feat: Sunday session

parent 246cbdc4
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Coop
- 8Bit Race!!!
- Rainbow Race !!!
- OldSkoolRadius: Raph
-- Diable with Raph
-- Partir with Raph
......@@ -25,26 +25,33 @@
# Work in progress
- *Step silence*: Techno rhythms and dirty basses
-- Midnight breaking: breakbeat+chip midnight tentative
-- *Maudits insectes*: Techno nappée d'insectes bruités
Renfort solaire: ???
-- **Sunny march**: Lofi nomidi ensoleillée
- Soleil Enthousiaste: LoFi ensoleillée basse+rhodes+break
- **Plage**: from celtic guitar boombap to dnb with subs <3
- **Toujours plus**: LoFi aerian breakbeat w/ Angels in the Wire
- **Break The Loop**: DNB With BURNING BASS SYNTH
-+ **ContreVisite**: breakbeat ambient synth electro-glass-aerial à la Ez3kiel
-- **Soleil de sete**: Ste et match for nova - improvisation major scale
-+ **Empreinte du numerique** : electric bassline + breaks & Rhodes Folie & mandolin
- **Empreinte du numerique** : electric bassline + breaks & Rhodes Folie & mandolin
-- **Sunny march**: Lofi nomidi ensoleillée
-- **Soleil de sete**: Ste et match for nova - improvisation major scale
- **Plage**: from celtic guitar boombap to dnb with subs <3
- **Toujours plus**: LoFi aerian breakbeat w/ Angels in the Wire
- _Solar_: Hip-hop to ???
- _Cascade_: Ambient breaks with giorgio's synths *TODO CHECKITOUT*
-- _Grimpe_: Violent breakbeat/hardcore aeolian determination
- _CLAV CALASH_: LoFi Progression! Novafy or record :D
- Renfort solaire: Tentative dub+forks?
- Scintillance Bleue: Ambient synths + blues + impro
- Bluesify DNB
- PokeBone: pokemon impro trial
- Saloon: hip-piano-saloon-bird
- Break britafuninnique: boucle hip hop breatbeat piano attend un lead
- Study Trap
......@@ -52,7 +59,6 @@ Renfort solaire: ???
- Envahisseur Celtique
- Cascade: Ambient with giorgio's synths *TODO CHECKITOUT*
-+ Du miel: Lofi Enthousiaste
-+ Drone Aveugle: drone to basslines blind headset play advised
......@@ -64,7 +70,6 @@ Renfort solaire: ???
-- 808 lessons: LoFi to improvise- accompagnement la/sol/re/do? - added IRCAM Ordinateur
-- Sete et match: LoFi nostalgic beat needs winds and a lead
-- Grimpe: Violent breakbeat/hardcore aeolian determination
-- 80s neon: Synthwave#2
......@@ -78,7 +83,6 @@ Renfort solaire: ???
- Louge/Michael: Techno PianoShards + SynthChoir
- HelloFi: intro to Lofi :)
- Disco/High: Techno -> HiNRJ Disco 8)
- CLAV CALASH! Worth recording ou nova :D
- Elephunk: Reprise Smells like Funk, bon potentiel, late :(
......@@ -139,13 +143,14 @@ Renfort solaire: ???
## Prod
<!-- region TODO: Record! -->
Invoque ete: peaufinage :)
-- **Ataright**: le retro gaming c'est MARCHER sous la pluie numerique
**Invoque ete**: peaufinage :)
<!-- endregion -->
- Epilog! Play with daft :)
- Solitude hivernale: cool melancolic hip
- Break britafuninnique: boucle hip hop breatbeat piano attend un lead
- Marche vertige: vertige vibration attend drum militaire
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ d2
$ midiOn "^75" (sometimesBy "0!3 <0!3 1>" (fast 2) . fast 2 . (|* speed 2))
$ g1 $ chop 16 $ loopAt 2 $ "break:15"
# cut 2
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.5
# midiG' "^79" 0 1.1
d3 $ g2
$ midiOn "^44" (mask "f(5,8)")
$ midiOn "^76" (ply "2 <2!3 4>")
......@@ -26,17 +26,20 @@ d3 $ g2
# pan (slow 16 $ range 0.2 0.8 (sine + perlin))
# midiG' "^80" 0 1
d4 $ g2
$ midiOff "^90" (mask "t(<8!4 8 [8 16] 8 [8c4 . 32 16]>,32)") $ chop 32
$ midiOff "^90" (mask "t(<8!4 8 [8 16] 8 [8 . 32 16]>,32)") $ chop 32
$ slice 8 "<0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7>"
$ "synth_nes:0"
# cut 4
# gain 0.65
# room 0.4
# roombus 42 (range 0 0.4 "^33")
# pan 0.8
# squizbus 4 (range 0 16 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 1
d5 $ g2
$ note ("0(3,8) <7!3 [12 <7 7 7 7>]>*<1!3 2>" + "<f3 gs3 c4 <bf3!3 ds4>>")
$ midiOn "^89" (|+ note 12)
$ midiOn "^57" (|+| note "[0 12 0]*<1 1 2 4>")
$ note ("0(3,8) <7!3 [12 <7 7 7 7>]>*<1!3 2>"
+ "<f3 gs3 c4 <bf3!3 ds4>>" - 12)
# "bassWarsaw"
# crushbus 5 (range 16 2 "^53")
# ampbus 52 (range 0 0.94 ("^81" * "^77"))
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ let f2 = (# djfbus 2 (range 0.05 0.95 "^50"))
let maskLoops = (mask "<t!4 [t!3 f]>" . mask "<t!14 f [f!3 t]>")
let kCrush = midiOn "^74" ((# crush 2.5) . (# legato 0.25))
setcps (90/60/4)
d1 $ f1 -- FIXME: CRUSHED?
d1 $ f1
$ kCrush
$ midiOn ("^73") (fast 2) -- RUN
$ midiOn ("^42") (slow 4) -- PAUSE
-- $ mask "<f!32 f!8 t!16 t f!6 [t f] t!64>"
$ midiOff "^42" (maskLoops)
......@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ d10 $ f1 -- RANDOM FOREST NOISES
kCrush .
struct "t t t t t*<1 2> [<t!2 ~ t> <t!2 ~ t>] t t"
. (# "[future:1,jazz]")
. (# midiG' "^13" 0 2)
. (# midiG' "^13" 0 1.8)
) ("n1")
$ fix (
struct "[~ t]*2"
......@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ d1 $ g
-- $ mask "<t!16 f!4 t!12>" -- First break
-- $ mask "<t!32 f!8 t!24>" -- Post-filter break
-- $ mask "<f!6 t f t!24>" -- Intro mask
$ "k*<1!8 2!24> . k*[<<3 1> 3!6 4> <8 3 8 <8 [8 4]>>]"
# "[bd:2,kick:5]"
$ midiOn "^42" (<| "k k k [k ~ <k ~> <~!3 k>]")
$ midiOff "^42" (<| "k*<1!8 2!24> . k*[<<3 1> 3!6 4> <8 3 8 <8 [8 4]>>]")
$ "[bd:2,kick:5]"
# midiG' "^78" 0 1.45
# legato 2
# att 0.1
......@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ d4 $ g -- Bassline
-- $ whenmod 64 48 (# crush (8 - (slow 16 $ range "-1.5" 2.5 perlin)))
$ note ("[0,<~!8 0(<1 <3 5>>,8)!8>] [0,12]"
|+ chordsMin
- 24
- 36
# "bassWarsaw"
# pan 0.3
......@@ -79,8 +80,9 @@ d6 $ g2-- Rhodes chords
- 24
# "FMRhodes1"
# modIndex (range 0 10 "^54")
# modIndex (range 0 2 "^54")
# midiG' "^82" 0 (slow 32 $ range 1.2 1.6 saw)
# sz 0.9
# att 0.93
# pan 0.75
# room 0.4
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ d6 $ g2 -- MOTHERBASS
# crushbus 61 (range 16 0.54 "^54") -- INTO N0ISE +58 -18
# roombus 62 (range 0 0.4 "^54")
# dry 1.1
# cut 6
# midiG' "^82" 0 1.2
# pan 0.2
d9 $ g1
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ d3 -- Drumroll léger
$ someCyclesBy "<0.2!3 0.5>" (fast 2)
$ fast "<1!4 2 2 4 [8 16]>" "drum:2" # gain 0.8
d4 -- Clav clash kalash!
$ sometimesBy "<1!8 0!120>" (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.25 1 saw))
$ sometimesBy "<1!8 0!120>" (|* gain (slow 16 $ range 0.35 1 saw))
$ whenmod 64 48 (scramble 4 . chop 4)
$ whenmod 32 24 (# djf (slow 8 $ range 0.1 0.5 saw))
$ loopAt 2
......@@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ d7 $ g2
# room 0.4
# sz 0.8
-- TODO: Add cool effect (crush doesn't work well)
# midiG' "^83" 0 1
# midiG' "^83" 0 1.3
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