dnb: live nass

parent 7e9fe5bc
setcps 1
$ every' 8 6 (# silence)
$ fix (# s "snare:2") (s "s")
$ fix (# s "kick:2") (s "k")
$ s "k <s s s s*2>"
# gain 0.7
setcps 0.65
-- DNB
$ fix (
(# s "[nass,cp]") .
(someCyclesBy 0.1 (# attack 0.5)) -- cut, presque scratch
) (s "t")
$ fix (# s "[kick:8,kick:9]") (s "p")
-- $ s "bd ~ s ~ ~ bd s <~ s>"
$ s "p ~ t <~ t ~ ~> ~ p t <~ p>"
# gain 0.7
d2 -- bass
$ every 2 (swing 0.5)
$ off 0.25 ((|-| note 7) . (# gain 0.6))
$ s "bass3(<3 5 3 0>,8)"
# release (0.5 + rand/2)
# note (scale "major" "<0 <4 0> 0>")
# gain 0.8
d3 -- hit roll
$ someCyclesBy 0.2 (fast 2 . (# s "dr") . (# gain 0.85))
$ s "<hh*4 hh*4 hh*4 [hh*4 ~]>"
# s "hh"
# release 0.5
d4 -- lead
$ someCycles (off 0.125 (|- 7))
$ someCycles (off 0.25 (|- 0))
$ n (scale "major" "<0 [0,7] [0,5] 0>")
# s "phazer"
# gain 0.55
d5 --
$ euclid "<1 3 2 5>" 8
$ superimpose (|+ note 7)
$ off 0.125 (|- note 7)
$ s "[cs80leadMH,defaultB]"
|+ note (scale "major" "<0 3 5 7 3 0>")
# gain 0.8
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