feat: SirenBeats

parent 521032b1
-- SirenBeat
setcps 0.45
d1 -- regulo techno
-- $ whenmod 16 10 (# gain 0)
$ (# s "clubkick:2")
$ fix ((# note 0) . (# lpf 2000)) (s "h")
$ fix ((# note 1) . (# lpf 5000)) (s "l")
$ s "h l? . h <~ l> . <h h h [~ h]> . h <h? [h|h|~]>"
|- note 2
# gain 0.8
-- #
-- #
d1 -- reverbkick varie
$ whenmod 16 14 (# gain 0.8) -- fin break 1? TODO test
$ whenmod 16 10 (# gain 0) -- break 1
$ (# s "reverbkick")
$ fix ((# note 0) . (# lpf 2000)) (s "h")
$ fix ((# note 1) . (# lpf 5000)) (s "l")
$ s "h . ~ <~ l> . ~ [~|~|h] . <~ l> <l ~>"
|- note 2
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.2
d2 -- amen sur 8
$ whenmod 16 10 (# gain 0) -- break 1
$ whenmod 16 8 (off 0.125 (|+ n 7))
$ off (1/16) degrade
$ every 2 (sometimes $ degrade . fast 2)
$ someCyclesBy 1 (sometimes (# n "[4|4|2]"))
$ s "a(<<3 4> <5 8>>,8)" # n "5 2 [1|1|3] 0" # s "amencutup"
# gain 0.5
# pan 0.8
d3 -- Drumroll
$ superimpose ( -- hats
(# s "superhat") . (# sustain (slow 8 $ sine * 0.1 + 0.1)) . (|- gain 0.1))
$ whenmod 8 4 (fast "<1 2> . 2 <2 1>")
$ sometimesBy "0 <0.5 0.5 0.75 0.25>" (off (1/16) id)
$ s "d*8"
# s "dr"
# gain (slow 32 $ sine * 0.4 + 0.4)
# pan (slow 8 $ 0.2 + tri * 0.8)
d4 -- Hats motif rythme
$ sometimesBy (slow 4 $ isaw) (slow 2)
$ arp (slow 4 $ "<up [up updown] updown down [down up] downup>")
$ n "f'maj e'min d'maj ~"
# s "superhat"
# sustain 0.2
# gain 0.5
d5 -- lead
-- $ whenmod 4 2 (sometimes $ jux rev)
$ whenmod 8 4 (sometimes $ degradeBy 0.25)
$ every 4 (chunk 4 (|- n "[5,12]" )) -- variante chunkee quinte
$ superimpose (|- n 12) -- octave
$ arp (slow 4 $ "<up [up updown] updown down [down up] downup>")
$ n ("f'maj e'min d'maj ~" - 12)
# s "supersiren"
# gain 0.2
d6 -- basse motif
$ whenmod 60 64 (
swing 2
. (# gain 1.1)
$ arp "thumbup"
$ n "f'maj e'min d'maj ~"
# s "subBass1"
|- n 24
d7 -- sometimes, slow bass synth
$ whenmod 64 61 (chop 2)
$ whenmod 64 60 rev
$ whenmod 64 32 (every 4 (# gain 0.8))
$ n "f'maj ~ e'min ~ d'maj ~"
# s "bassWarsaw"
# legato "1 1 2 ~"
# sustain "1 1 4 ~"
|- n 24
# gain 0
d10 -- scratch moineau!
$ sometimesBy 0.2 (off (1/32) id)
$ degradeBy "0 0.1 0.8 0"
$ euclid (slow 8 $ "<8 16>") 16
$ n "0"
# s "birds3"
# n (choose [0,0,2])
# gain 0.6
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