from unittest import TestCase from server.model.card import Card, lowest_value_and_rest from server.model.color import Color from server.model.value import Value from server.model.deck import Deck from server.model.hand import Hand from server.model.hands import full, brelan, pair, single, double_pair, carre from server.model.known import ACE_OF_HEARTS, PAIR_ACE, SINGLE_ACE, DOUBLE_PAIR_ACE, BRELAN_ACE, FULL_ACE from server.model.players import RandomPlayer class TestDeck(TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.deck = Deck() def testInitDeck(self): self.assertEqual(52, len(self.deck), "52 cards") self.assertEqual(52, len(set(, "unique cards") def testRandomCard(self): cards = [] for i in range(len(self.deck)): cards.append(self.deck.random_card()) self.assertEqual(52, len(set(cards)), "draw each card once") class TestPlayer(TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: super().setUp() self.player = RandomPlayer() def testHand(self): self.assertEqual(0, len(self.player.hand), "Begin no cards") self.assertTrue(len(, "Has a name") self.player.give(ACE_OF_HEARTS) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.player.hand), "Gave one card") self.assertEqual(Value.Ace, self.player.hand[0].value, "Is Ace") self.assertEqual(Color.Hearts, self.player.hand[0].color, "of Hearts") def testTricheur(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg="Giving someone a card they already have is an error"): self.player.give(ACE_OF_HEARTS) self.player.give(ACE_OF_HEARTS) def testDefeats(self): pass class TestHand(TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.hand = Hand() def testSimple(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for value in other_values: high_hand = single(value) low_hand = single(low_value) self.assertGreater(high_hand.value(), low_hand.value()) def testPair(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for value in other_values: high_hand: Hand = pair(value) low_hand: Hand = pair(low_value) single_hand: Hand = single(Value.Ace) high_score = high_hand.value() low_score = low_hand.value() single_score = single_hand.value() self.assertGreater(high_score, low_score, f"Pair[{high_hand}] > Pair[{low_hand}]]") self.assertGreater(high_score, single_score, f"Pair[{high_hand}] > Ace") def testDoublePair(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for value in other_values: high_hand: Hand = double_pair(value) low_hand: Hand = double_pair(low_value) pair_hand: Hand = PAIR_ACE single_hand: Hand = SINGLE_ACE high_score = high_hand.value() low_score = low_hand.value() pair_score = pair_hand.value() single_score = single_hand.value() # Consider case when we compare equal double pairs low_cards = [c.value for c in] if all([card.value in low_cards for card in]): self.assertEqual(high_score, low_score, f"DoublePair[{high_hand}] == DoublePair[{low_hand}]") else: self.assertGreater(high_score, low_score, f"DoublePair[{high_hand}] > DoublePair[{low_hand}]") self.assertGreater(high_score, pair_score, f"DoublePair[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, single_score, f"DoublePair[{high_hand}] > Ace") def testBrelan(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for value in other_values: high_hand: Hand = brelan(value) low_hand: Hand = brelan(low_value) double_pair_hand: Hand = DOUBLE_PAIR_ACE pair_hand: Hand = PAIR_ACE single_hand: Hand = SINGLE_ACE high_score = high_hand.value() low_score = low_hand.value() double_pair_score = double_pair_hand.value() pair_score = pair_hand.value() single_score = single_hand.value() self.assertGreater(high_score, low_score, f"Brelan[{high_hand}] > Brelan[{low_hand}]]") self.assertGreater(high_score, double_pair_score, f"Brelan[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, pair_score, f"Brelan[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, single_score, f"Brelan[{high_hand}] > Ace") def testFull(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for full_aux in other_values: # Full_aux: brelan full_options = other_values.copy() full_options.remove(full_aux) full_options.append(low_value) for full_par in full_options: # Full_des: paire high_hand: Hand = full(full_aux, full_par) low_hand: Hand = full(low_value, full_par) brelan_hand: Hand = BRELAN_ACE double_pair_hand: Hand = DOUBLE_PAIR_ACE pair_hand: Hand = PAIR_ACE single_hand: Hand = SINGLE_ACE high_score = high_hand.value() low_score = low_hand.value() brelan_score = brelan_hand.value() double_pair_score = double_pair_hand.value() pair_score = pair_hand.value() single_score = single_hand.value() self.assertGreater(high_score, low_score, f"Full[{high_hand}] > Full[{low_hand}]]") self.assertGreater(high_score, brelan_score, f"Full[{high_hand}] > Brelan[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, double_pair_score, f"Full[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, pair_score, f"Full[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, single_score, f"Full[{high_hand}] > Ace") def testCarre(self): low_value, other_values = lowest_value_and_rest() for value in other_values: high_hand: Hand = carre(value) low_hand: Hand = carre(low_value) full_hand: Hand = FULL_ACE brelan_hand: Hand = BRELAN_ACE double_pair_hand: Hand = DOUBLE_PAIR_ACE pair_hand: Hand = PAIR_ACE single_hand: Hand = SINGLE_ACE high_score = high_hand.value() low_score = low_hand.value() full_score = full_hand.value() brelan_score = brelan_hand.value() double_pair_score = double_pair_hand.value() pair_score = pair_hand.value() single_score = single_hand.value() self.assertGreater(high_score, low_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Carre[{low_hand}]]") self.assertGreater(high_score, full_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Full[Ace]]") self.assertGreater(high_score, brelan_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Brelan[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, double_pair_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, pair_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Pair[Ace]") self.assertGreater(high_score, single_score, f"Carre[{high_hand}] > Ace") # Specifics def testFulls(self): # AssertionError: 24060 not greater than 24060 : # Full[Three of ♥|Three of ♣|Three of ♠|Four of ♥|Four of ♣] # > Full[Two of ♥|Two of ♣|Two of ♠|Four of ♥|Four of ♣]] full1 = Hand(cards=[Card(value=v) for v in [ Value.Three, Value.Three, Value.Three, Value.Four, Value.Four, ]]) full2 = Hand(cards=[Card(value=v) for v in [ Value.Two, Value.Two, Value.Two, Value.Four, Value.Four, ]]) self.assertGreater(full1.value(), full2.value(), "Full1 > full2 (threes >> twos)")