live: fusion to hipofunk

parent 1ba3b87d
-- Funky rythmic piano instru
-- TODO: Coordinate masks
setcps (80/60/4)
d1 -- Hip beat
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "f(<5 [5 3]>,8)")
$ "k*<1 [1|2]> . k(<3 5>,8)"
# "[jazz,reverbkick]"
# gain 0.9
# lpf 500
d2 -- Snares en laisse
$ mask "<f!4 [t f]!2 [f t] t(3,8) t!10>"
-- $ whenmod 8 6 (mask "f(<5 [5 3]>,8)")
$ juxBy (range 0.25 0.5 perlin) rev
$ sometimesBy "0 0.5" (ply 2 . (# note (-2)))
$ whenmod 32 8 ( -- RUSH
ply "<<1!3 <0 [0 1]>>!2 4 [2 <4!3 8>]>")
$ "~ s"
# "snare"
# n "[31,23]"
# note ("<0!4 -2 -4 -8 -12>")
# gain (range 0.8 0.7 perlin)
d3 -- Roll constant
$ mask "t(<1!4 2 4 8 16 8 16 [8 16]!2 16!2>,16)"
$ juxBy 0.6 rev
$ fast "8 16"
$ "drum:8"
# gain 1.15
$ whenmod 32 28 (# silence)
$ slow 2
$ slice 8 (
cat [
-- "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2*2 2*2",
-- "0(5,8)", "0(3,8) . 1 0", "[0(7,8), 1(1,8,7)]",
"0 1 2 3 2 3 1 1",
"0 1 2 3 2 3 1*2 <[1 2]!3 [2*2 3]>",
"<1 [0 1]> <2 [2 3]> . 4 5 6 7",
"2*4 . 4 5 6 7*2"
$ "fbass:10"
# gain "<1!28 0.95!4 0.9!24 0.95!4 1!4>" * 1.2
# crush ("<16!28 14 10 8 6 5!24 6 8 10 12!4>")
# cut 4
d5 -- Guitars!
$ mask ("<t!32 f!16 t!16>")
-- $ const () TODO!
$ slice 4 (
cat [
"0 1", "1 2", "2 3", "3 3"]
$ "fguitar:8"
# gain 0.7
# cut 5
d7 -- Piano conclusif!
$ mask "<f!16 [t f!15]!4 [t f!7]!4 [t f!3]!4 t!3 [t f]>"
$ whenmod 6 4 (superimpose (
(# note 12) . (# cut 71)
$ whenmod 8 4 (slice 4 ("0(3,8) <1 2 0 [3 0]>"))
$ always (swing 4 . slice 4 "0 1 2 3")
$ every' 8 3 (# silence)
$ every' 8 2 (# silence)
$ s "fpiano:11"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.8 1.1 saw)
# pan 0.25
# cut 7
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 $ "k*2" # "jazz" # gain 0.9
d2 $ fast "<4!3 [8 <4 8>]>" $ "dr"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.7 0.9 sine)
d3 $ slice 4 (cat [
run 4,
run 2
]) $ "fbass:28" # gain 0.95
# cut 21
setcps (90/60/4)
$ mask "<f!4 t f!3 t!8 t!16>"
$ s "k(3,8)" # "jazz"
$ mask "<f!2 t!30 t!32>"
$ s "~ . <s!3 s*2> ~" # s "[snare,cp]" # gain 0.85
$ mask "<t!4 f t!3 f!2 t!2 f!4 t!4 t!16>"
$ slice 4 (cat ["0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3", "0 1 2 3",
"4 5 6 7", "4 5 6 7", "6 7 6 7", "7", "7*2","7*2","7*4"]
$ "fbass:12"
# gain 1.3
# cut 3
# pan 0.6
$ mask "<f!4 t!24 f!3 t!29>"
$ slice 8 (
-- "0 4" -- Intro
-- "0 2 4 <4 <2 6>>" -- Intro
-- "0 1 2 <3!2 ~ 3> 4 5 6 7*<1 <2 4>>" -- Fulltime!
"0 <1 1(<3 5>,8,<0 4>)> 2 3(<3 5>,8)" -- Laggy
-- "4*2 5 6(3,8) <[~ 7] 7?>" -- Laggy end
-- (fast "<4 8>" $ run 2) -- Repeat! TODO Transition grace
$ loopAt 1
$ "break:1"
# cut 4
# gain 0.7
$ mask "<f!8 t!16 f!4 t!4 f!4 t!28>"
$ every' 8 6 (fast 2) $ "fguitar" # cut 5
# n (slow 8 $ "<13 14 13 15>")
$ jux rev
$ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ slice 8 ("<0 4> 1 2 3 0 1 2 0") $ "fpiano:15" # gain 1.1
......@@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
setcps (80/60/4)
solo 1
solo 2
unsolo 3
unsolo 4
$ mask "<f!8 t!10 f!4>"
$ "k(<5!3 10>,16)"
# "[stomp:1,reverbkick,kick:5]"
# hpf 50 # lpf 12000 # gain 0.8
# hpf 50 # lpf 12000 # gain 0.9
$ whenmod 16 8 ( -- Solo guitare echo /4
fast "<2!4 1!4>")
......@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ d6
$ note (scale "aeolian" "0 ~ 2 <4 5 4 3>")
# "juno:1"
# gain 0.55
# pan "<0.6!24 0.65 0.7 0.75!2 0.7 0.65 0.6>"
# pan "<0.6!24 0.65 0.7 0.75!2 0.7 0.65 0.6>"
setcps 0.5
$ every' 8 7 (<| s ("1 1 1 [~ 1]"))
$ fast 4
-- $ fast "<0!4 1!4 4!8 4!3 2 4!2 [8 4] 4>"
$ s "[jazz,techno]"
# gain 0.8
d2 $ loopAt 2 $ "break:1"
# cut 2
# gain 0.8
$ someCyclesBy "<0!8 1!8>" (# speed "<0.75!3 0.5 0.75!2 0.5!2>")
$ mask "t f t f t <f!3 t> t t"
$ chop 8
$ "fbonus:2"
# gain 0.7
# cut 2
$ ((|* gain 0.8) . (# lpq "0.75") . (# room 0.4))
-- $ fast "<0!8 1!3 2 1!7 2>"
$ "~ cp"
# gain 1
# lpf 2000
# note (12)
-- $ whenmod 16 10 (mask "t(<2!4 1!2>,4)")
$ someCyclesBy "<0!32 1!96>" ( -- L'action
splice 8 "0 1 <2!3 <3 6>> <3 7>"
$ someCyclesBy "<1!32 0!96>" ( -- L'attente
degradeBy "<[0 <1!2 0!2> <0 1> <1 0>]!4 0!28>"
. splice 8 "2 4 0 0*2"
$ s "fclav:8"
# cut 1
# gain 0.75
d2 -- snares synchro
$ sometimesBy "0!3 1" (stut "<2 3 4>" 1 "<e!3 s>")
$ "s s s t" # "sn" # n "20" # note ("0 0 0 -12") # gain 0.8
-- Voila le code: techno-code samplé
-- Todo variations diverses: ponts, etc
solo 1 -- Rythmique
solo 3 -- Basse
solo 4 -- Le code
solo 5 -- Synth
let bars = 64
let bPont = 32
$ mask "<f!8 t!24 t!32>"
$ fix (
whenmod bars bPont ( -- Pont!
mask "t(<1 2 4 1>,4)"
. superimpose (# "jazz")
) (n 0) -- Kick!
$ fix (
whenmod bars bPont ( -- Pont!
|* gain 0.5
. mask "t(<4 4 8 1>,8)"
. (|* gain 0.8)
. (# lpf (slow 64 $ range 500 20000 saw))
) (n 2) -- Drum
$ fix (
whenmod 64 32 (fast 2) .
(# room 0.7) . (# sz 0.8) . (# dry 0.9) .
(# gain 1.1)
) (n 3) -- Claps
$ fix (
fast "32 <4!2 [4 8] 4 8!2 16 [16 4]>"
. (|* gain 1.15)
(n 4) -- Drumroll!
$ n (stack
"1(<1 3 1 3 1 3!3 3 5 3 1 3 5 5>,8)",
"~!3 3*<1!3 2>",
) # "cpu"
# gain 1
# pan 0.35
$ off "e" ((|+ note 12) . (|* gain 0.85) . (# crush 8))
$ whenmod bars bPont (
# crush (slow (bars - bPont) $ range 8 4 isaw)
$ chop "<1 2 1 [2 4] [8 4] [2 1]>"
$ note ("<c!3 <df g>>")
# octave 3
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# crush 10
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.6
d4 -- Le code
$ superimpose ((# gain 0.8) . (# crush 4.5) . (# cut 41))
$ whenmod 64 32 ( -- C'est ça
(>| n "6*<1 2 4 1>")
. (|* gain 1)
$ whenmod 8 4 ( -- Comprennent pas
(>| n "4") . (# begin 0) . (|* gain 1.2) . (# speed 0.95)
$ whenmod 32 16 ( -- Bon le code
(>| n "5/2") . (# begin 0)
$ "k" # "kaamelott:3" # begin 0.2
# gain 1.1
# cut 4
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ whenmod 16 4 (superimpose (
juxBy 0.25 rev .
ply 2 . fast 2 .
(# n 0) .
(|* gain 0.95)
$ off "e [e|q]" id
$ off "q" (|+ note "<5 3 5 7>")
$ note ("<c!3 <df g>>")
# n "<0 <1 2>>"
# "dsynth"
# gain 0.65
setcps 0.5
$ mask "<f!4 t!4 t!3 t(1,4) t!3 t(1,2) t!16>"
$ "[cpu,jazz]*4" # gain 0.85
$ whenmod 24 16 (fast 2 . (every' 4 3 (off "q" id)))
$ "~ clap:2" # gain 0.8 # lpf 5000
$ often (ply "1 2")
$ "h*<2 4 2 <[8 4] [8 16]>>" # "[cpu:4,drum:8]"
# cut 3
# gain 0.8
$ fast 4
-- $ slice "<8!16 4!16 2!16 1!8>"
$ slice 2 --"<8!16 4!16 2!16 1!8>"
"<0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0!4 1!4>"
$ "fbass"
# n "<10!16 11!8>"
# cut 4
$ fast "<2!16 4!13 0>"
$ s "[jazz,kick:7]" # gain 0.8
d7 $ "~ cp" # gain 0.8
d2 $ "" # "sn:20" # gain 0.8
d5 $ splice 8 "2 4 0 0*2" $ s "fclav:8" # cut 1
-- $ chop 4
$ loopAt 1 $ s "fclav:9"
# gain "<0.4!4 0.5!4 0.6!4 0.7!4 0.75!8>"
# cut 21
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ do
setcps 0.5
solo 1 -- KICK 4
solo 2 -- Claps
solo 3 -- Hypno-Hats
unsolo 3 -- Hypno-Hats
unsolo 6 -- Riffs
solo 9 -- Background hoover FIXME
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