feat: Future Funk Fragments repet

parent 18e42099
module Funk where
funk_noise = superimpose (const -- Bris de vers spatial
$ degradeBy (slow 4 "<0.75 0.5 0.25 0.1>")
$ someCycles (# speed 0.5)
$ stut 4 0.9 "q"
$ stut' 2 "h" (|+ note (slow 4 "<[2|4] [0 -2]>"))
$ "coins"
# octave 2 -- 4=creepy
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.25 0.45 saw)
$ superimpose (const -- Insectes
$ jux rev $ "insect(<1 3 4 5>,8)"
# n (slow 3 $ "<0 1 2 3>")
# gain (slow 2 $ range 0.4 0.6 perlin)
# pan 0.8
-- Fond diffus cosmologique
$ slow (slow 4 "<2 4 8>")
$ stut' 4 "e" (|+ note (scale "major" "[2|5]"))
$ s "cosmicg:0"
# gain (slow 33 $ range 0.15 0.3 perlin)
# speed (range 0.125 0.95 perlin)
# pan (range 0.4 0.6 perlin)
d8 -- FIXME bourrasque occassionnelle?
$ jux rev
$ every 8 (# gain 0.7)
$ s "space:3"
# speed 0.25
# gain 0.35
-- $ (* gain 0.75)
$ funk_noise
-- FIXME effects to add to noise?
# hpf (slow 6 $ range 0 1500 sine)
# lpf (slow 100 $ range 1500 20000 sine)
-- region Touchés par la grace: techno-gospel
-- Tags: Techno, gospel, funk
-- Ready: 6/10
-- Ready: 8.5/10
-- endregion
solo 1 -- Kick chaloupe
solo 3 -- AcceleRoll
solo 4 -- HH
unsolo 1 -- Kick regulier degradé
unsolo 2 -- Cymbales gravitantes
unsolo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 4 -- Mad Bassline discrete
solo 5 -- Lead choir
solo 7 -- Claps
unsolo 8 -- Bourrasque FIXME REWORK
unsolo 9 -- Glitchs FIXME REWORK
setcps (120/60/4)
solo 10 -- NOISE
d10 $ funk_noise
d1 -- Kick regulier degradé
-- $ whenmod 16 12 (mask "t(1,4)")
$ whenmod 16 12 (mask "t(1,4)") -- Respire
$ whenmod 16 8 ( -- Double degradé
sometimesBy "<0!2 0.25 [0.25 0.5]>" (fast 2 . degradeBy 0.2))
$ whenmod 8 6 (# lpf 200)
-- $ sometimesBy "<0!2 0.25 [0.25 0.5]>" (fast 2 . degradeBy 0.2)
$ "k k k <k k*[1|2|3|4]>"
# "[kick:5,house]"
# note 2
# gain 0.55
$ jux (# lpf 2000)
$ note "<-4!3 -8>" # "clap"
# hpf 2000
# gain 0.9
$ fast "<4!4 8!2 16 [32 4]>"
$ "drum:8"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.9 0.4 cosine)
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.8 0.95 sine)
$ jux (rev . (hurry "<2!3 0.5>"))
# gain 0.6
d2 -- Cymbales gravitantes
$ whenmod 16 8 (jux (rev . (hurry "<2!3 0.5>")))
$ degradeBy "0 <0.5!6 0.25!2>!7" $ "ho:1*4 hc:3*4"
# note ("<0!<3 2> -4 -8 <[-8 -4] -12>>")
# room 0.2 # sz 0.4
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.8 0.4 sine)
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.6 0.45 sine)
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.45 0.55 sine)
d3 -- Drumroll ma foi bien classique
$ fast "<4 8 [8 . 4 8] 8 <16 [16 4]>>"
$ "dr"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.9 0.4 cosine)
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.65 0.8 sine)
d4 -- Bassline "maybe mad smirk smirk"
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
stack [
"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7*<1 2 4 1>", -- TODO ','' then stack
"0 0 0 0"
$ s "fbass:8"
# gain 0.9
# cut 6
d5 -- Chopped choir
$ slice 16 "<2!4 1!4>"
$ whenmod 32 16 (slow 4)
$ slice 16 (
whenmod 16 12 (|> "0*4") $
whenmod 16 8 (|> "0*8") $
"<2!4 <1 0>!4>"
-- $ chop "<2!16 4!4 8!8>" FIXME Better chop?
$ every' 4 3 (superimpose (# n 1) . (# begin 0))
$ "pray"
......@@ -47,13 +61,12 @@ do
# pan "0.3 0.7"
# gain 0.65
# begin "<0.1 0.5>"
d8 -- bourrasque
$ jux rev
$ every 8 (# gain 0.7)
$ s "space:3"
# speed 0.25
# gain 0.35
d9 -- Glitches space cowboy
$ juxBy 0.9 (# waveloss 25)
$ whenmod 8 4 (iter 4)
$ n "7 2*<1 2 4>" # "cosmicg" # gain 0.35
d7 -- Claps répartis
$ jux (# lpf 2000)
$ note "<-4!3 -8>" # "clap"
# hpf 2000
# gain (range 0.65 0.85 perlin)
# pan (range 0.3 0.7 perlin)
once $ s "fbass:10" # gain 0.8
-- region Mad Funk: joyeuse intro techno-funk, partant run 160bpm
-- Tags: Techno, run, funk, crushade
-- Ready: 8/10
-- Intro slow 2 beat
-- Outro masks
-- Ready: 9.5/10
-- endregion
solo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snare roll/rush
unsolo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 4 -- Bassline
unsolo 5 -- Guitare intro/pompe
unsolo 6 -- Epiano groovy
setcps (80/60/4)
solo 5 -- Guitare intro/pompe
solo 6 -- Epiano groovy
solo 7 -- Claps from grace
let bpm = 80 -- Que tu crois!
setcps (bpm/60/4)
solo 10 -- NOISES
d10 $ funk_noise
-- $ mask "t(1,8)"
$ every' 8 7 (# lpf 200)
-- region Pauses Hip-hop
-- $ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
-- $ "k*<1!4 2!4> . k(<3!3 <5 8>>,8)"
$ whenmod 8 6 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
-- $ "k . k(<3 <5 4>>,8)" -- Le simple
-- $ "k*<1!4 2!4> . k(<3!3 <5 8>>,8)" -- L'agité
-- region hardkick
-- $ whenmod 16 0 ( -- HARDKICK!
-- superimpose ((# "hardkick:4")) . (|* gain 0.75)
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (
-- superimpose (
-- (# "hardkick:4")
-- . (sometimes (stut 2 0.8 "s"))
-- . (# legato 0.9)
-- . (|* gain 0.65)
-- )
-- )
-- region INTRO/Run
-- $ slow 2 -- intro
$ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ "k k k k k k k? <k [~ k] k*2>"
-- $ whenmod 8 6 (# silence)
$ "k k k k k k k <k [~ k] k*2>"
# "[<reverbkick!3 ~>,kick:5]"
# gain 0.75
# pan 0.45
$ someCycles (hurry 2)
$ jux rev
$ juxBy 0.75 rev
-- region Manual snare rush
-- $ "~ s*4"
$ "~ s*<1!4 2!4 4!2 8 2 4!4 16 2!3 [4 8] [16 32]>" -- FIXME Rework
-- $ "~ s*<1!4 2!4 4!2 8 4!4 16 2!3 [4 8] [16 32]>" -- FIXME Rework
$ "~ s*<1 2 4 8 4 2 1 4 8 8 4 8 1 2 8 4>" -- FIXME Rework
# "snare:3"
# note ("<0 -1 -2 -3>")
# gain 0.65
# pan (slow 8 $ sine)
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.4 0.8 sine)
d3 -- Drumroll
-- $ slow 8 -- OUTRO
$ fast (slow 8 "<1 [2 [2|4]] 4 [4 8]>" )
......@@ -55,29 +63,29 @@ do
sometimesBy "0 1" rev)
$ slice 8
run 8 -- Classique: jumpy groovy
-- iter (slow 4 "<1 4>") $
-- "<0!3 1>*2 3*2 <0 1> 4*<2 4 8>" -- Jumpy rappel
-- iter (slow 4 "<1 4>")
-- run 8 -- Classique: jumpy groovy
"<0!3 1>*2 3*2 <0 1> 4*<2 4 8>" -- Jumpy rappel
-- "<0 4 0 0*2> 4 <0 1 2 3> <0 4!2>" -- Attente
-- "<0!3 <1 2>>*8" -- COME ON CRUSH
$ "fbass:8"
# legato 1
-- # crush (0 + "6 <5 4>") TODO CRUSH THIS
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.6 0.8 sine)
# crush (1.5 + "6 <5 4>") -- TODO CRUSH THIS
# gain 0.85
# pan 0.6
d5 -- Guitare pompe
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (
-- sometimesBy "<0.5!16 0.9!16>" rev
-- )
-- region Guitare pompe
$ whenmod 64 32 ( -- TODO Renverse
someCyclesBy "<0.5!16 0.9!16>" rev
-- region Guitare pompela
$ slice 8 (cat [
"0 1 2 3",
"0*4 1 3(3,8) 5",
"4 5 6 7",
"0 7 ~ 7",
"0 7 4 7",
"[0 4]*4",
"7 <7 6> <3 5> <7 4>",
"4*4 . 4*<8 16>",
"7 0 7 0",
......@@ -88,22 +96,25 @@ do
-- "0(<1 4>,<1 4 8>) . [1*<1 2 4>, 3(<1 3 5>,8)]"
-- ) $ n 11
# "fguitar"
-- # crush "8 4" -- TODO CRUSH THIS!
# crush 5 -- TODO CRUSH THIS! 12 - 4 - 5
# cut 8
# gain (slow 64 $
range 0.7 0.9 cosine)
# gain (slow 64 $ range
-- 0.7 0.9
0.6 0.8
# pan 0.3
d6 -- Epiano groovy
$ whenmod 32 16 (whenmod 4 2 rev)
$ whenmod 32 16 (whenmod 4 2 (jux rev)) -- TODO variations once introduced
$ slow 2
-- $ mask "f(<1!16 2!16>,2,<1!4 0!4>)" -- TODO INTRO MASK THIS
$ slice 8 (
-- "0 3 2 1 4 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- regulier
"0 3 2 1!5" -- repeat aigu
"0 3 2 1 0 3 <2 6> 7" -- regulier
-- "0 3 2 1!5" -- repeat aigu
-- "4!5 5 6 7*<1 2>" -- repeat end
$ s "fepiano"
# n (slow 4 "<24 25>")
# n (slow 8 "<24 25>")
# gain 0.7
# cut 6
# pan 0.7
......@@ -114,3 +125,5 @@ do
11 -- montee finale?
once $ s "fepiano:0" # gain 0.95 # cut 19
solo 10
-- Pray the Funk: choeurs laudatifs
-- Tags: Breakbeat, gospel, funk
-- Ready: 6/10
-- Ready: 8.5/10
solo 1 -- Kick chaloupe
solo 2 -- Gretsch snares
solo 3 -- AcceleRoll
solo 4 -- Breakbeat
unsolo 5 -- Lead choir
unsolo 6 -- Bassline FIXME Rework
solo 5 -- Lead choir
unsolo 7 -- Claps
setcps (60/60/4)
solo 10 -- NOISE
d10 $ funk_noise
$ fast 2 $ "k*<1!8 2!8> . k(<0 1 0 1 3 5 5 8>,8,<0!3 2>)"
$ fast "<2!6 4 2>"
$ "k . k(<3 <5 4>>,8)" -- Le classique
-- $ "k*<1!8 2!8> . k(<0 1 0 1 3 5 5 8>,8,<0!3 2>)" -- L'annonce
# "reverbkick"
# lpf 1500
# gain 0.65
# gain 0.75
$ slice 8 (
-- "0 4" -- Intro
-- "0 2 4 <4 <2 6>>" -- Intro
-- run 8 -- Fulltime!
(fast "<4 8>" $ run 2) -- Repeat! TODO Transition grace
"0 1 2 <3!2 ~ 3> 4 5 6 7*<1 <2 4>>" -- Fulltime!
-- "0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)" -- Laggy
-- "4 5 6 7"
-- "4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>" -- Laggy end
-- (fast "<4 8>" $ run 2) -- Repeat! TODO Transition grace
$ loopAt 1
$ "break:1"
......@@ -45,11 +47,12 @@ do
# note ("<-2 -4 -2 0>")
# gain 0.75
d5 -- Lead choir
$ "pray/4"
$ "pray/4" -- TODO INTRO 2 then 4
# n "<0!4 1!8>"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.9 sine)
# cut 5
# hpf 100
-- |* gain 0.9 # lpf 15000 # waveloss 40 # pan "<0.75 0.25>" -- TODO INTRO WAVELOSS 65 50 40
$ fast 2
$ whenmod 32 16 (whenmod 4 3 (ply "<2 3 [2 4] [3 2]>"))
......@@ -59,6 +62,14 @@ do
# djf (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.85 sine)
# room 0.5 # size 0.4 # dry 0.95
d6 -- Transipiano
$ slice 4 (cat [
-- "2*4 3*2 . 0*2 1",
"0!2 ~ 3 0!2 ~ 3"
$ s "fpiano:6" # cut 6 # gain "<0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65>"
d6 -- Bassline (FIXME improve sonorite/variations)
$ superimpose (
arp "<up pinkyup>" . (# octave 6)
> From the edges of the desert,
> lost broken tapes reveal data
## Pray
Intro waveloss + Break
Puis beat ;)
## Grace
- Transition solo/downtempo
- IN 4/5/7 bass/choir/claps
- OUT 1/5/7
- CPS 120->80
## Mad Fonk
> Prends ton temps
> profite des pauses hip-hopital
> crushe tranquillement
> Amuse toi avec les snares
> Varie basse et guitare
> Parcimonieux piano
> Kick
### Intro
-- Intro bass-drumroll-snare-BIM KICK
-- Guitare intro, puis pompe commentée
-- Guitare arrive
d4 crushee progressivement
d1 qui se fait attendre
d2 qui build-up
d6 interdit
- Transition decrush solo, puis d6
### Mad Piano
### Outro: fepiano
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