Commit 4026e3cb by PLN (Algolia)

Julien: v1

parent deee93ac
setcps (60/60) -- One pattern per second
setcps 0.5 -- One pattern per two seconds
-- TODO: Intro basse volume
-- TODO: Intro rhodes volume premiere note
......@@ -9,32 +8,42 @@ setcps (60/60) -- One pattern per second
-- Intro -- Rouge -- Blanc -- Generique -- FIN
-- 0 68 131 143 166
-- SHIT, DIV 2
-- 0 34 65 71 86
-- resetCycles
let intro = mask "<f!2 t!164>"
let fromVelo = mask "<f!6 t!160>"
let fromSophie = mask "<f!11 [f t] t!154>"
let rouge = "<0!36 1!6 0!2 1!2 0!3 1!2 0!6 2!12 0!90>"
let outro = "<0!150 1!16>"
let lOutro = 16
let whenRouge = someCyclesBy rouge
let whenNotRouge = someCyclesBy (1 - rouge)
let whenOutro = (someCyclesBy outro)
-- let gain amount = (gain (amount * 1.5))
$ intro
$ whenRouge (fast 4) -- Rouge
$ superimpose ((# "reverbkick") . (# hpf 200) . (|* gain 0.7) .(# legato "<1!4 <q!3 e>!4>"))
$ "jazz" # gain 0.35
$ "jazz" # gain 0.45
# lpf 200
$ intro
$ whenOutro (degradeBy (slow lOutro $ range 0.1 0.95 sine))
$ whenRouge (sometimesBy "<0.25 0.5 0.5 <0.75 0.9>>" (mask "t(16,32)" . ply 2))
$ whenRouge (|* gain 1.2)
$ slice 4 "0 1 2 <3!4 2!4 3 3 [2 3] 3*4>"
$ whenmod 4 2 (off "q" id)
$ "break:10" # gain 0.5 # cut 3 -- Runner
d4 -- Piano Nappes/Arps
$ intro
$ fromVelo
$ whenOutro (degradeBy ("0 1!7" * (slow lOutro $ range 0.1 0.9 saw)))
$ whenRouge (degradeBy "1 0.5!15")
$ off "<e!3 [e|q]>" ( -- swinged echo
someCyclesBy "<0!12 1!4 0!8 1!8>" (swing 4)
whenRouge (# lpf 500)
. someCyclesBy "<0!12 1!4 0!8 1!8>" (swing 4)
. someCycles (|+ note 12)
. (|* gain 0.78)
......@@ -57,35 +66,41 @@ d4
d5 -- RESONANT BASSLINE from Angel frappe
$ fromSophie
$ someCyclesBy "<1!67 0!99>" (mask "[t ~]*4")
$ whenOutro (# hpf (slow lOutro $ range 0 1000 saw))
$ whenNotRouge (mask "t f t <f t f f> . t f <t f> <f!3 t>")
$ note "b2!6 <bs2!3 <a2 g2>> b2"
# "supersaw"
-- # gM' 0 1 "^81"
# hpq (slow 24 $ range 0 0.25 perlin)
# hpf (slow 64 $ range "-500" 500 sine)
# room 0.5 # sz 0.8
# hpf (slow 16 $ range 400 0 cosine)
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.3 cosine)
# gain (slow 68 $ range 0.25 0.34 saw) -- synced piano
d10 -- Metronome timings
$ (|* gain 0.5)
-- $ every' 166 25 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "a'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8))
-- $ every' 166 35 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Moon, bientot rouge
-- $ every' 166 32 ((<| "a*4") . (# note (arpeggiate "a4'maj'4")) . (# gain 0.8)) -- Hercule
-- $ every' 166 30 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Eau ACF
-- $ every' 166 15 ((# note "g") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Piece?
-- $ every' 166 11 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- 1 Fin couple, 2-5 Sophie
-- $ every' 166 5 ((>| note "c*8") . (# gain 0.8)) -- 1-6 Fin bouche, miroir 7 8
-- $ every' 166 9 ((# note "d") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Vetement
-- $ every' 166 7 ((>| note "~ e ~ e*4") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Mains
-- $ every' 166 6 ((>| note "~ ~ ~ d") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Velo
-- $ every' 166 5 ((>| note "c*4") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Oreille
-- $ every' 166 3 ((>| note "b(3,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Main
$ every' 166 1 ((>| note (arpeggiate "a'maj'4")) . (# gain 0.8)) -- CLAP
$ every' 166 110 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "b'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) --
$ every' 166 90 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "c'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) --
$ every' 166 85 ((<| "a*8") . (# note "d'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) -- FIN
$ every' 166 80 ((<| "a*4") . (# note "e'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) --
$ every' 166 72 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "d'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Generique?
$ every' 166 68 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "d'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Amis
$ every' 166 60 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "c'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Impuissants?
$ every' 166 50 ((<| "a*2") . (# note "a'maj'2") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Homme femme nombril
$ every' 166 35 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Moon, bientot rouge
$ every' 166 32 ((<| "a*4") . (# note (arpeggiate "a4'maj'4")) . (# gain 0.8)) -- Hercule
$ every' 166 30 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Anarchie
$ every' 166 15 ((# note "g") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Piece?
$ every' 166 11 ((>| note "f(5,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- 1 Fin couple, 2-5 Sophie
$ every' 166 9 ((# note "d") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Vetement
$ every' 166 7 ((>| note "~ e ~ e*4") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Mains
$ every' 166 6 ((>| note "~ ~ ~ d") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Velo
$ every' 166 5 ((>| note "c*4") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Oreille
$ every' 166 3 ((>| note "b(3,8)") . (# gain 0.8)) -- Main
$ every' 166 1 ((>| note (arpeggiate "a'maj'4")) . (# gain "0.8!3 1.1")) -- CLAP
$ note "a" # "arpy" # gain 0
once $ "super808*" # gain 0.7
once "igor"
once $ "igor:4" # cut 21 # gain 0.5
$ stut 8 1 "[0.1|0.125|0.05]*8"
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