algorythm: REPEAT

parent 819a4683
......@@ -82,15 +82,7 @@ d5 $ g
once $ "drum"
setcps (105/60/4)
d1 $ "drum:0*4" # gain 0.65
d2 $ "~ cp" # gain 0.7
$ loopAt 2
$ "break:6"
# gain 0.65
once $ "" # n 20
......@@ -119,10 +111,3 @@ d1 $ g
$ chop 16 $ loopAt 4 $ "algorythm:2"
# cut 1
# midiG' "^78" 0 0.9
-- What you won't do for love
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 $ "drum:0" # gain 0.5
d2 $ "d*4" # "drum:2" # gain 0.9
-- JOLENE v2
setcps (100/60/4)
let g = (# djfbus 1 ("^49"))
let m1 = whenmod 4 3 (mask "t!3 <f [f t]>")
let m2 = whenmod 16 12 (mask "t")
let m3 = midiOn "^73" (mask "f*16")
let m = m1 . m2 . m3
d1 $ g $ m
$ chop 16 $ loopAt 4
$ "algorythm"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1
# pan 0.3
# cut 1
d2 $ g
$ midiOn "^75" (ply 2)
$ sometimesBy "<0!3 0.5> <0.125!3 0.5> 0.25 <0.125!7 0.5>" (ply 2)
$ "d(8,8)" # "[drum:2]"
# pan 0.8
# midiG' "^79" 0 1
d3 $ g
$ whenmod 8 7 (# n "0!3 5")
$ "~ . [<h!3 ~> <~!3 h>] <~ h>"
# "h2ogmhh"
# n "0 1"
# pan 0.3
# midiG' "^80" 0 1
-- Jolene v1: Nice but how about we sampling proper drums?
setcps (105/60/4)
d1 $ "ifdrums:0*4" # gain 0.65
d2 $ "~ snare" # gain 0.7
$ loopAt 2
$ "break:7"
# gain 0.65
-- Intro 8 / Verse 16 / Chorus 16 / Verse 16 / Chorus 16 / Outro 8
-- resetCycles
setcps (120/60/4)
let manualDJF = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.05 0.95 "^49"))
let g = manualDJF
let whenVerse = someCyclesBy "<1!32 0!16 1!32 0!16>"
let whenIntro = someCyclesBy "<1!8 0!24 0!16 1!8 0!24 0!16>"
let whenChorus = someCyclesBy "<0!32 1!16 0!32 1!16>"
let justAfterChorus = someCyclesBy "<<0 1> 0!31 0!16 1 0!31 0!16>"
-- let whenIntro = someCyclesBy "<1!8 0!32 0!32 1!8>"
-- let whenVerse = someCyclesBy "<0!8 1!16 0!16 1!16 0!16 0!16>"
-- let whenChorus = someCyclesBy "<0!8 0!16 1!16 0!16 1!16 0!16>"
-- Tentative: Manual verse/chorus variations
let whenVerse = midiOn "^57"
let whenChorus = midiOff "^57"
let whenIntro = midiOn "^89"
d1 $ g
$ mask "<t!18 f!4 t!16>" -- Cut last 4 measures before chorus
$ fix (|* gain 0.85) "808bd"
$ "[jazz,808bd:3]*4"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1
......@@ -19,24 +22,36 @@ d2 $ g $ stut "[1|2|4]" 0.5 "e"
# pan 0.4
# midiG' "^79" 0 0.9
d3 $ g
$ midiOn "^76" (ply 2)
-- $ mask "<f!4 t!12 f!4 t!12 f!8 t!8 f!12 t!4>"
$ midiOn "^44" (ply "<1 2> <2 2 [2 4] 1>")
-- $ whenVerse (mask "t <t!3 f>")
-- $ whenVerse (mask "t <t!3 f>")
$ "[~ h]*4" # "electro1"
$ "[~ h]*4" # "[electro1,hh]"
# midiG' "^80" 0 1
d4 $ g
$ justAfterChorus (mask "f") -- Hear chorus D longer sample
$ whenVerse (# n "<0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0>") -- VERSE: AA BB CC AA
$ whenChorus (# n "<3 4 5 3 3 4 5 6>") -- CHORUS: ABCA ABCD
-- $ whenIntro (# relbus 42 (range 1 10 "^34"))
$ "algorythm"
$ midiOn "^58" (# "lady_fx")
$ whenIntro (# n "0") -- INTRO: AAAA
$ whenVerse ((# n "<0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2>")) -- VERSE: AA AA BB CC
$ whenChorus (
(fix (mask "<t f>") (n 6))
. (# n "<3 3 4 4 5 5 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6>")) -- CHORUS: ABCA ABCD
$ "lady"
# cut 4 # gain 0.8
# pan 0.7
# ringbus 44 (range 0 1 "^18") # ringf 0.5
# roombus 43 (range 0.4 0 "^34") # sz 0.6 -- Room on low release
# midiG' "^82" 0 0.8
d10 $ g $ mask "<f!7 t>" -- DEBUG CUE BEFORE Chorus<>VERSE
$ "~ h2ogmcy ~ ~" # n (slow 8 $ "<1 2 3 4>")
# gain 0.8
# ringbus 44 (range 0 1 "^17") # ringf 0.5
# relbus 42 (range 10 1 "^33") # sz 0.6 -- Room on low release
# roombus 43 (range 0 0.4 "^33") # sz 0.6 -- Room on low release
# midiG' "^81" 0 0.8
d10 $ g
$ mask "<f!7 t>" -- DEBUG CUE every 8 -> Chorus<>VERSE
$ "h2ogmcy ~ ~" # n (slow 8 $ "<1 2 3 4>")
# midiG' "^84" 0 0.8
# pan 0.3
d9 -- DEBUG CUE Voice
$ ("0.125" <~)
$ off "h" ((|* 0.8) . (# pan 0.8))
$ "numbers"
# n "<1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8>"
# pan 0.3
# midiG' "^83" 0 0.8
-- resetCycles
setcps (140/60/4)
let maskFirstBar = mask "<f!1 t!31>"
let modIndex = pF "modIndex"
let gDJF = (# djfbus 1 (range 0.15 0.95 "^49"))
let gCrush = (# crushbus 2 (range 16 4.5 "^29"))
let g = maskFirstBar . gDJF . gCrush
d1 $ g
-- $ mask "<t!12 f!4>"
$ fix ((|* gain 0.9) . (# lpf 5000)) "kick"
$ "k ~ ~ k . ~ ~" # "[ifdrums,kick]"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1
# pan 0.4
d2 $ g
$ superimpose (const $ g
$ "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <~!4 s!4> ~ <~!7 s>" # "snare:5" # pan 0.8
# midiG' "^79" 0 1)
$ mask "<f t!15>"
$ "~ s ~ <s!3 ~>"
# "[snare:10,drum:2]"
# midiG' "^79" 0 1
d3 $ g
$ midiOn "^76" (ply 2)
-- $ mask "<f!16 t!16>"
$ "hh*[8 8 8 <8!3 [16 8]>]"
# att 0.01 # rel 0.5 # cut 3 # hpf 5000
# midiG' "^80" 0 1.3
$ midiOn "^92" (ply 2)
$ note ("0*8" + "<b3 b3 d3 [cs3 bs2]>")-- BASS Riff
# "bassWarsaw"
# legato 0.9
# room 0.1
# sz 0.1
# cut 7
# crushbus 71 (range 16 1.5 "^56")
# midiG' "^84" 0 1
d8 $ gDJF -- CUE Toxic Theme
$ midiOff "^91" (mask "<f!7 t>")
$ midiOn "^59" (rev)
$ note ("fs7@4 cs7@4 d7@4 b7@4" + "[0,12]" - 24)
# "FMRhodes1"
# legato 4
# room "0!15 0.4"
# attack 0.05
# modIndex "^83"
# rel 2
# sz 0.5
# pan 0.9
# midiG' "^83" 0 1.1
-- What you won't do for love
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 $ "drum:0" # gain 0.5
d2 $ "d*4" # "drum:2" # gain 0.9
d1 $ n "0 1 0 1" # "amencutup" # gain 0.98
-- FIXME : MAybe not needed just guitar+voice
setcps (94/60/4)
d1 $ "jazz*4" # gain 0.8
once $ "dr" # gain 2
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