update: from persistent_moog to funky beats

parent 5504f5d4
d8 -- macron gabber enGuerre
$ n "0(<3 <[3|5] [3|5|5] 5>>,8)"
# octer 2 # octersub 5 # octersubsub 2
# octer 0.5 # octersub 10 # octersubsub 12
# s "macron:0" # begin 0.5
# gain 0.8
......@@ -4,8 +4,13 @@
d1 -- snare rush
-- $ degradeBy "<0 [0 0.75 0.5 0.25]>"
$ fast (snowball 8 (+) (* 2) $ 2) $ s "sn:1"
# gain 0.6
# gain 0.8
d1 $ note (scale "minor" $ snowball 4 (+) (slow 2) $ (run 3))
$ rev
$ note (
scale "minor"
$ snowball 1 (+) (slow 2) $
(run 3))
# sound "gtr"
# gain 0.7
# gain 0.9
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ unmute 6
setcps 0.3
d1 $ s "k . ~ [<~ k> <~ k?>]" # s "reverbkick" # gain 0.35 # lpf 400
d2 $ s "~ snare:1" # gain 0.5 # delay 0.5
d3 $ often (stut 4 0.76 0.125) $ fast 4 $ s "~ . drum:8" # gain 0.5
d4 $ s "[ho(3,8),[~ ~ hc:2*[1|2|3|4] ~]]" # cut 4 # gain "0.5 0.6"
d1 $ s "k . ~ [<~ k> <~ k?>]" # s "reverbkick" # gain 0.5 # lpf 400
d2 $ s "~ snare:1" # gain 0.75 # delay 0.5
d3 $ often (stut 4 0.76 0.125) $ fast 4 $ s "~ . drum:8" # gain 0.8
d4 $ s "[ho(3,8),[~ ~ hc:2*[1|2|3|4] ~]]" # cut 4 # gain "0.75 0.86"
$ whenmod 32 16 ( -- folie aigue
juxBy 0.25 ((0.125 ~>) . rev . fast 4 . (|+ note 12))
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ do
$ off 0.25 (slow 2 . arp "updown")
$ note ("<d4'maj7 <d4'maj7 d5'maj7> d4'min7 d4'maj7>")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 100 $ range 0.2 0.34 sine)
# velocity (slow 100 $ range 0.42 0.54 sine)
# pan 0.7
$ note ("d3"
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ do
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# release "2 0.8!7"
# gain (slow 88 $ range 0.25 0.5 cosine)
d7 $ s "hh(<1 3 5>,8)" # cut 7 # gain 0.6 # pan 0.2
d7 $ s "hh(<1 3 5>,8)" # cut 7 # gain 0.76 # pan 0.2
-- Intro atm
-- BreakBlue: Breakbit nocturnal piano instrumental
-- Tags: Hip-Hop, piano, energique
-- Ready: 4/10
setcps (60/60/4)
......@@ -17,119 +20,45 @@ do
unsolo 6 -- Clap
solo 8 -- Maracas
setcps 0.4
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.6
let gBreak = 0.47
let gBass = 0.7
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 1
let vPianoMin = 0.2
let vPianoGauche = 0.4
let vPiano = 0.5
$ superimpose (const -- THE BEAT
$ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k*1"
# s "jazz"
# lpf 50
# gain gKick
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0)
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 8 6 (|> "6!7 7")
"0 1*2 2 3 4*[1|2|4] 5 <6!3 7> 7"
$ s "break"
# gain 0.5
d3 -- Bassline
$ note (scale "blues"
("0. 2(3,8)")
- 24)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
# gain gBass
# hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 2500 sine)
d4 -- Piano aigu fou
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,4)"
$ whenmod 32 16 (often (off 0.125 (|+ note "[0,7]")))
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (fast 2))
$ n "0*16"
# note (scale "blues" (
"<0!2 [0 1] 0!2 [0 -1 -4]>"
+ 24)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ range vPianoMin vPiano sine)
d5 -- Accords main gauche
$ stut' 4 (1/16) ((|+ 0). (|- velocity 0.05))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0,<3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 0 ~>]")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (vPianoGauche)
# sustain 2
d8 -- maracas hombre
$ whenmod 6 4 (fast 2)
$ s "m(<3 5>,8)" # speed "[0.8|0.86|0.92]"
# s "drum:3"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.4 # dry (slow 100 $ range 0 5 sine)
# gain gMaracas
-- $ fast 2
$ s "~ clap:1"
# speed (slow 42 $ range 0.9 1.2 isaw)
# gain gClap
-- V1: Bleu casse
setcps 0.4
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.65
let gBreak = 0.45
let gBass = 0.5
let gKick = 0.8
let gBreak = 0.47
let gBass = 0.7
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 0.8
let vPianoMin = 0.35
let gMaracas = 1
let vPianoMin = 0.2
let vPianoGauche = 0.4
let vPiano = 0.5
$ superimpose (const -- THE BEAT
$ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k*0"
-- $ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k"
# s "jazz"
# lpf 50
# lpf 1500
# gain gKick
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0)
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 32 28 (|> "0*4 1!2 7 6 8 ~ 8")
$ whenmod 32 24 (|> "0 1 2!6")
$ whenmod 16 15 (|> "0!6 [8 7]")
$ whenmod 16 12 (|> "0 1 2 3*5")
"0 <1 2> <2 1> 3 4*<1!4 2!4 4!24> [5 5?] 6*<1 2 4> <7!3 6>"
whenmod 8 6 (|> "6!7 7")
"0 1*2 2 3 4*[1|2|4] 5 <6!3 7> 7"
$ s "break"
# gain gBreak
# gain 0.65
d3 -- Bassline
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
$ fast 2
$ note (scale "blues"
("<0!5 4 5 4> . 2(<3!3 5>,8)")
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.01
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
# gain gBass
-- # hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 2500 sine)
# hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 1000 sine)
d4 -- Piano aigu fou
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,4)"
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,12)"
$ whenmod 32 16 (often (off 0.125 (|+ note "[0,7]")))
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (fast 2))
$ n "0*16"
......@@ -139,6 +68,7 @@ do
+ 24)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ range vPianoMin vPiano sine)
d5 -- Accords main gauche
$ stut' 4 (1/16) ((|+ 0). (|- velocity 0.05))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0,<3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 0 ~>]")
......@@ -158,6 +88,80 @@ do
# gain gClap
-- V1: Bleu casse
let scale = getScale (scaleTable ++ [("blues", [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12])])
let gKick = 0.65
let gBreak = 0.45
let gBass = 0.5
let gClap = 0.7
let gMaracas = 0.8
let vPianoMin = 0.35
let vPianoGauche = 0.4
let vPiano = 0.5
$ superimpose (const -- THE BEAT
$ slow 4 -- l'attente
$ s "k*0"
# s "jazz"
# lpf 50
# gain gKick
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0)
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (
whenmod 32 28 (|> "0*4 1!2 7 6 8 ~ 8")
$ whenmod 32 24 (|> "0 1 2!6")
$ whenmod 16 15 (|> "0!6 [8 7]")
$ whenmod 16 12 (|> "0 1 2 3*5")
"0 <1 2> <2 1> 3 4*<1!4 2!4 4!24> [5 5?] 6*<1 2 4> <7!3 6>"
$ s "break"
# gain gBreak
d3 -- Bassline
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8)
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.01
# sustain "0.75 . 0.25 0.5"
# gain gBass
-- # hpf (slow 64 $ range 0 2500 sine)
d4 -- Piano aigu fou
$ mask "t(<1!4 2!4 4!24>,4)"
$ whenmod 32 16 (often (off 0.125 (|+ note "[0,7]")))
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (fast 2))
$ n "0*16"
# note (scale "blues" (
"<0!2 [0 1] 0!2 [0 -1 -4]>"
+ 24)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ range vPianoMin vPiano sine)
d5 -- Accords main gauche
$ stut' 4 (1/16) ((|+ 0). (|- velocity 0.05))
$ note (scale "blues" "[0,<3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 3 1 0 ~>]")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (vPianoGauche)
# sustain 2
d8 -- maracas hombre
$ whenmod 6 4 (fast 2)
$ s "m(<3 5>,8)" # speed "[0.8|0.86|0.92]"
# s "drum:3"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.4 # dry (slow 100 $ range 0 5 sine)
# gain gMaracas
-- $ fast 2
$ s "~ clap:1"
# speed (slow 42 $ range 0.9 1.2 isaw)
# gain gClap
once $ s "hh:9" # gain 1
setcps 0.4
$ fast "<4!12 1!3 2>"
$ "jazz" # gain 0
d2 $ "~ c ~ ~" # "cp" # gain 0.9
d3 $ fast ("<1 2 4>" * 2) $ "drum:8" # gain 0.9
d5 $ n "0*8"
# note ("<4!2 0!2> <2 4> <0 4>")
# "hh"
# gain 0.8
d4 -- Moog dark
$ juxBy 0.75 (often rev . (# n 2) . (|- note 24))
$ scramble "[2|4]"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8))
# "moog:1"
# gain 0.75
# cut 4
d7 -- Synth Metronome bip hopital
$ n ("c4 <f3 ff3 d3 <f3 c4>>")
# "rash"
# gain 0.5
-- Responsabilité: Breakbeat pas prise de tête
-- Tags: Hip-Hop, breaks, bass, hypnotique, instrumental
-- Ready: 5/10 (Melody=, Variations=, Parts=)
-- region Responsabilite
solo 4
setcps 0.5
$ whenmod 16 10 (# hpf 6000)
$ loopAt 4
$ slice 4 (
whenmod 8 6 (|> "0")
"[0 <1 0> <0 2> <3 0 0*2 3*2>]")
$ "break" # gain 0.65
$ rarely (jux rev)
$ n ("0(<4!2 5!2 8 [8 16] 8 [16 8]>,8)")
# note (scale "major" "0 0 -1 2")
# "dr:13"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 0.85 saw)
-- $ mask "t(<1 2 3 4 1!4 4!4>,4)"
$ slice 4 "<0 .. 3> <3 .. 0>"
$ "bsbass:4"
# cut 3
# hpf (slow 4 $ range 50 500 sine) -- TODO superimpose?
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.6 perlin)
d8 -- Falling coins
$ someCycles (# speed 0.5)
$ off (1/16) (|+ note (slow 4 "<[2|4] [0 -2]>"))
$ s "coins(<3!3 <5 8>>,8)"
# note (scale "aeolian" (irand 7))
# gain (slow 80 $ range 0.4 0.7 (sine + perlin/8))
d9 -- Orchestra hit
$ degradeBy "<1!3 0.5>"
$ "~ ~ brass:1 ~"
# note ("<0!4 -4!2 2 4>")
# release 0.85 # attack 5
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 20000 2000 saw)
# gain 0.65
# room 0.8
# size 0.8
# dry 2
-- endregion
-- IrResponsabilité: Du Breakbeat à la break-tech
-- Tags: Tech-Hop, breaks, bass, hypnotique, instrumental
-- Ready: ?/10 (Melody=, Variations=, Parts=)
setcps 0.5
$ every' 4 3 (someCycles (# hpf 500))
$ whenmod 32 16 (mask "<[f t?]!8 f!7 t>")
$ superimpose (
const -- Kick
-- $ sometimesBy -- décalage
-- "0 <0!3 0.5> 0 <0 1>" ("e" ~>)
-- $ superimpose ((# "clubkick:5") . (# hpf 500))
$ "k k k <k!3 <~ [~ k] k*2>>"
# "kick:5"
# gain 0.5
$ loopAt 4
$ "break"
# gain 0.5
$ rarely (jux rev)
$ n ("0(<4!2 5!2 8 [8 16] 8 [16 8]>,8)")
# note (scale "major" "0 0 -1 2")
# "dr:13"
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 0.85 saw)
-- $ mask "t(<1 2 3 4 1!4 4!4>,4)"
$ superimpose ( -- Attente
fast 2 . (|* 0.75) . (# hpf 0)
$ slice 4 "<0 .. 3> <3 .. 0>"
$ "bsbass:4"
# cut 3
# hpf (slow 4 $ range 1500 500 sine)
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.6 perlin)
d8 -- Falling coins
$ someCycles (# speed 0.5)
$ off (1/16) (|+ note (slow 4 "<[2|4] [0 -2]>"))
$ s "coins(<3!3 <5 8>>,8)"
# note (scale "aeolian" (irand 7))
# gain (slow 80 $ range 0.4 0.7 (sine + perlin/8
-- Break Toys: Breakbeat + random toys/noise
-- Tags:
-- Ready: 5/10
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snares pistols
......@@ -63,3 +64,22 @@ do
d6 -- Glitchs randomises carres
$ often (stut' "[4|8]" 0.125 ((# crush 8) . (|* gain 0.9)))
$ s "~ glitch" # n (irand 8) # gain 0.7
-- Scramblebeat:
d1 $ loopAt 4 $ shuffle 4 $ s "break" # gain 0.7
$ superimpose (
every' 2 1 (off 0.5 (|+ note "[0|12]")
. whenmod 4 2 (off 0.125 id) -- Souvent double
. (|+ note 24) -- Aigu
. mask "t(1,4)" -- Base
$ degradeBy "0 0.25 0.5 0.75"
$ arpeggiate
$ note ("<c3'six!3 d3'six f3'six g3'six>")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.45
-- Cloudy afternoon: Piano dans l'espace
-- Tags: spacial, attente, echos
setcps 1
d1 -- Kick régulo-varié
d1 -- Kick techno rotatif régulo-varié
$ someCycles (degradeBy 0.2)
$ whenmod 32 24 (# silence) -- stop periodique
$ every 4 ( -- 4eme temps, decalage plus echo
$ every' 4 3 ( -- 4eme temps, decalage plus echo
someCyclesBy 0.25 ((0.25 ~>) . (stut 2 0.5 0.25))
$ s "kick:11*2"
# pan (slow 16 $ sine)
$ s "kick:11"
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.6 sine)
# gain 0.8
d2 -- hh la résistance danse
$ s "~ <b> . b . <b> ~ . b"
# s "bshihat" # n "0|1"
$ s "~ b . b . b ~ . b"
# s "bshihat" # n "[0|1]"
# gain (slow 64 $ sine * 0.7 + 0.6)
# room (slow 64 $ 0.205 - sine * 0.2) # size 0.8
# gain (slow 16 $ sine * 0.5 + 0.4)
......@@ -25,19 +29,6 @@ $ n "<0 [0|1]>"
# s "bsperc"
# gain 0.65
d4 $ silence
$ every 4 (someCycles (rev))
$ superimpose ((|+ note "<5 7 5 5 0 7 <0 5> <0 5>>"))
$ superimpose (rev . (|- note 12))
$ note (scale "major" "0 1 2 7")
# s "bassWarsaw"
-- # release (0.9)
# release (slow 16 $ sine * 0.8 + 0.2)
-- # attack (0.75 + rand / 4)
|- note 24
# gain 0.9
d5 -- piano spatial
$ whenmod 24 22 (|+ note 7)
......@@ -51,13 +42,13 @@ $ s "bsperc:2(3,8)"
# room 0.2 # size (slow 8 $ sine * 0.2 + 0.5)
# gain 0.6
d5 -- Carillons
d6 -- Carillons
$ someCycles (0.5 ~>)
$ s "hh?(<4 4 4 2>,4) ~" # n "8 8 8 <8 8 8 9> 3"
# gain (slow 16 $ sine * 0.5 + 0.4)
d7 --
d7 -- Vocals
$ whenmod 32 16 (# gain 0.8)
$ s "[~ bsvocals]/4"
# n "<2? 2? <3 3 3 [3|12]>? 2>"
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ do
setcps (60/60/2)
d1 -- Kick techno (mask 4) / trance (mask 12)
-- TODO: at 12, not really transe yet
$ mask "t(11,12)"
-- $ mask "t(11,12)"
$ whenmod 64 32 (|> n "[0 0 <0 ~>]*4")
$ s "k!3 . k <k ~> k . k!3 . k k <k!4 ~ ~ k k ~ k>"
# s "jazz"
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ do
# pan ("<0.5!3 [0.25|0.75]*1>")
# lpf ((slow 19 $ range 2 20 sine) * 1000)
d3 -- Bassline
-- $ superimpose (fast 2 . (# crush 6))
$ superimpose (fast 2 . (# crush 6))
$ note (
slowcat [
"0 3 5 ~ <~ 5> <5 ~> 5 ~",
setcps 0.5
-- $ someCycles (# silence)
$ someCyclesBy 1 (# room 0.2) . (# gain 0.5))
$ superimpose (rev . chop 16)
$ s "nass:1"
# gain 0.5
d1 $ "dr"
$ someCycles (# silence)
$ someCyclesBy 1 ((# room 0.2) . (# gain 0.5))
$ superimpose (rev . chop 16)
$ s "nass:1"
# gain 0.9
d2 -- Vents mélodiques
$ whenmod 32 24 (juxBy 0.75 rev)
$ whenmod 32 16 (rev)
$ superimpose (|+ note "c'maj")
$ n (run 10) # "wind"
# speed (range 1 0.25 perlin)
# gain (range 0.4 0.6 perlin)
d2 $ s "wind"
d3 -- Mer
$ often (off 1 (# crush 5))
$ "seawolf/4" # n (irand 3) # gain 0.7
let gKick = 0.65
let gSnare = 0.6
let gDrums = 0.8
let gHats = 0.57
let vPiano = 0.35
let gCloches = 0.7
let gBass = 0.5
let gBrass = 0.5
setcps 0.45
solo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snare
solo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 4 -- Piano
solo 5 -- Bass
solo 6 -- Hats
solo 7 -- Cloches
solo 8 -- Brass
$ whenmod 16 14 (slow "<2 [1 0.5]>")
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Pont solo basse
degradeBy "1!7 [1 . 1 0]"
$ s "k k k k*[1|2]"
# s "jazz" # hpf 100 # gain gKick
d2 -- Snares decroissants
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Pont solo basse
# silence)
$ often ( -- Echos filtre decroissant
stut' 4 0.125 (|* lpf 0.8)
$ fast "<1!7 [2 4]>"
$ s "~ snare:20"
# lpf 5000
# gain gSnare
-- $ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Pont solo basse
-- # silence)
$ fast "8 <8!4 [8 16]!4> <8!8 16!8> [8 16]"
$ s "drum:8"
# gain gDrums
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Pont solo basse
|+ gain "<0.1 0.2 0 -0.1 -0.2!4>"
$ (0.25 ~>)
$ off 0.125 (# lpf 250)
$ note (
"<f4'maj!3 f4'min f4'min!3 f4'maj>"
# s "superpiano"
# velocity vPiano
d5 -- Bassline
$ mask "t([1|2|4],8)"
$ superimpose -- Accélération 8-bit!
(fast 2 . (# crush 6))
$ note (
slowcat [
"0 3 5 ~ <~ 5> <5 ~> 5 ~",
"<5 ~> <~ 5> 5 5 <3!3 8> ~ <3!7 7> ~"
|- note 24
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.2
# sustain "0.25!2 0.5 0.25"
# pan 0.6
# gain gBass
d6 -- Hats open-closing
$ s "ho(<1!3 2>,2) hc:2*<1!4 2!4 4!4 8!4>"
# n "[0|1] 3"
# cut 6
# gain gHats
d7 -- Accelerating Bells
$ superimpose (slow 2 . arp "<updown!3 downup>")
$ someCyclesBy "<0!8 0.5!4 0.75!4>" (fast 2)
$ note ("0(1,8)"
+ "<f3'min!3 f3'maj>"
# sustain 1
# s "superfork"
# gain gCloches
d8 -- Brass lancinant
$ whenmod 128 64 (# gain gBrass)
$ whenmod 32 24 (# note "<0!3 7>")
$ whenmod 64 32 (off 0.25 (# begin 0.75))
$ note ("~!7 <0!4 2 3 5 7>")
# begin 0.5
# room 0.6 # sz 0.8
# s "brass:6" # gain 0
once $ s "brass"
# n 6
# note
# begin 0.5
# gain 0.7
-- # speed 1.2
# cut 10
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
$ whenmod 16 12 (mask "t(<0!2 1!2>,2)")
$ s "k . k(<3 1 2 3>,8)" # s "reverbkick"
# lpf 200 # gain 0.6
d2 -- Drumroll
$ every 4 (fast 2)
$ fast ("<1!3 2>" * 4)
$ s "drum:8" # gain 1.1
$ superimpose (
off 0.125 (ply 2)
. fast 2
. (|+ 24)
$ note "<f4'maj f4'min f3'min f4'maj>"
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 16 $ range 0.35 0.4 sine)
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.5 1 saw)
d4 $ arp "pinkyup downup" $ note ("f2'maj")
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.3 # gain 0.4
setcps 0.5
d1 $ note "0 0 0 <0!3 <~ [~ 0]>>" # s "jazz" # gain 0.9
$ every 4 (off 0.125 id)
$ whenmod 16 8 (fast 2)
$ s "~ cp" # lpf 4000
# gain 0.95
$ every 8 (ply 2)
$ s "dr*<8!3 16>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 1 perlin)
$ whenmod 32 16 (mask "t(<1!8 3!4 4!4>,4)")
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
sometimes (7 -)
"0 ~ [4 <5 7> ~]"
) - 36)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# gain 0.8
d7 -- synthe echos electrique
$ superimpose (
(# s "supercomparator") .
(# voice (slow 64 $ sine * 8)) . (|- note 12)
$ whenmod 16 8 (sometimes (juxBy 0.4 (|+ note 12))) -- jux eclairs!
$ degradeBy "<1 1 1 0> <[1 1 1 0] [1 0] 0>"
$ n "0*16"
# voice 0.1
# s "supersquare"
# note (scale "aeolian"
"<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>")
# gain 0.55
-- region Init
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "<f [f . f t]>")
-- "<k [~ k]> . k(<1 3>,8)" -- Attente hip
"k k k <k k? k [k? k]>" -- Techno
# "[jazz,cpu2,cpu2:1]"
$ fast "<1!4 2!2 4 8>"
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (stut 4 0.75 "e")
$ "~ cpu2:2" # gain 0.7
# pan 0.7
$ whenmod 16 8 (degradeBy "0 0.2 0.5 <0.75 0>")
$ fast "8 <16!3 <[8 4] [8 16]>>"
$ "dr:21"
# pan (slow 16 "<0.8 0.2>")
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.4 0.8 saw)
$ juxBy 0.25 rev
$ whenmod 4 2 (off "q" (|+ note 12) . (|* gain 0.8))
$ note (scale "lydian"
(slow 2 "[<c'maj!3 c'min>](3,8) ~ f*4 e*2")
# octave 3
# pan 0.3
# "supersaw" # voice 0.01
# gain 0.55
$ swing 2
$ arp "up"
$ off "e" (|* gain 0.7)
$ note (scale "lydian" (
slow 2 "[<c'maj!3 e'maj>] ~ f*2 <e'maj!3 c'maj>*2"
# "superfork"
# octave 3
# legato 2
# gain 0.8
d7 $ "~ cp"
d5 -- Orchestra winds
$ every' 4 3 (jux rev)
$ whenmod 32 16 (|* gain (slow 2 "<1.1 0.9 0.8 0.7>"))
$ off "q" (|+ note 12)
$ off "e" (|+ note (slow 4 $ "<4 7>"))
$ "~ ~ brass:1 ~"
# note ("<c6'maj f6'maj f6'min f6'maj>")
# gain 0.75
# room 0.5
# size 0.2
# legato 2
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 200 500 sine)
-- endregion
-- region Techno-FONK
let mHats = "[<t t? [f|f|t] t>*2]"
let mBass = "<t t f t>"
let mGuitar = "<f t f t>"
setcps (104/60/4)
$ euclid "<1!8 2!4 3!3 4 4!8 5!4>" 8
$ "[jazz,cpu2]" # gain 0.5
# lpf 5000
d2 -- Hats en mouvements
$ mask (slow 8 $ mHats)
$ ply "1 . 2"
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 4 "0 1 2 <3 [~ 3]>"
$ "break:7"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.35 0.55 saw)
# panbd (segment 8 $ range 0.2 0.8 perlin)
d4 -- Bass hypnotique
$ mask (slow 8 $ mBass)
$ bite 4 ("<3 0> <1 3> 2 3")
$ s "fbass:<2!3 1>"
# cut 2 # gain 0.65
d5 -- Guitare résolue
$ juxBy 0.8 id
$ whenmod 8 6 (sometimesBy "0 0.9" (# silence))
$ mask (slow 4 $ mGuitar)
$ bite 4 "0*2 <3!3 2>*4"
$ n "[<5!3 6>,~ . <4 7>]"
# "fguitar"
# cut 2
# gain 0.5
# pan (range 0.6 0.8 perlin)
d6 -- Claps!
$ whenmod 32 8 (# gain 0.55)
$ someCyclesBy "<0!3 0.9>" (stut 3 0.75 "[e|s]")
$ "~ ~ ~ clap"
# pan "0.3 0.7"
# gain 0
d7 -- Ready?
$ whenmod 16 12 (slice 2 "[0*4, 1*2]")
$ "rave"
# cut 7
# gain "<0!12 0.45!4>"
-- endregion
-- region Beat-FunkaLesson
once $ "reverbkick" # gain 0.8
setcps 0.5
-- This all works nicely with chopped-up loops:
unsolo 1 -- Kick
unsolo 2 -- Breakbeat
unsolo 3 -- Drumroll
unsolo 4 -- Bass
unsolo 5 -- Guitar
setcps (
$ whenmod 16 8 (slow "<2!4 8!2 4 2>")
$ "k k k <k [~ k]>"
# "jungbass" # n "[0,4]"
# gain 0.9
# hpf 110
$ every 2 ("e" <~)
$ every 3 (0.25 <~)
$ loopAt 2 $ chop 8 $ "break"
# gain 0.65
d3 -- Drum / Hats roll
$ sew "t(<5 7 1>,8)" "dr:21*16" "[dr:22 dr?]*[8|4]"
# gain 0.7
$ whenmod 64 32 (# n "5")
$ whenmod 16 10 (mask "f(3,8)")
-- $ bite 4 "0(3,8)" # n "<2!3 3>"
$ n "<4!7 5>"
# "fbass" # cut 2
# gain 0.9
d5 -- Guitare
-- $ fast (slow 8 $ "<1 2 4!3 8>")
$ juxBy 0.25 (degrade . rev)
$ slice 4 (iter 2 $ run 4)
$ s "~ ~ ~ g"
# n (slow 16 $ "<1 2>")
# "fguitar"
# gain 0.65 # cut 5
$ s "clap*2 ~!<7!3 3 7!2 3!2>"
# room 0.2 # dry 0.9
# djf (range 0.1 0.9 (slow 16 $ perlin))
d7 -- Gemissement nappé
$ arp "up"
$ chop 8
$ note ("<d5'maj <f5'min d6'maj>>")
# s "moan"
# crush (range 3 6 perlin)
# gain 0.4
d9 -- Numbers!
-- $ bite 4 "0 <1? 1> <2 2? ~ 2> 3?"
$ (0.75 ~>)
$ slice 2 "[0 1]"
$ s "toys:11"
# speed 0.8
# cut 10 # lpf 1200
# gain 0.95
d8 -- Whitenoise spatial
$ n "[2*<0 1?>]"
# "cosmicg"
# gain 0.65
# cut 8
-- Sandbox
$ every 3 rev
$ off "e" (|+ note 7)
$ note ("<c4!3 f4>")
# "monsterb"
# gain 0.8
once $ s "cosmicg:3"
-- todo stitch
-- endregion
d1 $ s "bd" # gain 0.8
d2 $ ply ("<1!2 2 4>" * "<4!3 1>") $ s "drum:8"
d3 $ slice 8 ("0 1 2 3")
$ sound "break:8" # gain 0.95
$ whenmod 8 6 (degrade)
$ superimpose (
every 2 (often (# silence))
. slow 2 . arp "updown" . (|- note 24))
$ struct "t([3|5|7],8,<0 4>)"
$ note ("<c'maj f'maj c'min c'maj>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.45
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- drumroll
unsolo 3 -- bass
solo 4 -- clap simple
solo 5 -- piano
solo 6 -- Vocal British
unsolo 7 -- Vocal bev
solo 9 -- clap double echo
solo 10 -- Jambon fromage
setcps 0.5
-- $ "k k k <k!3 [~ k]>"
$ "k . k(<3 <1 5 3 4>>,8)"
# s "reverbkick"
# lpf (slow 16 $ range 200 2000 perlin)
# gain 0.95
d2 -- Drumroll / hat regulo 8 accelere
$ superimpose ( -- Hats
const $ s "ho:[0|1](3,8,<2>)" # gain 0.8 # cut 2
$ whenmod 32 24 (degradeBy "0 0.5!7")
$ whenmod 32 16 (fast 2)
$ fast "16 8"
$ s "drum:8"
d2 -- Drumroll ternaire!
$ fast 4 $ s "d d*1 d*2"
# s "dr"
# note ("<0!12 -2 -4 -8 -10>")
$ mask "t(1,4)"
$ superimpose ((|+ note 12) . (# gain 0.65))
$ note (slowcat
["c ds f ~", "c ds [fs f] ~", "c ds f [~ ds]", "~ c"]
- 24)
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1 # gain (slow 40 $ range 0.5 0.8 sine)
d3 -- Basse slow sonore
$ mask "t(<1!2 2!2 3!2 4!2>,4,<0 1 2 3>)"
-- $ chop "4"
$ note ("c <ds!4 gs!4> [g <f!3 gs>]") # octave 3
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.85
d4 $ s "cp"
# gain 0.8 # room 0.5 # dry 1
d5 -- Piano fou
$ superimpose (|> note ("c4'maj*12" + "<0 12 24>"))
$ note ("c!6 [c <ds f ds!2 f!3 [f c] [c f]>] ~")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.65
# gain (slow 100 $ range 0.6 0.9 cosine)
$ often (# crush 16)
$ slice 4 "<0!3 1>*4" $ s "bsvocals"
# gain (slow 40 $ range 0.3 0.8 sine)
# cut 6
$ slice 4 "0(<4!7 1>,8)" $ s "bev" # cut 7
# gain 1 # room 0.9 # sz 0.4
$ every' 4 3 (off 0.125 id)
$ s "~ ~ ~ cp"
# room 0.8 # sz 0.5 # lpf 2000
$ slice 4 ("<3!3 <0!3 1>>")
$ "macron:7" # gain 0.95
# cut 10
$ s "jazz(3,8)"
$ fast "<16!3 [4 <4 8>]>" $ s "drum:8"
$ whenmod 32 24 (mask "t(1,4)")
$ note ("[0*2 <7!5 5!2 3!2 2>]*2")
# s "superpiano"
# octave 6
# velocity 0.4
# room 0.4 # sz 0.2
d4 -- Basse electrique
$ often (superimpose (# crush 4.5))
$ note (scale "aeolian" ("0 ~ . ~ 4 ~ 0(2,<2!2 4 8>)"))
# s "bassWarsaw" # octave 3
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.75 0.9 sine)
$ s "ho(<1 3 <5 7>>,8) hc([1|2|4],4)" # n "0 [2]"
# cut 5
# gain 0.75
-- Jazz-hop?
d1 $ "k . k(3,8)" # s "reverbkick" # gain 0.6
d2 $ "~ sn:1" # gain 0.8
d3 $ s "dr*4" # gain 0.7
$ scramble "<4!4 8 2>"
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8))
# s "brass:13" # gain 0.5
d1 $ whenmod 32 24 (slow 2) $ "sequential:3*4"
d2 $ "~ sequential"
$ jux rev
$ "sequential:2(6,8,<0 4>)"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.6 0.9 saw)
$ superimpose ( -- Arpeges
superimpose ( -- Bassline
swing 2 . (|> "bassWarsaw")
. (# octave 2)
. (|* gain 1.3)
) .
arp "downup" . (|- note 12) . (# cut 41)
$ note ("<c7'maj'4 f7'maj'2 c7'min'4 c7'maj'2>") # "sax:6"
# gain 0.85
# cut 4
d5 $ ""
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ do
$ s "h . ~ <~ l> . ~ [~|~|h] . <~ l> <l ~>"
|- note 2
# pan 0.2
# gain 0.6
d2 -- amen sur 8
$ whenmod 16 10 (# gain 0) -- break 1
$ whenmod 16 8 (off 0.125 (|+ n 7))
d1 $ s "<kick [~ kick]>"
# n 3
# gain 0.6
d2 $ s "~ snare:2"
# gain 0.6
d2 $ s "dr*4 ~ dr*2 ~"
# gain 0.8
$ slow 4
$ n "0 .. 31" # s "amencutup"
# gain 0.8
$ whenmod 16 10
$ n "0 0 0 [0 0] 0 [0 0] 0"
# s "bass3"
# gain 0.9
-- o o u [o u] o [o u] u
-- Battle de pianos!
-- Arène: Battle de piano
-- Tags: Hip-Hop, piano, energique
-- Ready: 8/10 (Melody+, Variations+, Parts+)
d3 $ s "dr*4"
setcps 0.5
d1 -- Kick basique
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Break silence
solo 1 -- Beat anticipateur
solo 2 -- Snare contretemps rushé
solo 3 -- Drumroll metronomique
solo 4 -- Toms+hats balancés (TODO less digital toms)
solo 5 -- Piano J1
solo 6 -- Piano J2
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 -- Kick écho décalé
$ whenmod 16 12 ( -- Break silence
mask "t(1,2)"
$ whenmod 4 3 (
(>| n "0(3,8) . ~")
. (|+ gain "0 0.05 0.1 0.15")
$ whenmod 16 4 (juxBy 0.25 ( -- Echo decale
(slow 4 "<0.5 0.125>" ~>) . (|* gain 0.85)
$ n "0"
# s "jazz" # gain 0.7
# s "reverbkick" # gain 0.85
# cut 1
d2 -- Snare contretemps
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Break silence
# lpf (slow 16 $ "<10000 5000 2500 1000>")
d2 -- Snare contretemps rush final
$ juxBy 0.7 (# crush 8)
$ whenmod 16 12 ( -- Break silence
fast "<0!4 1 2 4 8>"
$ s "~ snare:48"
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.7
# note (slow 2 "<0 1>" - 6)
d3 -- Metrono-roll
$ whenmod 32 24 ( -- Break silence
$ whenmod 16 12 ( -- Break silence
slow "<2!6 [0.5 0.25] 0.25>"
$ someCyclesBy "<0!3 <0.25!3 0.75>>" (fast "2 [2|4]")
$ s "dr*4" # gain 0.8 # pan 0.3
d4 -- Toms TODO variations sur rounds
$ juxBy 0.7 rev
$ s "[808lt(5,8),808mt:1(<3!3 5!3>,8,[0|3])]" # gain 0.5 -- todo toms?
$ someCyclesBy "<0!3 <0.5!3 0.75>>" (almostAlways $ fast "2 [2|4]")
$ s "dr*4" # gain 0.85
# pan "<0.3 0.7 [0.3 0.7] [0.7 0.3]>"
d4 -- Toms + Hats
$ superimpose (
someCycles (degradeBy "0 0.5!7")
. (# s "hh:0")
. (# note "<0!3 <-2 2>>")
. (# crush 16)
. (# pan (slow 2 $ range 0.4 0.6 sine))
$ every' 2 1 (often ((1/16) ~>))
$ whenmod 64 32 (juxBy 0.7 rev)
$ whenmod 32 16 (hurry 0.75 . fast 2)
$ s "[808lt(5,8,<0 4>),808mt:1(<3!3 5!3>,8,[0|3])]"
# gain 0.7
# pan 0.45
# lpf (slow 4 $ range 1200 600 sine)
d5 -- Piano J1
$ swingBy (slow 32 "<0!2 1/3 0.5>") 8
$ mask (slow 32 $ "<f t>") -- Rounds
$ swingBy (slow 16 "<0!2 1/3 0.5>") 8
$ mask (slow 16 $ "<f t>") -- Rounds
$ note (
"0!6 [~ 0] <-2!3 3 -2!2 3!3 7 9 7 5 3 -2!2>" -- rythme+melody 16
+ "d4")
# sustain (1/4)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (0.75 - (perlin * 0.15))
# gain 0.8
# room 0.5 # sz 0.5 --TODO fine-tune reverb
# gain 0.75
# room 0.35 # sz 0.6
d6 -- Piano J2 accords fous !
$ sometimesBy "0 0.25" ("[1|2]/8" ~>)
$ mask (slow 32 $ "<f f t t>") -- Rounds
$ mask (slow 16 $ "<f f t t>") -- Rounds
$ note (
"[<0!15 0?> <0!7 ~> <~!3 0> 0]*4" -- rythme fou
+ "<d6'maj f6'maj c6'min d6'maj>")
# sustain (1/4)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (0.6 + (perlin * 0.15))
# gain 0.8
# room 0.2 # sz 0.2 --TODO fine-tune reverb
d7 $ silence -- TODO BASS
once $ s "industrial:6" # gain 0.8
# gain 0.6
# room 0.3 # sz 0.8 # dry 1.1
-- Good Morning Minneapolis
let melody = "<d4'min d4'min <a3'min g4'min e4'min> d4'min>"
let melodyFirst = "<d3 d3 <a3 g3 e3> d3>"
let gKick = 0.65
let gSnareL = 0.45
let gSnareH = 0.7
let gDrumsL = 0.65
let gDrumsH = 0.8
let vPiano = 0.45
let gBass = 0.55
let gSiren = 0.5
let gHitL = 0.5
let gHitH = 0.8
let gClap = 0.65
let gGunL = 0.35
let gGunH = 0.5
let gFire = 0.4
setcps 0.5
unsolo 1 -- Kick
unsolo 2 -- Snare
solo 1 -- Kick
solo 2 -- Snare
unsolo 3 -- Drumroll
solo 4 -- Piano
unsolo 5 -- Basse/Sirene
solo 5 -- Basse/Sirene
unsolo 6 -- Hit roll
unsolo 7 -- Claps fantomes
unsolo 8 -- Guns + Fire
$ mask "t(1,4)"
$ sometimesBy "<0 0.1>" (# hpf 200)
$ s "k . k(<1 <3 5>>,8)" -- Hip beat
$ s "k . k(<1 <3 5>>,8,<0 4>)" -- Hip beat
-- $ whenmod 16 10 (slow "<4!4 2>") $ s "k k <k!2 ~ k> <k!3 k*2>" -- TECHNO
# "reverbkick" # lpf (slow 64 $ range 500 2500 sine)
# gain 0.65
# "reverbkick"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 500 2500 sine)
# gain gKick
$ every' 8 7 (mask "f t!3" . jux rev)
$ s "~ s(<1!3 3>,8)" # s "snare:20"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
# gain (slow 32 $ range gSnareL (gSnareH) saw)
# pan 0.3
d3 -- Drumroll opposé hit roll
-- $ fast "<4!3 <2 [2 <8 [8 16]>]>>" -- Waiting roll
$ fast "<16!3 [16 8]> [8 <8!3 16>]" -- Running roll
$ s "drum:8"
# gain (slow 40 $ range 0.5 0.75 sine)
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.4 0.6 sine)
# gain (slow 40 $ range gDrumsL gDrumsH sine)
d6 -- Hit roll opposé drumroll
$ every' 4 3 ( -- acceleration + cymbale
fast "2 1" . (# n "0!3 1")
. (|* gain "1!3 <0.65 0.8>")
$ s "hh(<3!4 5!4>,8)"
# gain (slow 40 $ range 0.55 0.9 cosine)
# gain (slow 40 $ range gHitL gHitH cosine)
# pan 0.7
$ degradeBy "0 0.9!8" -- OUTRO
-- $ degradeBy "0 0.9!7" -- OUTRO
$ mask "t(<1 2!2 4>,4)"
$ superimpose (
often (off 0.125 (|+ note "<0!3 12>"))
. arp (slow 8 $ "<up down updown downup>")
. (|+ note 36)
. (# sustain 0.5)
. (# velocity 0.4)
. (|* velocity 1.1)
. (# room 0.2)
. (# sz 0.8)
. (|+ pan 0.15)
$ note (melody)
# s "superpiano"
# velocity 0.3
# velocity vPiano
# sustain 1
# room 0.4 # size 0.2
# pan 0.5
d5 -- Basse + Sirene
$ whenmod 64 32 (
$ whenmod 64 0 (
superimpose (
slow 4
. (# s "supersiren")
. (|- note 12)
. (|* gain 1.1)
. (|- note 12) -- 24 when crushed
. (# gain gSiren)
. (# room 0.5)
-- $ chop 4 $ often (ply 4) $ (# crush 4) -- TECHNOPHILE
$ note (melodyFirst)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.02
# gain 0.45
# gain gBass
# pan (slow 10 $ range 0.6 0.8 sine)
d7 -- Claps fantomes
$ s "~ cp"
# room (range 0.5 0.95 perlin)
# sz (range 0.2 0.9 perlin)
# dry 1.2
# gain 0.65
# gain gClap
# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.45 0.65 saw)
d8 -- Gunfire
$ sometimes (
......@@ -86,7 +100,7 @@ do
$ often (stut 4 0.9 (1/16)) -- échos
$ s "~ ~ ~ snare:57"
# speed (range 0.4 1.1 perlin)
# gain (range 0.45 0.6 rand)
# gain (range gGunL gGunH rand)
# cut 80
# pan (range 0.2 0.8 perlin)
......@@ -95,5 +109,6 @@ do
# begin (slow 4 "<0 0.2 0.5>")
# cut 8
# room 0.6 # size 0.4
# speed (range 0.8 1 perlin)
# gain 0.7
# speed (range 0.5 1 perlin)
# gain gFire
# delay 0.3 # delaytime (1/3) # delayfb 0.8
let mel = "<c4'maj c4'min e4'maj c4'maj>/4"
$ s "reverbkick(<3 <5!2 7>>,8)" # gain 0.9
d2 $ fast 2 $ s "~ <s!3 s*2>" # s "snare:11"
# gain 0.9
d3 $ jux id $ fast "<8 16> <4!3 8>" $ s "dr"
$ stut 8 0.8 0.5
$ note mel
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.65
-- $ chop (slow 2 $ "1 2 1")
$ note ("0" + mel - 12) # s "supersaw"
# voice 0.1 # gain 0.7
$ swing 4
$ often (ply 2)
$ s "space"
# speed
# n "[1|2]" # gain 0.75
$ whenmod 8 7 (# silence)
$ sometimesBy "1 0 0 0" (# lpf 200)
$ s "t t t <t!3 t*2>"
-- "t t t*2 [~ t]"
# s "jazz" # gain 1
d2 $ s "hh" # gain 1
$ note ("<0!4 2!2 4 7>" + "d3'maj")
# s "supersaw" # gain 0.9
d4 $ s "~ ~ cp ~" # gain 0.7
# room (slow 10 $ range 0.3 0.9 sine)
# sz 0.4 # dry 1
$ superimpose (
mask "t(3,4)"
. (# sustain "0.25 0.25 0.5 ~")
. (|+ note "12")
. arp "up"
. chop 4
$ note ("<0!4 2!2 4 7>" + "d3'maj")
# s "moogBass" # gain 0.9
once $ s "macron:7" # gain 1.1
let melody = "<c4'maj!2 c4'min f4'maj>"
d1 $ fast 4 $ s "jazz" # gain 0.5
d2 $ sound "t*2 . t t t" # s "dr" # gain 0.6
d3 $ chop "<4!3 8>" $ note (melody - 12) # s "supersaw" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.8
d4 $ note (melody) # s "superpiano" # velocity 0.5
-- Accel: get faster, yet calmer
-- Tags: Techno, dark bass, synthe, sirenes
-- Ready: 7/10 (Melody+, Variations=, Parts=)
-- region Part 1: setup accel vivant
solo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snare
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
unsolo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- siren
unsolo 6 -- clap
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
-- let mKick = "<1!32 0!15 [0 1] 1!64 0.9!4 0.8!4 0.7!4 0.6!4>"
let gKick = 0.5 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.6
let gHats = 0.7
let gDrums = 0.5
let gBass = 0.5 * "<1!16 <[1 0]*4 [0 1]*4>!8 1!8>"
let gKick = 0.75 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.85
let gDrums = 0.75
let gBass = 0.65 * "<1!16 <[1 0]*4 [0 1]*4>!8 1!8>"
let gSiren = 0.85 * "<0!64 0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSynth = 0.5 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.6
let gSynth = 0.65
let gClap = 0.9
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
......@@ -110,18 +111,18 @@ once $ s "abstract:1" # cut 1 # gain 0.6
-- region Part 2: Dry Melancholia
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- snare
solo 2 -- snare + h
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
let gKick = 0.6 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gKick = 0.7 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.75
let gBass = 0.6
let gSiren = 0.6
let gSynth = 1 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gSynth = 0.9 * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
......@@ -176,9 +177,9 @@ do
-- region Part 3: Folie
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- snare
unsolo 2 -- snare
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
unsolo 4 -- bass
solo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- siren
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
......@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ do
let gSnare = 0.65
let gHats = 0.75
let gBass = 0.6
let gSiren = 0.3 * "<0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSiren = 0.2 * "<0.7!32 0.6!32 0.5!32 0.4!32>"
let gSynth = 1.3 -- * "<0!16 <[1 0]*4 [1? 1]*4>!16 1!32>"
let gClap = 0.8
let melody = "<0 0 0 0 2 2 4 -2>"
......@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ do
) - 36)
# s "supersiren"
# sustain 4
# gain 0.8
# gain gSiren
# cut 5
d7 -- synthe echos electrique
......@@ -253,13 +254,13 @@ $ n "0*12"
-- region Part 4: Résolution
solo 1 -- kick
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snare
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
unsolo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- choeur
unsolo 6 -- clap
unsolo 7 -- synth
solo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- choeur -- FIXME
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
let mKick = "<1!32 0!15 [0 1] 1!64 0.9!4 0.8!4 0.7!4 0.6!4>"
let gKick = 0.75 * mKick -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.6
......@@ -333,22 +334,22 @@ d7 -- synthe echos electrique
# gain gSynth
-- endregion
-- region Part 5: Restart minimal
unsolo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- claps
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
unsolo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- Choeurs
unsolo 6 -- piano
unsolo 7 -- synth
unsolo 8 -- Pistolets
solo 7 -- synth
solo 8 -- Pistolets
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 14 (# silence) -- break frequent
$ n "0 0 <0!3 0?> 0" # s "reverbkick"
# lpf 500 # gain 0.9
# lpf 500
# gain 0.7
$ whenmod 4 3 (sometimesBy "0 0.75" (ply 2))
$ fast 2 $ s "~ cp" # gain 0.8
......@@ -358,19 +359,21 @@ do
$ fast "1 <1!3 2>"
$ s "ifdrums:1*4"
-- # gain 0.9
d4 -- Basse nappes + arp aigues
d4 -- Basse nappes + arp aigues crushées
$ superimpose (
(# crush (range 1 3 perlin)) .
swing "<3 2>" .
fast 4 .
arp "<pinkyup>"
. (|+ gain 0.0)
. (|+ note 12)
arp "<pinkyup updown downup speedupdown>"
. (|* gain 0.8)
. every 2 (|+ note 12)
. (|+ note 12)
$ note (scale "lydian"
"<c4'maj e4'maj c4'maj e4'min>/4")
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.35 0.4 sine)
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.45 0.5 sine)
d5 -- Choeurs
$ note (scale "lydian"
"<c4'maj e4'maj c4'maj e4'min>/4")
......@@ -398,21 +401,21 @@ do
-- region Part 6: Finish breakbeat
solo 1 -- kick
solo 2 -- claps
solo 3 -- drumroll
unsolo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- Choeurs
unsolo 2 -- claps
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass -- FIXME
unsolo 5 -- Choeurs
unsolo 6 -- piano
unsolo 7 -- synth
solo 8 -- Pistolets
setcps 0.5 -- TECHNOOO
$ whenmod 4 3 (iter 4)
-- $ fast 4
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 "[0(3,8) 1]" -- finish [1]
-- $ slice 8 "[0(3,8) 1, 2(1,8)]" -- finish [1]
$ slice 8 "1" -- finish [1]
$ s "break"
# gain 0.8
# gain 0.75
$ whenmod 4 3 (sometimesBy "0 0.75" (ply 2))
-- $ fast 2
......@@ -444,9 +447,9 @@ do
$ note (scale "lydian"
"<c4'maj e4'maj c4'maj e4'min>")
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.65
# s "superpiano" # velocity 0.55
d8 -- Random pistolets fin boucle 64
$ whenmod 64 48 (sometimes (# gain 0.8))
$ whenmod 64 48 (sometimes (# gain 0.6))
$ every' 4 3 ((sometimes $ jux rev) . (fast 2))
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" ((ply 2) . (|+ note "[-12|+6]"))
$ s "~ s(<3!3 5>,8,3)"
-- region Part 1 Breakbeato-bass
$ s "jazz(2,4)" # lpf 1000
-- $ superimpose (
-- const
-- $ s "k(<1!7 3>,8) . k(<1 3 5>,8)"
-- # s "reverbkick"
-- # gain 0.5
-- )
-- $ loopAt 2 -- 4 slowdown
-- $ slice 4 "0? 1*2 3(3,8) ~"
-- $ s "break:1"
# gain 0.5
$ fast "<4!2 8 16>"
$ s "ifdrums:1" # gain 0.5 # sz 0.5 # room 0.5
$ note ("<0>"
+ "[0,<12 12?>](<3!3 5 3!3 5 3!3 5 8 10 5>,16)"
# s "bass3"
# gain 0.55
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (degradeBy "0 0.5!7 0")
$ superimpose (
(arp "up") . (|+ note 24)
. (# gain 0.35)
-- . (# crush (slow 16 $ range 0.75 8 sine))
$ s "t(<4!2 5!2>,<4!2 8!2>)"
# note ("<c3'min c3'maj c3'min7 c3'maj>")
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.01 # gain 0.3
-- endregion
-- Techno tambourino piano
setcps 0.45
solo 1 -- Kick
unsolo 2 -- Drums gretsch contretemps chaloupé
solo 3 -- Drumroll aigu
unsolo 4 -- Piano fou
unsolo 5 -- Bass guitar 80s
unsolo 6 -- Noise
solo 7 -- Birds
-- $ whenmod 32 28 (slow 4)
-- $ whenmod 8 7 (slow 2)
-- $ s "k k k [<k!3 k?> <~ k?>]"
$ whenmod 8 7 (>| n "0*4")
$ s "k . k(<1 3!2 5>,8)"
# s "jazz"
# gain (slow 128 $ range 0.35 0.6 cosine)
$ n "1 . [[2,2](<4!3 3 4>,8)]"
# s "gretsch"
# gain (slow 30 $ range 0.4 0.8 sine)
$ often (jux rev)
$ fast "<4!3 <8 [16 8]>> <8!3 16>"
$ s "gretsch:3"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.3 0.5 saw)
# room 0.6 # sz 0.9
$ rev
$ superimpose (arp "[updown,downup?]"
. (stut "<2 3 4>" 0.8 0.125)
. (|+ note 12)
. (|* velocity 1.1)
$ note ("<g3'maj!3 g3'min g3'maj!2 g3'min g3'maj>")
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 100 $ range 0.15 0.35 tri)
d5 -- Guitare synth 80s flamboyant
$ note (scale "hexMajor6"
"[g4(<3 5 3 3 5 3 3 5>,8)]"
-- + "[1 3 <1!4 <6 8 6 6>!4>]*4"
+ (whenmod 8 4 rev $ "[0 <5 3 2 -2>]")
# s "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# gain (slow 80 $ range 0.25 0.45 sine)
# hpf 500 # hpq 0.4
d6 $ "glitch:2/4"
# speed (range 0.1 0.5 perlin)
# begin 0.1
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.7 saw)
d7 -- Background birds
$ often (stut 4 0.75 0.5)
$ s "birds/4" # n (irand 7)
# note (-2)
# gain 0.45
# speed (range 0.5 1.5 rand)
......@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ setcps 0.46
d1 -- beat
$ someCycles (0.125 ~>)
$ s "tech:5*4" # note (-4)
# gain (slow 16 $ sine * 0.6 + 0.4)
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 0.9 sine)
$ every 4 (const $ "[~ [hh,hh:8] ~ [hh ~ hh]]*2" # gain 1.2)
$ s "[~ hh ~ <hh [hh ~ hh]>]*2"
# gain 1.2
# gain 0.85
$ s "bd sn bd <cp cp cp cp*2>"
......@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ $ whenmod 64 48 (
$ "[p p p ~] [~ p p p] [~ ~ [p p?] ~] [p p? p? p] [p]"
# s "superpiano"
# n "[7 5 4 ~] [~ 4 2 0] [~ ~ 0 ~] [-1 -1 -1 0] [-1]"
# gain 0.7
# velocity 1
# gain 0.45
# sustain 2
$ every 4 ((>| s "superpiano*16") . (# note "6 <2 5> <2 1>"))
......@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ $ someCycles (# sustain 3)
$ s "[p?*3] . ~ . [p*2] . ~ [p? p] . ~"
# s "superpiano"
# note "<1 [2,6] [1,5] ~>"
# velocity 0.8
# velocity 0.5
d6 -- white noise
$ someCycles (# silence)
......@@ -47,7 +46,6 @@ $ sometimes (jux rev)
$ (# speed (rand / 2))
$ s "glitch:2" -- # n (run 8)
# cut 1
# gain 1.2
d7 -- ??? TODO: What is that supposed to be?
$ someCyclesBy 0.2 (# gain 1)
unsolo 1
solo 2
unsolo 3
unsolo 4
unsolo 5
solo 6
unsolo 7
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 -- Kick
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ s "k k k k" # s "jazz" # gain 0.8
d2 $ s "~ [<cp!3 cp*2> . ~]"
# lpf 4000 # room 0.9 # size 0.8 # dry 0.9
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.55 0.9 saw)
$ bite 4 "<0 1> <2 0> 2 <3 0>"
$ note (
scale "major" (run 8) + "c2'maj")
# s "moogBass" # gain 0.78
d4 $ fast "4 [8 <16!3 8>]"
$ note ("-2 -4") # s "hh:0"
# gain 0.8 # pan (slow 16 $ sine)
$ arp "<updown!7 downup>"
$ note (scale "major" "c4'maj c4'maj c4'maj c4'maj")
# release (slow 64 $ range 0.2 0.8 sine)
# s "moog" # gain 0.75 # octave "<6!3 5>"
d6 -- Spliced bev
$ sometimesBy "<0 1> 0 0 0" (0.1 ~>)
$ slice 8 "<<<0 5>!7 2>!3 <3 7>>*4"
$ s "bev"
# cut 1
# gain 0.9 # room 0.5
setcps 1
d1 -- bass
-- $ whenmod 64 32 ((# gain 1) . (# room 0.2))
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (# silence)
$ slow 2
$ note (
scale "major" (
cat [
" 1 1 ~ . ~ [~ 0]",
"0 [0 1] ~ ~ . ~ "
+ "[0, 7]" -- gamme
# s "bass3"
solo 1 -- bass
solo 2 -- hit
solo 3 -- clap
solo 4 -- fork
solo 5 -- kick
solo 6 -- drums 80s
d1 -- autre Basse
$ whenmod 8 4 (|- n 2)
$ someCyclesBy 0.4 ((superimpose (|- 7)) . (|+ 7)) -- 2: matiere plastique
......@@ -24,6 +16,20 @@ do
|- 14
# s "subBass1"
# gain 0.9
d1 -- bass
-- $ whenmod 64 32 ((# gain 1) . (# room 0.2))
-- $ whenmod 32 16 (# silence)
$ slow 2
$ note (
scale "major" (
cat [
" 1 1 ~ . ~ [~ 0]",
"0 [0 1] ~ ~ . ~ "
+ "[0, 7]" -- gamme
# s "bass3"
d2 -- hit roll
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" ((# gain 0.8) . (# s "dr:2"))
-- $ someCycles (# s "dr:1")
......@@ -52,7 +58,7 @@ do
# gain (slow 64 $ range 1.5 0.6 isaw)
# pan 0.8
d5 -- kick
$ fast 2
$ fast 4
$ every 4 degrade
$ s "kick:5"
# gain 0.9
-- Couches de Funk
-- Tags: Techno, bass, epiano , hypnotic
-- Ready: 4/10 (Répetitif, à équilibrer, à espacer, vocals?)
setcps 0.5
solo 1 -- Techno kick
solo 2 -- BreakBeat
solo 3 -- Claps
solo 4 -- Bassline!
solo 6 -- Electromad piano
d1 -- KICK
$ fast "<4!16 1 2 4 8 4!2>"
$ whenmod 16 15 (juxBy 0.9 rev)
$ whenmod 64 32 (
superimpose ((# "clubkick:7") . (# lpf 200))
. (|* gain 0.9)
$ "[cpu2,jazz]"
# lpf 5000
# gain 0.6
d2 -- Breakbeat
$ whenmod 8 4 (juxBy 0.5 rev)
$ whenmod 32 16 (
# djf (slow 16 $ range
(slow 32 "<0.4 0.1>")
(slow 32 "<0.6 0.9>") sine)
$ slice 8 (stack [
"0 . 0(<0!8 1!8 3!16>,8)",
"1(<3!3 5>,8,<0!4 3!4>)",
"~ 2(<<2 1> 4>,4,<0!4 2!4>)",
) "break:8"
# gain ((slow 16 $ range 0.45 0.65 sine) - (slow 2 perlin * 0.2))
d3 -- Clap degressifs
$ juxBy 0.5 (0.125 ~>)
$ every' 8 7 (off "e" id) "~ cp"
# djf (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.2 isaw)
# room 0.4 # sz 0.2 # dry 0.95
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.3
d4 -- Bassline hypnotique
-- $ slow 2 -- Cut sauf occasionnel par ralentissement
$ whenmod 64 32 (degradeBy "0.8!16 0.5!16")
$ slice 8 (
-- run 8 -- Le classic
-- fastcat [run "<2!3 4>", run "<4!3 2>"] -- Le loop-jump
-- fastcat [run 4, run 4] -- Le loopy
"4*[8 <8!3 16>]" -- GO ON
-- "4*2 3 2*[1|2] 1? 7 6 5*<1 2 4 8> 0*<1 4 1 2>" -- reverse jumpy
-- "4*8 . 0 [<5!4 7!4> 6 <7!4 5!4>]@3" -- glitch-funk
-- every' 2 1 (iter "[1 4!2 1]") $ "0*8 1(2,3) 2 <3 5> 4*2" -- Attente vibrée
$ "fbass/2"
-- # crush 5 -- ELECTRONIZE
-- # n 23
# n "<23!8 7!4>"
# cut 3
# gain 0.8
d6 -- Electro-MAD piano
$ whenmod 16 12 (
off "q" ( stut 4 0.5 "e"
. (|+ note "<12>") . (# sustain 0.7)
. (# room 0)
$ "fepiano/2"
# n (slow 4 $ "<20!4 21!2 22!2>")
-- # note (slow 2 "<-4 0>")
# room 0.6 # sz 0.5
# gain (slow 16 $ "<0.4 0.55 0.7 0.65>" * 0.8)
d8 -- Guitare conclusive
$ mask "t(<0!4 1!4 2!4 4!4>,4,<3!16 0!16>)" $ chop 8
$ "fguitar/2" # n "<20!3 7>" # gain 0.7
# cut 8
once "fpiano"
-- region Funk samples listing
-- region Bass
0 BassA_110E-01.wav
1 BassA_110E-02.wav
2 BassA_110E-03.wav
3 BassA_110E-04.wav
4 BassA_120G-01.wav
5 BassA_120G-02.wav
6 BassA_120G-03.wav
7 BassA_120G-04.wav
8 BassA_80D-01.wav
9 BassA_80D-02.wav
10 BassA_80D-03.wav
11 BassA_80D-04.wav
12 BassA_90C-01.wav
13 BassA_90C-02.wav
14 BassA_90C-03.wav
15 BassA_90C-04.wav
16 BassB_110C-01.wav
17 BassB_110C-02.wav
18 BassB_110C-03.wav
19 BassB_110C-04.wav
20 BassB_120A-01.wav
21 BassB_120A-02.wav
22 BassB_120A-03.wav
23 BassB_120A-04.wav
24 BassB_80E-01.wav
25 BassB_80E-02.wav
26 BassB_80E-03.wav
27 BassB_80E-04.wav
28 BassB_90B-01.wav
29 BassB_90B-02.wav
30 BassB_90B-03.wav
31 BassB_90B-04.wav
32 BassC_110A-01.wav
33 BassC_110A-02.wav
34 BassC_110A-03.wav
35 BassC_110A-04.wav
36 BassC_120E-01.wav
37 BassC_120E-02.wav
38 BassC_120E-03.wav
39 BassC_120E-04.wav
40 BassC_80C-01.wav
41 BassC_80C-02.wav
42 BassC_80C-03.wav
43 BassC_80C-04.wav
44 BassC_90D-01.wav
45 BassC_90D-02.wav
46 BassC_90D-03.wav
47 BassC_90D-04.wav
48 BassD_110D-01.wav
49 BassD_110D-02.wav
50 BassD_110D-03.wav
51 BassD_110D-04.wav
52 BassD_120G-01.wav
53 BassD_120G-02.wav
54 BassD_120G-03.wav
55 BassD_120G-04.wav
56 BassD_80C-01.wav
57 BassD_80C-02.wav
58 BassD_80C-03.wav
59 BassD_80C-04.wav
60 BassD_90A-01.wav
61 BassD_90A-02.wav
62 BassD_90A-03.wav
63 BassD_90A-04.wav
-- endregion
-- region Guitar
8 GuitarA_80D-01.wav
9 GuitarA_80D-02.wav
10 GuitarA_80D-03.wav
11 GuitarA_80D-04.wav
24 GuitarB_80E-01.wav
25 GuitarB_80E-02.wav
26 GuitarB_80E-03.wav
27 GuitarB_80E-04.wav
40 GuitarC_80C-01.wav
41 GuitarC_80C-02.wav
42 GuitarC_80C-03.wav
43 GuitarC_80C-04.wav
56 GuitarD_80C-01.wav
57 GuitarD_80C-02.wav
58 GuitarD_80C-03.wav
59 GuitarD_80C-04.wav
12 GuitarA_90C-01.wav
13 GuitarA_90C-02.wav
14 GuitarA_90C-03.wav
15 GuitarA_90C-04.wav
28 GuitarB_90B-01.wav
29 GuitarB_90B-02.wav
30 GuitarB_90B-03.wav
31 GuitarB_90B-04.wav
44 GuitarC_90D-01.wav
45 GuitarC_90D-02.wav
46 GuitarC_90D-03.wav
47 GuitarC_90D-04.wav
60 GuitarD_90A-01.wav
61 GuitarD_90A-02.wav
62 GuitarD_90A-03.wav
63 GuitarD_90A-04.wav
0 GuitarA_110E-01.wav
1 GuitarA_110E-02.wav
2 GuitarA_110E-03.wav
3 GuitarA_110E-04.wav
16 GuitarB_110C-01.wav
17 GuitarB_110C-02.wav
18 GuitarB_110C-03.wav
19 GuitarB_110C-04.wav
32 GuitarC_110A-01.wav
33 GuitarC_110A-02.wav
34 GuitarC_110A-03.wav
35 GuitarC_110A-04.wav
48 GuitarD_110D-01.wav
49 GuitarD_110D-02.wav
50 GuitarD_110D-03.wav
51 GuitarD_110D-04.wav
4 GuitarA_120G-01.wav
5 GuitarA_120G-02.wav
6 GuitarA_120G-03.wav
7 GuitarA_120G-04.wav
20 GuitarB_120A-01.wav
21 GuitarB_120A-02.wav
22 GuitarB_120A-03.wav
23 GuitarB_120A-04.wav
36 GuitarC_120E-01.wav
37 GuitarC_120E-02.wav
38 GuitarC_120E-03.wav
39 GuitarC_120E-04.wav
52 GuitarD_120G-01.wav
53 GuitarD_120G-02.wav
54 GuitarD_120G-03.wav
55 GuitarD_120G-04.wav
-- endregion
-- region Guitar
-- endregion
-- region fepiano
8 EPianoB_80E-01.wav
9 EPianoB_80E-02.wav
10 EPianoB_80E-03.wav
11 EPianoB_80E-04.wav
24 EPianoC_80C-01.wav
25 EPianoC_80C-02.wav
26 EPianoC_80C-03.wav
27 EPianoC_80C-04.wav
12 EPianoB_90B-01.wav
13 EPianoB_90B-02.wav
14 EPianoB_90B-03.wav
15 EPianoB_90B-04.wav
28 EPianoC_90D-01.wav
29 EPianoC_90D-02.wav
30 EPianoC_90D-03.wav
31 EPianoC_90D-04.wav
0 EPianoB_110C-01.wav
1 EPianoB_110C-02.wav
2 EPianoB_110C-03.wav
3 EPianoB_110C-04.wav
16 EPianoC_110A-01.wav
17 EPianoC_110A-02.wav
18 EPianoC_110A-03.wav
19 EPianoC_110A-04.wav
4 EPianoB_120A-01.wav
5 EPianoB_120A-02.wav
6 EPianoB_120A-03.wav
7 EPianoB_120A-04.wav
20 EPianoC_120E-01.wav
21 EPianoC_120E-02.wav
22 EPianoC_120E-03.wav
23 EPianoC_120E-04.wav
-- endregion
-- region Piano
-- endregion
-- region
-- endregion
-- region
-- endregion
setcps 0.5
$ degradeBy "<1!5 0!24 0!4>"
$ whenmod 16 12 (>| n "0 <~!2 0!2>")
$ "[jazz](<4!3 3>, 4, <0!3 <0 3>>)" # gain 0.8
$ degradeBy "<1!2 [0 1]!2 0!31>"
$ whenmod 32 28 (fast "0.5 1")
$ fast "4 <4 8 [4 8] [8 4]>" $ "[~ drum:8]"
$ whenmod 16 12 (# n 2)
$ slice 4 (
"0 <1!2 3!2>"
$ loopAt 2 $ "fbass"
# gain 0.95
# djf (slow 16 $ range 0.3 0.9 saw)
$ degradeBy "<1!8 0!16 [0 0.5!7]!8>"
$ slice "<8!7 4>" ("<0!4 3!4> 1 <2!3 1> 3")
$ s "fguitar:10"
# gain (slow 40 $ range 0.5 0.8 (saw + perlin/10))
# cut 5 -- TODO: last bit when uncut worth looping?
$ rarely (off (-0.125) id)
$ degradeBy "<1!8 0!24>"
$ s "~ ~ ~ clap:2"
# note ("<0!4 -2!2 -4!2>")
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.8 saw)
# room (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.8 sine)
# sz 0.8
$ whenmod 32 24 (mask "t(<0!4 1!4 2!4 8>, 8)")
$ fast 4 $ s "reverbkick" # lpf 200 # gain 0.8
$ fast "8 [4|8] . <16!3 [16 8]>" $ s "dr"
# gain (0.7)
$ every' 4 3 (often (off 0.125 id))
$ s "cp" # lpf 2000 # gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 1 sine)
$ whenmod 16 12 (# lpf 200)
$ scramble 4
$ note (scale "aeolian" (run 8))
# s "moog"
# n (slow 4 "<0 1 2>")
# gain 0.65
# cut 3
once $ s "cp"
......@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
--- 808lc Lourd Carillon (rond)
--- 808mc Milieu Carillon (rond)
--- 808hc Haut Carillon (rond)
--- 808lt Lourd Tuyau (tac)
--- 808ht Milieu Tuyau (tac)
--- 808ht Haut Tuyau (tac)
--- 808lt Lourd Tom (tac)
--- 808ht Milieu Tom (tac)
--- 808ht Haut Tom (tac)
--- 808oh Cymbale bruitée
-- 0: sec
---- 1: 1sec
808 (6) 808bd (25) 808cy (25) 808hc (5) 808ht (5) 808lc (5) 808lt (5) 808mc (5) 808mt (5) 808oh (5) 808sd (25) 909 (1)
ab (12) abstract (58) ade (10) ades2 (9) ades3 (7) ades4 (6) alex (2) alphabet (26) amencutup (32) armora (7) arp (2) arpy (11) auto (11)
baa (7) baa2 (7) bass (4) bass0 (3) bass1 (30) bass2 (5) bass3 (11) bassdm (24) bassfoo (3) battles (2) bd (24) bend (4) bev (2) bin (2) birds (10) birds3 (19) bleep (13) blip (2) blue (2) bottle (13) brass (38) break (33) breaks125 (2) breaks152 (1) breaks157 (1) breaks165 (1) breath (1) bsbass (9) bsguitar (19) bshihat (3) bskick (9) bsnoise (22) bsperc (7) bssnare (8) bsvocals (13) bubble (8)
can (14) casio (3) cb (1) cc (6) chin (4) circus (3) clak (2) clap (8) click (4) clubkick (5) co (4) coins (1) control (2) cosmicg (15) cp (2) cpu (23) cpu2 (29) cr (6) crow (4)
baa (7) baa2 (7) bass (4) bass0 (3) bass1 (30) bass2 (5) bass3 (11) bassdm (24) bassfoo (3) battles (2) bd (24) bend (4) bev (2) bin (2) birds (10) birds3 (19) bleep (13) blip (2) blue (2) bottle (13) brass (38) break (33) breaks125 (2) breaks152 (1) breaks157 (1) breaks165 (1) breath (1) bsbass (9) bsguitar (19) bshihat (3) bskick (9) bsnoise (22) bsperc (7) bssnare (8) bsvocals (13) bubble (8)
d (4) db (13) diphone (38) diphone2 (12) dist (16) dork2 (4) dorkbot (2) dr (42) dr2 (6) dr55 (4) dr_few (8) drum (6) drumtraks (13) dsynth (3)
e (8) east (9) electro1 (13) em2 (6) erk (1)
f (1) feel (7) feelfx (8) fest (1) fire (1) flick (17) fm (17) foo (27) future (17)
......@@ -80,6 +80,6 @@ do
n (leftHand + key)
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.5
# velocity 0.65
# octave "3"
# sustain "[2 0.7]*4"
-- region Lesson 1 musical notes
-- If you 'run' a pattern by itself, without a 'd1' or so, then Tidal
-- will do its best at telling you what's in the first cycle. For
-- example:
note "3"
-- gives:
-- (0>1)|note: 3.0f
-- 0>1 tells you it's an event that starts at position 0 (the start of
-- the first cycle) and lasts up to 1 (the start of the next cycle).
-- note is the name of the 'control' or 'effect' 3.0f is the value
-- ('f' tells you that it's a floating point, decimal number).
note "3 ~ 5"
-- the above gives two events:
-- (0>⅓)|note: 3.0f
-- (⅔>1)|note: 5.0f
-- We can listen to them:
d1 $ note "3 ~ 5" # s "superpiano"
-- Great notes!
-- (.. if you don't hear any, you probably need to install "sc3plugins".)
-- Tidal can also understand note names, and turn them into numbers
-- for you.
-- For example 'c' is the same as '0'
note "c"
-- This:
note "a b c d e f g"
-- is the same as:
note "9 11 0 2 4 5 7"
-- What happened to 1, 3, 6, 8, and 10?
-- You can get to them by adding 's' for 'sharp', to add 1 to a note:
note "cs ds fs gs as"
-- or by using 'f' for 'flat' to subtract 1:
note "df ef gf af bf"
-- In theory, you can get to them all via really sharp 'c'
-- notes. These two notes are identical:
d1 $ note "csssssss g" # s "superpiano"
-- In practice, that surely doesn't make a lot of sense.
-- Normally, there are twelve notes in an octave. The default octave
-- is 5, you can pick notes from other octaves by adding a different
-- number:
note "c5 c6 c4 c6"
-- Lets have a listen
d1 $ note "c5 c6 c4 c6" # s "superpiano"
-- Lets think about the difference between 'note', 'n', synths and
-- samples.
-- There is no folder of samples called 'superpiano', the sounds you
-- hear are being synthesised on-the-fly.
-- With synths, you can use either 'note' or 'n' to specify notes,
-- they mean the same thing.
d1 $ n "c a f e" # s "superpiano"
d1 $ note "c a f e" # s "superpiano"
-- For samples, they mean something different. 'n' chooses a sample,
-- 'note' plays it at a different speed, corresponding to a note.
-- Different sounds:
d1 $ n "0 1" # sound "dsynth"
-- Different notes:
d1 $ note "0 1" # sound "dsynth"
-- If you pick a high note, then you'll notice the sound is a lot
-- shorter, because it's making it higher by playing it faster.
d1 $ note "0 24" # sound "dsynth"
-- You might feel that's not good, because it doesn't sound as natural
-- as a synthesiser
-- You might feel that's great, because nature is a myth and this is
-- how old school 'tracker' music from early rave music and the
-- demoscene works
-- You might change your mind on different days
-- You can still use note names in mininotation:
d1 $ note "c a f e" # sound "dsynth"
-- (Actually you can use do this in any control/effect pattern that
-- expects a number.. Tidal just treats them as numbers)
-- This dsynth sample is in 'c'. If it wasn't, the notes would
-- probably sound out of tune with another synth or samplebank.
-- The 'dbass' sample has three bass sounds, again in 'c', of
-- different lengths. So it makes sense to use *both* 'note' and 'n'
-- together, to pattern both the pitch and the sample that's used:
d1 $ note "c a f e" # sound "dbass" # n "<0 1 2>"
-- The 'rash' samplebank is organised differently.. There's a load of
-- samples, one for each note of 6 octaves. There's 12 notes in an
-- octave, so that's 72 samples. (actually there's 73, there's an
-- extra one note-084.wav which you could delete..) I sampled these
-- from my lovely Roland JV1080 synth.
-- So you can play notes as numbers using the 'n' instead of the
-- 'note' pattern. This sounds a bit more 'natural' than pitching them
-- up with 'note'.
d1 $ n "20 50" # sound "rash"
-- You can still use note names, but whereas for synths '0' is *middle*
-- c, with these samples that's right at the *bottom* of the scale.
d1 $ n "c a f e" # sound "rash"
-- So in this case you'll want to pick a higher octave
d1 $ n "c7 a7 f8 e7" # sound "rash"
-- I tend to add a few octaves like this:
d1 $ n "c a f e" # sound "rash"
|+ n 24
-- Adding notes together is fun :
d1 $ n "c a f e" # sound "rash"
|+ n 24
|+ n "<0 2 7 12>"
-- You can also do it this way, adding together number patterns
-- 'inside' a single control pattern
d1 $ n ("c a f e" |+ 24 |+ "<0 2 7 12>")
# sound "rash"
-- There's also an 'octave' control to jump up/down in twelves:
d1 $ note "c a f e" # sound "superpiano"
# octave "<4 6 3>"
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 2 chords / arpeggios / AlgoKaraoke
-- Ok chords! We can play a 'major' chord like this:
d1 $ n "'maj" # sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2 # gain 1.4
-- The default is c major, you can choose others like this, e.g. to
-- play c then e major:
d1 $ n "c'maj e'maj" # sound "supermandolin"
# legato 2 # gain 1.4
-- Karaoke (algoraoke) time
-- Lets take the chord from a well known song:
-- https://ukutabs.com/r/radiohead/creep/
d1 $ n "<g'maj b'maj c'maj c'min>" # s "supermandolin"
# room 0.6 # sz 0.9
-- and strum it a bit with struct:
$ qtrigger 1
$ jux ((|- n "12") . rev)
$ struct "t(5,8,<0 4>)"
$ n "<g'maj b'maj c'maj c'min>" # s "supermandolin"
# room 0.6 # sz 0.9
-- You can get a list of all the chords like this:
import Sound.Tidal.Chords
-- Try some out:
d1 $ n "c'sevenFlat9 a'm9sharp5" # sound "supermandolin"
-- Here's the raw data:
-- Again, this all ends up being turned into plain note numbers. These
-- two patterns are the same:
d1 $ n "c'sevenFlat9 a'm9sharp5" # sound "supermandolin"
d1 $ n "[0,4,7,10,13] [9,10,23]" # sound "supermandolin"
-- You can say how many notes you want in a chord, with another ' and
-- the number of notes you want.
-- If you ask for more notes than exist in the basic chord, it will go
-- up the octaves to find more notes, sounding more and more impressive:
d1 $ n "c'maj'4" # s "superpiano"
d1 $ n "c'maj'8" # s "superpiano"
d1 $ n "c'maj'4" # s "superpiano"
-- This is clearer when we start doing.. ARPEGGIOS
-- These are 'broken' chords, where instead of playing the notes at
-- once, they're played one after another:
d1 $ arpeggiate $ n "c'maj" # s "superpiano"
-- The arpeggio happens within the 'step' that the chord occupies:
d1 $ arpeggiate $ n "c'maj e'min7" # s "superpiano"
-- Above, you can hear major chords have three notes, and minor 7
-- chords have four. You can modify that with ' so they have the same
-- number, if you want:
d1 $ arpeggiate $ n "c'maj'4 e'min7'4" # s "superpiano"
-- "arpeggiate" has a shorter, but more flexible cousin "arp", that
-- allows you to specify a different way of breaking up the chord:
d1 $ arp "updown thumbup" $ n "<c'maj'4 e'min7'4>" # s "superpiano"
-- Here's the list of currently available arp styles to explore:
-- up, down, updown, downup, converge, diverge, disconverge, pinkyup,
-- pinkyupdown, thumbup thumbupdown
-- Lots of fun
d1 $ jux rev $ arp "<updown thumbup pinkyupdown converge diverge>"
$ n "<c4'maj'6 e4'min7'8 g5'maj'5 a5'maj'4>" # s "superpiano"
# room 0.3 # sz 0.7
-- endregion
-- region Lesson
-- endregion
-- region Lesson
-- endregion
-- region Lesson
-- endregion
-- region Exercises
d1 $ "jazz*4" # gain 0.6
d2 $ fast "<2 [4 8]>" $ s "drum:8"
d3 $ s "~ clap:3" # hpf (slow 40 $ range 1000 7500 sine)
d4 $ n ("<c4'maj!4 c4'min!4>") # s "rash" # gain 0.8
-- endregion
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solo 1
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solo 11
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