-- Liberté Dure -- Ou, le pair programming hardcore do unsolo 1 -- kick unsolo 2 -- hihats unsolo 3 -- drumroll unsolo 4 -- basse unsolo 5 -- Glitchs statics unsolo 6 -- Guerre unsolo 7 -- LIBRE do solo 1 -- kick solo 2 -- hihats solo 3 -- drumroll solo 4 -- basse solo 5 -- Glitchs statics solo 6 -- Guerre solo 7 -- LIBRE once $ s "hardkick" do let bpm = 155 let gKick = 0.6 let gBass = 0.35 let gDrums = 0.7 let gSamples = 1 let gGlitch = 0.7 let mesures = 32 let mPont = 16 setcps (bpm/60/4) d1 -- Kick un peu rythme $ slow 4 -- $ whenmod mesures (mesures - 1) (# gain ("0 1" * gKick)) -- $ whenmod mesures mPont (# gain 0) $ s "k(<4!2 5!2 4!4 8 7 5 8 5>,8)" # s "kick:5" # gain gKick # crush ("[2|3]" * 8) d2 -- Batterie hihats sexy $ sometimesBy "0 0.5 0.75 <1!7 0>" (fast 2) $ s "h h h h*<1 2 1!2 2!4 1!2 2 1>" # s "ho hc" # n (irand 4) # gain ((slow 8 $ range 0.8 1 saw) * (gDrums * 0.8)) d3 -- drumroll $ fast "16 <8!3 16>" $ s "dr" # gain (slow mesures $ range (gDrums - 0.2) gDrums saw) d4 -- Basse lead $ juxBy 0.25 (|+ note "[0]") $ superimpose ( # crush "<2!3 1>" ) $ note (scale "aeolian" ( -- gamme choisie "<0 0*2 0*3 [0(3,8) <[2*2 4] [2 4]>]>" -- melodie ) - 24 -- ou ca: deux octaves en dessous ) # s "supersaw" # voice (slow 4 "<1 0.1 0.01!2>") # gain gBass d5 -- Static rythme random $ s "glitch:2([2|4|8],4)" # speed (range 0.1 0.8 rand) # gain ((slow 32 $ range 1 0.8 isaw) * gGlitch) d6 -- MACRON VOICE $ always (# crush 4) $ whenmod 4 3 (# silence) $ n "{3 6 0}" # s "macron" # cut 6 # lpf 800 # gain (gSamples - 0.1) # pan (slow 32 $ range 0.7 0.2 sine) d7 -- BOT OPPOSITION $ whenmod 4 3 (# gain (gSamples + 0.1)) $ n "0(1,4,1)" # s "ondes" # begin 0.95 # cut 7 # pan (slow 32 $ range 0.3 0.8 cosine) # note (2) # sustain 2 # gain 0 once $ s "ondes" # begin 0.95 -- libre once $ s "ondes:1" # begin 0.508 # end 0.68 -- une variation reversible do let cutB = 0.508 let cutE = 1 once $ s "ondes:1" # begin cutB # end cutE # cut 1 -- une onde -- Elements de style: -- "a distorted bass drum sound, overdriven to the point where it becomes clipped into a distorted square wave and makes a recognizably melodic tone. " -- Mainstream hardcore tracks typically include samples and synthesized melodies with the typical tempo ranging from 165 to 180 bpm. Violence, drugs and profanity are common themes in mainstream hardcore, perceptible through its samples and lyrics, often screamed, pitch shifted, or distorted. -- Lots of tracks rely on a clean, detuned supersaw lead, similar to uplifting trance and can therefore sound "happy". -- Raggatek elements ? Drums analogues et synthe fou contretemps? once $ s "ondes" -- Samples -- [Nous sommes] En guerre -- LIBRE