feat: weekend (kicks macrongab, chill/dub WIP

parent 4010c168
d8 -- macron gabber enGuerre
$ n "0(<3 <[3|5] [3|5|5] 5>>,8)"
# octer 2 # octersub 5 # octersubsub 2
# s "macron:0" # begin 0.5
setcps 0.5
d1 -- kick 1/4 <> variations sur 8 temps
$ euclid (slow 8 $ "<1 2 4 4 1 4 2 2 4 2>") 4
$ s "drum"
d2 -- percs regulieres
$ (# gain 0.8)
$ whenmod 16 12 ( -- pont drums 80s
const $ n "[3 [~ 3]] [~ <2 [~ 2]>] [2 3 ~] 2" # s "electro1")
$ almostNever (stut 3 0.5 (1/16)) -- rebond plastique
$ s "tom(<1 <3 <5 4>>>,8)"
# s "[808lt,808mt?]"
# n (irand 4) -- tok
# pan (slow 4 $ rand / 2)
d4 -- basse melodie base
$ whenmod 8 6 (sometimesBy 1 (fast 2 . rev . degradeBy 0.2))
$ every 2 (sometimesBy "0 0 0 0.5" (fast 2 . (# n "3")))
$ note (scale "major"
("[0 ~ 0] [~ 2] <3 <-2 -2 -2 0>> -3")
) # s "bassWarsaw"
# attack (0.15 + rand / 4)
|- note 24
d5 -- rhodes melodie + rev leger, variations filtres
$ superimpose (rev . (slow 2) . (|+| note 12))
$ note (scale "major"
("[0 ~ 0] [~ 2] <-2 -2 -2 0> -3")
) # s "everythingrhodes"
# lpf (slow 16 $ sine * 20000 + 20)
# hpf (slow 16 $ cosine * 4000)
# gain 0.9
|+ note (slow 4 $ "<0 12>")
d6 -- rhodes melodie base, aigu un peu begayant
$ every 4 (somecyclesBy 0.8 (fast 2))
$ somecycles (slow 2)
$ note (scale "major"
"0*2 ~. 2(3,8) . <-2 -2 -2 0>(3,8,<1 1 5 5>) . -3 -3?"
+ (slow 8 $ "[0,<4? 4>]")
) # s "FMRhodes1"
-- |- note 12
d7 -- piano pompe tierce majeure
$ whenmod 16 12 (# gain 0)
$ note (scale "major"
"~ 0 ~ 0"
+ "<0 <1 2>>"
+ "[0,2]" -- accord epaisseur
# s "superpiano"
|- note 12
# velocity 0.7
# sustain 0.5
d8 -- cymbales / scratch occasionnels
$ sometimesBy "0.5 0" (stut 4 0.75 0.125)
$ n "[1 ~ <~ 1> 1] ~ [2|~|2*2] 3"
# s "hh"
# gain (slow 64 $ sine * 0.6 + 0.4)
# room 0.2
# pan (slow 16 $ sine)
d9 $ s "b"
-- b0: chirp 2s
-- b1: chirp aigu leger 2s
-- b2: leger monte descend 3s
-- b3: leger haut bas haut 3s
-- b4: siffle aigu cool
d1 $ -- base
s "birds/4"
# room 0.9
# size 0.5
# gain 0.5
d3 -- aigu lead?
$ slow 2 $ up "<0 2 7 0>"
# s "birds:4"
|- up 7
# gain 0.7
d2 -- occasionel padlong
$ s "~ birds:3/8"
# gain 0.9
d5 -- pivert
$ whenmod 64 48 (# gain 0.9)
$ often (stut 5 0.9 0.05)
$ s "birds3:6(<1 1 3 1> ,8)"
# gain 0.9
d6 -- scratch moineau
$ whenmod 128 80 (# gain 1.2)
$ whenmod 128 72 (# gain 1.1)
$ whenmod 128 64 (# gain 1)
-- $ degradeBy "<0 .. 0.5 0.5 .. 0.2 0.2 .. 0.6 0.6 .. 0>"
$ whenmod 16 16 (# up 12)
$ whenmod 16 15 (# up 10)
$ whenmod 8 7 (# up 7)
$ whenmod 8 4 (# up 1)
$ n "0*16"
# s "birds3"
# n (choose [0,0,2])
# gain 0.6
once $ n "[3 6 0 ~]%2" # s "macron" # begin 0 # cut 1
$ every' 4 0 (off 0.125 id)
setcps 0.5
d1 -- kick alt: rond, dansant 3-5-8 samplé, jux revé
$ jux rev
$ euclid "[3|3|3|5|5|8]" 8
$ s "k"
# s "clubkick"
# s "kick:5"
# gain 0.8
d1 -- kick main: un peu sale, 4 temps + double
$ every' 4 0 (off (1/8) id)
$ every' 8 5 (off (1/8) (# gain "0 0 0 1"))
$ s "k k k k"
# s "clubkick:7"
# gain 0.9
d2 -- snare regulier 4 contretemps, parfois plus fort ou double
$ someCycles (# n 4)
$ every 1 ((degradeBy "0 0.33") . (stut "0 3" 0.9 0.1))
$ every 4 (# n "0 2")
$ s "~ s ~ s"
# s "bssnare:3"
$ sometimesBy "<0 0 1 1> <0 1 0 1> <0 0 0 1>" (off (1/16) id)
$ s "d*8"
# s "drum:8"
$ whenmod 128 64 (# n 2)
$ whenmod 64 32 (# gain 0.8)
$ every' 4 2 (off 0.125 id)
$ s "~ clap"
# gain 0.8
$ s "clap(<1 2>, 3,<0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2>)"
# gain 0.75
d5 -- bass
$ whenmod 64 32 (sometimesBy 1 (swing 4 . (# legato 2)))
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
whenmod 16 8 (2 - )
"0 .. 2 <[2 .. 0] 0>" + (slow 2 $ "<0 2 1 0>") -- melodie
# s "bassWarsaw"
# pan 0.1
# gain (slow 64 $ sine * 0.3 + 0.7)
|- note 24
d6 -- piano lead!
$ off 0.25 degrade
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
whenmod 16 8 (2 - )
"0 .. 2 <[2 .. 0] 0>" + (slow 2 $ "<0 2 1 0>") -- melodie
+ (slow 8 $ "[0, <2 4>]") -- accord: tierce <> quinte
# s "superpiano"
# velocity (slow 64 $ cosine * 0.4 + 0.5)
|- note 12
d7 -- second blade runnner
$ whenmod 128 66 (# gain 0.9)
$ whenmod 128 65 (# gain 0.8)
$ whenmod 128 64 (# gain 0.7)
$ chop 4 . iter 4 . rev
$ note (scale "aeolian" (
"<<0 0 <4 5> <4 5>> <2 2 <2 3> <2 3>>>"
# s "cs80leadMH"
# gain 0
$ (0.75 ~>)
$ s "808cy:1"
# crush (slow 8 $ isaw * 4 + 4)
# gain 0.9
......@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ solo 7
solo 8
solo 9
solo 10
solo 11
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