Etude cosmos

parent 2fc97c37
-- Nothing
-- Intro LPF
-- Full kick+bassline, noises
-- Full bassline + snare/drums
-- Drop
-- Bridge synth lead/arpegg + kick only
-- [Trance Tips](
once $ "bev"
-- Copycat Cosmosis
setcps (135/60/4)
once -- INTRO NOISE!
$ (# delay 0.6)
$ superimpose (
(# "trump:6") . (# room 1) . (# sz 0.9) . (# legato 2) . (#gain 0.25))
$ note ("a3") # "supergong" # gain 0.45 # voice 0.5 # decay 0.8 # room 0.6
d1 $ mask "<f!8 t!24 t f!3>" $ "kick:5*4"
# gain 0.75
# lpf 200
d2 -- Snare + metal hihats
$ mask "<f!12 t!20>"
$ superimpose (
$ struct "~ ~ t ~"
$ slice 8 "2"
$ "break" # cut 1
# release 0.6
# gain 0.5)
$ "[~ s]*2" # "snare:1" # gain 0.65 # lpf 5000 # room 0.8 # dry 0.99
$ note "<[a2 b2 ~ ~ . b2 <a2 ~> a2 b2 ~!4]!16 [[~ <g2!8 a2!8>*2]*4]!16>" -- Ritournelle / FULLON
-- $ note ("[~ ~ g2 g2]*4") -- FULLON
-- $ note "a2 b2 ~ ~ . b2 a2 a2 b2 ~!4" -- Ritournelle
-- $ note ("a2*<1!3 2> b2 [a2 b2] [~ <~!8 <b2!7 a2>!8>]") -- Loopable
# "supersaw"
# cut 1
# gain 0.45
# voice 0.1
# room 0.1 # sz 0.2 # dry 1
# lpf 5000
d4 -- Hats second half each part
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ "<~!8 h 1!7> h ~ h*<1 2> ~ h*<1 1 2 1> ~ h*<1 1 1 2>"
# "ho:1"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.8 # dry 1
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.3 0.45 saw)
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.6 0.8 saw)
d5 -- Arps post-drop!
$ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ juxBy 0.9 (ply 2 . rev)
$ off "h" (|* gain 0.9)
$ off "q" (# room 0.3)
$ note ("[b4 d5 ff5 gf5 <g5!3 a5>] ~ ~")
# pan 0.4
# "FMRhodes1" # gain 0.8
d9 -- Voice bridge
$ mask "<f!32 f!16 t!16>"
$ every' 4 3 ((# note 2))
$ "pad:2"
# cut 1
# gain "<0.35!3 0.4 0.4!4>"
d10 -- BG NOISES
$ loopAt 4
$ "abstract:21"
# gain (0.75 * "<0.7 0.8 0.9 1>")
# cut 2
d6 -- Lead saw -- TODO REWORK
$ mask "<f!28 t!20 f!8 t!24>"
$ whenmod 64 48 (striate 2 . ply (slow 4 "<1 2 4>")) -- FASTER!
$ note "c d ~ <c!4 f!4> d <~!8 d!4 ~ d!3> <c!3 d> d*2"
-- $ note ("<c!3 d>(3,8)") --
# octave 4
# "supersaw"
# phaserdepth (slow 8 $ range 0 10 sine)
# phasr (slow 16 $ range 0 10 saw)
# voice "0.1!3 0.7"
-- # accelerate "<0!28 0.14 0.28 0.28 0.25>"
# pan 0.8
-- # semitone ("<<12 24> <36 36>>")
# resonance 0.3
# lfo (slow 8 saw)
# gain 0.4
accelerate (0) pitch glide
semitone (12) how far off in pitch the secondary oscillator is (need not be integer)
resonance (0.2) filter resonance
lfo (1) how much the LFO affects the filter frequency
rate (1) LFO rate
pitch1 (1) filter frequency scaling multiplier, the frequency itself follows the pitch set by “n”
-- Wind
-- OMINOUS Door closing?
-- Whoosh windy aerial voice like "Oh."
once $ slice 4 3 $ "cosmicg:2" # gain 0.5 --etincelle
-- $ note ("<a3!4 c3!4>")
$ note "a3"
# "moogBass"
# gain 0.95
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