live: Epilog

parent 7270231e
setcps (120/60/4)
let gHPF = (# hpf (max 0 (slow 128 $ range 100 "-100" cosine)) )
let gLPF = (# lpf (slow 32 $ range 50 10000 sine))
let g = (gLPF)
let g = (gHPF . gLPF)
d1 $ g
$ mask "<t!32 f!8 t!6 f f t!16>"
$ fast "<1!4 2!2 [2 8] 8 4!7 [4 8]>"
$ "[jazz,cpu]"
# gain 1.35
# attack 0.9
# release 0.8
d2 $ g
$ mask "<f!12 t!116>"
$ whenmod 2 1 (off 0.875 ((# "snare:20") . (|* gain 0.5)))
$ superimpose ((# "snare") . (|* gain 0.64))
$ "~ glitch"
# gain 0.85
# hpf 500
# hpq 0.1
d3 $ g
$ mask "<f!5 t!123>"
$ whenmod 16 8 (superimpose(
(>| "hh*8") . (# n "<[0!7 2]!3 [0!3 2!5]>")
. (|* gain 0.85)
. (# lpf 2000) . (# lpq (range 0.25 0.45 perlin))
$ fast "<[16 8] 8!7> <8!3 <4!0 [4 . 4 16]>>" "drum:2"
# gain ("<0.4!8 0.55!24>")
d7 $ g
$ mask "<f!24 t!8 f!8 t!24>"
$ "~ <c <~!3 c>>" # "clap" # note (-4)
# attack 0.7
# gain 0.75
d4 $ g -- Bass
$ mask "<f!12 t!20 f!8 t!8 t!16>"
$ whenmod 32 24 (|* gain 0.95) -- Ajustement superpos
$ juxBy 0.8 ((|+ note 12) .
(|* gain (slow 32 $ range 0.5 1 saw)))
$ note (
whenmod 32 24 (+ "[0,7,16]")
"<[<cs5!3 e5> b4@3] [e4 cs5 d5]>"
- 24)
# "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# lpf 500
# pan 0.40
-- # crush (slow 32 $ range 10 4 perlin)
# gain 0.4
d5 $ g -- Choir
$ mask "<t f!3 t!28 t!8 t f!3 t f t f t!16>"
$ whenmod 16 12 (# silence)
$ whenmod 16 11 (superimpose (
stut' "<4!3 8>" "0.5" (
(|+ cut 50)
. (|* gain 0.95)
. (|+ begin 0.02)
) . (|* gain 1.1)
$ "daft/4"
# speed 1
# cut 5
# pan 0.6
# gain 0.48
d6 $ g -- Bassline arps
$ mask "<f!24 t!8 f!12 t!3 f t!16>"
$ note (
"<[<cs5!3 e5> b4@3] [e4 cs5 d5]>"
+ (arp "up" "c'maj'4*4")
- 12)
# "supersaw"
# voice 0.01
# pan 0.8
# room 0.2
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.25 0.35 saw)
d8 $ g -- strings
$ mask "<f!32 f!8 t f!6 t f!4 t!12>"
$ off "<q!4 h!4>" (
(|+ note 12)
. (# cut 51)
. (# pan 0.3)
. (|* gain 0.9)
$ loopAt 1
$ slice 8 ("[<0!3 1> 1]*2")
$ "daft" # cut 8
# gain (0.2 + (slow 8 $ sine / 4))
# pan 0.2
d9 $ g -- COSMIC NOISE
$ (|+ lpf 200)
$ mask "<f!16 t!48>"
$ whenmod 32 16 (fast 4)
$ whenmod 32 8 (chop 8)
$ loopAt 4
$ "cosmicg"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.25 0.3 saw)
# speed (slow 4 $ range 0.8 1.2 perlin)
# room 0.8 # sz 0.7
# cut 9
d10 $ g -- Bonus glitches
$ mask "<f!8 t f!6 t f!4 t!12>"
$ n "0 1(3,8,<0!8 2!8>)" # "glitch" # gain 0.8
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