do setcps (80/60/4) -- region Helpers let gG a = (gain ("^77" * a)) -- gain Global let gM' l h a = (gG (range l h a)) -- gain Modéré let gM a = (gM' 0.2 0.8 a) -- gain Modéré doux let gFilter = (# djf "^49") let gRVB = ((# room 0.125) . (# dry 0.99) . (# sz 0.8)) let gSize = (|* size (range 0 0.25 "^13")) let g = (gFilter . gSize . gRVB) -- region Melody let mel = ("c'min") let melUB1 = "<cs'maj fs'maj ds'min gs'maj>" -- UB40 Red Red Wine let melUB2 = "<gs'maj fs'maj gs'maj>" -- UB40 RRW Chorus let melUB3 = "<gs'maj cs'maj fs'maj cs'maj gs'maj cs'maj fs'maj gs'maj>" -- UB40 RRW Bridge let melUB = [ melUB1, melUB1, melUB1, melUB1, melUB2, melUB2, melUB2, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB3, melUB1, melUB1, melUB1, melUB1, melUB2, melUB2, melUB2] let melNWNC = "<c'maj g'maj a'min f'maj c'maj g'maj c'maj g'maj>" let melTosh = "<e'min d'maj>" -- Peter Tosh -- let mel = ("d'min g'min d'min <e'maj c'min>") -- endregion Melody d1 $ g $ fast 4 $ "jazz" # gM' 0 1.2 "^78" d2 $ g $ fix ( ply "1 <2 [2 1] 2 1>" . (# gM' 0.35 1 "^79") ) (n 7) -- Hats fantomes $ fix ( (# note "<2!3 <4 6>>") . (# lpq "^32") . (# lpf (range 200 1000 "^52")) . (|* gM' 0.5 1.65 "^80") ) (n 12) $ n ( stack [ "12(3,8)", -- Drums dansants "7([4 [6!3 <6 12>]],8)" ] ) # "electro1" d3 $ g -- BASSLINE $ mask "t(5,8)" $ fast 4 $ ply "<1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 1>" $ note "0 . 0([3 <3 5>],8,[0 6])" # note (arp "up" $ mel) # "bass3:2" # octave 4 # gM' 0 1.2 "^81" d4 $ g $ fix (|- gM' 0 0.5 "^54") ("FMRhodes1") $ fix (|- gM' 0.5 0 "^54") ("FMRhodes2") $ "~ . p*2" # "[FMRhodes1,FMRhodes2]" # delay 0.25 # sz (range 0.4 0.8 "^18") # room (range 0 0.5 "^18") # delayfb (range "s" "h" "^34") -- # note (whenmod 64 32 (>| melNWNC) melTosh) # note (cat melUB) # legato 2 # gM' 0 1.1 "^82" # room 0.5 # orbit 4 do Bridge: G# major – C# major – F# major – C# major – G# major – C# major – F# major – G# major. Then back to chorus. 4. Gregory Isaacs used this reggae chord progression on Night Nurse. Just two chords like Tosh’s Johnny B. Good. Chords: A minor – G major. Just play them over and over. 5. Third World used the following reggae chord progression on 96 Degrees In The Shade. Chords: A minor – G major for the verse. And chorus is C major – G major – A minor, Very, very easy indeed. 6. Jah Cure, T.O.K, Morgan Heritage, Gentleman and many others made this reggae chord progression popular. Chords: E minor – C major – D major – B minor – C major – A minor – B7 or B minor. Again very popular so learn it! 7. This reggae chord progression was made popular by Tyrone Taylor - Cottage In Negril, very sweet chord progression. Chords: C# major – G# major – F# major – G# major – F# major – F# major – G# major, for the intro. Chorus and Verse: C# major – G# major – F# major – D# minor – G# major, this is done twice. Then C# major – F minor – D# minor – G# major, this is done twice then back to chorus. 8. This reggae chord progression was made popular by Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars -Billionaire. Chords: A major – C# 7 – F# minor – E major, this is done twice for the intro. Then D major – E major – F# minor twice, Then D major – E major – A major – G# minor – F# minor – E major – D major – C# 7 The verse is the same as the intro. Chorus: A major – B minor. Very Easy! 9. This next reggae chord progression was made popular by Bob Marley - Stir It Up. Chords: A major – D major – E major. Note though, Bob is using the chuck technique here. 10. The last reggae chord progression again, was made popular by Bob Marley - One Love. Chords: B major – F# major – E major – B major – F# major – B major, for the intro. Then F# major – E major – B major – F# major – B major – E major – B major – F# major – B major – E major – B major – F# major – B major, for the chorus. Verse: B major – G# minor – E major. That’s it, have fun! For more on reggae chords. If you like r & b chord progressions take a look. once--- piano descente en conclusion` -- $ mask "<f!60 t!4>" $ "fepiano:7" # cut 31