
parent 36759dd5

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  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ d2 $ jux rev $ sound "sax(3,8)" # legato 1 # n 3
-- endregion
-- region Lesson 3: slice and splice to for perfect spice
setcps 0.6
......@@ -159,7 +158,8 @@ d1 $ sound "break:8*4" # begin 0.75 # end 1
-- We can also use 'unit "c"' to change the behaviour of 'speed' so it
-- changes the playback speed to match the cps
d1 $ sound "break:8" # speed 1 # unit "c" # begin 0.75 # end 1
d1 $ sound "break:8" # speed 1 # unit "c" # begin 0.75 #
end 1
-- Lets play four of those to fill the cycle
d1 $ sound "break:8*4" # speed 1 # unit "c" # begin 0.75 # end 1
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ d1 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
-- The above sounds pretty continuous, but it is chopped into four parts.
-- We can hear that by reversing the chopped up parts:
d1 $ loopAt 2 $ rev $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
d1 $ loopAt 2 $ rev $ chop 1 $ sound "break:8"
-- If we slow the pattern we can hear each part separately:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
-- If we swap 'chop' for its friend 'striate', then parts from the
-- two breaks are instead interlaced:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ striate 4 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ striate 32 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
-- Play with that striate value for fun:
d1 $ slow 2 $ loopAt 2 $ striate 32 $ sound "break:8 break:9"
......@@ -230,3 +230,147 @@ d2
-- (Cut though)
-- Speed with unit 'c' to make things fit, whatever the cps
-- Other students
-- 'sort of wavetable synthesis'
-- $ slice 8 (slow 1 "0*8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7")
$ slice 8 (slow 1 "0*5 1*7 [2*4 3*8] ~ 4*7 1*16 6*8 7*37")
$ s "break:4"
# gain 0.9
-- region Etude w3:
setcps 0.6
d1 $ loopAt 1 $ s "breaks125" # gain 0.
d1 $ loopAt 1 $ s "breaks125" # gain 0.5
d1 $ splice 8 "<0!8 2!8> 1 <2!8 0!8> 3 4 <5!3 7> <6!7 7> 7"
$ sound "break:4"
# gain 0.7
d2 $ slice 8 "[5(3,8),6*3]" $ s "bev" # gain 0.8
d1 $ loopAt 1 $ rev $ chop 4 $ sound "break:8"
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
$ every' 2 1 (chop 4)
$ every' 2 0 (striate 4)
$ sound "break:8 break:9"
# gain 0.6
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
$ striate 4
$ n "8 9" # s "break"
# gain 0.8
-- begaye
$ loopAt 19
$ striate 64 $ sound "bogdan:14*4"
# cut 7 # gain 0.9
once $ s "bogdan:14" # cut 7 # gain 0.8
-- Idees:
solo 1
solo 2
solo 3
solo 4
solo 5
solo 6
solo 7
-- Le crapeau russe
setcps (120/60/4)
d1 -- Kick techno regulier variations filtre
$ whenmod 32 24 (<| n "0*2")
$ whenmod 32 16 (<| n "0")
$ s "k(<4!3 [4 8 8 4!3]>,4)" # s "jazz"
# lpf (slow 64 $ range 40 400 sine)
# gain 0.8
d3 -- Les snares bogdanesques
$ fast 4
$ "~ <h!3 h*2>"
# s "bogdan:1"
# cut 3 # gain 0.8
d4 -- begaye!
$ someCyclesBy 0.8
(# gain 0)
$ rarely (# lpf 3000)
$ often (# hpf 1500)
$ loopAt 19
$ striate "64 <64!3 [64 128]>"
$ sound "bogdan:14*4"
# cut 4
# room 0.4
# size 0.5
# gain 0.7
d5 -- Electric Bassline TODO Variations
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3"
- 24
# s "supersquare" # voice 0.1 # gain 0.5
d6 -- Le crapeau!
$ someCyclesBy 0.1 (# gain 0.6)
$ loopAt 0.5 $ striate 4 $ sound "bogdan:2"
# cut 7 # gain 0
# pan rand
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
$ striate (slow 8 "<8 4 2 1>")
$ s "break:9"
# gain 0.4
$ slow 2 $ loopAt 2
$ striate 8
$ n "[8(1,8,5),9*4]" -- 8 9, 8-fun 9, 9*4, etc
# s "break"
# gain 0.8
d2 $ s "jazz" # gain 0.8
d3 $ s "dr*[8 16]" # gain 0.7
-- Variably-sized chops invertion
$ loopAt 1
$ every' 4 3 rev
$ chop (slow 4 $ "<1 2 4 8>")
$ sound "break:8"
# gain 0.8
d1 -- Valse!
$ slice 8 "[<0!4 3!4> 1 <2!3 5>]*2"
$ s "breaks125" # gain 0.8
$ fast "<8 6> <12!3 24>" $ s "drum:8"
# gain 0.8
$ superimpose ( -- cloches
(sometimesBy ("<0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75>") (fast 2)) .
(jux rev) . (# s "superfork")
. (|+ note 12) . (|+ gain 0.2)
$ fast 3
$ note (
"<5 3 5 [0 1 2 3] 5 3 [6 5] ~>"
- 24)
# s "supersaw" # voice 0.1
# gain 0.4
-- endregion
unsolo 1
unsolo 2
unsolo 3
unsolo 4
unsolo 5
unsolo 6
unsolo 7
unsolo 8
unsolo 9
unsolo 10
unsolo 11
unsolo 1
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unsolo 9
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unsolo 11
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