Unverified Commit ba37ee4e by PLN

Chore: Sync

parent 2a78f3d4
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ d1 $ g -- Kick
$ whenIn (mask "<f!7 [f t] t(2,4)!4 t(3,4) t(5,8) t(6,8) t>")
$ whenOutFade
$ whenPt2Begin (degradeBy "<1!3 [1!3 0.5] 0.5!3 [1!3 0]>")
$ whenPt2 (fast 2 . (<| "k . <[k ~ <k k*2> <k ~>] . k(<3!3 5>,8)>"))
$ whenPt2 (<| "k . <[k ~ <k k*2> <k ~>] . k(<3!3 5>,8)>")
$ whenPt1 (<| "k [~|k*4] . ~ [<k <~ k>> <~ k>]")
$ "jazz"
# attack 0.97
# gain 3
# attack 0.25
# gain 2
d2 $ g -- Clap contretemps
$ whenIn (mask "<f!7 t f!4 t!4>")
$ whenOutFade
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ d4 $ g -- Bassline doublée
$ arp "up"
$ note (prog |+| "c2'maj*4")
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.75
# gain 0.85
# room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.8 saw)
# sz 0.5
d5 $ g -- FMRhodes base
......@@ -213,3 +213,51 @@ d2
$ slice 4 "<0 0 3 <0 3>> 1*<1 1 2 <1 2>> 2*<1 2 2 4> 3"
$ "breaks165" # cps (165/50/4)
# gain (0.55 * "1 1 0.9 1")
-- LoFi
setcps (60/60/4)
let whenIntro pat = someCyclesBy "<t!8 f!24>" pat
let whenNotIntro pat = someCyclesBy "<f!8 t!24>" pat
let whenBrk pat = whenmod 16 10 pat
let whenNotBrk pat = someCyclesBy "<t!10 f!6>" pat
let whenBrkLPF = whenBrk (# lpf "<400 200 100 50 0 0>")
$ whenBrkLPF
$ whenNotBrk (# sz "<0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99>")
$ "k . k(3,8)" # "[jazz,reverbkick]"
# gain 1 # lpf 1000
# room 0.23
# legato 2 # cut 1
$ whenBrkLPF
$ whenmod 16 8 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "<f [f t]>")
$ superimpose (# hpf 500)
$ "~ s"
# "snare:20"
# gain 0.9
$ whenBrk (slow "<2 2 4 4 8 8 16 16>")
$ fast ("8" * "<[2 1!7] 1!3> <2 [2 1] [2 . 1 2] [2 4]>")
$ "drum:2"
# room 0.6
# gain 0.8
$ swing 2
$ whenBrk (# crush (slow 6 $ range 16 3.5 saw))
$ whenNotBrk (off "<e q> . <q h>" (|+ note 7))
$ struct "t*<[1 0] 2 4 [12 . 8]>"
$ note ("fs a" - 24)
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 1
d4 -- Toy bogdan
$ every' 16 15 (# "bogdan:4")
$ every' 16 9 ((# "~ ~ ~ bogdan:2") . (|* gain 0.8))
$ "~ ~ ~ bogdan:0"
# room 0.5
# legato 2
# hpf 200
# gain 1.1
once $ "bogdan:4" # cut 42 # gain 0.9
// Evaluate the block below to start the mapping MIDI -> OSC.
var on, off, cc;
var osc;
osc = NetAddr.new("", 6010);
// Initial: sends velocity on note's channel
// on = MIDIFunc.noteOn({ |val, num, chan, src|
// osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", num.asString, val/127);
// });
on = MIDIFunc.noteOn({ |val, num, chan, src|
// it will be passed the arguments val, num, chan, and src, corresponding to the message value (e.g. velocity, control value, etc.)
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", "note", (num - 60));
off = MIDIFunc.noteOff({ |val, num, chan, src|
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", "note", 0);
cc = MIDIFunc.cc({ |val, num, chan, src|
osc.sendMsg("/ctrl", num.asString, val/127);
if (~stopMidiToOsc != nil, {
~stopMidiToOsc = {
// Evaluate the line below to stop it.
// ~stopMidiToOsc.value;
This is an example startup file. You can load it from your startup file
(to be found in Platform.userAppSupportDir +/+ "startup.scd")
// configure the sound server: here you could add hardware specific options
// see http://doc.sccode.org/Classes/ServerOptions.html
s.options.numBuffers = 1024 * 256; // increase this if you need to load more samples
s.options.memSize = 8192 * 32; // increase this if you get "alloc failed" messages
s.options.numWireBufs = 128; // increase if "exceeded number of wire buffer" messages
s.options.maxNodes = 4096 * 32; // increase this if you are getting drop outs and the message "too many nodes"
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = 2; // set this to your hardware output channel size, if necessary
s.options.numInputBusChannels = 2; // set this to your hardware output channel size, if necessary
// boot the server and start SuperDirt
s.waitForBoot {
~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s); // two output channels, increase if you want to pan across more channels
~dirt.loadSoundFiles; // load samples (path containing a wildcard can be passed in)
// for example: ~dirt.loadSoundFiles("/Users/myUserName/Dirt/samples/*");
// s.sync; // optionally: wait for samples to be read
~dirt.start(57120, 0 ! 12); // start listening on port 57120, create two busses each sending audio to channel 0
// optional, needed for convenient access from sclang:
~d1 = ~dirt.orbits[0]; ~d2 = ~dirt.orbits[1]; ~d3 = ~dirt.orbits[2];
~d4 = ~dirt.orbits[3]; ~d5 = ~dirt.orbits[4]; ~d6 = ~dirt.orbits[5];
~d7 = ~dirt.orbits[6]; ~d8 = ~dirt.orbits[7]; ~d9 = ~dirt.orbits[8];
~d10 = ~dirt.orbits[9]; ~d11 = ~dirt.orbits[10]; ~d12 = ~dirt.orbits[11];
s.latency = 1; // increase this if you get "late" messages
\ No newline at end of file
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