feat: Live/tutorial WIPs

parent 8bdd603c
setcps 0.5
solo 3
$ degradeBy 0.5
$ s "hh*8 ~"
d2 $ s "birds*2" # n 5
# gain 0.8
$ s "birds"
# n (irand 10)
# gain 0.9
setcps 1
$ every 2 rev
$ every 4 (fast 2)
$ every' 4 2 (hurry 2)
$ s "superhammond*4"
# cut 1
# n (choose [0,1,2])
-- + (run 4)
# gain 0.8
$ every 16 rev
$ every 2 (off "0.125" (|* 2))
$ every 8 (off "~ 0.125" (|+ 0))
$ s "mouth:4 hh:3"
setcps 1
-- hh high hat?
-- 0: tsii
-- 1: tsiing! (final)
-- 2: tawiit (zip scratché)
-- 3: ziip
-- 4: orchestra hit
-- 5: bass drum
-- 6: tok (bois)
-- 7: tsiing! (sourdiné)
-- 8: tsii (discret)
-- 9: maracas discrète
-- 10: petit ding
-- 11: tok métallique
-- 12: tok métal etouffé
d1 $ s "hh:0*4"
$ every 8 (# n "0 [7|1]>")
$ every 4 (off 0.125 (|> 8))
$ every 4 degrade
$ every' 4 2 (# n 8)
$ s "[hh [hh hh] ~]"
$ degradeBy 0.4
$ every 4 (jux rev)
$ every 3 (off 0 (|- 7))
$ every 2 (off 0.25 (|> (choose [0,12])))
$ euclid "<3 5 3 5>" 8
$ s "superpiano"
# n "[0 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 12]"
-- # n 7
# velocity (0.4 + (rand / 8))
# sustain (0.2 + (rand / 2))
$ degradeBy 0.2
$ s "bass3(5,8)"
# note "[0 | 5] [5 | 7] [5 | 7 | 12]"
# gain 0.8
d4 $ s "mouth:4"
d1 $ s "sax/4" # n "[12]"
-- Bass: hh5
-- Finish cymbal: hh7 / hh1
-- Scratchs: hh2 / hh3
setcps 1
$ sometimes rev
$ every 2 (off 0.125 (|+0))
$ every 4 (off 0.5 (|+0))
$ s "bd"
$ sometimes (0.25 <~)
$ every 2 (off 0.125 (|>0))
$ every 4 (off 0.25 (|>0))
$ every 8 (off 0.375 (|>0))
$ every 16 rev
$ every' 16 8 (fast 2)
$ s "hh"
$ degradeBy "0 0.5"
$ every 2 (fast 2)
$ s "sn cp"
-- $ chunk 1 (reverb 1)
$ sometimesBy 0.5 (off 0.125 (|> 0))
$ every 4 (hurry 2)
$ every 8 rev
$ s "supervibe*8" # up (run 12)
# gain 0.5
$ every 4 (jux rev)
$ every 2 (degradeBy (0.4))
$ s "hh*32"
# cutoff (range 300 1000 $ slow 2 $ sine) # resonance "0.4"
setcps 1
-- Just like discrete patterns, you can control the speed
d1 $ sound "bd*16" # pan (slow 8 $ saw)
d1 $ sound "bd*8 sn*8" # pan (density 1.75 $ tri)
d1 $ sound "bd*8 sn*8" # speed (density 2 $ tri)
-- combine continuous patterns
d1 $ sound "bd*16" # pan (slowcat [sine, saw, square, tri])
-- scale them with range
d1 $ sound "bd*8 sn*8" # speed (range 2 4 $ tri)
d1 $ sound "bd*8 sn*8" # speed (slow 4 $ range 1 3 $ tri)
-- scale to negative values
d1 $ sound "bd*8 sn*8" # speed (range (-1.5) (-0.5) $ tri)
-- slow low pass filter cutoff
d1 $ s "hh*32" # cutoff (range 300 1000 $ slow 2 $ sine) # resonance "0.4"
-- polymeters
d1 $ sound "{bd hh sn cp, arpy bass2 drum notes can}"
d1 $ sound "{arpy bass2 drum notes can, bd hh sn cp}"
-- polymeter rhythm without base \o/
d1 $ sound "{~ ~ ~ ~, arpy bass2 drum notes can,bd cp hh}"
-- but simplier, use %number of notes:
d1 $ sound "{arpy bass2 drum notes can}%4"
-- shifting time
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 <~) $ sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn"
d1 $ every 3 (0.25 ~>) $ sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn"
d1 $ every 3 (0.0625 <~) $ sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn"
d1 $ every 3 (1000 ~>) $ sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn"
d1 $ every 3 (1000.125 ~>) $ sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn"
d1 $ "[0 0.25]/4" <~ (sound "bd*2 cp*2 hh sn")
d1 $ sound "arpy*4" # pan (rand)
d1 $ sound "arpy*4" # pan (range 0.25 0.75 $ rand)
d1 $ s "arpy*8" # n (irand 30)
d1 $ sound "bd? sd? sd? sd?"
d1 $ sound "bd*16?"
d1 $ sound "bd sn? cp hh?"
d1 $ sound "[bd sn cp hh]?"
-- append two patterns in alternating cycle
d1 $ append (sound "bd*2 sn") (sound "arpy jvbass*2")
d1 $ fastAppend (sound "bd*2 sn") (sound "arpy jvbass*2")
setcps 0.8
d1 (chunk 2 (hurry 2) (sound "bd sn*2 cp"))
d1 $ every 4 (chunk 2 (hurry 2)) $ s "kicklinn sn rs cp bd*2"
-- polyrythms
d1 $ s "{lt ht mt, [rs*2] [rs*3]}%2"
-- polymetre
d1 $ s "{lt ht mt, [rs*2] [rs*3]}%2"
-- rythmic feet
d1 $ s "bd* sn . <lt*2> . cp"
-- note: parsing fails if number before .
-- Error in pattern: Syntax error in sequence:
-- "bd sn . lt*2 . cp"
-- ^
-- unexpected " "
-- expecting digit
-- Repeating steps with !
-- Elongating steps with @
d1 $ "[bd sn]@3 cp!3"
d1 $ s "bd [sd bd cp]?0.2"
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