Thursday: Experience Vertige

parent 203d7f33
setcps 0.45
d1 -- beat
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ superimpose (# s "kick:9")
$ s "b b . <~ b ~ b> ~. <~ ~ ~ b> ~ . ~"
-- $ s "[b b] ~ [~ ~ ~ ~] ~"
# s "bd"
# gain 0.95
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ s "~ <~ s?> [s s?] ~"
# s "sn"
# n (wchoose [(1,2), (1,3), (3,4), (1,5)])
d3 -- drumroll
$ whenmod 16 12 (# n 1)
$ s "d d . d d . d d . <[d <d d?>] [d*2 d*2]>"
# s "dr"
# gain 1.2
d4 -- main gauche
$ whenmod 16 15 (# gain "0 . 0 . [0 . 1] . 1")
-- $ whenmod 16 12 (# gain 0)
$ every 4 (superimpose ((|+ note "12")))
$ superimpose ((|+ note "5"))
$ every' 8 7 (|> note ("0 . 0 . ~ . 0 . ~ . 0 . [0 <-2 3>] . [0 <-2 3>] "))
$ every' 8 3 (# note 12) -- FIXME: le projet c'etait pas une mononote, plutot une variation
$ note "0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . [0 <-2 3>] . ~ "
|- note 12
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 16 $ sine * 0.4 + 0.4)
# sustain 0.5
d5 -- main droite
$ whenmod 16 15 (# gain "0 0 1 1")
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 1)
$ whenmod 16 7 (# gain 0.8)
$ whenmod 16 0 (# gain 0)
$ degrade
$ superimpose (|+ note 12)
$ (off (1/4) (|+ note "<[-3,<-6, 2>?] 0>") . (swing 3))
$ note "8*4"
# s "superpiano"
|+ note 12
# sustain 0.6
# velocity 1
$ whenmod 16 8 (# gain 0.7)
$ sometimesBy (slow 64 $ sine * 0.9) (chop 4 . (# crush 5)) -- var chopped crush
$ sometimesBy "<0 <0 0 0 0.5>>" (0.125 ~>) -- variations retard
$ off 0.25 (|+ note "<-12 ~>")
$ note "<0 <8 8 8 [8 7 [5 3] <7 8>]>>"
# s "superhoover"
# gain 0.6
d7 -- scratch!
$ whenmod 8 5 (# gain 1.2)
$ whenmod 8 0 (# gain 0)
$ sometimes (hurry 2)
$ sometimes (0.125 ~>)
$ sometimes (off 0.5 (|+ 0))
$ s "[dr:3?,dr:4?]*<2 4 8 8>"
setcps 0.5
$ sometimesBy "0 0 0 0.8" (off 0.125 (|+ 0))
$ s "k*4"
# s "kick:4"
$ fast 4
$ every' 16 15 (# gain 0)
$ every' 8 7 (0.25 ~>)
$ whenmod 8 6 (sometimes (off 0.5 (|+ 0)))
$ s "kick:4"
-- # gain 0.7
$ every' 16 15 (# gain 0)
$ every' 8 7 (0.25 ~>)
$ sometimes (off 0.5 (|+ 0))
$ euclid 5 8
$ s "kick:4"
# gain 0.9
$ fast "<2 4> <8 16>"
$ s "d"
# s "dr"
# gain 0.75
# pan (slow 16 $ sine / 2)
# room (slow 32 $ sine * 0.7 + 0.1)
# size 0.5
-- # dry (slow 64 $ cosine)
$ s "~ ~ c ~"
# s "clapElectro"
d5 -- chopped bass
$ chop (slow 4 $ "<<1 4> 2>")
$ stut 4 0.5 0.125
$ (# crush ("<6,0.05 .. 0>"))
$ note "[7|0] [0|7] <0 [12|0]>"
# s "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.7
|- note 24
d6 -- continuous laser
-- $ rev
$ s "bd" >| speed (
segment 100 $
range (slow 8 $ cosine * 50)
(slow 8 $ "<20 30 40 50 40 30 20>")
# gain (slow 32 $ sine * 0.3 + 0.6)
|- note "[<12 ~>,24,<-12 -12?>]"
d5 -- basse moog weird
$ whenmod 16 8 rev
$ every 8 (degrade)
$ every 4 (degrade)
$ every 2 (degrade)
$ note "0 7 <12 7 5 12>"
# s "moog"
# gain 0.75
d7 -- forks!
$ whenmod 64 32 (fast 2)
$ whenmod 32 26 (degradeBy 0.2)
$ whenmod 32 24 (|> note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)))
$ superimpose (|+ note (slow 4 $ "<5 3> 5"))
$ euclid "[<3 3?>,5?]" 8
$ s "s"
# s "superfork"
# room 0.5
|- note 12
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
-- 2 semi-dry drum
-- 3 semi-dry bouncy drum
-- 4 loud, longer bounce bass
-- 4 loud bass
-- 5 loud bass
-- "808cy" Cymbal
-- 0-8: More and more echo
......@@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ mute 6
mute 7
mute 8
mute 9
mute 10
mute 11
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