Commit 0401aa25 by PLN (Algolia)

live: More like us to Hello dub

parent d6e264cb
once $ "drum:2"
-- 0 Intro 16 Premier 48 second 80 Outro 96
-- resetCycles
let tempo = 110
setcps (tempo/60/4)
let g = id
d1 $ g
$ mask "<f!16 t!32 t!32 t!15 f>"
$ whenmod 8 7 (fast 2)
$ "k k <k!2 [~ k] k> k*<1 2 [0 2] 2>"
# "jazz"
# gain 1.1
$ mask "<f!16 f!4 t!28 f!4 t!28 f!16>"
$ g $ "[~ clap]*2"
# gain (slow 48 $ range 0.6 1.4 saw)
# lpf 2000
d3 $ g
$ mask "<f!8 t!8 f!2 t!30 f!3 t!29 t!16>"
$ degradeBy "<0!8 0.1!8 0.2!8 0.25!8>"
$ "d*[8 <8 16>]" # "[drum:2,amencutup:7]"
# lpf 4000
# gain 1.2
$ mask "<f!16 f!7 t!25 f!16 t!16 t!6 f!2>"
$ whenmod 4 3 (slice 4 "0*<8 4>")
$ g "fguitar" # n "<19 19 <19 ~> 1>"
# cut 4
# gain 0.9
# pan 0.8
# crush "<16!48 16!7 2.5 1.9!24 1.9!8 2.5!4 16!4>"
d5 $ g
$ someCyclesBy "<0!16 1!64 0!16>" (# crush ("<1.8!3 <16 2.5>>"))
$ whenmod 16 8 (slice 4 (run 4))
$ loopAt 2 $ "fbass" # n "<16!8 19!8>"
# cut 5
# gain "<1!16 1.1!32 1.2!32 0.9!16>"
# pan 0.2
d6 $ g -- Nappes moog
$ mask "<t(<1!6 3 3>,4)!8 t!8 t!24 t(2,4)!8 t!24 t(3,4)!8 t(<1!6 3 3>,4)!8>"
$ note (
-- arp "up"
+ "[0 <7!4 5!4>](<5!3 3>,8)"
+ "0 12"
# "moog"
# pan 0.4
# room 0.4
# sz 0.8
# gain 0.8
# cut 6
d7 $ g -- Cello
$ mask "<t!16 f!32 t!32 t!16>"
$ whenmod 16 6 (juxBy 0.5 (
(# cut 61)
. (# n 2)
. (|+| note (arp "<up!7 <down downup>>" "c'min'3"
+ "[0 <0!16 0!32 12!32 0!16>!3]" -- Retour du roi
$ note "<0 <7 5>>"
# "cbow:1"
# gain (1.0 * "<0.6!16 0.8!32 0.9!32 0.8!8 0.7!8>")
# cut 6
# pan 0.7
let delayPiano = ((# delay 0.5) . (# delayfb 0.8) . (# delayt "q"))
let delayTrump = ((# delay 0.65) . (# delayfb 0.9) . (# delayt "e"))
let breakLPF = whenmod 32 24 (# djfbus 1 (max 0.1 (range 0.4 0 (slow 8 cosine))))
let breakLPFLight = whenmod 32 24 (# djfbus 1 (max 0.3 (range 0.4 0 (slow 8 cosine))))
let g = breakLPF
d1 $ g
$ mask "<f!8 t!120>"
$ whenmod 16 12 (fast 2)
$ "k k k <k k*2 [~ k] k*2>"
# "[cpu,bd:6]"
# lpf 2000
# cut 1
# gain 0.8
d2 $ g
$ mask "<f!12 t!116>"
$ mask "<f!6 t f t!8 f!4 t!11 f>"
$ "~ s"
# "h2ogmsn"
# n "<8!6 7 6>"
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.4 0.6 saw)
# room 0.5 # dry 0.9 # sz 0.6
# pan 0.4
d3 $ g -- Stubborn bassline
$ whenmod 16 14 (chop 2)
$ mask "<f f f t f f t t f t f t f t t t t!116>"
$ whenmod 32 24 (# crushbus 31 (range 16 5 saw))
$ mask "t(<1!4 3!4 5!4 [5 8]!2 8 [5 8] 8!16>,<4!4 8!28>)"
$ note ("e3 . e3(<3!3 5 3 3 5 [5 <3 8>]>,8)"
|+| "0!7 <0!12 12*2!12 0!4 12*2!4>"
# "bassWarsaw" # gain 0.7
# room 0.4
# sz 0.1
d4 $ g -- Piano contretemps quinte-ish
$ mask "<f!8 t!8 t!8 t!4 f!4 f!4 f!3 t f!4 t!4 t!24 f!8>"
$ every' 64 39 (delayPiano)
$ every' 64 27 (delayPiano)
$ someCyclesBy "<0 <0.5 0.9>>" (ply "1 2")
$ fast 2
$ note ("~ 0"
+ "<e5 e5 <d5!4 a4!4> <d5!3 a4!4 d5>>"
+ "[0,<7 7 5 5 7 7 7 3>]")
# "superpiano"
# velocity 0.39
d6 -- Distant guitar
$ g
$ mask "<<f t>!24 f!8 t!8 f!8 t!16>"
$ "g(<[1 5]!4 5 1 3 10>,16)"
# "rootsGuitar:2"
# note "<5 5 3 3>"
# gain 0.49
# att 0
# rel 0.7
d10 -- Distant metal drums
$ breakLPFLight
$ sometimesBy "0 0.25!3 <0.3!3 0.9>" (ply 2)
$ "808sd*8"
# n "[9|10]*16"
# pan 0.8
# gain (0.47 + 0.1 * perlin)
d8 $ g
$ mask "<f!6 t f f!8>"
$ every' 16 6 (delayTrump)
-- $ whenmod 16 12 (delayTrump)
$ off "h" (
whenmod 16 8 (scramble 4)
. whenmod 16 4 (|* gain 1.05)
$ slice 4 "<2 3 2 3 3 3 ~>"
$ "rootsTrump"
# gain 0.5
# cut 21
d9 $ breakLPFLight
$ mask "<f!3 [f t] f!3 t t!120>"
$ fix (whenmod 8 6 (degradeBy "0.5 <0.5!4 0.8!3 1>")) (n 1)
$ n (stack [
"[~ <1!8 0!8> ~ 1 ~ 1*<1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 0!8 1!6 2 2> ~ <1!8 <1 0>!8>]",
"~ <~!7 3>" -- Whoosh
# "tech"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.35 "<0.5!8 0.7!8>" saw)
d11 -- Les poulettes d'Igor
$ mask "<t!6 f <f t>>"
$ mask "<t!32 f!8 t t f!6 t!8 f!3 t t t f t>"
$ whenmod 16 8 (off "e" (chop "4 <1 2>"))
$ "igor:10"
# begin ("<0 0.25 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5>" + 0.05 * perlin)
# gain (min 0.45 $ slow 16 (range 0.7 0 saw))
# cut 11
# room 0.3
# leslie 0.26
# lrate 1.7
......@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ resetCycles
setcps (60/60/4)
let whenPontHPF = ()
$ whenPontHPF (# silence)
$ mask "t <t!3 f>"
$ "k . <k!3 [~!<3!8 7!8> k]>"
-- $ "k . <k!3 [~!<3!8 7!8> k]>"
$ "k . <k k*<2 4>> k*2"
# "[jazz,cpu2,reverbkick]"
# att 0
# rel 0.9
# room 0.2
# lpf 1050
# gain 1
d2 -- Broken break!
......@@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ d2 -- Broken break!
$ loopAt 2
$ slice 8 (run "<8!3 16>")
$ "fbreak80:3"
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.65 1.05 cosine)
# gain (slow 32 $ range 0.75 1.25 cosine)
# cut 2
d3 -- HiHat roll
$ fast "1 <2 <1 4>>"
......@@ -30,7 +34,8 @@ d3 -- HiHat roll
d4 -- Rhodes nappes+arps
$ superimpose ( -- Laggy Arps
chop "<1!16 <1 2>!16>"
. struct "t(<3 3 3 [3 1] 5 5 5 [5 8] 8 8 5 8 16 [16 8] 5 [8 16]>,8)"
-- . struct "t(<3 3 3 [3 1] 5 5 5 [5 8] 8 8 5 8 16 [16 8] 5 [8 16]>,8)"
. struct "t(<12!3 [12 24]>,16)"
. arp "disconverge converge"
. off "h" (|+ note 12)
. (# pan 0.8)
......@@ -44,8 +49,9 @@ d4 -- Rhodes nappes+arps
+ "<<0!4 12 0!3> <5 8>>")
# "FMRhodes1"
# octave 3
# gain 1.1
# gain 0.9
# room 0.32
# sz 0.6
# dry 0.9
# pan 0.8
d5 -- Bassline + final arps
......@@ -64,22 +70,22 @@ d5 -- Bassline + final arps
# cut 5
# pan 0.2
# gain 0.9
$ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
d6 -- Cbows graves suspensifs
$ mask "<f!16 t!3 f t!12>"
$ superimpose (|+| note
"0*<1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1> <7!3 12>(<1 3 1 5>,8)"
$ note "<ds fs ds gs>"
$ note ("<ds fs ds gs>" - 12)
# "cbow:2"
# cut 6
# pan 0.15
# gain 0.55
# gain 0.7
# room 0.3 # sz 0.8
d7 -- Cbows Aigus conclusifs
$ mask "<f!32 t!16 f!4 t!12>"
$ often (off "e" ((|+ note "[0|12]") . (|* gain 0.95)))
$ note ("<ds fs ds gs>" + (arp "up" "<c'maj'2!3 c'maj'4>"))
# "cbow:3"
# pan 0.85
# gain 0.65
# gain (slow 16 $ range 0.45 0.6 saw)
# room 0.3 # sz 0.8
setcps (80/60/4)
$ "k . ~ <~ . ~ <k [~ k]>>"
# "[jazz,reverbkick]"
# lpf 4000
# gain 0.8
$ "~ snare:30"
# gain 0.6
$ struct "t(<12 <16 [16 32]>>,16)"
$ someCyclesBy 0.2 (ply 2)
$ slice 16 (run 8)
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbreak80"
# cut 3
# gain 0.8
d4 -- Bassline miroir
$ whenmod 64 32 (sometimesBy "0 1 0.8 0.5" rev)
$ someCyclesBy "<f!16 t!8 f!8>" (# hpf 1500)
$ someCyclesBy "<t!3 f t!4 f!24>" (# lpf 1500)
$ slice 4 ("0 1 2 <3*4 0 3 3>")
$ "fbass:57"
# cut 4
# gain 0.7
# lpf 200
# room 0.73
# dry 0.98
# sz 0.5
d5 -- Lancelot
$ mask "<f!3 t f f t t t!3 f t t f f f f f t f f t t>"
$ "~!3 kaamelott:5"
# cut 5
# begin "<0!4 0.26!2 0 0>"
# end "<0.26!4 1 1 0.26 1>"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.6 0.78 saw)
d6 -- Arthur
$ degradeBy "<0.5!3 1 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25!6>"
$ "<k [~ k]> . ~" # "kaamelott:6"
# begin "[0|0.1|0.2]"
# gain 0.7
# cut 6
d1 $ "jazz*4" # gain 0.8
$ slice 32 "0"
$ "kaamelott:1" # cut 7 # gain 0.6
-- Solar - breakbeat nostalgic playground
-- TODO: Breakbeat mapping variations
-- TODO: CBOW Kill melody, reboot alongside rhodes
-- TODO: Bassline Kill riff, reboot alongside rhodes
setcps (110/60/4)
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
let gDJF = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.15 0.85 "^49"))
let mBreak = (midiOn "^41" (mask "t f . f <f!4 t!4> <f!2 t!6> t"))
let g = (gDJF)
......@@ -37,9 +43,8 @@ d4 $ g $ m
# pan 0.2
d5 $ g
$ midiOn "^58" (superimpose (
often (ply "1 2")
. (|+| note (
arp "<up!8 converge!7 disconverge>"
(|+| note (
arp "<up!8 converge!7 diverge>"
$ struct "~ t"
......@@ -48,6 +53,7 @@ d5 $ g
$ note "e3'maj"
# "FMRhodes1"
# room "<0.4!3 0.7>"
# modIndex (range 0 128 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 1.2
d7 $ g -- Back bows
$ superimpose ((# cut 71)
......@@ -6,27 +6,13 @@
-- C'était ParVagues :)
-- Vous pouvez retrouver plus de son/plus de code sur
-- Prochains lives éventuels sur Twitch
-- Quelques sons sur Spotify/Deezer/Youtube/etc ;)
-- Bonne fête de la Musique à tous !
-- region Nova Utils
let gFactor = 2
let gG a = (gain (gFactor * "^77" * a)) -- gain Global
let gM' l h a = (gG (range l h a)) -- gain Modéré
let gM a = (gM' 0.2 0.8 a) -- gain Modéré doux
-- let gLPF = (# lpf (min 10000 ((range 200 20000 ("^49")))))
-- let gHPF = (# hpf (max 0 (min 7500 ((range "-7500" 7500 ("^49"))))))
let gDJF = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let novaOn ch pat = someCyclesBy ch pat
let novaOff ch pat = someCyclesBy (1 - ch) pat
-- endregion Nova Utils
-- let gDelayD = (# delay (range 0 5 "^13"))
-- let gDelayFB = (# delayfb (range 0 0.9 "^14"))
......@@ -44,30 +30,30 @@ d1
$ superimpose ((# "kick:5")
. (# crush (range 6 2.5 "^50"))
. (|* gain (range 0 1 "^50")))
$ novaOn "^73" (<| "~ ~ k ~") -- 1D
$ novaOn "^74" (<| "k*2") -- 2D
$ novaOn "^75" (<| "k ~ ~ <~!3 k>. k ~ <~ k> <k ~>")-- RubADub+adjustements
$ novaOn "^41" (<| "k k k <k [<~ k> k]>") -- 4F
$ novaOff "^41" (<| "k . k <~ [<~ k> <k ~>]>")-- RubADub
$ midiOn "^73" (<| "~ ~ k ~") -- 1D
$ midiOn "^74" (<| "k*2") -- 2D
$ midiOn "^75" (<| "k ~ ~ <~!3 k>. k ~ <~ k> <k ~>")-- RubADub+adjustements
$ midiOn "^41" (<| "k k k <k [<~ k> k]>") -- 4F
$ midiOff "^41" (<| "k . k <~ [<~ k> <k ~>]>")-- RubADub
$ "[jazz,tech:5]"
# room 0.05
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.05
$ g -- Snare
$ (|- lpf 1000)
$ novaOn "^43" (|<| "s*4")
$ midiOn "^43" (|<| "s*4")
$ "~ <~!7 s> ~ ~ . s"
# "[snare:50,snare:4]"
# orbit 1
# gM' 0.2 1.3 "^79"
d3 $ g -- Hats
$ novaOn ("^76") (slice 8 (run 8) . (loopAt 1) . (>| "breaks165"))
$ midiOn ("^76") (slice 8 (run 8) . (loopAt 1) . (>| "breaks165"))
$ every' 4 3 (
sometimesBy "0 . 1 0!3" ((# "ho:2") . (|* gain 0.9))
. sometimesBy "0 . 0 1 0 0" (|* gain 0)
$ novaOn ("^44") (degradeBy (slow 4 $ range 0.9 0 saw) . (<|"h*16")) -- TODO Eclaircir
$ novaOff ("^44") (<| "h*[8 . 8 <8 16 32 4>]")
$ midiOn ("^44") (degradeBy (slow 4 $ range 0.9 0 saw) . (<|"h*16")) -- TODO Eclaircir
$ midiOff ("^44") (<| "h*[8 . 8 <8 16 32 4>]")
$ (|* gain "[1 0.9]*4") -- make sure that you reduce the velocity of the Hi Hat hit
$ s "gretsch:4"
-- # pan "^52"
......@@ -76,12 +62,11 @@ d3 $ g -- Hats
# pan 0.2
# gM' 0.2 1.25 "^80"
d4 $ g -- Bassline
$ novaOn "^57" (>| note "[~ a4] <a4 e e a4> [~ <a4 c>] <a4 e>") -- Naif
$ novaOff "^57" (>| note "<[~ a4@1.5 . a4 a4 e c] [e e . b4*<1 <2 4>>]>") -- simple+adjustements
$ midiOn "^57" (>| note "[~ a4] <a4 e e a4> [~ <a4 c>] <a4 e>") -- Naif
$ midiOff "^57" (>| note "<[~ a4@1.5 . a4 a4 e c] [e e . b4*<1 <2 4>>]>") -- simple+adjustements
$ note "0" # "bass1:3"
# cut 4
# pan 0.7
-- # attack (range 0 1 "^53")
# lpq (range 0 0.33 "^33")
# release 0.95
# orbit 1
......@@ -136,7 +121,7 @@ d9 -- CP
$ whenmod 4 2 (superimpose ((# "clap") . (# lpf 4500) . (|* gain 0.8)))
$ fast 2
$ "~ cp"
-- # gM' 0 1.1 "^84"
# gM' 0 1.1 "^84"
# room 0.2
# dry 0.9
# lpf 2000
......@@ -11,11 +11,8 @@ do
let mix = pF "mix"
let modIndex = pF "modIndex" -- 0.2
let vibrato = pF "vibrato"
let gFreqL = (# lpqbus 2 (range 0 1 "^30"))
let gFreqH = (# hpqbus 3 (range 0 (1/16) "^29"))
let gDJF = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.1 0.9 "^49"))
let gFreqs = (gFreqH . gFreqL)
let g = gDJF . gFreqs
let g = gDJF
setcps (60/60/4)
$ g -- Beat
setcps (120/60/4)
let bogLike = "bogdan:19" # cut 21
let bogStuff = "bogdan:20" # cut 21
let scope a b = (# begin a) . (# end b)
let bogItsLike = scope 0.1 0.155 $ bogLike # att 0 # rel 0.6 -- It's like
let bogItsDis = scope 0.1 0.275 $ bogLike # att 0 # rel 3 -- It's like so disappointing
let bogRealize = scope 0.282 0.35 $ bogLike # rel 0.7 -- To realize...
let bogMuchPeople = scope 0.34 0.52 $ bogLike -- There's so much people on the market
let bogMuchProperly = scope 0.34 0.902 $ bogLike # att 0 # rel 10 -- There's so much people [...] work properly
let bogProperly = scope 0.8 0.9 $ bogLike # att 0 # rel 2 -- Properly
let bogMan = scope 0.9 1 $ bogLike -- Man!
let bogSimpleStuff = scope "<0 0.74 0 0>" "<0.74 1>" $ bogStuff -- This is simple stuff!
once $ scope 0.8 1 $ bogLike # att 0 # rel 2.5 -- Properly Man!
$ someCyclesBy "<f!16 t!8 f!8>" ((# bogSimpleStuff))
$ slow 2 $ "~ b" # cat [
bogItsLike, cat [bogRealize, bogItsLike], bogItsLike, bogItsDis,
bogMan, (cat [bogMan, bogProperly]), bogMan, bogMuchPeople]
# room 0.4
# pan 0.8
-- once $ bogRealize
$ mask "<f!7 [f!3 t] t!8>"
$ "jazz*4"
# lpf 1000
# att 0
# rel 0.8
# room 0.1
# gain 0.9
d2 -- Heavy snare
$ mask "<f!4 t!12>"
$ whenmod 8 6 (slow 2)
$ whenmod 4 3 (ply "<1 2> <2!3 4>")
$ fast 2
$ "~ [cp,snare:18,sn:24]"
# lpf (slow 4 $ range 1000 2500 saw)
# gain 0.8
$ mask "<f!4 t!12>"
$ "d*[8 <12 <[16 8] 16>>]" # "drum:2"
# gain 0.8
# hpf 3000
# pan 0.6
d4 -- Bassline échaffaudage
$ whenmod 16 12 (# crushbus 4 (slow 4 $ range 10 5 saw))
$ slice 4 "<0!4 0*2!4 [0 1]!4 [1 0]!4 [0 1 2 1]!4 [0 1 0 3]!4 [0 1 2 3]!4 [0 1 2 3*4]!4>"
$ loopAt 2
$ "fbass:20"
# cut 4
# gain 0.8
# pan 0.2
$ whenmod 32 16 (superimpose (
(|+| note ("12 24*<1!4 2 4 4 4>" + "0(<3!3 5>,8)"))
. (# cut 51)
. (|* gain 0.8)
$ note "<e a4 [e@3 [c d]] a4>"
# "moog" # gain 0.4
# cut 5
d6 -- BOWS
$ whenmod 32 24 (superimpose (("h" ~>)
. (# n 2)
. (# cut 61)
. (|* gain 0.8)
$ note "<e a4 [e@3 [c d]] a4>"
# "cbow" # gain 0.45
# cut 6
-- TODO: Add "More like us before the end!"
once $ "bogdan:22" # cut 21 # gain 1.2
once $ "bogdan:19" # cut 21 # begin 0.1 # end 0.155
# end 0.282
setcps (80/60/4)
let prog = "<d'nine'4!4 g'nine'4!4>"
let whenBreak pat = whenmod 32 24 pat
let doBreak = (whenBreak (# djfbus 1 (range 0.5 0.1 saw)))
let g = doBreak
d1 $ g
$ "k*<1!4 2 1 1 2> . k(<5 <3 5>>,8,<0!3 1>)"
# "jazz"
# room 0.8
# sz 2.4
# lpf 5000
# dry 1
# voice 0.07
# gain 0.8
d2 $ g -- Snares
$ "~ . s(<1 1 2 4>,8,<0 <1 3>>)"
# "snare" # n "[42,35]"
# gain 0.65
d3 $ sometimesBy "0 <0!4 1 1 0.25 1>" (ply "<[2|4] 4>")
$ slice 8 (run 4 + "<0!3 3 0 0 3 3>")
$ "fbreak80:9"
# pan 0.6
# cut 3 # gain 0.55
$ note ("[0,[0 . 0(<3!3 [5 <5 8>]>,8)]]" + prog
- 24
# "supersaw"
# pan 0.2
# voice (slow 8 $ range 0.01 0.1 saw)
# gain 0.3
$ superimpose (
(+ note 12)
. struct "t([<<12 16> 12!3 4 12!3> <6!3 <8 16>>],16)"
. (|+ pan 0.2)
$ arpeggiate
$ note (prog
- 24
# "FMRhodes1"
# pan 0.4
# gain 0.65
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