Commit 6dfde6e2 by PLN (Algolia)

808 lessons: add ircam

parent fd79c3e0
setcps (80/60/4)
$ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!3 t t!12 f!8 t!8 f f t!14>"
-- $ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!3 t t!12 f!8 t!8 f f t!14>"
$ superimpose (# hpf 500)
$ fix (|* gain 0.8) ("reverbkick")
$ "k . k(<1 <3 5>>,8)"
# "808bd:3"
# gain 1
# "[808bd:3,808bd:8,808bd:15,reverbkick]"
# gain 0.78
# room 0.2
# dry 1
......@@ -20,21 +21,24 @@ d2
# hpf 500
# gain 0.66
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ juxBy 0.65 rev
-- $ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ fix (|* gain 0.75) ("h2ogmhh")
$ whenmod 8 4 (fast "[1|2] <2 2 [2|4] 4>")
$ "d*<1 <2 3>> . <~ d*<1 2 4 2>> d*3"
# "drum:2"
# gain 0.5
-- $ "d*<1 <2 3>> . <~ d*<1 2 4 2>> d*3"
$ "d*[16 <[[16|8]!3 16] 8>]"
# "[drum:2,h2ogmhh:4]"
# gain 0.8
# dry 1 # room 0.64
# sz 0.4
$ superimpose (<| note "c . c(<3!3 [5 <5 10>]>,8)")
$ note ("<<a3 e3> c4 g3 a3>" + 12)
# "bass1:3"
# voice 0.1
# gain 0.5
# cut 4
# pan 0.2
# room 0.9
# room 0.4
# sz 0.8
# delay 0.9
# delayfb 0.1
......@@ -54,6 +58,41 @@ d5 -- Plucked arpeggios
# "pluck:5"
# pan 0.6
# gain ((slow 16 $ range 0.45 0.57 saw) + 0.05 * perlin)
d6 -- Warsaw gone synth
$ superimpose (<| note "c . c(<3!3 [5 <5 10>]>,8)")
$ note ("<<a3 e3> c4 g3 a3>" |+| (arp "converge" "<c'maj'4!3 g'maj'4>"))
# "bassWarsaw"
# crushbus 60 (range 8 3 (slow 8 $ perlin))
# room 0.4
# pan 0.8
# gain (slow 64 $ range 0.24 0.55 (cosine + 0.2 * (slow 4 $ perlin)))
-- # voice 0.05
$ fix (
slice 8 ("0 ~ <7(5,8) [7 0@0.6] 7(5,8) [7 <7 ~>]>")
) (n 1) -- La musique - c'est l'ordi
$ fix (
-- splice 8 ("[0@1.2 1@1.1 ~@0.05 2@1.1 ~@0.9 <~!3 <3@1.1 4@1.1>>]")
splice 8 ("[0@1.2 1@1.1 ~@0.05 2@1.1 ~@0.9 <3 ~ 3 4>@1.1]")
) (n 2) -- Les circuits électroniques ont analysé un par un tous les sons
-- $ n "<<0 1!3 2!4 3!4> <~!8 2!4 3!4>!3>"
$ n "<[0@0.25 0] ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 2!16>" -- SLICED STORY
-- $ n "2" -- Debug individual N
# "ircam"
# cut 9
# gain 0.8
# room 0.14
# pan 0.3
# leslie 0.9
# lrate (slow 8 $ range 0.1 0.8 perlin)
# lsize (slow 32 $ range 0.2 2.4 sine)
once $ "ircam:0" # cut 9
once $ "ircam:0"
# cut 9
d1 $ "jazz*4" # gain 0.8
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