Commit 34c8c548 by PLN (Algolia)

session: Rha+Raph

parent c0f0edcc
-- It's About Time [Take1?]
-- Burn this book
-- Burn this book [TODO Refactor]
-- SlowMo: Orchestrated, ready to record :)
-- Suns of Gold <3
......@@ -41,11 +41,15 @@ soir noir
-- Vendredi saint & Samedi
# Work in progress
## `24Facons` to love music
### August August
-- Dernier Doute
-- Acidule :)
-- **_Bain électrique_**: sub bass and jungle breaks :)
-- Alerte Verte: Le comeback <3 [TODO]
-- Fabuleux 🎇
-- Le Bruit des Bots [WIP]
-- Chevalerie [RAPH][WIP]
## July Not Sure If Fry
-- Nouveau Punk ✊
......@@ -98,7 +102,6 @@ soir noir
- _Prestance_: Ambient wip needs adjustment :)
-- **Sel Marin**: Nuit noire dans la mer noire, TODO varier bass
-- **_Bain bouillant_**: sub bass and jungle breaks :)
-- Wild Coffee: Complainte Jungle Paradisiaque -- bonne intro?
-- Monday Fairy
-- MauerPark!
......@@ -235,3 +235,67 @@ ln -s "/home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/MethLab/BluMarTen - Jungle Jungle - 1989 to
ln -s "/home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/MethLab/BluMarTen - Jungle Jungle - 1989 to 1999/Riffs, Arps & Hits" /home/pln/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/jungle_riffs\
ln -s "/home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/MethLab/BluMarTen - Jungle Jungle - 1989 to 1999/Vocals" /home/pln/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/jungle_vocals\
# Rhadamanthe <3
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ 303\ Acid vec1_acid
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Fills vec1_fills
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Claps/ vec1_claps
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Long\ Basses/ vec1_basslong
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Loops/ vec1_loops
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ FX/ vec1_fx
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Snares/ vec1_snare
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Offbeat\ Bass/ vec1_bass_ob
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC1/VEC1\ Percussion vec1_perc
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC2/VEC2\ Offbeat\ Bass/ vec2_bass_ob
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC2/VEC2\ Synths/ vec2_synth
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC2/VEC2\ Synths/VEC2\ Acid\ Sounds vec2_synth_acid
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC2/VEC2\ Synths/VEC2\ HiString vec2_synth_histring
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vengeance\ 909/VEC3/VEC3\ Synths/ vec3_synth
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Pack\ médiéval/ medieval
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/TOUT\ POUR\ PROD\ DE\ LA\ TECH/50\ Free\ Raw\ Hardstyle\ Kicks\ 2019/ hardkick_rha
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/TOUT\ POUR\ PROD\ DE\ LA\ TECH/hardstyle-force-sample-pack/Hardstyle\ Force\ Sample\ Kit/Gated\ Kicks/ gtkick
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/TOUT\ POUR\ PROD\ DE\ LA\ TECH/hardstyle-force-sample-pack/Hardstyle\ Force\ Sample\ Kit/Hardstyle\ Kicks/ hardkick_rha2
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/TOUT\ POUR\ PROD\ DE\ LA\ TECH/hardstyle-force-sample-pack/Hardstyle\ Force\ Sample\ Kit/Leads/ nlead
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/TOUT\ POUR\ PROD\ DE\ LA\ TECH/hardstyle-force-sample-pack/Hardstyle\ Force\ Sample\ Kit/Hardstyle\ Vocals/ hard_vocals
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/Vocaux/ rhadamanthe_vocals
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/Melos/ rhadamanthe_melo
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/Vocaux/ rhadamanthe_vocal
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/FX/ rhadamanthe_fx
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/Drums/ rhadamanthe_drum
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Splice/Samples\ divers/ rhadamanthe_divers
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_CYMBALS jbk_cy
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_HATS jbk_hat
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_KICKS jbk_kick
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_RIMS jbk_rim
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_SNARE_ROLLS jbk_roll
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/ORIGINAL_JUNGLE_BREAKS/JBK_DRUM_SOUNDS/JBK_SNARES jbk_sn
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/Aircraft movie_aircraft
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/CatAndMouse movie_cat
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/DeadlyMerchandise movie_deadly
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/DeadNight movie_dead
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/FinalPlace movie_final
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/InTheGroove movie_groove
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/LifeEnds movie_ends
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/SecretPolice\ 1 movie_police
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/SoundEffects/ movie_fx
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/Startex/ movie_startex
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/TheMoklins movie_moklins
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/TheStatue movie_statue
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/TheWerewolf movie_wolf
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/TomLaval movie_laval
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/Typhoon movie_typhoon
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/Weekend movie_we
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/WinterInParis movie_paris
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 1/WrongNumber movie_wrong
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Atomic\ Espionage movie_atomic
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Break\ Of\ Dawn movie_dawn
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Dark\ Space movie_dark
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Deadly\ Dance movie_dance
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Deep\ Fear movie_fear
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Ocean\ Waves movie_ocean
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Music\ Matters movie_music
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Sweet\ Pure\ Gold movie_gold
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Wine\ for\ you movie_wine
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Haunted\ Man movie_haunted
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Lost\ Rules movie_lost
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/Rude\ Walker movie_rude
ln -s /home/pln/Work/Sound/Samples/rhadamanthe/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals/Vintage\ Movie\ Vocals\ 2/The\ Giant movie_giant
once $ "paroles:2" # gain 1.2 # cut 2 # lpf 2000
......@@ -15,62 +17,111 @@ let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let gF3 = (# djfbus 3 (range 0.05 0.95 "^51"))
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
d1 $ gMute2 $ gF1 -- Kick solide
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# lpf 1000)) "jazz"
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# lpf 1000)) "ja zz"
$ fix ((# att 0.02) . (# rel 0.5) . (# lpf 5000)) "kick:4"
$ midiOn "^42" (struct "t t t t*<1!6 2 2>")
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k . ~ <~!3 k> ~ ~")
$ "[jazz,kick:4]"
# gain 1.2
-- # midiG' "^78" 0 1.5
d2$ gMute1 $ gF1 -- snare contretemps variable
d2 $ gMute1 $ gF1 -- snare contretemps variable
$ fix ((|* gain 0.8) . (# legato 0.05)) "cp"
$ midiOn "^43" (<| "~ cp ~ cp*<1 1 2 <1 2>>")
$ midiOff "^43" (<| "~ [cp*<1!3 <2 <4 [4 2]>>> ~]")
$ "[cp,snare:24]"
$ "[cp,snare:30]"
# pan 0.65
# legato 0.22
-- # midiG' "^79" 0 1.6
d3 $ gM1 $ gF1
$ "~ d ~ d ~ d ~ <d!12 [~ d]!3 [d d]>"
# "snare:34"
# hpf 7000
-- # midiG' "^80" 0 1.5]
d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3
$ midiOn "^57" (slice 16 "[0 ~]*<4!3 8>")
$ midiOn "^89" (ply 8)
$ note "<b2 as2 gs2@2>"
$ note "<b2 <<as2 [as2@3 [~ <fs2 b2>]]>!6 cs3 [cs3@3 [~ ef3]]> gs2@2>"
# "bassWarsaw"
# gain 1.2 # cut 4
# gain 1.4 # cut 4
# crushbus 41 (range 16 4.5 "^53")
# octerbus 42 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
# octerbus 42 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
# octerbus 42 (range 0 0.04 "^33")
# octersubbus 43 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
# octersubsubbus 44 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Baba hums
-- $ midiOn "^58" ((# n 1) . ())
$ n "<1@2 2@2 3@2 4@2>"
$ midiOff "^58" (mask "f")
$ midiOn "^90" ((# begin 0.5))
$ someCyclesBy "<t!16 f!16>" (>| n "<1@2 1@2 2@4>") -- Better usage!
$ n "<1@2 2@2 3@2 4@2>" -- Live v1
-- $ n "<3 ~>"
-- $ n "<[1@2]!8 [2@4]!8 [<<1@2 3@2> <1@2 4@2> 2@4>]!8>" -- Final Orchestration <3
-- # att 0.8
# begin 0.02
-- # rel 4
# "paroles" # cut 5
# octersubbus 51 (range 0 2.5 "^54")
# lpf 3000
# tremrbus 51 (range 0 8 "^54")
# tremdp 0.8
-- # lpf 3000
# hpf 400 -- Needed to remove kick in the background :'(
# pan 0.8
# att 0.02
# sustain 4
# rel 4
# room 0.5 # dry 0.8 # sz 0.8
# legato 2
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ chop 8 $ loopAt 1
$ midiOn "^56" ((loopAt 2) . (# "jungle_breaks:30")) -- Clochettes?
$ midiOn "^92" (ply 2)
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "f(4,8)")
$ chop 8
d6 $ gF2 $ gM2
$ whenmod 32 16 (slice 8 "<[~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3]!3 [0 1 2 3]*<2 [2 4]>>")
$ note ("<b bf gs@2>" - "f")
# "meth_bass:3"
# lpf 4000
# lpq 0.2
# cut 6
# pan 0.4
# room 0.1 # dry 0.9 # sz (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.9 saw)
d7 $ gM3 $ gF3 -- Paroles!
$ midiOn "^91" (mask "<t f!3>" . (# begin 0.79) . (# end 1))
$ "paroles:6/2"
-- 0-0.09 0.103-0.20 0.22-0.29 0.33-43 0.44-53 535-64 65-78
# begin "<0 0.103 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.535 0.65 0.65>"
# end " <0.09 0.2 0.29 0.43 0.53 0.64 0.78 0.78>"
# pan 0.3
# cut 7
# hpf 300
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn ("^60" - "^92") (ply "1!2 <1!3 <2 1 1 2>>!2" . mask "f(4,8)")
$ midiOn ("^56" - "^92") ((loopAt 1) . (# hpf 1500) . (# "jungle_breaks:30")) -- Clochettes?
$ midiOn ("^92") ( -- Bouton Nassim <3
slice 16 "[0 .. 7] . <[0 .. 7]!3 [0 1 . [2 3]]>"
. loopAt 2 . (# "breaks165")
. (# room 0)
slice 16 "[0 .. 7] . <[0 .. 7]!7 [0 1 . [2 3]]>"
. loopAt 0.5 . (# "breaks165") . (# octersub 2)
$ "jungle_breaks:20"
$ chop 16
$ loopAt 2
$ "jungle_breaks:74"
# room 0
# gain 1.2
d9 $ gM3
$ fix (slow 2 . (# "jerome:0")
. (# begin "<0!6 0.5!2>")
. (# end "<<0.3!2 0!2> 0.5 0.9>")
d9 $ gF3 -- Bonsoir, merci les basses <3
$ fix ((# "jerome:0")
. slice 4 "<<0!3 <2 3> 0!3 <2 3> 3 3 3*2 2 3 3 3*<1 <2 4>> 2*2 <[2 3]>!16> ~>"
) "bonsoir"
$ "[bonsoir]" # cut 9
d10 $ gM3 $ ply "<1!4 2!4>" $ "<jerome:4 ~>" # end "<0.5 <0.64 1>>" # cut 10 # octersub (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 perlin)
d11 $ "jerome/4" # n "<5 5 7 8>" # gain 1.2 # cut 11 # lpf 4000
d12 $ "<~ ~ jerome ~>" # n "<1 2 3>" # gain 1.2 # cut 12 # lpf 4000
$ "[bonsoir]" # cut 9 # room 0.4 # dry 1 # gain 1.1
# octersub 0.8 # octersubsub 0.5
d10 $ gF3 -- F: Chaque annee Jerome, Baissez, Aucune Parole, Qu'une parole
$ slow 2
$ ply "<<1 2> 1!7>"
$ "jerome:6"
# begin "<0!3 0.15 0.15!3 0.41 0.57!3 0.8 0.9!4>"
# end "<0.15!3 0.27 0.35!3 0.62 0.85!3 1.0 1.0!4>"
-- $ "<jerome:4 ~>" # end "<0.5 <0.64 1>>" -- Jerome F ...baissez les basses
# cut 10 # octersub (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 perlin)
d11 $ gF3 -- M grave tremolo
$ "jerome:5"
# begin "<0.3!3 0>"
# end "<0.5!3 <0.2 1>>"
# gain 1.2
# cut 11
# lpf 4000
d12 $ gF3 -- COLLECTIF
$ fix (|* gain 0.9) "jerome:9"
$ "<~ ~ jerome ~>"
# n "<1 2 2 3 2 9 1 <10 3>>"
# gain 1.2
# cut 12 # lpf 4000
-- 5 7 8
once $ "jerome:3" # cut 8
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let gMute2 = (midiOn "^74" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gF1 = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let gF3 = (# djfbus 3 (range 0.05 0.95 "^51"))
......@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Highest hats
# gain (1.4 * (range 0.85 1.05 (fast 4 perlin)))
# room 0.2 # dry 0.99 # sz 0.25
d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3
$ superimpose (
(# crushbus 41 (range 16 3.5 "^53"))
. (# hpf 500)
$ midiOn "^89" (ply "2 <2 <4 8>>")
$ fast (4/3) -- Le fameux
$ midiOff "^57" -- L'attente
......@@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3
$ note ("<[fs4 <a5!2 gs!4 fs5!4 <[a6 gs6 fs6]!3 [fs6 gs6 a6]>>@3]*4>")
# "bassWarsaw" |- note 24
# pan 0.4
# crushbus 41 (range 16 3.5 "^53")
# octersubbus 42 (range 0 2 "^33")
# octerbus 43 (range 0 0.52 "^33")
# gain 2
......@@ -65,15 +68,19 @@ d5 $ gM3 $ gF3
# pan 0.8
# room 0.8 # sz 0.5
# cut 5
# octerbus 51 (range 0 1 "^54")
d7 $ gM3 $ gF3
# tremrbus 51 (range 0 "<0 8>" "^78")
# tremdp 2
# gain 1.8
d7 $ gMute3 $ gF3
$ superimpose ((# cut 71) .
(# crushbus 73 (range 16 2.5 "^55")) -- CRASH THIS GUITAR
$ midiOn "^91" (ply "1 . 2 <2 <4 8>>")
$ slice 8 "0 0 0 <0 <1 2>>"
$ "suns_guitar:0/2"
# cut 7
# octersubbus 71 (range 0 1.9 "^35") -- BURN THIS GUITAR
# lpfbus 72 (range 10000 200 "^35")
# crushbus 73 (range 16 2.5 "^55") -- CRASH THIS GUITAR
# pan 0.2
# gain 1.1
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
......@@ -102,7 +109,7 @@ d9 $ gF3 $ gMute3 -- Voice of the Father
# octerbus 91 (slow 16 $ range 0.5 0.2 sine)
# hpf 1500
# cut 9
d10 -- CUES AND NOISES TODO Rework following
$ fix (# lpf 2000) "rampleD5:3" -- Porte spaciale
$ fix ((# legato 4) . (# cut 101) . mask "<f!3 t>" . slow 8) "risers"
$ "[<~!3 rampleD5:3>,risers:5]"
-- resetCycles
setcps (120/60/4)
let gMask = (midiOn "^41" (mask "t . <f t f <f t>> <t f f <t f>>"))
let gMute1 = (midiOn "^73" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute2 = (midiOn "^74" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute1
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gF1 = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let gF3 = (# djfbus 3 (range 0.05 0.95 "^51"))
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
d1 $ gMute2 $ gF1 -- Kick solide
$ superimpose ((# cut 11) -- Rumble
-- . (# att 0.2) . (# rel 2)
. (# gain 4)
. (# delay 0.125) . (# delayt "q") . (# delayfb 0) -- Smear
-- . (# room 0.12) . (# sz 0.1) . (# dry 0.2)
-- . (# legato 0.25)
. (# lpf 600) -- Low-pass show
$ midiOn "^42" (struct "t t*<1!3 <1!4 2!4>> t <t <t!4 [~ t]!4> t t*2>")
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k . ~ k ~ <~!3 k*[4 1]>")
$ "[techno:1,jazz]"
-- # gain 0.2
# lpf 2000
# pan 1
# cut 1
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Basic clap ma gueule
$ midiOn "^43" (<| "~ <~!8 cp!8> . cp*<1!3 2> <~!8 [~ cp]!8>" )
$ midiOff "^43" (<| "~ <cp!3 <~ [cp*<2 4>]>>")
$ "cp"
# note "0!3 -1"
# lpf 4000
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ jux (rev)
$ whenmod 8 6 (mask "f t" . rev)
$ "h h*2 ~ h ~ h ~ <~!2 h h*2>"
# "rhadamanthe_drum:3"
# delay 0.5 # delayt 0.25 # delayfb 0.2
# pan 0.7
# legato (range 0.2 0.8 "^52")
d4 $ gF2 $ gM3 -- FROZEN BASS
$ midiOn "^57" (# freeze 0.2)
$ midiOn "^89" (ply 2 . chop 8 . (# legato 0.5))
$ slow 8 $ slice 8 (run 8)
$ superimpose
((# cut 41)
. (# crushbus 41 (range 8 2.5 "^53"))
. (# hpf 500)
. (# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1.2 (saw + "^53")))
-- . (# legato 4)
. (# lpf 10000))
$ stack ["",
"s" -- Base Synth
# "synth_commodore"
# squizbus 42 (range 0 0.8 "^33")
# lpf 500
# gain 0.9
# room 0.3
# dry 0.9
# octer 0.25
# octersub 1.25
# sz 0.2
# cut 4
d10 $ gF3 -- Self-destruction riser
$ (stack [
n "<<55!8 ~!54> ~!3>"
# end "<0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5!5 1!3>"
# begin "<0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0!5 0.5!3>",
n "<<~!3 56>!32 ~!28 ~ 56 ~ ~>" # begin 0.5, -- Activated
n "<~!32 <~ <54!3 53 53!3 54>!16 ~!16>>" -- Systems
# crushbus 101 (slow 15 $ range 12 5 perlin),
# "rhadamanthe_vocal"
d9 $ gF3
$ mask "<<t!4 f!4> t t f>"
$ note ("<d4!12>" + 5)
# "rhadamanthe_vocal:5"
# cut 9
# begin "<0!16 0!8 0.25!5 0.3!3>"
# octersub 0.5
# octersubsub 0.5
# gain 1.3
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Piano lead acidule
$ midiOn "^58" (stutWith 4 0.125 (|- note 12))
$ superimpose (# modIndex (range 0 16 "^34"))
$ note ("b ~ ~ b ~ ~ <d!7 e6> <~ d>" - 12)
# "FMRhodes1"
# crushbus 51 (range 16 4.5 "^54")
# room 0.3# sz 0.5
d7 $ gF2 $ gM3 -- Punishment bass
-- $ ply "<1!16 8!16>"
$ midiOn "^91" (ply 4 . (# legato 0.25))
$ note ("<b4 [~!3 <bf4 d4 e4 [e4 f4@3]>]>")
# room 0.4 # dry 2 # sz 0.8
# "moog" # cut 7
# gain 1.2 # cut 7
# octersub 0.5
# octer "<0!7 0.9>"
# delay 0.5 # delayt "e" # delayfb "<0 <0.4 0.9>>"
# crushbus 71 (range 10 2.5 "^55")
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^92" ( -- Bouton Nassim <3
slice 8 "0 1 2 <3!3 ~> <4!3 ~> 5 <6!3 6*2 ~!3 6> 7*<1!3 <2 4>>"
. loopAt 0.5 . (# "breaks165") . (# octersub 2)
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(4,8,1)" . chop 16)
$ midiOn "^56" (# "jungle_breaks:40")
$ midiOn ("^36" - "^92") (chop 8 . loopAt 4 . (# "trance_loops:4"))
$ chop 8
$ loopAt 2
$ "jungle_breaks:45"
# cut 8
# gain 1.42
d11 $ gF2 $ gM3 -- Synthetique violon
$ note (stack ["<b6!3 [b6 a6@7]>", -- Low basis
"~ <b7!3 [b7 [<d8 <[d8 ~ e8 f8 e8 <d8@2 a8@2>@2]@3>>]]>"
] - 24)
# "90s_synatm:21"
# cut 11
# room 0.4
# pan 0.8
# att 0.5
# sustain 0.5
# rel 2
once $ "FMRhodes1"
setcps (160/60/4)
let gMask = (midiOn "^41" (mask "t . <f t f <f t>> <t f f <t f>>"))
let gMute1 = (midiOn "^73" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute2 = (midiOn "^74" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute1
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
d1 $ gF1 $ gMute2
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "k k k*<1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2> k*<1!3 2>")
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k . ~ k ~ ~")
$ "[cpu,kick:5]"
# gain 0.8
# lpf 2000
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "~ sn ~ sn*<1!3 2>" # "snare:30" # lpf 4000
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "[~ hh]*4" # "h2ogmhh" # gain 0.8
d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3
$ midiOn "^57" (struct "t(4,8)")
$ midiOn "^89" (off "e" id)
-- TODO Vary bassline, pas juste l'attente
$ note "<a*2 ~> ~ <~ <<d6!4 c5!4>*<2 1>>> <~ <c6!4 bs5!4>>"
# "bassWarsaw" |- note 36
# crushbus 41 (range 11 2.8 "^53")
# roombus 42 (range 0 0.8 "^53") # sz 0.8 # dry 1.1 # lpf 5000
# legato 2
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3
$ whenmod 16 8 (juxBy 0.5 (("e" ~>) . (|+ note 12) . (# cut 51)))
-- $ whenmod 16 0 (superimpose ((# "FMRhodes2") . (|+ note 12)))
$ note (
"<[0(3,8) 0]!3 [0*4]>" -- Rythme
|+ "<[gs a@2] [b c5@2] [e f@2] [f fs@2]>" -- Notes
-- - "<12!8 0!8>"
+ 24 -- Octave
# "giorgio_syn:28"
# octerbus 51 (range 0 1.5 "^54")
# gain 1.5
# pan "<0.2!4 0.8!4>"
# cut 5
# att 0.9
# rel 2
-- d6 $
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ loopAt 2
$ chop 8
$ midiOff ("^60" + "^92") (mask "f(8,16)" . chop 8)
$ midiOn "^56" (# n 23)
$ midiOn "^92" (loopAt 0.5 . (# "breaks165"))
$ slice 4 "<0!3 2> <1!3 3> 2 3"
$ "jungle_breaks:22"
# gain 0.9 # cut 8
gs a - b c - e f - f fs
-- resetCycles
setcps (110/60/4)
let gMask = (midiOn "^41" (mask "t . <f t f <f t>> <t f f <t f>>"))
let gMute1 = (midiOn "^73" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute2 = (midiOn "^74" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute1
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gF1 = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let gF3 = (# djfbus 3 (range 0.05 0.95 "^51"))
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
d1 $ gMute2 $ gF1 -- Kick solide
$ superimpose ((# cut 11) -- Rumble
-- . (# att 0.2) . (# rel 2)
. (# gain 2.4)
. (# delay 0.8) . (# delayt "e") . (# delayfb 0) -- Smear
. (# room 0.06) . (# sz 0.1) . (# dry 0.82)
. (# legato 0.25)
. (# lpf 400) -- Low-pass show
$ midiOn "^42" (struct "t t*<1!3 <1!4 2!4>> t <t <t!4 [~ t]!4> t t*2>")
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k . ~ k ~ <~!3 k*[4 1]>")
$ "[techno:1,jazz]"
-- $ "[hardkick_rha:1]"
# lpf 400
# pan 1
# cut 1
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "~ . s*<1!3 2 1 2 1 2> ~"
# "snare:70"
# note "-14"
# room 0.14 # dry 1 # gain 1.7
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^44" (<| "~ h ~ h ~ h*<1 2 2 1> ~ h*<1 1 2 <2 4>>")
$ midiOff "^44" (<| "h h ~!5 h*<1 2>" )
$ "h2ogmhh"
# delay 0.4 # delayt 0.125 # delayfb 0.2
# gain 1.2
d4 $ gF2 $ gM3 -- TODO REWORK
$ midiOn "^57" (struct "t([16@3 <16!3 8 16 16 8 4>],8)")
$ midiOff "^57" (|+| note"0([5 <2!16 <3!16 5!16>>],8,1)")
$ superimpose (
(# cut 41)
. (# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.5 "^53"))
. (# hpf 200)
. (# lpf 10000)
$ note ((scale "phrygian"
"0 3 <7 6 5 7>"
- 1 -- Fondamentale: re
-- + 12 -- Octave: -1
# "giorgio_syn:6"
# octerbus 42 (range 0.25 1.2 "^33")
# cut 4
# scram (range 0 0.72 "^17")
d7 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Apollo call
$ note ((scale "phrygian" "0 2@2 3@3 <2!3 5 6 6 7 [9 9]>@2")
- 1 -- Fondamentale: re
- 12 -- Octave: -1
# "FMRhodes1"
# gain 2
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3
$ midiOn "^58" (stut 4 0.9 "e")
$ note (
-- "<b <b fs b <d d6 d6>>@7]>"
"<b [~ . bf ~ ~ <~ bf g g>]>"
+ 4)
# "jungle_bass:12"
# room 0.2 # dry 1.2 # sz 0.5
# lpf 1400
# lpq 0.4
# legato 0.5
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^92" (loopAt 0.5)
$ loopAt 2
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(8,16,1)" . chop 16)
$ chop 8
$ midiOn "^36" (splice 4 "<[0 1 2 3]!3 [0 1]>" . (# n 75)) -- DNB LOVERS
$ midiOn "^56" (# n 42)
$ "jungle_breaks:45"
# gain 1.4
# hpf 1500
d9 $ gM3 $ gF3 $ slow 2 $ cat [
"movie_bad_attitude:3", -- chances
"movie_dawn:2 ~ movie_bad_attitude:10 ~", -- wrong thatsit
"movie_bad_attitude:8", -- sure
(slice 3 "[0 0 0 0 0] ~ [0 1 2] ~*3") $ "movie_bad_attitude:8", -- susususuSURE
"movie_dawn:2" # lpf 3000 # crush 4 # octersub 0.6, -- WRONG
-- "movie_bad_attitude:10",
-- "movie_bad_attitude:10", -- thatsit
-- "movie_bad_attitude:10",
"movie_dawn:11" -- love
# cut 9 # gain 1.2
# room 0.2
once $ "movie_bad_attitude:3" # gain 1.2 # orbit 8
once $ "movie_bad_attitude:8" # gain 1.2 # orbit 8
once $ "movie_bad_attitude:10" # gain 1.2 # orbit 8
once $ "movie_dawn:2" # gain 1.2 # orbit 8
once $ "movie_dawn:11" # gain 1.2 # orbit 8
b fs e d
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ d1 $ gF1 $ gMute2
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "k . ~ k*<1 2> ~ <~ k k <~ k*4>>")
$ "[kick:5,clubkick]"
# room 0.2 # dry 1.1
# lpf 3000 -- TODO Sound design this kick <3
# cut 1
# gain 1.5
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ d3 $ gF1 $ gM1
-- $ "h(3,8) h(<3 <5 [5 <1 <8 [8 16]>>]>>,8)"
$ "h(3,8) h(3,8)" # pan "0.2 0.8"
# drumFrom "rolandtr909" "hh" # cut 3 # gain 0.9 # legato (range 0.05 0.9 "^32")
d9 -- Bogdan the Grime sample provider
d9 -- Bogdan the Grime sample provider
$ whenmod 16 12 ( -- I'm from Cardiff!
(# "bogdan_grime:1") . (# begin "<0!3 0.25>") . (# end "<0.5!3 0.25>")
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Come on breaks!
$ chop 8
$ midiOn "^92" (ply 4)
$ midiOn "^36" (loopAt 2 . (# n "<61>")) --
$ midiOn "^56" ((# n "19")) -- Pure COMEON!
$ midiOn "^56" ((# n "19") . (|* gain 1.2)) -- Pure COMEON!
-- $ midiOn "^56" ((# n "23")) -- Raise COMEON!
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(4,8)")
$ loopAt 2
......@@ -84,13 +85,20 @@ d5 $ gM3 $ gF3
# pan 0.9
# gain 3
# room 0.3
d10 $ gF2 -- Menace
$ note "<b3 ~ ~ <[~!7 c4] [~!5 c4 ef4 <c4 fs4>]>>"
# "90s_synatm:10"
d10 $ gF2 $ gM3 -- Menace
$ someCyclesBy "<1!16 1!32 0!16>" (>| note "<b3 ~ ~ <[~!7 c4] [~!5 c4 ef4 <c4 fs4>]>>")
-- Variante Adrianesque
$ someCyclesBy "<0!16 1!32 0!16>" (>| note "<b3 ~ ~ [ c4@2 ~ . ef4 fs4 c4]>")
-- Variante Adrianesque Folle
$ someCyclesBy "<0!16 1!32 1!12 0!4>" (>| note "<b3 ~ [g4 a4 b4 a4 es4 a4 fs4 a4 c4] [~ ~ as4 ~]>")
-- Variante Adrianesque Folle2
$ someCyclesBy "<0!16 1!32 0!12 1!4>" (>| note "<[b3 ~] [as3 bs3 g3 cs4 ~ d4] [~ gs4 ~ ~] [~ ~ [as4 as4] ~]>")
$ "90s_synatm:10"
# room 0.3 # sz 0.8
# gain 1
# att 0.10
# rel 10
# crushbus 101 (range 16 3.5 "^14")
# legato 2
# cut 9
d7 $ gM2 $ gF2
......@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ d1 $ gF1 $ gMute2 -- Kick resolu
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "t . ~ t ~ ~")
$ "[rampleA0:1,jazz]"
# gain 1.6
# cpsbus 1 (155/60/4)
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^43" (<| "~ s ~ <s s*2 s [~ s]>")
$ midiOff "^43" (<| "~ s ~ s*<1!4 2 2 4 8>")
$ "snare:32"
# gain 1.1
$ "[snare:38,snare:39]"
# gain 1.2
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^76" (ply 2)
$ "dr*<8!3 16>"
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3 -- Ligne directrice: P-U-N-K
# legato (range 0.42 1 "^33")
# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.5 "^53")
# room 0.2 # dry 1.9 # sz 0.6
d5 $ gF2 $ gMute3
d5 $ gF3 $ gMute3
$ midiOn "^90" (ply "2 <1 4>")
$ midiOn "^58" (
chop "<4 4 8 16>"
......@@ -51,11 +52,18 @@ d5 $ gF2 $ gMute3
# octerbus 53 (range 0 1 "^34")
# cut 5
# pan 0.7
d6 $ gF3
$ ply "<1!8 [4 <8 8 2 8>]!8>"
$ note "<e g a <b4 b4>>"
# "meth_bass:3"
# cut 6
# hpf 2000
d9 $ gF3 $ gMute3 -- Violoncelle Manouche punko-magique
-- $ chop "<4 4 8 16>"
$ struct "t(<3!3 5>,8,<0!7 1>)"
$ note (
"<e g a <b4 b4>>" + (arp "up" "[0,<7 7 9 7>,12]")
"<e g a <b4 b4>>"
+ (arp "up" "[0,<7 7 9 7>,12]")
# "cpluck:2"
# cut 9
-- Layer le meme kick 2x plutot que deux diff
-- Pour assurer que la phase reste compatible
-- Vise un pigeon et un seul
-- Courir Un seul lievre a la fois
-- Avance etape par etape, comprends ce que tu fais sur chaque son.
-- C'est comme une piece de theatre. Qui leade l'acte 2?
-- Tes drums, spacialise sur le cote
-- On Mastering
-- Cale le top de ton master mix à 6Db max, pour avoir la place de travailler ensuite
-- -> Ton but final est que ça tape à 0, avec un LUFS qui tape min -5
-- Theorie musicale
-- Layering, DAW tips, and more
-- Underdog Electronic :
-- - Music theory and more Techno classes
-- -> Techno Rumble Mastery
-- Techno Drum Pattern:
-- Juliaen Earle: ELUSIVE SECRET Schranz Percussion Loops
-- EDM tips - Perfect Mastering Chain
-- STack de master par default:
-- 1. Eq extreme (tej <-15 et >20k)
-- 2. Eq parametrique (booster les lows sur les mids, et les highs sur les _side_)
-- -> Il faut split ta basse! pour que ses graves soient fortes et centrees, mais que les highs puissent se deployer et remplir l'espace
-- 3. Compresseur: pour gluer le tout, et que tout soit homogene
-- 4. Saturateur: pour donner un grain final aux harmoniques hautes
-- 5. Multiband Dynamics (adjust to taste)
-- 6. Utility (ensure BassMono, all basses are mono, centric, everything below 200hz)
-- 7. Limiter (I use two) -> to reboost the sound until the golden -5 LUFS level
-- > Mastering friends: de la part de @rhadamanthe_techno
-- 40e par track :star-struck:
-- LFOTool plugin, 50 balles bien investies <3
-- Gate effects! plus de sautillant, plus de place entre deux sons
-- Splice c'est le feu quand meme.
-- $ fix ((# hpf 300) . (# lpf 10000)) "jizz"
$ fix ((# "jazz") . (# hpf 400)) "kickH"
$ fix ((# "jazz") . (# lpf 400) . (# distort 0.5)) "kickL"
$ struct "t t t <t t*2>"
$ "[kickL,kickH]"
# gain 1.5
-- # distort 1.2
-- # lpf 300
d2 $ "~ clap" # lpf 3000
d3 $ "dr*8"
once $ "hardkick:1" # gain 1.8
once $ "leon:19" -- Attends <3
# end 0.3
# cut 99 # orbit 8
# gain 1.4
once $ "leon:20" -- Putain Non <3
-- # end 0.3
# cut 99 # orbit 8
# gain 1.4
once $ "leon:19" -- Attends <3
# end 0.3
# cut 99 # orbit 8
# gain 1.4
once $ "leon:19" -- Encore <3
# begin 0.4
# cut 99 # orbit 8
# gain 1.4
-- resetCycles -- TODO UNCOMMENT
setcps (90/60/4)
let gMask = (midiOn "^41" (mask "t . <f t f <f t>> <t f f <t f>>"))
let gMute = (midiOn "^73" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute2 = (midiOn "^74" (mask "f*16"))
let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gF1 = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.01 0.99 "^49"))
let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let gF3 = (# djfbus 3 (range 0.05 0.95 "^51"))
d1 $ gF1 $ gM2
$ fix (# n 0) "jazz"
$ midiOff "^42" (>| n "0 . ~ [~ <~!2 0!2>]")
$ midiOn "^42" (>| n "0 0 0 0*<1 2 1 4 1 2 2 1>")
$ "[rampleK1,jazz]"
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "~ <s!3 [s s*2 . ~]>"
# "[rampleD4:1]"
-- # lpf 2000
# gain 1.4
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ "~ h ~ h ~ h ~ h*<1 2>"
# "h2ogmhh:3"
# gain 1.8
d4 $ gF2 $ gM3
$ midiOn "^89" (struct "t*<<8 [8 4]!2 8> <4 [4 16]>>")
$ note "<<<g3!4 e2!4> [<g3!4 e2!4>@7 bf2]> b2>"
# "bassWarsaw"
# crushbus 41 (range 16 4 "^53")
# octersubbus 42 (range 0 1.5 "^53")
# room 0.4
# lpf 1500
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Synth Marimba
$ superimpose (struct "t(<2 2 3 3>,8) t(<0 1 3 <1 5>>,8)"
. (|+| note (arp "<up!3 down>" "c'min'8")))
$ note "[<e4!3 a3>@3 <~ g3!7>]"
# "giorgio_syn:38"
# room 0.4 # sz 0.8
# octersubbus 51 (range 0 2.85 "^54")
# att 0.05
# rel 2
$ note ("e"
- 4 -- Calage
) # "rampleK1:4" # gain 0.9
# room 0.4
# lpf 2000
# legato 2
d7 $ gF3 $ gM3
$ whenmod 4 3 (juxBy 0.2 (("e" ~>) . (# cut 71) . (|* gain 0.6)))
$ midiOn "^91" (ply "1 <2 4>")
$ midiOff "^91" (mask "<t f>")
$ chop 4
$ "leon" # n "<0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18!4>"
# cut 7
# gain 1.2
# roombus 71 (range 0.0 0.8 saw)
# panbus 72 (slow 4 $ range 0.2 0.8 (sine + (slow 4 $ sine)))
# tremrbus 51 (range 0 8 "^55")
# tremdp 0.8
-- # tremoloratebus 71 (range 0 2 "^55")
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^92" (ply "<2!3 [2 <4 8>]>")
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "f(4,8)" . chop "2")
$ chop 32
$ midiOn "^36" (loopAt 0.25 . (# "jungle_breaks:22"))
$ midiOn "^56" (loopAt 0.25 . (# n 2))
$ loopAt 8
$ "trance_loops:0"
# gain 1.1
# cut 8
-- Bain Electrique, ex Bain Bouillant
-- resetCycles
setcps (128/60/4)
let gF1 = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let gF2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
......@@ -10,18 +13,20 @@ let gMute3 = (midiOn "^75" (mask "f*16"))
let gM1 = gMask . gMute1
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let gO = (# octersubbus 5 (range 0 1 "^29")) . (# octerbus 6 (range 0 1.2 "^29"))
d1 $ gF1 $ gM2 -- Kick
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# lpf 1000)) "jazz"
$ fix ((# att 0.02) . (# rel 0.5) . (# lpf 5000)) "kick:4"
let gO = (# octersubbus 5 (range 0 1 "^29")) . (# octerbus 6 (range 0 0.52 "^29"))
d1 $ gF1 $ gM2 -- Kick FIXME PLUS PUISSANT!!1!
-- $ superimpose ((# crush 5) . (# lpf 2000) . (# gain 2))
-- $ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# lpf 1000)) "jazz"
-- $ fix ((# att 0.02) . (# rel 0.5) . (# lpf 5000)) "kick:4"
$ midiOn "^42" ((<| "k k k <k!7 [<k ~> k]>"))
$ midiOff "^42" (
-- (<| "<k!24 ~!8> ~ ~ <~!3 k> . ~ <~!7 k> ~ ~")
(<| "k . ~ k ~ <~ k>")
$ "[jazz,kick:4]"
$ "[jazz,kick:4]"
-- # n "[5 5 5 <6 5>]" # note "0 [1 <0>]"
-- $ "[rampleA0:3,jazz]"
# gain 1.2
# gain 1.4
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1
$ midiOn "^43" (<| "~ s ~ s*<1 1 2 <1 4>>")
$ midiOff "^43" (<| "~ s ~ s*<1 2 <1 2> 1>")
......@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@ d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Contretemps
# "[snare:38]"
# room 0
# gain 0.9
d4 $ gO $ gF2 $ gM3 -- SUBSUB INFRABASS
d4 $ gO $ gF2 $ gMute3 -- SUBSUB INFRABASS
$ midiOn "^57" (struct "t*8 t(<3!3 5>,8)")
$ midiOn "^89" (stut 4 0.9 "e")
-- $ juxBy 0.8 (
......@@ -45,21 +50,21 @@ d4 $ gO $ gF2 $ gM3 -- SUBSUB INFRABASS
-- )
$ note "<g3!4 c3!4>(3,8)"
# "jungbass:3"
# lpf 2000
# cut 4
# crushbus 41 (range 12 2 "^53")
-- # octersubsubbus 42 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
# pan 0.65
# gain 1.2
# octersubsubbus 42 (range 0 1.2 "^33")
# gain 1
# pan 0.3
$ gO $ gM3 $ gF2 -- Basse appel important
-- $ superimpose ((# distortbus 51 (range 0 1.2 "^34")) . (|+ cut 1))
$ gO $ gMute3 $ gF2 -- Basse appel important
$ note "<fs3 [fs3@7 b3] [fs3@7 g3] [fs3@5 g3 fs3 d2] [b2@7 d2] [b2@7 d2] [b2@7 gs2] [b2 . b2 d3 <fs3 g3>]>"
# "giorgio_syn:0"
# pan 0.351
# lpfbus 52 (range 400 4000 "^34")
# distortbus 51 (range 0 1.2 "^54")
# cut 7
# gain 1.4
# lpfbus 52 (range 400 2000 "^54")
# cut 5
# gain 1.5
# pan 0.7
d7 $ gO $ gF3 -- guitare salvatrice
-- $ mask "<f!32 t!32>"
$ slice 16 "0*[4 <4 4 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 4 4> 4 <1!3 4>]"
......@@ -67,7 +72,7 @@ d7 $ gO $ gF3 -- guitare salvatrice
$ loopAt 2
$ "fguitar:55"
# cut 7
# gain 0.9
# gain 1.4
d6 $ gO $ gM1 $ gF1 -- Rim drums
$ fix ((|* gain (1.2 + 0.1 * perlin))) (n 18)
$ n (stack [
......@@ -78,28 +83,81 @@ d6 $ gO $ gM1 $ gF1 -- Rim drums
|* gain (range 0.8 1 perlin)
# gain 1.5
d8 $ gM1 $ gF1 -- BOOM BOOM THE BREAKS
$ midiOn "^92" (ply 2)
$ midiOn "^60" (mask "f(4,8)")
$ midiOn "^92" ( -- Bouton Nassim <3
superimpose ((# lpf 200) . (|* gain 1.5)) .
slice 16 "[0 .. 7] . <[0 .. 7]!3 [0 1 . [2 3]]>"
. loopAt 0.5 . (# "breaks165")
. (# octer 0.4)
. (# room 0)
. (|* gain 1.2)
$ fix (|* gain 0.8) ("jungle_breaks:24")
$ whenmod 8 7 (slice 4 "0 3 2*<1 2> 1*<1 2 4 4>")
$ midiOn "^36" ((# n "19")) -- Pure COMEON!
$ midiOn "^56" ((# n "23")) -- Raise COMEON!
$ midiOn "^36" ((# n "19") . (|* gain 1.1)) -- Pure COMEON!
$ midiOn "^56" ((# n "23") . (|* gain 1.1)) -- Raise COMEON!
-- $ midiOn "^60" (const $ loopAt 2 $ chop 8 $ "jungle_breaks:60" # gain 0.8)
$ chop 16 $ loopAt 2
$ "jungle_breaks:24"
# gain 1.2
d9 $ gF3
$ ply "1 2 <1 <2 4 8 2>> <<2 1 4 <1 4>> 1>"
# gain 1.7
d10 $ gF3 -- Ambient Pads
$ whenmod 64 32 (ply "1 2 <1 <2 4 8 2>> <<2 1 4 <1 4>> 1>")
$ chop 8
$ "jungle_pads:24/4"
# note (2 + (slow 2 $ "<0 -5>"))
# cut 9
# gain 0.8
# gain 1.4
# lpf 5000
-- $ fix (|* gain (slow 32 $ range 1 0.3 saw)) "giorgio_syn"
$ (stack [
"<~!0 giorgio_syn:52!16>/2"
"<~!12 giorgio_syn:52!4>/2"
# note (slow 2 "<0 <-4.5 -7>>")
# cut 10
# gain 0.6
# gain 1
d9 $ slow 4 -- Movie Dialogs on Electricity
$ cat [
("weird_dialogs:1" # end 0.51 # lpf 5000 # gain 0.9), -- Atomic
("[~ weird_dialogs:1]" # begin 0.52 # lpf 5000 # gain 0.9), -- Predict
("weird_dialogs:8" # end 0.65 # gain 0.75), -- Do you think Wrong?
("~ weird_dialogs:8" # begin 0.2 # gain 0.75), -- Wrong electricity
("weird_dialogs:9" # end 0.27), -- Faith
("weird_dialogs:9" # begin 0.31 # end 0.8), -- Not Faith
("weird_dialogs:9" # end 0.27), -- Faith
(ply 2 $ "weird_dialogs:9" # begin 0.8), -- Curiosity
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0), -- Theory
(off "1" id $ "weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0.5 # end 0.8), -- Tested
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0 # end 0.4), -- So sure
("weird_dialogs:8" # begin 0.2 # end 0.59 # gain 0.75), -- Something Wrong
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0 # end 0.4 # gain 0.9), -- So sure
("weird_dialogs:8" # begin 0.2 # gain 0.75), -- Something Wrong
("weird_dialogs:22" # gain 0.9), -- Explain my mission
("weird_dialogs:10" # end 0.47), -- I find it works
("weird_dialogs:10" # begin 0.5), -- To get me from one planet to another
("weird_dialogs:29" # gain 0.9), -- Planet
("weird_dialogs:22" # gain 0.9), -- Explain my mission
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0.5 # end 0.65), -- Have you?
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0.5 # end 0.65), -- Have you?
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0.5 # end 0.65), -- Have you?
("weird_dialogs:14" # begin 0.5 # end 0.65) -- Have you?
|* gain 1.8 -- Global movie gain
# cut 9
# "weird_dialogs"
once $ "weird_dialogs:38" # cut 9 # orbit 8 # gain 1.7
-- # end 0.51
-- # begin 0.3
-- # end 0.4
d1 $ slow 4 $ ply 4
$ cat [
"cp*<1!3 2>",
"dr*[8 16]",
note (arpeggiate "c'maj'4") # "giorgio_syn"]
# cut 1
import Sound.Tidal.ParVagues.Control
-- Alerte Verte
......@@ -14,14 +12,25 @@ let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
let g32Bridge = whenmod 64 32 (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.85 1.1 saw))
d1 $ gF1 $ gMute2 -- KICK
$ mask "t t <t!14 f f> <t!12 f t f f>"
$ whenmod 16 14 (ply "<2 0>")
$ every' 8 7 (ply 2)
$ midiOn "^74" (fast 2)
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "k k k <k [~ k] k k*2>") -- RUN!
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "b . ~ b ~ <~!3 b>") -- WAIT?
-- $ midiOff ("^41" + "^42") (<| "k*2") -- ST0P.
-- $ fix ((# lpf 6000) . (|* gain 0.9)) "techno:0"
$ fix ((# lpf 800) . (|* gain 0.85)) "kick:4"
$ "[techno:0,kick:4]"
-- $ "[techno:0,kick:4]"
$ stack [
("kick:4" # lpf 2000 # octersub 0.8 ),
("kick:4" # hpf 200 # squiz 2 # octersub 0.4)
# lpf 800
# release 0.8
# octer 0
# delay "<0!12 0.3!3 0.8>"
# delayfb "<0!3 0.5>"
# delayt 0.2
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Snare tchak!
$ midiOn "^43" (ply 2)
$ whenmod 16 12 (struct "t*<4 4 8 16>") -- Snare Rush
......@@ -34,8 +43,10 @@ d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Snare tchak!
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Running Hats
$ g32Bridge
$ midiOn "^44" (slow 2)
$ midiOn "^76" (fast 2)
$ "hh*[8 . 8 <16 8 4 [4 8]>]"
$ midiOn "^76" (mask "t(32,64)" . ply 2)
$ "~ h ~ h ~ h ~ h ~ h ~ h ~ h*<1 <0 1>> ~ h*<1 <2!3 0>>"
# "h2ogmhh:3"
# legato (0.5 + 0.1 * perlin)
-- # n "[0|0|0|0|1|1|3|3]*8"
|* gain (range 0.8 1.2 perlin)
# room (slow 8 $ range 0.2 0.45 saw)
......@@ -44,9 +55,10 @@ d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Running Hats
# dry (slow 4 $ range 0 2 perlin)
# pan 0.6
# cut 344
# gain 1.2
# gain 1.6
d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3 -- Resolute Bass
$ superimpose ((# octer 0.7) . (|* gain (0.9 * "^33")) . (# cut 41))
$ superimpose ((# crushbus 41 (range 16 2.5 "^53")). (# pan 0.2))
$ superimpose ((# octerbus 42 ("^33")) . (# cut 41))
-- $ jux ((# cut 41) . (|+ crush (range 0.5 1 perlin)))
$ midiOn "^89" ( -- Glitch vary end
slice 8 "<[0 1 <2!3 1*2> <3!3 1*2>]!4 0*4!2 [0 1 0 1] [0 1 0 [0 1 2 3]]>"
......@@ -56,9 +68,9 @@ d4 $ gF2 $ gMute3 -- Resolute Bass
$ loopAt 4
$ chop 16
$ "fbass:25"
# pan 0.45
# cut 4
# crushbus 41 (range 16 1.25 "^53")
# pan 0.8
-- # cut 4
# legato 1
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3-- Guitar A/B - La surprise et l'attente
$ fix (
mask "<f!7 <t f>>"
......@@ -104,11 +116,19 @@ d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- I WANT THEM DRUMS
. (|* gain 1.1)
$ loopAt 2
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(4,8,1)")
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(8,16,1)") . chop 16
$ chop 8
$ "jungle_breaks:45" # cut 8
# hpf 5000
# gain 1.2
d9 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Nappes crushées indépendantes
$ superimpose
((# cut 91)
. (# crushbus 91 (range 16 1.5 "^19"))
. (# hpf 1400)
-- . (# delay 0.5) . (# delayt 0.125) . (# delayfb 0)
. (|* gain 0.5)
$ midiOn "^92" (ply "<2 4 [8 16 [4|6|4]!6]>")
-- $ superimpose ((|- note 12) . (# cut 101))
$ note (euclid "<5 3 6>" 6
......@@ -116,31 +136,57 @@ d9 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Nappes crushées indépendantes
# "moog"
# cut 10
# rel 1
# octersub 2
# pan 0.85
# crushbus 100 (range 16 0.35 "^19")
# lpf 2000
-- # midiG' "^20" 0.2 1.5
d10 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- Sirene indépendante
$ superimpose ((# cut 101)
. (# lpf 3000)
. ( # crushbus 101 (range 10 0.1 "^29"))
. (|* gain 0.8)
$ note ("<e e c e>/4")
# octave 3
# legato 2
# "supersiren"
# speed 0.2
# crushbus 110 (range 10 0.1 "^29")
# ampbus 111 (range 0 0.8 "^30")
# lpf 5000
# ampbus 111 (range 0 0.15 "^13")
# pan "<0.2!16 0.8!16>"
# room 0.4 # sz (slow 32 $ range 0.125 0.9 saw)
# dry (slow 32 $ range 0 2 perlin)
# cut 10
# gain 0.8
d6 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- CLAPS!
$ "~ c ~ <c!3 <c*2 [c c*2]>>" # "cp"
-- # midiG' "^84" 0 1.5
-- $ mask "<f!8 t!8>"
$ stack [
whenmod 8 6 (# silence) $ slow 4
$ whenmod 32 24 ((# begin 0.44) . (# end 1) . (# n 45)) -- Activated!
$ ("~!2 rhadamanthe_vocal:45" # gain 1.1
# begin "<0!2 0.44!2>" # end "<0.435!2 1!2>" # pan 0.1) # cut 110,
"<~!7 [~ rhadamanthe_vocal:46]>" # cut 111,
-- Cigarette Luck
n "<<14!3 6> ~ ~ <12 23>>" # "movie_wolf" # end "<0.55!8 1!8>"
# gain 0.7
# cut 112
# gain 1.2
d12 -- Angels of AAh --
$ slow 2
$ gF3 $ gM3
$ note "<[a3,<e4 e4(3,8)>] [a4([3 <3!3 5>],8),[~ <d4 fs4>]]>"
# "rhadamanthe_vocal:5" # legato 2
# gain 0.8 # room 0.4 # dry 1.2 # sz 0.5
# octersub (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 perlin)
d6 $ "seawolf:0/4"
# cut 6
# gain 0.75
once $ "dr" # gain 1
once $ "rhadamanthe_vocal:5" # cut 1
once $ "macron"
once $ "movie_giant:13" # orbit 8 -- Jungle
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ d1 -- Kick premier`
-- $ fix ((# att 0.5) . (# legato 0.5) . (|- note 6 show )) ("tek_kick:3")
$ "[kick:4]"
# room 0.2 # sz 0.8 # dry 1.1
# gain 0.93
d2 $ gM1 $ gF1 -- Snare second
-- $ fix (# lpf 4000) "snare"
$ midiOff "^43" (mask "<t!16 f!16>")
......@@ -57,8 +58,11 @@ d5 -- Melancolie solitaire
"<a5 g5 f5 e5 f5 e5 d5 a4 a5 g5 f5 e5 f5 e5 d5 a4 d5 e5 f5 g5 d5 e5 g5 a5 d5 e5 f5 g5 d5 e5 g5 a5>" - 12
+| "0(3,8) 0(3,8,<0!7 1>) 0(3,8) <0(3,8) 0>")
-- |+ note 12
# "FMRhodes1"
# pan 0.7
# tremrbus 51 (range 0 20 "^34")
# tremdp 2
# modIndex (range 0 5 "^54")
# gain 1.2
d6 $ gF2 $ gM3
......@@ -77,6 +81,7 @@ d7 $ gF3 $ gM3
$ note ("<d g f a>" + "[0,7]" - 12)
# "moogBass"
# pan 0.3
# gain 0.6
# room 0.2
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- BREAK THAT SHIT
$ midiOn "^60" (slice 8 $ run 16)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ d1 -- Kick premier`
$ gF1 $ gMute2
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k . ~ k ~ ~ ")
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "k k k k")
$ superimpose ((|* gain "^30") .(# "tek_kick:3"))
$ superimpose ((# hpf 500) . (# delay "<0!2 <0 0.2> 0.2>") . (# delayt 0.25))
$ "[kick:4]"
# lpf 5000
# gain 0.9
......@@ -70,13 +70,12 @@ d8 $ gM1 $ gF1
$ "break:2"
# gain 0.8
$ slice 8 (slow 8 $ run 8)
$ loopAt 2
$ "risers:16"
-- # end 0.8
# att 0.04
# rel 4
# room 0.8
$ mask "<f!2 t!2>"
-- $ loopAt 1
$ "risers:2" # end 0.5
-- # att 0.04
-- # rel 4
-- # room 0.8
# cut 10
$ n "<~ ~ 27 ~ ~ ~ ~ <29 21>>"
......@@ -102,3 +101,7 @@ d6 $ gM3 $ gF2 $ note
# "meth_bass:3"
# cut 6
# gain 0.5
once $ "risers:6" # cut 10 # orbit 9
# begin 0.5
-- # note "-4"
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ let gM1 = gMask . gMute
let gM2 = gMask . gMute2
let gM3 = gMask . gMute3
d1 $ gF1 $ gM2 $ "jazz*4"
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "~ <sn cp> ~ <sn cp*<0 1 1 2>>"
d3 $ "hh*[8 16]"
d2 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "~ <sn cp> ~ <sn cp*<0 1 1 2>>" -- TODO SNARES <#
d3 $ gF1 $ gM1 $ "hh*[8 16]"
d4 $ gF2 $ gM3
$ midiOn "^89" (ply 4)
$ midiOn "^57" (superimpose (
......@@ -28,12 +28,13 @@ d4 $ gF2 $ gM3
# legato 2 # lpf 4000
# gain 1.4
d5 $ gF3 $ gM3
$ midiOn "^58" (|+ note "12")
$ slice 4 ("<0!0 0(<3 [3 5]>,8)!8>")
$ note "<b fs b <g fs5>>"
-- |+ note "0 <4 0 3 2>"
# "90s_synatm:3"
# cut 5
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- UNAVOIDABLE 90s BReak
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- UNAVOIDABLE 90s Break
$ loopAt 0.5
$ slice 4 "0 <1 <~!4 1!4>> 2*<1!4 2!4 2 2 4 4> <1!3 3>*<1!4 1 1 2 2>"
-- $ chop 8
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ d4 $ gF2 $ gM3 $ slow 2 -- Basse Germanique
"<[g4 c ef@14] [<c g> ef g@14] <[g4 c ef@14] [c5 bf5 g5@14]> [c ef d@13 ~]>"
- 24
# "[bass2:1,bassWarsaw]"
# "[bass2:1,bassWarsaw]"
# room 0.2
# pan 0.4
# crushbus 41 (range 16 2.5 "^53")
......@@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ d10
-- # rel 2
# legato 0.8
# gain 0.5
d11 $ gF3 $ gM3
d11 $ gF3 $ gM3 -- FIXME NOTES
$ note ("~ 0 ~ 0" + "<d4 <[d4 ef4] <[ef4 d4] [g4 fs4]>>>" +3)
# "daft"
# end 0.05
# gain 0.7
# room 0.8 # sz 0.8 # dry 1.9
d8 $ gF1 $ gM1 -- Break danse orleanaise
$ midiOff "^60" (mask "t(<4!3 [4 8]>,8)")
$ chop 16
$ midiOn "^92" (ply "<2 [2!3 <4 8>]>")
$ midiOn "^36" (loopAt 2 . (# n "<44!7 [44 48]>"))
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