1)
$ whenmod 64 48 (|+ velocity 0.1) -- pont octave!
$ note "[0 0? 0]*4"
# note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.5
# sustain "[0.25 0.25 <0.05 0.15>]*4"
# gain 0.5
d7 -- piano fou contretemps reggae
$ note ("[0,5]" + "0 0 . 0 0 ~ 0 " + "<7 7 5 5>")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.5
# room 0.2
d10 -- background voice "Queue"
$ superimpose (chop 8 . (# crush 5) . (# sustain 2) . (# room 0.4))
$ note "0/4"
# s "alphabet:16"
# gain 0.5
d8 -- cymbale
$ whenmod 16 14 (sometimesBy "0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9" (#s "hh:10"))
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0 0.05" (#s "hh:8")
$ s "h(3,8) h(3,8,<0 <2 4>>)"
# s "hh"
# gain (slow 16 $ sine * 0.6 + 0.6)
setcps 0.5
d9 -- claps
$ s "~ c ~ c"
# s "clap"
# gain 0.9
d1 -- beat hip-hop
$ whenmod 16 12 (# gain 1.3)
$ whenmod 16 11 (# gain 1)
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 0)
-- $ s "k k k [<k k?> <~ k>]" -- techno!#
$ every' 8 6 (degradeBy "0 1 . 1 . 1") -- Hip hop!
$ s "b ~ b b ~ b b ~"
# s "electro1:5"
# pan (slow 4 $ "<0.45 0.55>")
d2 -- Snares bruités
$ every' 8 6 (degradeBy "<1 0>")
$ every' 8 3 (degradeBy 0.9)
-- $ jux rev
$ sometimes (off (1/16) id)
$ s "~ <~ <t? t>> ~ t"
# s "snare:1"
# gain (slow 16 $ "<0.6 0.7>")
d3 -- Drums
$ fast "<[2|4]!3 8> . <[8|16]!3 8> <4 4 8 16>"
$ s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 16 $ 0.5 * sine + 0.75)
d4 -- 80s Break drums
$ juxBy 0.25 rev
$ degradeBy "<1 1 1 <[1 0.8 0.2 0] 0>>"
$ s "~ electro1(6,8)"
# n (choose [2,3,4])
d5 -- basse
$ whenmod 64 32 (# gain (slow 32 $ sine * 0.3 + 0.6))
-- $ whenmod 32 0 (# crush 8) -- pont electrique!
$ every' 8 0 (degradeBy "0 0 0 1")
$ superimpose ((arp "<up down updown downup>") . (# gain 0.9))
$ whenmod 8 3 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 8 0 (slow 2)
$ note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "bassWarsaw"
|- note 32
# gain 0.9
# pan 0.35
d6 -- piano triomphal
$ degradeBy "0 0.75!2 0"
$ whenmod 64 63 (degradeBy "0 0.25 . 0.75 1")
$ whenmod 64 59 (|+ velocity 0.1)
$ whenmod 64 54 (|- velocity 0.1)
$ whenmod 64 48 (|+ velocity 0.1) -- pont octave!
$ degradeBy (slow 64 $ sine * 0.5)
$ note "[0 0? 0]*4"
# note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.55
# sustain ("[0.5 0.5 <0.05 0.15>]*4" + (rand * 0.15))
d7 -- quinte complement 1 3 56 8
$ note ("[0,5]" -- quinte
+ "0 0 . 0 0 ~ 0 " -- rythme
+ "<7 7 5 5>" -- variations
- 12
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.35
# sustain 1
# room 0.2
d8 -- Choeurs <3
$ every' 4 3 (arp "<down up downup updown>")
$ note (scale "major" "<[0, 7, 9, 11] [-3, 6, 8, 11] [-4, 5, 7, 10] [-6, 5, 7, 10]>"
# s "moogBass"
|- note 12
# gain 0.8
d9 -- Cymbale
$ whenmod 16 14 (sometimesBy "0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9" (#s "hh:10"))
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0 0.05" (#s "hh:8")
$ s "h(3,8) h(3,8,<0 <2 4>>)"
# s "hh"
# gain (slow 16 $ sine * 0.6 + 0.6)
d10 -- background voice "You"
$ superimpose (chop 8 . (# crush 5) . (# sustain 2) . (# room 0.4))
$ note "0/4"
# accelerate (slow 4 $ "<0 <0.2 -0.1>>")
# s "alphabet" # n (slow 4 $ "20")
# gain 0.5
d11 -- claps
$ s "~ c ~ <c!2 c? c*2>"
# s "clap"
# gain 0.7
setcps 0.3
$ sometimes (stut 3 0.9 0.125)
$ rarely (# cut "[1,2]")
$ s "k ~ k . k k <k ~>"
# s "kick" # n "[2,9]"
# lpf (slow 32 $ range 200 20000 sine)
$ whenmod 16 12 (degradeBy "0 0.5 0.75 0")
$ n "0 . <~ [0 0?]> [0? 1]"
# s "kick:5"
# lpf 200
# gain 0.8
d2 -- Snares plus ou moins reguliers
$ whenmod 48 36 (# gain (slow 12 $ 0.9 - saw / 2))
$ fast 2
$ sometimes (fast 2)
$ sometimes (hurry 2)
$ s "~ <~ s?> . s s?"
# "snare"
# n "[2|3] . <4 6>"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.9 cosine)
d3 -- Et tititi, et tatata, et titititatatatititi, et tititi...
$ rarely (degrade)
d3 -- roll
$ whenmod 16 8 (degrade . fast 2)
$ rarely (fast 2)
$ s "dr*8"
# s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1.2 sine)
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 sine)
d4 $ n (stack [
"0(3,8,<0 4>)"
,"<~ 1*2?>(1,8,7)"
,"[2, 3?](3,8,<0 0 0 0 2 2 2 4>)"
# s "hh"
# gain 0.8
$ every 2 (often (slow 2))
$ juxBy 0.2 (# crush 5)
$ arp (slow 4 $ "<pinkyup updown downup speedupdown speeddownup>")
$ whenmod 16 8 (someCyclesBy 0.75 rev)
......@@ -39,7 +38,16 @@ $ note (scale "aeolian" (
"f4'maj d4'min d4'maj c4'maj" - 7
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.05
# gain 0.75
# gain 0.5
$ superimpose (swing 2 . arp "downup") . (|+ note 7)
$ note (scale "aeolian"
"<d4'maj e4'maj f4'min <d f>4'maj>"
- 21)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.05
# gain 0.5
$ every 2 (superimpose ((swing 2) . (arp "[updown|downup]") . (# room 0.5)))
-- Sunny days
setcps 0.5
let bars = 16
d1 -- Kick/snares
$ fix (
(# s "reverbkick") . (# lpf (slow 8 $ 100 * ("<2 4 8 20>")))
) (s "k")
$ fix ((# s "sn:2") . (|- gain 0.1)) (s "s")
$ whenmod bars (bars - 2) -- Pont SNARE RUSH!
(const $ s "[~ s*8 s*[16 8] s*[16 32]]/4" # s "snare:2")
-- $ fast (slow 2 $ "<4 [8 . <4 2>]>") $ s "k"
-- ^: Regulier techno-ish
$ almostAlways (slow 2) $ s "k*8 . [k ~ . k*2] k*2"
-- ^: rapide sautillant balance
-- $ slow 2 $ s "k(3,8) s k(5,8) s*2"
-- ^: accelerant sautillant
# gain 1
d2 -- Hi-hat polisson
$ sometimesBy (slow 8 $ sine) (jux (# crush 3))
$ rarely (hurry 2)
$ s "hh(<5 10>,16)"
d3 -- Birds roll!
$ (# note "<[0 [0 7] 7 [7 0]] [0|7]>")
$ jux (# crush 2)
$ fast (slow 4 $ "<2 [2|4] 4 [4 2]>")
$ fast "4 . [8 4]"
$ s "birds3"
# n "2"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.6 1 sine)
d5 -- Regular bass
$ degradeBy "<[0 0.5 . 1] 0>" -- cut motif
-- $ sometimes rev
-- $ whenmod (bars*4) (bars*2) (jux rev)
$ whenmod (bars*2) bars (chop 2)
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" ((|- gain 0.2 ) . (superimpose (# crush 6)))
$ euclid "<3 5>" 8
$ note (scale "major"
(slow 8 $ "<c'maj c'min>")
+ "<0 0 <-2 3> 0>"
- 21
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
# gain 0.65
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5 0 0" (stut "<2 4 8>" 0.5 (1/16))
$ s "~ c ~ [c c?]"
# s "cp:2"
# room 0.4 # dry 1
$ note (scale "major"
"0" +
(slow 8 $ "<c'maj [c'min d'maj b'min c'maj]>"))
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.7
d8 -- Bird toys
$ degradeBy "<0.75 0.5 0.25 0>"
$ sometimes (0.5 ~>)
$ s "~ birds ~ ~" # n (1 + irand 9)
# gain 0.7
$ whenmod 16 15 (# gain 0.8)
$ s "supersiren/2"
# sustain 4
# note (scale "major" ("0" - 14))
# gain 0
d4 -- Weird vibe
$ slow 4
$ note (scale "major"
"<f4'maj <a5'maj d4'maj>>"
# s "supervibe"
# decay 2
# velocity 2
# accelerate 0.25
# detune 0.75
# gain 0.3
......@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ $ whenmod 8 6 (degradeBy "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0")
$ s "<k [k*2 ~]> . k ~ <~ k?> <k? k>"
# s "reverbkick"
# lpf 500
# gain 0.6
# pan 0.1
# gain 1.5
$ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.2 (# crush 4))
......@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ $ note ("5 6 8 ~ 8 [6 5] 6 ~"
# resonance 0.1
# decay (slow 32 $ range 0 0.5 cosine)
# lfo (slow 16 $ range 0 1.8 sine)
# gain 0.5
# gain 0.8
-- Apris à - à la volette
once $ s "abstract:3" # cut 1 # end 0.1
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence)
$ whenmod 16 4 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 16 0 (slow 2)
$ every' 16 0 (degrade)
$ n "0 0 [0 <~ 0?>] 0*2"
# s "clubkick:2"
-- # gain 1.2
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence)
$ s "~ s*2" # "sn:1"
# gain 1.2
d3 $ fast 8 $ s "dr"
$ chop 4
$ arp "up"
$ s "bassWarsaw"
# crush 5
# note "<c4!2 c4'maj c4'min>"
# gain 0.9
$ chop 8
$ s "methbass:2"
# speed "<2!3 4>"
# cut 5
# gain 0.8
d6 $ s "~ ~ s ~" # s "methbass:10"
setcps 0.5
$ whenmod 64 60 (degradeBy "<0.25 0.5 0.75 1>")
$ whenmod 32 16 (fast 2)
$ euclid 4 8
$ s "k"
# s "kick:5"
# gain 0.7
-- # s "clubkick:2"
setcps 0.35
d1 -- BEAT
$ whenmod 40 35 (# silence) -- pont 2
$ degradeBy "0 0 0.25 0"
$ s "0 0 0 <0 [~ 0]>"
# lpf 300
d2 -- Snares sur 8
$ whenmod 40 25 (# silence) -- pont 2
$ s "snare:7(<[3|5] 5 [5|4] 4>,8,[0|4])"
# room (slow 16 $ range 0 0.3 saw)
# size (slow 9 $ range 0 0.6 sine)
# gain (slow 4 $ 0.7 + rand / 4)
d3 -- Drumroll basique
$ whenmod 40 38 (sometimes $ hurry 2)
$ whenmod 40 35 (fast 2) -- pont 2
$ s "dr(7,8,<1 .. 7>)"
d4 -- Claps alternes
$ fast (slow 4 $ "<1 2>")
$ s "~ clap"
# gain (slow 40 $ range 0.7 1 saw)
# lpf 2000
d5 -- basse motif
$ whenmod 16 10 ( -- break 1
superimpose (# s "subBass2") . (|- gain 0.1))
$ whenmod 60 64 (swing 2)
$ arp (slow 8 $ "<thumbup [thumbup down] downup [downup up]>")
$ note ("f'maj e'min d'maj ~"
+ (slow 4 $ "<0 4 2 <0 12>>") -- descente
- 24)
# s "subBass1"
# room 0.4 # size 0.2
......@@ -254,3 +254,10 @@
--- 7
--- 8
--- 9
# Chords
6by9 7f10 7f5 7f9 7s5 7s5f9 7sus2 7sus4 9s5 9sus4 aug dim dim7 dom7 eleven elevenSharp five m11
m11s m11sharp m13m6 m6by9 m7f5 m7f9 m7flat5 m7flat9 m7s5 m7s9 m7sharp5 m7sharp5flat9 m7sharp9 m9
m9s5 m9sharp5 maj maj11 maj7 maj9 major major7 min min7 minor minor7 msharp5 nine nineSharp5
nineSus4 ninesus4 one plus sevenFlat10 sevenFlat5 sevenFlat9 sevenSharp5 sevenSharp5flat9 sevenSus2
sevenSus4 sharp5 six sixby9 sus2 sus4 thirteen
setcps 0.62
let bars = 4
key = "8"
rightHand = "[4 -3] [0 . ~ [0 -3]] . [~ -8] [7 5 4 0]"
leftHand = "[0 9 12 16] [4 12 16 19] . [5 12 17 19] [2 12 17 16]"
cutPreEnd = "1!4 1 <1!7 0> <1!3 0> 0"
cutPostBegin = "[0 <1!3 0>] 1!7"
d1 -- Piano, with cutting progression
$ slow bars
$ degradeBy (slowcat [
cutPreEnd, cutPreEnd,
"0.75", "0.5", "0.25", "0",
"0", "0"
$ stack [
degradeBy (slow 4 $ "<1 0 [0 1] 1>") $
n (rightHand + key+ "<24 36>/2"),
degradeBy (slow 4 $ "<0 [1 0.5] 0 0>") $
n (leftHand + key)
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.35
# octave "3"
# sustain "[2 0.7]*4"
d2 -- Beat slowly varying
$ slow (bars / (slow 16 $ "<1 2>"))
$ s "d(<[5 4] [3 8] 5 [4 16]>,8)"
# s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 500 15000 sine)
# gain 0.8
d3 -- Drumroll
$ fast "16 <2!3 8> <4!3 8> <1!3 <4, 8>>"
$ s "drum:2"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.65 0.8 sine)
d4 -- Bass
$ slow bars
$ rarely rev
$ bite 4 (
"[0, ~ ~ <3 [3|2|1]>*4 1]"
$ note (leftHand + key)
|- note 36
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.7
d5 -- Choir
$ whenmod 4 2 (superimpose (|+ note 12) . (|- gain 0.1))
$ slow (bars * 2)
$ bite 4 "0"
$ note (leftHand + key)
|- note 36
# s "moogBass"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.7 0.9 saw)
---- # Initial
setcps 0.62
solo 2
let bars = 4
key = "8"
rightHand = "[4 -3] [0 . ~ [0 -3]] . [~ -8] [7 5 4 0]"
leftHand = "[0 9 12 16] [4 12 16 19] . [5 12 17 19] [2 12 17 16]"
$ slow bars
$ stack [
n (rightHand + key+ "<24 36>/2")
# sustain 1, -- TODO find right value
n (leftHand + key)
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.5
# octave "3"
# sustain "[2 0.7]*4"
d1 $ every (irand 4) (slow (((rand + 1.0)/2.0)*3.0))
$ n "1 0 2 3" # s "bd bd bd bd" # cut 1
-- This has the kind of expanding and contracting rhythmic quality of late 20thC music where complex rhythm is employed, but what makes it powerful is it’s not gridlocked like traditional notation (mostly) is, and like most DAWs are.
d1 $ rarely (jux $ striate 16)
$ sometimes rev
$ every (irand 5) (slow (rand * 4.0))
$ n "1 [0 3 4] 2 3" # s "bd [jazz jazz jazz] popkick bd"
-- great one ! i also felt compelled to dig into this example which was super cool to understand irand - i played with cut a bit but i still didn’t get it fully
-- here’s my hack of your cool snippet, i added funny samples and a phaser… :japanese_ogre:
d1 $ every (irand 16) (slow (irand 64 + (rand * 3.0)))
$ n "3 0/2 1/3 0 1 1/5 3 2 0 2 0 4 [ 1 [1 1 ] 1 1]"
# s "808bd:1 808sd:1 808:1 bass:0 bass:1 "
# cut "[1 2 3]*2"
#phaserdepth 10
#phaserrate 3
-- http://ericfairbanks.org/music/tidal/supercollider/code/2012/08/26/tidal-electro.html
d1 $ density 2 $ s "[bd, <~ sn:6> hh:13]" # shape "0.7" # speed 1 # gain 0.7 # orbit 0
d2 $ slow 2 $ s "bass:3(<1>,12)" # up "0 1 2 3" # hcutoff 100 # orbit 1 # hcutoff 4000
d3 $ slow 2 $ s "bass:3(<16 16 16 20>,24)" # up "24 25 26 27" # hcutoff 1000 # orbit 1 # hcutoff 3000
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