Update: canicule, hot_stuff, chaude_civ

parent 716edb72
setcps (90/60/4)
let filterIt = (whenmod 32 24 (# djf (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.8 saw)))
let sync = (# nudge 1.53)
let dGlob = (sync)
let dGlob = (sync . filterIt)
-- d1 $ dGlob $ "bd cp" # gain 0.8
-- $ whenmod 64 32 (mask "t(1,4)")
$ dGlob
$ slice 8 (cat [
"0 1 2 3",
"0 1 2 1",
"0 1 2 <3 2>",
"<4 6> 5 6 <7 6>"
$ "fbass:12"
# cut 4
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.85 saw)
-- # crush "16!3 4"
d5 -- Piano fou gauche sur 32!
$ sync
$ whenmod 32 16 (juxBy 0.2 (
someCycles (fast 2) . (|+ note 12) . (often rev)
$ slice 4 ("<0 1 2 3>(3,8)")
$ n ("<12!7 13>") # "fpiano"
# gain (slow 8 $ "<0.5 0.85 0.7 0.5>")
# pan 0.8
# cut 21
$ dGlob
$ slice 8 ("0*2 1 2*2 3(3,8)" + "<0!4 4!4>")
-- $ mask "<t!3 f>"
$ "fguitar:15"
-- # hpf 200
# gain 0.7
# cut 6
# size 0.5
# room 0.2
d10 -- scratch moineau!
$ sometimesBy 0.2 (off (1/32) id)
$ degradeBy "0 0.1 0.8 0"
$ euclid (slow 8 $ "<8 16>") 16
$ n "0"
# s "birds3"
# n (choose [0,0,2])
# gain 1.1
-- Section rythmique! Les zikos au sable
let sync = (# nudge 1.53)
let dGlob = (sync . slow 1)
$ dGlob
$ "k . k(<3!3 5>,8)"
# "reverbkick"
# gain 0.6
$ dGlob
-- $ fast "<1!4 2!3 4>"
$ "ho:1*4 hc:4*4" # cut 2 # gain 0.75
$ mask "<f!8 t!8>"
$ dGlob
$ jux rev
$ fast ("<2 4>" * "<2 [4 2][2 4] 4>")
$ "[dr,drum:8]"
# gain 0.8
# room 0.2 # size 0.3
$ dGlob
$ arpeggiate
-- $ every 2 (rarely $ off "e" (|+ note 7))
$ note "d4'maj'6(1,4,<0!3 1>) c3'maj"
# "supergong"
# note ("<-24!3 -12>")
-- # voice (slow 4 $ range 0.1 0.8 perlin)
-- # accelerate (slow 16 $ range 0.5 (-0.5) sine)
# gain 0.65
-- Hot Stuff - techno-calorifère
-- TODO élaguer (late messages :P), pan this
-- Like: etincelles moog d4
setcps 0.5
let dGlobL = (whenmod 8 6 (# room 0.5))
let dGlobR = (whenmod 8 4 (# lpf "<10000 8000 5000 2000>"))
$ dGlobR
$ whenmod 32 24 (mask "<f!7 [f t]>")
$ "k k k <k!3 [<~ k> k]>"
# "[jazz,kick:5]"
# gain ("<0 0 0.25!2 0.4!4 0.5!4 0.55!4 0.6!508>" * 1.3)
$ fix ( -- Tok bois dansant
(mask "<f!6 t!508>")
. (|* gain (slow 8 $ "<0.75 0.85>"))
) (n 1)
$ fix ( -- Tambours marche-roll
(# lpf 20000)
. (mask "<f!7 t!25>")
. (# pan (slow 8 $ range 0.25 0.55 sine))
. (|* gain 0.8)
) (n 2)
$ fix ( -- Clap
(# lpf 500)
. (# note "<-2!4 -2 -4 -4 -6>")
. (# room 0.5)
. (|* gain 1.2)
) (n 3)
$ fix ( -- Drumroll aigu
mask "<f!4 t!28>"
. (|* gain 0.9)
) (n 4)
$ dGlobR
$ n (stack [
"1(<4!8 3!4 4!4>,8,<0!3 3>)",
"2(<<6 12> [3|1]*4 <6 12> <3 5 8 12>>,8,<0!3 4>)",
"4(<[8 4]!3 [8 16] 8!4>,16,<0!3 3>)",
"~ ~ ~ 3*<0!8 1!8 1 2 2 4 [4 2] [2 1] [1 0] [0 1]>"
]) # "cpu"
# dry 1
# gain 0.9
d4 -- Etincelles de moog
$ note ("<c <f4 f>>" + (
arp "<up!6 down!2>"
"~ <~!28 c4'hexMajor7'8!8 ~!28>")
# "moog:3"
# release 4
# room 0.5 # size 0.9
# gain 0.35
# pan (slow 32 $ "<0.7 0.3>")
d5 -- Choeurs du peuple moog
$ juxBy 0.7 id
$ note ("<c <f4 f>>"
- "[0,12]"
# octave 3
# s "moogBass"
# gain ("<0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9!508>" * 1)
$ sometimesBy "<1!8 0!8>" (degradeBy "<1 0> 1!3")
$ whenmod 32 16 (slice 8 (cat [
"0*4", "0*4", "0 ~ 0 0", "~ 1*4",
"0 1*4", "0 1*4", "0*4", "1 ~ 0*2"
$ "fguitar:40"
# cut 6
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.6 saw)
# pan 0.25
# room 0.3 # sz 0.1
once $ "fepiano:25" # cut 21 # gain 0.6
-- Chaude Civilisation
-- Breakbeat bassline diphonique
$ juxBy 0.4 rev
$ mask "<f!8 [t f]!4 t!8 f!2 t f>"
$ "<k*2 k!7> ~ <k!2 k?> <k!3 <k? ~>> ~ k [k|k*2] k"
# "[reverbkick,clubkick:6]"
# gain (slow 32 $ "<0.5 0.65>")
$ mask "<f!8 t!4 t f [f t]!2 t!3 f>"
$ slice "<8!12 4 4 2 [4 . 8 4]>" ("<0!3 4>" + "0 1 2 3")
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbonus:9"
# gain 0.85
# cut 2
$ fast "<4 4 8 4 4 [4 . ~ 8] 8 <[16 8] 16>>"
$ s "cpu:4"
# gain "<0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8!4 0.85!8>"
$ mask "<f!4 t!4 f!4 t f t t>"
$ every 4 (|* gain 0.8)
$ bite 4 "3*4"
-- $ mask "<t!3 f>"
$ "fbass:12"
# cut 4
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.75 0.9 saw)
d5 -- Guitare conclusive seconde partie
$ mask "<f!28 [f!3 t]!3 [f t] [t f]!8 [f t]!8 t!16>"
$ juxBy 0.75 (# cut 51)
$ slice 8 (
("<0!4 4!4 [4 2]!2[2 2][0 2]>")
+ "0 <1!8 3!4 1!4> <2!4 3!4> <3!6 2!2>"
$ "fguitar/2"
# n (slow 16 $ "<12 14 13 15>")
# room 0.2
# cut 5
# gain 0.45
d9 -- Invader fight: Tir variable, echec | touche | ambulance
$ mask "<f!16 [t f]!8 t!8>"
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# pan 1)) (n "9")
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# pan 1)) (n "16")
$ n ("[11|4]([1|3|5],8) [~|~| 3|5|11 | [9|9|9|16] ]")
# "invaders"
# pan "0.2 0.8"
# gain "0.45 0.55"
d6 -- A Yatta, a Jutta!
$ mask "<f!8 t!56>"
$ juxBy 0.4 (rev . (someCycles (# "diphone2")))
$ fast "<2!4 1!4> <2!4 4!4 2!4 4 4 8 8 2!4 8!4 4!8 2!4>"
$ "diphone"
# n (slow 38 $ "<0 .. 38>")
# gain (slow 128 $ range 0.1 0.65 (saw + (perlin /2)))
# pan 0.5
# cut 6
d7 -- Synth second bass
$ juxBy 0.5 (|+ note "<-12 12>")
$ (|+ note "<12 -12>")
$ "0 0*<1!3 4> 0*2"
# note ("<c4'maj <c4'maj c5'maj> c4'maj <b3'maj g3'maj>>")
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 0.55
# pan 0.3
$ often ("q" ~>)
$ mask "<f!8 [f . t f] t([16 10],16)>"
$ "f!16" # "fire"
# cut 8
# legato 2
# pan 0.2
# gain 0.5
......@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ resetCycles
-- region Part 1: setup accel vivant
solo 1 -- kick
unsolo 2 -- snare
unsolo 3 -- drumroll
solo 4 -- bass
solo 5 -- siren
solo 6 -- clap
solo 7 -- synth
solo 2 -- snare
solo 3 -- drumroll
unsolo 4 -- bass
unsolo 5 -- siren
unsolo 6 -- clap
unsolo 7 -- synth
-- let mKick = "<1!32 0!15 [0 1] 1!64 0.9!4 0.8!4 0.7!4 0.6!4>"
let gKick = 0.75 -- /128 On off semi-onon fadeout
let gSnare = 0.65
......@@ -2,38 +2,46 @@
-- Tags: Techno, funk, piano
-- Ready: 5/10
-- Intro lead piano
solo 1 -- KICK!
solo 2 -- Hats rolling
solo 3 -- LEAD piano
solo 4 -- guitar riff
solo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage
solo 6 -- Glitches
unsolo 5 -- Théorie du naufrage
unsolo 6 -- Glitches
setcps (110/60/4)
d1 -- KICK
$ whenmod 16 10 (slow 2)
$ superimpose ((# "glitch") . (|* gain 0.9))
$ "k k k <k k [~ k] k*2>" # "jazz"
# gain 0.8
$ "k k k <k k [~ k] k*2>" # "[jazz,techno]"
# gain 1
$ superimpose (const
$ stut' 4 "<s s e s>" (("q" <~) . (|* gain 0.85))
$ "ho" # n "<[2|4|5] 1>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.95 saw)
$ juxBy "<<0.2 0.8> 0.5>" (rev . (hurry 2))
$ note (stack [
"0(3,8,<0 4>)",
"4(<4!3 8>,8)"]
) # "hh" # gain 0.95
) # "hh"
# gain (slow 8 $ range 0.9 1.2 saw)
d3 -- Piano lead!
$ whenmod 128 64 (# legato "<0.4 [0.4|0.8] 0.65 0.8>")
$ whenmod 128 64 (often rev)
$ whenmod 64 48 (# n "<2!7 <4 [4 2]>>")
$ whenmod 16 12
(off "e" (
(|+ note 12)
. (|* gain 0.75)
. (|* gain 0.85)
$ s "fpiano"
# n (slow 4 $ "<0 1>")
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 0.65 saw)
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.8 0.9 saw)
# legato 1
# room 0.5 # sz 0.8
# pan (slow 4 $ "<0.5 0.6>")
......@@ -41,8 +49,8 @@ do
$ whenmod 4 3 (often (striate 4))
$ slice 2 ("<0!4 1!4>")
$ "fbass:35"
# gain 0.5
# crush (slow 32 $ range 16 4 saw)
# gain 0.85
# crush (slow 32 $ range 16 6 saw)
# room (slow 32 $ range 0 0.6 sine)
# sz 0.5
# cut 4
......@@ -66,3 +74,6 @@ do
once $ s "fguitar:36"
# gain 0.75 # cut 42
once $ s "[jazz,techno]"
# gain 1
let dGlob = (# djf 0.7)
let dGlob = (id)
setcps (120/4/60)
$ dGlob
$ whenmod 8 7 (>| "k*4")
$ mask "<t!7 f>"
$ "k . ~ k ~ ~"
# "[jazz,techno]"
# gain 1
$ dGlob
$ mask "<f!4 t!12>"
$ "~ s ~ <s!7 s*2>"
# "sn"
# note ("<-12!3 -6>")
# lpf 5000
# n "[2,10]"
# gain 0.9
$ dGlob
$ (|> "hc:1!3 ho:2")
$ fast "<12 [16 8] 16 [8 16]> <4 <12 8> 4>"
$ "hc"
# pan 0.65
# gain ("<0.75!8 0.9!8 0.8!4 0.55!4>" * 0.85)
$ dGlob
$ mask "<t f t!2 f!4 t!8> <f!3 t t!3 f t!16>"
$ slice 8 "0 1*<1 <2 <1 4>>> 2(3,8) <3!3 7>"
$ "fbass:38"
# cut 4
# gain 1
# pan 0.4
$ dGlob
$ slice 4 ("<0 1 0 2 0 1 2 3>*2")
$ "fguitar" # n "<38!8 39!4>"
# cut 4
# gain (slow 8 $ "<0 0.25 0.5 0.75>")
once $ "fepiano:5" # cut 21
# gain 1.1
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