live: drones to electric

parent 33a05da2
-- La voix de l'ordre
-- intro drone monotonal devenant breakbeat
-- outro fusion retour drone puis waveloss
let prog = "<d2 <f3 g2>>"
let gDjf = (whenmod 64 32 (# djf (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 saw)))
-- $ mask "t f!7" -- TODO OUTRO
$ mask "<f!3 t f!4 t!56>"
$ gDjf
$ "k*<1!12 2!4> . k(<3 1 3 <3 5 1 8>>,8,<0!3 4>)"
# "reverbkick"
# gain 0.65
# pan 0.4
# lpf 250
-- $ (# silence) -- TODO OUTRO
$ mask "<f!16 t!48>"
$ gDjf
$ "~ s ~ s*<1!3 2 1 1 2 2>"
# "snare:22"
# lpf 2000
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.6
# room 0.1
-- $ ((# waveloss 35) . (chop 4) . (|* gain 1.1)) -- TODO OUTRO
$ off 1 (
(|+ note 12)
. (|* gain 0.5)
$ note (slow 8 $ prog)
# "moogBass"
# legato 4
# gain 0.85
$ jux (rev . (|* gain 0.9))
$ whenmod 54 48 (<| "hh*<[8!3 [16 8]] [8 . 1 8] 8 [8 . 1 [8 16]]>")
$ whenmod 16 8 (off "h" (fast "2 4"))
$ "<hh [~|~|hh]>"
# cut 2
# gain 0.55
-- $ (|* gain 0.2) -- TODO OUTRO
$ note (prog)
# voice (slow 4 $ run 8)
# "superhammond"
# room 0.5
# gain (slow 128 $ range 0.55 0.75 perlin)
-- $ (|* gain 0.36) -- TODO OUTRO
$ jux (rev . (# cut 61))
$ slice 8 (run "<8!3 4 [8 4] 8 <4 2> <4 [4 8]>>")
$ loopAt 1
$ "breaks125"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.05 0.95 cosine)
# cut 6
# gain 0.65
...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ d5 ...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ d5
) )
# "moog:1" # "moog:1"
# pan (slow 4 $ range 0.35 0.5 perlin) # pan (slow 4 $ range 0.35 0.5 perlin)
# gain 0.4 # gain 0.6
d6 d6
$ note ("<d'min'2 d'min'2 d'min'3 d'min'4>") $ note ("<d'min'2 d'min'2 d'min'3 d'min'4>")
# "superhoover" # "superhoover"
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ do ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ do
unsolo 6 unsolo 6
solo 7 solo 7
-- Le crapeau russe -- Le crapeau russe
do do
...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ do ...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ do
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0") -- $ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0")
$ s "k(<4!3 [4 8 8 4!3]>,4)" # s "jazz" $ s "k(<4!3 [4 8 8 4!3]>,4)" # s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 40 400 sine) # lpf (slow 64 $ range 40 400 sine)
# gain 0.5 # gain 0.95
d3 -- Les snares bogdanesques d3 -- Les snares bogdanesques
$ fast 4 $ fast 4
$ "~ <h!3 h*2>" $ "~ <h!3 h*2>"
setcps (100/60/4)
$ "b . b(<1!3 3>,8,3)"
# "jazz"
# gain 0.8
$ sometimesBy 0.8 (fast 2)
$ fast "4 8"
$ "[drum:8,cpu2:8]"
# gain 0.85
# pan 0.3
d4 -- Boom steps
$ mask "<f!4 t f!3 t!8 f!4 t f!3 t f!3 f!3 t> t!7"
$ slice 8 (
"<0!3 <2 7>> <1!7 7> <2!7 6> <3!3 <0 7>>"
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbreak100"
# n 5
# pan 0.75
# gain 0.65
# cut 3
once $ note ("c3'min")
# "marimba" # gain 1.2
$ loopAt 1
$ "breaks125:1"
# cps ("<125!2 120 125>"/60/4)
# gain 0.35
# cut 1
d2 --
$ "hh*[8 . <[8 16]!3 4>]"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.35 0.55 sine)
# cut 2
-- Danse des Sirenes
-- resetCycles
setcps (80/60/4)
let chords = "<cs4 <b3!3 e4>>"
$ mask "<f!8 t!24>"
$ "jazz*4"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 0 10000 saw)
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.65 1.05 saw)
$ mask "<f!3 t!29>"
$ sometimesBy (slow 16 $ sine) (off "-0.125" id)
$ whenmod 32 16 (|<| "hh*<16 16 [32 16] 16>")
$ "hh(<1 2>,8)"
# gain 0.65
# room 0.5 # dry 0.95
$ mask "<f!16 t!48>"
$ chop (
"<1!4 2!4 0.5!4 1!4>"
* "<1!16 2!8 [4 2]!8>"
-- * "[<2 4>|<4 2>]"
$ note (chords - 12)
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.65
# room 0.8
# cut 3
$ mask "<t!16 f!4 t!3 f>"
$ superimpose (
(fast 4)
. (|- note 12)
. (# cut 31)
$ loopAt 2
$ "fepiano"
# room (slow 64 $ range 0 0.5 saw)
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 5000 10000 saw)
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.6 0.35 isaw)
# sz 0.5
# legato 2
# cut 3
# pan 0.7
$ mask "<t!4 f!16 t!4 f!4 f!3 t!4 f>"
$ note ("0/2" + chords)
# "supersiren"
# gain 0.3
# sustain "<16!4 8!28>"
# cut 5
# pan 0.2
# room 0.3
$ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ n ("<<0!3 <2!4 3!4>> <2!4 3!4>>*4")
# "kurt"
# gain 0.55
# pan "0.4 0.6"
d3 -- Marimbodance
$ (<| "k(<<5 3> 5 3 [5 8]>,8)")
$ off "h" id
$ whenmod 8 4 (scramble 2)
$ note (
scale "locrian" (run 8)
# "marimba1"
# pan 0.2
# gain 0.7
# room 0.6
# size 0.5
$ loopAt 2
-- $ splice 8 "0 1 2 3 2 3 6 7"
$ "fbreak100"
# n 6
# gain 0.95
# cut 3
$ "fbreak100"
# n 3
# gain 0.85
# cut 1
...@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ d3 -- Drumroll metal ...@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ d3 -- Drumroll metal
$ s "cpu:4" $ s "cpu:4"
# gain "<0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8!4 0.85!8>" # gain "<0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8!4 0.85!8>"
d4 -- Bassline default mask / 4 second half d4 -- Bassline default mask / 4 second half
$ sometimesBy "<f!4 t!4 f!4 t f t t>" (# gain 0) -- mask also second half $ sometimesBy "<f!16 f!4 t!4 f!4 t f t t>" (# gain 0) -- mask also second half
$ mask "<t!3 f>" -- every 4 let second half play $ mask "<t!3 f>" -- every 4 let second half play
$ "fbass:12" $ "fbass:12"
# cut 4 # cut 4
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.6 0.8 saw) # gain (slow 4 $ range 0.65 0.8 saw)
d5 -- Guitare conclusive seconde partie d5 -- Guitare conclusive seconde partie
$ mask "<f!28 [f!3 t]!3 [f t] [t f]!8 [f t]!8 t!16>" $ mask "<f!28 [f!3 t]!3 [f t] [t f]!8 [f t]!8 t!16>"
$ juxBy 0.75 (# cut 51) $ juxBy 0.75 (# cut 51)
solo 2 solo 2
do do
setcps (90/60/4) setcps (90/60/4)
d1 -- Kick irregulier d1 -- Kick irregulier
...@@ -15,6 +17,6 @@ d2 -- Breakbeat ...@@ -15,6 +17,6 @@ d2 -- Breakbeat
"0 1 <0 2!3> [3|0] <4 4 5 4> 5 6 7" "0 1 <0 2!3> [3|0] <4 4 5 4> 5 6 7"
) )
$ "fbreak100:8" # cut 2 # gain 0.5 $ "fbreak100:8" # cut 2 # gain 0.5
d5 d5 -- Piano fixme rythme hasardeux
$ whenmod 8 0 ((|+ note 2) . ply 2 . (mask "t f!3")) $ whenmod 8 0 ((|+ note 2) . ply 2 . (mask "t f!3"))
$ "fpiano:12" # cut 5 # gain 0.65 $ "fpiano:12" # cut 5 # gain 0.65
-- Ré comme remède
-- Instru minimaliste piano/Rhodes/hammond
-- resetCycles
setcps (80/60/4)
d1 -- Kick
$ mask "<t!32 f!8 t!24>" -- Pont milieu
$ whenmod 32 16 (<| "k . k(<3 <5 [1 3]>>,8)")
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "t <t f>!3 . f")
$ every' 8 3 (<| "k . k(5,8)")
$ mask "<f!8 t!24>"
$ "[dr:5,jazz]"
# lpf "<[1000!3 1500]!16 1500!16>"
# gain 0.8
d2 -- Drumroll mi-temps
$ mask "<t!32 f!4 t!28>" -- Pont milieu
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "t <t f>!3 . f")
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ juxBy 0.85 ("q" ~>)
$ sometimesBy "0!3 1" (ply 2)
$ "~ drum:2*<4!3 <8 <16 [16 8]>>>"
# gain 0.65
d3 -- Charley des sables
$ mask "<f!4 t!60>" -- Intro
$ mask "<t!32 f!6 t!26>" -- Pont milieu
$ fast (slow 8 $ "<1 2 4>" )
$ "~ dr:2"
# gain 0.45
# legato 2
# room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.125 saw)
# sz 0.8
$ mask "<t!32 f!8 t!24>" -- Pont milieu
$ note "<d <es <bs4 g>>>"
# octave 4
# "superhammond"
# gain 0.55
# pan 0.4
# voice 2
d5 -- Lead
$ mask "<f!4 t!60>"
$ mask "t <t f>"
$ whenmod 64 32 ( -- Sliced madness
slice 8 (run "<8!8 4!8 2 1 2 2 4 8 16 8 16 16 32 16 [32 16] [16 1] 2 8>")
. (# hpf (slow 32 $ range 0 5000 saw))
. (|* gain 1.05)
$ "fpiano/2"
# n "<8!4 9!4>"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.45 saw)
# hpf "<0!6 2500 5000>"
# cut 5
# pan 0.6
d6 -- Bassline
$ mask "<t!32 f!4 t!28>" -- Pont milieu
$ mask "<f!6 t!26>" -- Intro
$ off 1 ((|* gain 0.8) . (# cut 61))
$ whenmod 4 2 ( -- Echo
off "e" (
(|* gain 0.9)
. (# cut 62)
. (# room 0.2)
$ slice 4 (
"<0!4 1!4 2!4 3!4>(<[<3 <5 [8 5]>>]!16 1!16>,<8!16 1!16>)"
$ "fbass:9/2"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.6 saw)
# cut 6
# pan 0.3
d7 -- Nappes Rhodes
$ mask "<f!3 t f!2 t!2 t!56>"
$ mask "<t!32 f!4 t!8>" -- Pont milieu
$ mask "<t!4 f!4 t!6 f!2>"
$ whenmod 32 8 (off "s" (
mask "f t!7"
. rev
. (|+ note 12)
. (|+ pan 0.25)
-- . (|* gain 0.95)
. (# legato 0.5)
$ arp "up <up!3 down>"
$ note "<~ [bs4,d,d,f,g,a,bs5,<d5 d6>]*<1 1 2 2>>"
# "FMRhodes1"
# gain "<0.55!4 0.65!60>"
# pan 0.6
-- Solitude hivernale
setcps (80/60/4)
let chords = "<f'maj7 <g'sus4 a'sus4> <f'maj7 a4'min7> e'min7>"
$ fix (
mask "<f!16 t!112>"
. (# "[jazz,808bd:1]")
. (# lpf (slow 16 $ range 10000 200 isaw))
) ("b")
$ fix (
mask "<f!3 [f t] f!3 t t!120>"
. (# "sn:1")
. (# lpf 5000)
. (# cut 12)
. (# pan 0.52)
) ("s")
$ "b [s . <~!3 [b s]>] . <~!3 [b s]> b s ~"
# gain 0.85
d2 -- Drumroll hésitant
$ mask "<f!4 [f t]!4 t!120>"
$ rarely ("q" ~>)
-- $ mask "<t!16 f!8 t [t f!7] t t f t t t>"
$ every' 8 6 (degradeBy "<0.5 0.75>")
$ every' 4 3 (fast "2 <1!3 [2 1]>")
$ "dr*<8!10 12!4 8 12>"
# gain 0.55
$ loopAt 2
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "<t f> f . t")
$ whenmod 16 8 (fast 2)
$ every' 16 3 (fast 2)
$ slice 8 ("[0 <1!4 1 2 3 4 4!4 4 3 2 1>]*4")
$ "fbreak80"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.2 0.7 saw)
# cut 3
d4 -- Chords nappes Rhodes
$ note (chords)
# "<FMRhodes1!8 FMRhodes2!8>"
# octave 3
# legato 1
# room 0.2
# gain 0.75
$ whenmod 64 16 (superimpose (
(|+ note 24)
. sometimesBy "0 <0 0 0.5 1>" (ply 2)
. (swing 2)
. (|+ pan 0.1)
. (|- velocity 0.1)
. (|+ gain 0.1)
$ every' 4 3 (always ("q" ~>))
$ arp "up"
$ note (chords)
# "superpiano"
# octave "<4!16 3!8 4!8>"
# velocity 0.45
# legato 1
# pan 0.6
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.55 0.85 saw)
once $ "jazz"
...@@ -181,3 +181,19 @@ d7 -- Drumroll énergisant ...@@ -181,3 +181,19 @@ d7 -- Drumroll énergisant
$ fast "<4!3 <8 [8 16 8]>>" $ fast "<4!3 <8 [8 16 8]>>"
$ "drum:2*[<2!3 4>]" $ "drum:2*[<2!3 4>]"
# gain 0.65 # gain 0.65
-- LoopBack
setcps (60/60/4)
d1 $ "[bd,jazz]*4" # gain (1.1)
# djf (slow 32 $ range 0 0.5 cosine)
d2 $ "drum:2*4" # note "0 1 0 1" # gain 0.6
-- $ off 1 (jux (rev . chop 8))
-- $ chop 8
-- $ stut 4 1 0.25
$ "in"
-- # room 0.1
-- # sz 0.8
-- # legato (slow 16 $ range 0.12 2 sine)
-- # gain 2
...@@ -55,6 +55,47 @@ d5 -- Piano grave temps ...@@ -55,6 +55,47 @@ d5 -- Piano grave temps
# pan 0.25 # pan 0.25
# velocity (slow 64 $ range 0.35 0.55 sine) # velocity (slow 64 $ range 0.35 0.55 sine)
$ whenmod 64 32 (
fast "4 4 4 <4 4 2 <2 [4 8]>>"
$ "jazz"
# lpf (slow 8 $
"<10000 2000 [1750 1500] [1250 1000] [750 500] [400 200] 150 50>")
# gain 0.8
$ superimpose (
$ jux rev
$ euclid 3 8
$ "808mt"
# cut 21
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.8 0.6 perlin)
$ fast "4 . 4 4 <8 8 <6 12> 8>"
$ "808lt"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.6 0.9 perlin)
d3 -- Trompettes de la mort
$ n "0 <5 5 6 7 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 7 8 8 9 9>"
# "trump"
# room 0.5
# dry 0.9 # sz 0.8
# pan 0.8
# cut 1
# gain 0.35
d4 -- Bassline elastique
$ "b*2 ~ b . b*<1!4 2!4 [8 4]!4>"
# "bass3" # n "0"
# note ("<d g f d>")
# room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.25 saw)
# sz 0.2
# pan 0.2
# cut 4
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.68 sine)
d1 $ "hand:15" # cut 1 d1 $ "hand:15" # cut 1
once $ "fbass" # note (-2) once $ "fbass" # note (-2)
resetCycles resetCycles
-- Electro-jazz grille du blues snakish
do do
setcps (80/60/4) setcps (80/60/4)
let gLpf = (whenmod 16 8 (# lpf (slow 8 $ range 0 0.5 saw))) let gLpf = (whenmod 16 8 (# lpf (slow 8 $ range 0 0.5 saw)))
d1 let blues = ["c", "f", "c", "c", "f", "f", "c", "c", "g", "f", "c", "c", "g", "f", "c", "g"]
let chord = "c'maj"
let chordAug = "c'maj'8"
d1 -- Kick rarement doublé
$ gLpf $ gLpf
$ "jazz" # gain 0.7 $ every 8 (# gain 0)
$ whenmod 8 6 (off "<-0.0675 -0.125>" id)
$ fast 2
$ "jazz"
# room 0.1 # dry 0.99 # sz 0.6
# gain 1
d2 d2
$ gLpf $ gLpf
$ "~ [jazz:4,cp]" $ "~ [jazz:4,cp]"
...@@ -14,7 +24,7 @@ d2 ...@@ -14,7 +24,7 @@ d2
d3 -- Snakes d3 -- Snakes
$ juxBy (slow 8 $ range 0.1 0.9 sine) rev $ juxBy (slow 8 $ range 0.1 0.9 sine) rev
$ fast 4 $ fast 4
$ "s . s <s!3 ~> <~!3 s>" $ "s . s <s!3 ~> <~!3 s>"
# "hh*6" # "hh*6"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 saw) # gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 saw)
d4 d4
...@@ -23,23 +33,38 @@ d4 ...@@ -23,23 +33,38 @@ d4
mask "t(1,4)" . arpeggiate . (# "supermandolin") mask "t(1,4)" . arpeggiate . (# "supermandolin")
. (|* gain 0.8) . (|* gain 0.8)
. (# pan 0.6) . (# pan 0.6)
. (# crush 16)
) )
$ note (cat [ -- grille du blues $ note (cat blues + chord)
"c3'maj", "f3'maj", "c3'maj", "c3'maj", -- # "supersaw" # voice 0.1
"f3'maj", "f3'maj", "c3'maj", "c3'maj", # "bassWarsaw"
"g3'maj", "f3'maj", "c3'maj", "c3'maj", # pan 0.75
"g3'maj", "f3'maj", "c3'maj", "g3'maj" # room 0.1
]) # "bassWarsaw"
# pan 0.35
# crush (slow 64 $ range 16 4 isaw) # crush (slow 64 $ range 16 4 isaw)
# voice 0.8 # gain 0.85 # voice 0.8
# gain 0.85
d4 $ note (cat [ d5 -- Choeurs
"d3'min", "e3'maj", "c3'min", "c3'min" $ juxBy 0.5 (
]) # "bassWarsaw" # voice 0.8 # gain 0.8 (0.5 ~>)
. superimpose (
. (|+ note chordAug)
. (|+ pan 0.05)
. (|+ note 12)
. (|* gain 0.95)
. (# legato 0.5)
. (|+ pan 0.05)
$ note (cat blues)
# "moogBass"
# octave 3
# gain 0.95
# room 0.4
# size 0.7 # dry 1.05
once $ arp "up" $ note "d'min" # "superpiano" # velocity 0.38
once $ arp "up" $ note "d'min" # "superpiano" # velocity 0.38
-- region BACASABL -- region BACASABL
-- ElectricFunk: TODO less electric feel bass
setcps (110/60/4)
let gDjfLeg = (whenmod 64 32 (# djf (slow 32 $ range 0.2 0.8 sine)))
let gDjf = (whenmod 64 32 (# djf (slow 32 $ range 0.1 1 sine)))
$ every' 8 7 (mask "f . t f")
$ gDjf
-- $ slow 2 -- TODO Intro
$ "jazz*4"
# gain 0.65
d2 -- hit roll
$ every' 8 7 (mask "f!7 t")
$ gDjf
$ fix (|* gain 0.9) ("dr")
$ whenmod 32 16 (fast "<2!3 [2 2 1 2]>")
$ s "<h*4 h*4 h*4 [h*4 <~!3 [~ h*2]>]>"
# s "[hh,drum:2]"
# release 0.5
# gain 0.48
# pan 0.4
d3 -- electric feel bass
$ gDjfLeg
$ superimpose ( -- ELECTRIFY
(# "superhammond")
. (# voice 9)
. (# legato 1)
. (# room 0.2)
. (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.65 saw)
$ whenmod 32 8 ( -- quinte
superimpose ((|* gain 0.8) . (|+ note 7))
$ note (
scale "major" (
cat [
" [d ~] [d ~] ~ . ~ [~ cs]",
"cs [cs d] ~ ~ . ~ <~!3 d>"
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# octave 3
# gain 0.3
d4 -- Lead clav
$ whenmod 64 32 ( -- Mute lead
mask "t <f!3 t>!3"
$ gDjf
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 "0 1*<1 2> 2 [~ 3]"
$ slice 8 "<[0 .. 7]!4 [0(3,8) <7 <6 4>>*6]!4>"
$ "fclav:4"
# cut 4
# pan 0.3
# gain 0.6
d5 -- Side epiano
$ every' 8 7 (mask "f!3 t")
$ mask "<f!8 t!24 [t f] f!7 t!24>"
$ jux (
(# cut 41)
. ("q" ~>)
. (|* gain (slow 8 $ "<0.7 0.8>"))
$ whenmod 32 16 (slice 4 ("<0!3 1>"))
$ whenmod 8 7 (rev)
$ whenmod 4 3 (slice 4 (run 8))
$ loopAt 2
$ "fepiano:7"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.35 0.55 sine)
# cut 4
# pan 0.7
d7 -- claps
$ every' 8 7 (mask "f t")
$ mask "<[<f!3 [f!7 t]>]!16 t!16>"
$ fast 2
$ s "<[~ cp]!3 [~ cp . cp ~]>"
# room 0.6
# dry 0.99
# n 1
# pan 0.7
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.65 0.7 cosine)
...@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ ...@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
-- Ready: 5/10 -- Ready: 5/10
-- Intro lead piano -- Intro lead piano
-- TODO: "Grande theorie" avant drop kick -- TODO: "Grande theorie" avant drop kick
do do
-- resetCycles solo 1 -- KICK!
unsolo 1 -- KICK!
solo 2 -- Hats rolling solo 2 -- Hats rolling
unsolo 3 -- LEAD piano solo 3 -- LEAD piano
unsolo 4 -- guitar riff solo 4 -- guitar riff
unsolo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage solo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage
solo 6 -- Glitches solo 6 -- Glitches
setcps (110/60/4) setcps (110/60/4)
d1 -- KICK d1 -- KICK
...@@ -59,13 +59,12 @@ do ...@@ -59,13 +59,12 @@ do
d5 -- Macron : le naufrage d5 -- Macron : le naufrage
$ every 4 (# waveloss 0) $ every 4 (# waveloss 0)
$ ply "<1!4 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1!5>" $ ply "<1!4 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1!5>"
$ whenmod 64 48 (# gain 0.9)
$ ("q" ~>) $ ("q" ~>)
$ slice 3 "2" $ slice 3 "2"
$ s "macron:8/2" $ s "macron:8/2"
# begin "<0.1!4 0!4 0.5!3 0.8!5>" # begin "<0.1!4 0!4 0.5!3 0.8!5>"
# waveloss (slow 16 $ range 20 30 sine) # waveloss (slow 16 $ range 20 30 sine)
# gain 0 # gain (slow 16 "<0 0.75 0.8 0.9>")
# cut 5 # cut 5
d6 d6
$ "glitch:2(5,8)" $ "glitch:2(5,8)"
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