Commit 72bacf52 by PLN (Algolia)

study: 90s, to lavabo noir

parent 969f1c30
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
let whenPont = someCyclesBy "<0!24 1!8 0!16 1!16>"
let g = whenPont (# djfbus 1 (slow 8 $ range 0.45 0.15 saw))
let g2 = whenPont (# djfbus 2 (slow 8 $ range 0.5 0.75 cosine))
setcps (100/60/4)
$ g
$ mask "<t(1,4)!4 t(2,4)!4 t!24 f!8 t!24>"
$ fix (|* gain 0.8) ("kick")
$ fix (|* gain "<0!3 1!125>") ("909")
$ "k k k <k!3 ~>"
# "[909,jazz,kick:5]"
# lpf 5000
# gain 0.7
d2 $ g -- Shadow's applause
$ mask "<f!16 t!48>"
$ whenmod 64 32 (# crush (slow 32 $ range 16 3 (saw + 0.2 * perlin)))
$ "~ cp"
# crush "<16!7 3.4>"
# lpf 3500
# gain 0.9
# room "<0!3 0.6>"
# dry 1 # sz 0.9
d3 $ g -- HiHats fuyants : THE GRID
$ stut 8 0.2 "<[q!3 e] <e s>>"
$ n "<2!6 <2 3 3>>"
# "h2ogmhh"
# pan 0.3
# gain 0.6
d4 $ g -- MATRIX NOISE
$ fix (
mask "<f!16 t!16>"
. ( -- ORAGE
juxBy 0.5 (
(# crush 4) . ("<e!3 h>" ~>) . (|* gain 0.8)
. slice 8 "<3 3 <2 3> <3 2>>"
. (# "90s_matrix:1")
. (# cut 42)
. (# pan 0.4)
) ("night")
$ fix (
(>| "90s_matrix/4")
. (# crushbus 41 (slow 64 $ range 16 4 saw))
. (# cut 41)
) ("base")
-- Ominous base
$ "[base,night]"
# cut 4
# att 0
# rel 10
# room 0.84
# sz 0.6
# dry 1
# gain 0.65
d5 $ g2 -- Supersaw bassline
$ mask "<f!8 t(1,2)!8 f!16 f!8 t!24>"
$ someCyclesBy "<1!16 0!112>" (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.2 1 saw)) -- Intro fade-in
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"<0 [0@7 1]>"
+ "[0,7,<9 <11!2 10!2>>]"
- 14
# "supersaw"
# voice 0.05
-- # crushbus 51 (range 8 4.5 sine)
# gain 0.45
# pan 0.2
d6 $ g2 -- Melopée rassurante
$ mask "<f!8 <f!8 t!7 f> t f t!6 f!8 f!8 t f t!22>"
$ superimpose (
arp "up down"
. iter "<1!3 <2 4>>"
. ply "2!3 <2 4>")
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"[0, 7, <9!3 0>, <11 10>]"
- 14
# "FMRhodes1:0"
# modIndex "<0!64 1!32 2!32>"
# gain 0.9
# room 0.64
# dry 1
# sz 0.6
# pan 0.8
$ someCyclesBy "<0!32 1!8 0!24>" (slow 2) -- Pont
$ fix (
(ply "<2 [4 <2!3 <4 8>>]>")
. (|* gain 1.2)
. (# "[drum:2,dr]")
) ("d")
$ stack [
"k . k([3 <1 3>],8)" # "jazz",
"d d d d",
(fast 2 $ "~ snare:20"),
# lpf 2000
# gain 0.75
# midiG' "^78" 0 0.7
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
-- $ slow 4 -- Helper: slow down
$ note (
midiOn "^43" (arp "up") -- Helper: arpegiate every other chord
-- [8 LoFi Chord Progs](
-- # Dmin11, Efmin11 - Two Sad train tracks
-- "<[d,f,a,c6,e6,g6] [ef, gf, bf, df6,f6,af6]>"
-- # Amin11, D7, Fmaj7, Cmaj7 - Pure bliss
-- "<[a,c6,e6,g6,b6,d7] [fs,a,c6,d6,fs6,a6,c7] [f,a,c6,e6,f6,a6,c7] [c,e,g,b,e6,g6,b6]>"
-- # Cmin11,Fmin9,Cmin11,G7#5 - Enthusiasm
"<[c,ef,g,bf,d6,f6] <[c,f,af,c6,ef6,g6,bf6] [g,b,ds6,f6,g6,b6,ds7]>>"
- 12)
-- TODO: Ebmaj9,Abmaj13 (3:34)
-- TODO: Gmaj7+ (4:16?)
-- TODO: Gmin9+ (5:13?)
-- # "superpiano" # velocity 0.6
# "FMRhodes1"
-- # "FMRhodes2"
# att 1 # rel 2
# modIndex 0
# room 0.8
# dry 1
# sz 0.2
# gain 0.7
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.2
90s_glassatm (5) 90s_matrix (7) 90s_megafx (338) 90s_synatm (35) 90s_weird (13)
celtic_guitar80 (50) celtic_guitar85 (18)
setcps (85/60/4)
let g = (whenmod 32 24 (# djfbus 1 (slow 8 $ range 0.05 0.45 saw)))
$ g
$ "k . k(3,8)" # "jazz"
# gain 0.8
d2 $ g
$ fast 2
$ "~ s"
# "snare:29"
# gain 0.85
$ g
$ slice 4 ("0 <~ 1> <0 2> < ~3>")
$ "c/2" # "celtic_guitar85:12"
# cut 4
# gain 0.8
d10 -- fx
$ "90s_megafx:132"
# cut 10
-- # begin 0.2
# gain 0.75
-- 2: Il etait un paysan mineur
-- 3: Puis un paysan majeur
-- 5: Majeur et ses amis
-- 4: Aigu ritournelle
-- 7: Aigu
-- 6: Resolu bass
setcps (120/60/4)
let g = whenmod 32 24 (# djfbus 1 (slow 8 $ range 0.45 0.15 saw))
$ g
$ mask "<t(1,4)!4 t(2,4)!3 t t!12 f!3 t(1,4) f!3 t(3,4,1) t!3 f>"
$ "k*4"
# "jazz" # gain 0.8
d3 $ g
$ mask "<f!3 [f t] f!3 [f t f t] t!24>"
$ fast "<1!7 2 1!4 2!4>"
$ "hh*[8 <8 [8 <[4 <8 4>]!3 16>]>]"
# gain 0.65
d4 $ g
$ whenmod 64 32 (>| n "<20!3 21 20!2 21 21 20 21 20 20 21 21 20 21>")
$ someCyclesBy "<0!32 1!32>" (>| n "4/2")
$ "celtic_guitar80"
# cut 4
# gain 0.47
d10 -- fx
$ "~ <~!7 90s_megafx:335>"
# gain 0.3
# room 0.8
# cut 10
-- ScratchPad: Play with scratch mixes!
$ "scratch_short"
# gain 0.7
# n "<0 1 0 2>"
# cut 2
once $ "scratch_med:4"
# gain 0.9
# cut 9
d1 $ "jazz*4"
# lpf 200
d2 $ "~ electro1:3"
# lpf 4000
$ slow 12
$ n ("c'maj")
# "supergrind"
# detune (slow 32 $ cosine)
# voice (slow 128 $ perlin)
# legato 4
# accelerate (slow 4 $ "<1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 0.5>")
# gain 0.3
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