// Install requirements // Quarks.checkForUpdates({Quarks.install("SuperDirt", "v1.1.1"); thisProcess.recompile()}) // https://github.com/supercollider/supercollider/wiki/Installing-SuperCollider-on-Ubuntu-systems // Enter the following into the blank text window and run it. You should hear a buzzing sound. // {VOSIM.ar(Impulse.ar(100), 500, 3, 0.99)}.play // When in doubt Server.killAll // Before you can begin, you have to run the SuperCollider server by entering s.boot // The simplest sound you can generate with SuperCollider is an unfiltered and unmodulated wave, and the shortest way to do that is with an unnamed function {SinOsc.ar(261.26, 0, 1.7)}.play;