Commit eecd6aaf by PLN (Algolia)

StarryNights: Raph24

parent a121b804
s0.initImage("file:///home/pln/Work/Hydra/StarryNights/img/september-28-land.jpg") s0.initImage("file:///home/pln/Work/Hydra/StarryNights/img/september-28-2019-galaxy-ngc-300.jpg")
src(s0).out(o0) s1.initImage("file:///home/pln/Work/Hydra/StarryNights/img/cosmos.jpg")
// .scale(2, 1)
src(o0) src(o0)
.blend(noise(100,0.6),0.06) .blend(noise(100,0.6),0.06)
.out(o1) .out(o1)
// Phase 2
src(o1) src(o1)
.blend( .mult(
noise(200).thresh(0.84) src(o1)
, 0.45 .scale(() => 0.8 + 0.4 * Math.abs(Math.sin(time *2) % 30 / 30))
.thresh(() => 0.84 + 0.1 * Math.sin(time / 20))
// , 0.7
) )
.out(o2) .out(o2)
// Phase 3: Que les vents célestes te portent
render(o2) src(o2)
.luma(() => 0.5 + 0.15 * Math.sin(time*0.65))
, () => 0.4 + 0.3 * Math.sin(time))
// .mask(shape(4).scale(0.85))
// osc(1, () => 0.35 + 0.35 * Math.sin(time/2))
// osc(() => ((time / 10) % 150),0.002)
// src(o1)
noise(() => 11 - 5 * ((time/2000) % 5), 0.01)
.mask(shape(4).scale(() => 1,4 + 1.2 * Math.abs(Math.sin(time / 13)))),
() => 0.2 * ((time / 1989) % 10)
// render()
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