Commit b6902794 by PLN (Algolia)

lib: Base higher, notes: 90s_weird

parent 6c3272c9
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
midiDJF ch lMin lMax hMin hMax = (_LPF lMin lMax ch) . (_HPF hMin hMax ch)
-- FIXME: Seems to cut some lows when lMin != 0
-- Midi gain control (faders)
midiGGlobal = "^77" * 1.5
midiGGlobal = "^77" * 1.8
_gainG ch = (gain (midiGGlobal * ch)) -- gain Global
midiG' ch l h = _gainG (range l h ch) -- midiGain control
midiG ch = midiG' ch 0 1 -- midiGain default
......@@ -95,6 +95,20 @@
-- 9 Comete lente arrivee
-- 10 Comete grillant à point
-- 90s_weird
-- 0: Scoubidoo reveal
-- 1: Golden synth wave
-- 2: Perc future robot
-- 3: Rain of metal information
-- 4: Wind of waters
-- 5: Light of justice
-- 6: Long glass meditation bowl
-- 7: Scoubidoo plainte
-- 8: Vent zip plaines
-- 9: Warp wobwob/flute
-- bass Basse métallique
--- 0 clics
--- 1
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